Below is the code for exiting without saving. It works perfectly fine. I just want to know if I can change the MSGBOX message to something like "Are you sure you want to exit without saving?" instead of its default message - "Are you sure you want to delete this record? and also, right now, if I click NO when I am asked if I want to delete this record, it exit the form rather than staying in the same form. But how do I make it to STAY in the same form if I click NO.
Private Sub Command24_Click()
On Error GoTo Command24_Click_Err
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
Hi could someone point me in the right direction for this one,
I have a series of linked tabbed Forms. One of the Forms is mostly populated by Combo boxes which all work fine. My problem occurs when you go to add a new record and populate the form with the combo boxes but decide for some reason not to save the record but exit the form using the Close form command button or by using the close button at the top of the Form. Access seems to Save the record anyway. I have placed an Undo Cmd on the form to clear all text boxes which works fine but it does not stop a user from closing or exiting a Form by another means and stop them saving that incomplete record.
I would be grateful for any thoughts on how to solve this problem.
I am trying to use to update the field in a record, What I am trying to achieve, is once I press/click the update button, cursor needs to move to next desire field which is "txteditcid", but after pressing the update button, I am getting following error (however, field is updating in table)
Run-time error '2110': Microsoft Access can't move the focus to the control txteditcid
Private Sub Butupdatecustemail_Click() Dim dbs As DAO.Database, update1 As String, rcount As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb update1 = "UPDATE CustomerProfile set custemail='" & Me.txteditcustemail & "'" & "WHERE cid='" & Me.txteditcid & "'"
I have a form with text boxes bound to a table. There are two fields, ProposedSalary and ProposedIncreasePercent, that should not be populated at the same time. It's either one or the other. I've tried to add a validation to the percent field to check if the salary field is empty or has value. That did not work for me and I removed the validation. Ever since, if I try to input a percent value into percent field, it changes to zero on exit. I think i might have tried to add that same validation to the form itself but i checked all the properties and I don't see anything. I've looked at the VBA code view and did not see ProposedIncreasePercent referenced anywhere. I created the document for the form through the document analyzer and searched for that field and couldn't find it. So, I can't find anything coded anywhere to change that field to zero but yet it does. I've also tried to remove the field and add it again and it does the same thing.
On Error GoTo Err_Command124_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "PRINTSQUARE 1" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, 3, , , , 4
An command button would open a form to display some query result, and how could I do something after user exit that form!! I have tried to put some action afater the Docmd and EXIT_COMMAND124_CLICK:, both didn't work!!
I have a fully functioning login screen with a combo box for name and a password box. It also has an option to create a new user or exit the database. On my main form I want the employees to have to log out of the database as opposed to close it out. How would I go about this? Also I need tracking login and logout times for each employee.
I have had some issues caused by users exiting the database entirely when they realise that they have entered something incorrectly; this in turn has caused problems re-opening the half finished record (the last step of the record creation is to allocate it a unique reference number, which is then used to re-open the record for editing on a point and click form) - now, this is entirely my fault for expecting users to clear up behind them or to exit properly.
So, I am making some changes - when the dashboard form opens it removes the database window close button. I have a separate close button which has the following code:
Code: Private Sub cmdGoodbye_Click() Do While Forms.Count > 0 DoCmd.CLOSE acForm, Forms(0).Name, acSaveNo Loop DoCmd.Quit End Sub
However, I would like to add a line to automatically save any records before closing each form - is this possible?
I have created Several Forms but I am not able to save any new records in them. When I click the add new button the records are added alright. but when I exit the form and reopen it all the new data added to the form is lost. I even tried the save button but that doesnt help. anyone has ideas what happening here..
I have an Orders form (frmOrders) which has a subform (frmOrderDetails) detailing the individual order items. For example, there is one order which may consist of many items.
The problem I have experienced is that if someone completes frmOrderDetails first and then moves to frmOrders the records are not saved correctly. I know this is because the main form frmOrders has not been saved or had a field completed which would produce an OrderID which can be linked to frmOrderDetails.
