Expand List Box 'on Enter()' To Avoid Scrolling

Oct 28, 2004

Is there a code for event procedure OnEnter() that allows me to expand my list box so that i can see a list that's larger than the size of it. I was hoping to multiple select from the list and do it at a glance because my list is very long.

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Anyway To Avoid Scrolling Across Screen For Subforms?

Mar 25, 2006

Hi guys

i really hope this is possbile...

i want to have one form, that relates to about 70% of the data in one table. however, the remaining controls will be coming from 3 other tables. i cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a form that will display these controls for all 4 tables on a single page.

every attempt i make with the wizard makes me the form with 3 subforms that the user has to scroll across the page to use. i need to have all my controls pretty much lined up on the page without moving horizontally across the screen to enter data

ive tried creating a form by dragging the fields into it in design view from the primary table, but i cant see how to include (or drag) fields from my other tables into this form

does anyone know of a solution to this problem?


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Need To Expand Popup Query List

Jul 27, 2006

On my main screen I have a button that I press and it pulls up a
pop up box...in the box you type in one item and hit ok then
the query goes and gets the results.

My quesion:
how do it make it so when I click the button the pop up box
has lets say four areas where I can enter different items and
then it goes and gets all four...or three or whatever I need ?


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List Box - Freeze Columns When Scrolling

Jun 3, 2005


I have a list box which sometimes needs extensive scrolling to the right to see other data.

Im wondering whether I can freeze the first few columns (key info) so I can trace the other data when scrolling. (i.e. like in an Excel spreadsheet)

I dont mind what coding if I have to - any suggestions please?

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Enter Result According To Drop Down List

Oct 11, 2011

I'm trying to write a DB to record lab results within a specification limit, and run a report to print the results on a certificate based on an automatically generated batch sample number.

In tables I've managed to get a drop-down list for the 'product type', and another for a list of the tests associated (multiples allowed) with that particular type fluid type. What I'd then like to do is add result/values for each of the tick boxes selected. Currently I just get a list of the tick boxes selected.

Currently I have:

Name (select from other table)
Fluid Type (select fluid 1 to 5 from another table)
Test (test 1, test 2, test 3, test 4... ...test 8) this is where I can select multiples from tick boxes

I'd then like to type a result for (e.g.) test 1, test 4, test 6 or whatever tick box was selected. Is this possible??

I realise a workaround would be to list all the possible tests as columns and just fill in the relevant column.

Better still would be to select a fluid type, and this opens another form with minimum and maximum allowed values, where I could enter the data - can I do this and keep unique IDs for each sample?

This is with access 2010....

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Forms :: List All Records Then Enter Data

Jul 29, 2014

I'm working on a database that tracks students and grades. I have a tblStudents with Personal details, tblStudentsAndClasses which allows me to have a one-to-many to many-to-one relationship, tblClasses with all the class info, plus a tblGPA.

I'm wanting to list all the Student's names listed with their current class and have blanks for data entry for Grade, Grade status, and have a current timestamp in another field. So the teacher can enter the Grades and Grade Status for all students on one day in a single form (think EXCEL). The way I have it now, is that (x number) grades that have already been entered shows up as (x number) copies of the same student. So my relationships are probably set up incorrectly also.

I can't filter out IS NOT NULL because I wouldn't get any students with grades already entered in.

I've found a post on another bytes.com that is REALLY close to what I am looking for, but I don't know anything about VB to be able to adjust it to fit my requirements. I would have tried to do a forum search here, but I'm not sure what terminology I would search for.

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General :: Create Combobox On Form To Enter Record Not On List

Jul 22, 2012

I'm creating a simple database to document our supplier's contact information, addresses etc. However, when I create a combo box on the form and try to enter a record not on the list it gives the message "The Text You Entered Isn't an Item in the List".

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Queries :: (Enter Parameter Value) Error When Updating SharePoint Table / List

Jun 24, 2015

I have a list (table) that I've created in sharepoint 2010.I link to the sharepoint table with Access 2010 to update mass amounts of items at once. Some of the queries have no problem updating the sharepoint items, but other queries require me to "Enter Paramater Value."

In this particular queries; I'm trying to populate field A with dates from field B, when field A is null.

UPDATE Table 1 SET Table.[FieldA] = [FieldB]
WHERE (((Table 1.[FieldA]) Is Null));

When I run the above, I receive the "Enter Parameter Value" input box.All records have Field B populated (it's actually the created date.)

The goal is for field A to be populated with the values in Field B, without the query asking for parameters.