Whilst I could say to users they must complete a certain field first, some will forget and I would like to protect against this.
Whilst the tab order will go to a field on frmOrders, is there a way of forcing users to complete this field before they enter frmOrderDetails.
Alternatively, is there a way of coding a command button to initiatve an OrderID.
I was just wondering if it's possible to save a form with all its settings and selections, and reload it later? So if a user is filling a form out with a few subforms which show a yes/no field in datasheet view, if they select a few options in the yes/no field and hit save, when they reload, it will bring up the form with everything they had selected when they hit save. I'd like to put Save and Load buttons on my form if it's possible.
On a form there is a sub form.On the form I can only cycle through the records that have been created since the last time the form was opened. I cannot cycle through all records. Is this normal for a form. I assume some code might change this behavior.
More importantly when I look at the sub form in datasheet view I notice the first field of each record is not displayed (saved?) unless it is the very last record created. (This field has a SQL statement as a row source). Is this normal - or are the last 2 paragraphs descriptions of the same thing?
I have one problem with subforms. I have one bound main form and two bound subforms: one subform is used to display existing records in datasheet view while another is used to enter new records in form view, but this latter subform for new records will not save automatically, nor will it save by using the me.refresh or me.dirty=true in the unload event of the subform control. The parent child relationship is intact. I can even see the primary key of the new row in the subform but it does not appear in the table that the subform is based on. This primary key adds by one automatically.
I have struggled and finally made work a combo box in the main form that finds existing records but also is able to add new records when the value entered is not on the list. Below is the code I used. I am not sure if this code is overriding Access's save ability of the subform?
Private Sub Combo316_AfterUpdate() Dim n As String gblvariable = cbobox Me.Requery
I have created a form with data pulled from tables and queries, I need a way to create a submit button and have it saved to a table I have created. and also clear the data from the form, also to give a warning if not all fields have been filled in. the Form is frmTM and the table that I need it sent to is Team Member Data.
I have a field on a form [vin] that is based on a table, except i changed control source to a Dlookup to pull the vin number in from another table so i wont have to type it when i enter the record. However, this field is not saving when i save the record. I cannot just make a relationship because we reuse the same vehicle numbers, when we sell van 1 with vin 123, and replace it with a new van with Vin 456, we still call it van 1, so the unique vin is the only way to distinguish the two.
I have tables, forms, and (will be) many data. But many data means that the file will be heavy (e.g. need a longer time to open it) and since it's located in server, meant that it'll also burden the servers when someone is accessing it. So, the idea is to make an access file consisted only of forms (and maybe tables), and another access file as the data-bank. And everytime the form is filled, it'll save the new data to the data-bank. So, it will be easier for the end-users to acess the form (e.g. saving time when opening the file).
My question is:
1) Is it really lessening the burden on server?
Because I think that even if the end-user only accessing the form, the form itself will be accessing the bank-data, and I do not see how it'll lessen all the process.
2) How to save to another database?
I used this command on VB:
Code: Set db = CurrentDb
Can it be used to save the form's data to another access database? How?
For entering ordered products there is a combo box for Product_ID which is displaying information about available products, their stock level, and price.
The Row source for Product_ID looks like this:
Code: SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryStock4Orders].[Product_ID], [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name], [qryStock4Orders].[Available_quantity], [qryStock4Orders].[Selling_price] FROM qryStock4Orders ORDER BY [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name];
qryStock4Orders holds the calculated values of stock level (Available_quantity) for each product, grouped by Product_ID and Selling_Price. Selling_Price is from tblX.
Because I can buy one product from different suppliers (for different purchase prices) and purchase prices (so selling prices too) of the same product may vary over time, qryStock4Orders may list more then 1 available Selling_Price for that product, for example:
What I want to achieve is to turn this code placed on After Update event of Product_ID combo box
Code: Dim strFilter As String strFilter = "Product_ID = " & Me!Product_ID Me!Product_Price = DLookup("Selling_Price", "tblX", strFilter)
in something usable, in order to save into tblOrderDetails the selected Selling_Price and not one random Selling_Price from the 3 available above.
As the stock level is updated only after Ordered_Quantity and Product_Price are entered manually, what I'm trying to do with the code above is to automate the data input into Product_Price field of tblOrderDetails.
Hi i was wondering if anybody could offer some help to a problem i don't know how to solve. Some Background; i have two tables that are indentical called 'Order' and 'TempOrder', the purpose of this is that one saves the records unless manually deleted later, whilst the other is designed to have its own form, which has a print button which also deletes the record. Now i can create the data entry form to save the details in order, however i also need it to save the details into temporder, which i just cant seem to do, as i do not know the code, it appears relatively simple just i cannot seem to do it, i have tried a macro to save the record into the 'tempOrder' table but this does not work, any help would be much apprieciated.
I am new to Access and I have get to where the users can make selections in the listboxes, but then I need to save the selection in a query or table to save thier changes.
I have a form frmAddNewProject that is a Data Entry form.When you click Add Project on the form, it creates folders and copies files to a location and also creates new record(s) in the ProjectT table with appropriate information.Here is my code:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Dim FSO As Object Dim FromPath As String Dim ToPath As String Dim FolderPath As String Dim strType As String Dim strYear As String Dim strGPN As String
Everything works fine till here. Now I would like to close the form but closing it gives me an additional empty record.
Dim ctl As Control On Error Resume Next For Each ctl In Me.Controls ctl = ctl.DefaultValue Next Set ctl = Nothing
to remove all values, but then it just adds an empty record.Is there a way to close that form without removing my legitimate new records and without adding empty ones?
I created a table name HEAD with column names (ID, Begin, End, Month, Year and Quarter)
Begin and End are dates. I haven't entered any data in Month, Year and Quarter fields. In the table properties I kept a validation rule of ([Begin]<=[End]). It worked.
I Created a form named FORM. I named the control source for Begin and End to Begin and End from HEAD table. For the Month, Year and Quarter control sources I wrote
I have a form for meeting records. One text box contains meeting notes, which is linked to ntext variable (SQL linked table) on the underlying table. The database has about 40 users but this particular form get no more than 10 new records per day, not so much activity.
This is the problem: sometimes a user start filling a new record, fill the meeting notes, but when he saves the record the text box gets blank and the record is saved with null value in the text box. This happens randomly but not very frequently.
Sometimes frustrating because the text may contain a full page of text and then when the user save the record all the typing is lost! Text box is with RTF formatting. I suspect it has to do with the Ntext data type of the underlying table. Shall I convert it to varchar(max)?
What I'm trying to do is create a database system for my company, it's not overally complex in the sense it's just managing the estimates and invoices we do.
Now I've tried to break the data down as sensibly as possible.
What i'm having trouble with is I have created a autofill combo box to fill out text boxes with information from the Clients table, the idea is that the client can be added via the Estimate form or pulled up from the record depending on the situation. Now the problem I have is one;
I cannot enter data via the form
and two
When you flick through the forms only the combobox information is staying put, either the text field is empty or incorrect.
I'm pretty it's to do with [Data Source] but I can't seem to get it to work. How to make it possible to pull up clients when typing an estimate OR be able to add a new client via the same fields. Secondly, when the Form is review the autofill text field display the clients details.
in the control source. When a value is displayed in this field an ID number should be assigned to the PaymentID field, but this does not happen, the field remains null.
Why Access 2010 does not save the Datasheet order?? I keep setting the order and it puts it back again
I have set the order in the design. I have set the tab index individually for each item. I says in the tab order that they are in the correct order. I reorder them in the datasheet and click on save. Nothing sets that order. It will revert it back to the order that IT wants every time.