Note; I can go in each individual record and update them via access, one at a time. But it's the running of the update query that failing.

Edit: Removed spaces in table and field names.

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Datasheet Expand, Help Please!

Jan 27, 2006

i never needed help this much.
i worked on an access application for 1/2 year. Everything went fine. But now we wanted to start working with it, some older acces versions are acting weird.

I have a form that contains a subform datasheet, and the datasheet has a datasheetsubform aswell.

This works fine in 2003. De datasheet is displayed, and when you click on the plus, the other datasheet opens in the maindatasheet.

But in 2000, you dont see the plusjes.
It is a major issue that i fix that! can some help me to solve this?


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Expand Table On Form

May 2, 2005

I want to make a table (1 row, 3 columns) on Form like we create the table in Microsoft Word. When I type the data in the first row more than one line. The other rows will then automatically expand. All the data will be saved in the same table.

I try to combine 3 textboxs but do not know how to solve the problem.

Thank you very much.

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Auto Expand Memo Fields

Apr 19, 2006

I'm working on a sub-form set to continuous and would like to amend a memo filed so that it autoexpands when entered. Have tried amending the height of the field through the on enter an on exit functions but this alters the size of the form.

Any clues would be much appreciated.


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Combo Box Auto Expand Not Working

Sep 22, 2005

Any ideas why combo boxes that all have their "auto expand" option set to YES are not auto expanding as I type-in text? They were working last week and I have no idea why they're not working now. Strangely, if I type in any of the entries present in the combobox list (text such as "St. Louis City") exactly as it appears in the combobox list, and then press enter, I get an error message telling me the value is invalid. Then, if I use the drop-down list to find and select "St. Louis City", it allows me to enter this value.

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Expand Data Columns In Report?

Jan 13, 2005

I have a report with a column of data. It contains a variable amount of data according to the demand of the user (criteria entered in a parameter query). The problem I have is that the data is short string of 3 letters but there are generaly lots of entries so the report runs over several pages. I would like to be able to creat columns side by side. A bit like with the "Can grow" option" but that a new column appears...

I am not sure I am clear...

Many thanx for your help

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Modules & VBA :: Expand Only One Selected Row In The Tree

Jul 30, 2014

OFC without "+" Now I have something like this in double click event in one of my field

If Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False Then
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = True
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False
End If

But this code expand all of my items:/

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Reports :: Add / Expand Page In Report?

Aug 22, 2014

I have a report that needs to show about 20 different fields from 24 records. I have it set up in landscape view, with one record per line (running horizontally). It allows me to show about 15 of the fields, spanning two pages (wide). I don't know how to add a third page to show the remaining fields.There are no Groupings.

Also, is there a way to "wrap" text in the column header?

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Modules & VBA :: Click Button To Expand Whole Menu

Sep 17, 2014

the login is working perfectly, once It logs in there is a button to expand all that is based in JS. I can't seem to work out how to get it to click the button to expand the whole menu, latest code is below:


Option Explicit
Function Checkpage()
Dim IE As Object
Dim lform As Object
Dim Document As Object
Dim item As Object


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General :: Combo Box Does Not Expand And Search As User Type In

Jun 30, 2015

AutoExpand Property Set to Yes

I have a bound combo box that has a query as a row source, The query has 3 fields called from tblMasterItems, The ItemID , ItemDesc and ItemSupplier(related to the PK of tblSupplier).

Column Count = 3
Column Width = 0";1";0"

If I do not put a criteria under ItemSupplier, the combo box behaves just fine. The problem happens when I set the criteria under ItemSupplier, the criteria being the supplier ID, the combo box no longer expands and searches as you type, but the items in the combo box have been filtered and are there.


When the row source qry ItemSupplier Field does not have a criteria, cbo works just fine.
When the row source qry ItemSupplier has a criteria, cbo no longer expands and searches as you type, but has the filtered data showing if you hit the expand button (that arrow pointing down in the cbo)

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Reports :: Conditionally Expand Chart Onto Multiple Pages

Dec 13, 2013

Have a generic dashboard report with multiple charts in it. One in particular is a bar chart, but depending on what the dashboard is produced for, the bar chart may have too many bars in it to make it legible. Therefore I'd like to conditionally determine the number of bars (basically the number of records in the query) and then make the chart go from one page and continue onto another.

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Dec 10, 2004

Does anyone know why with some combo boxes, when I grab the scroll bar and haul it to the bottom of the records, after I let go of the mouse button, the scroll jumps back up to around the middle of the combo box? Then, I have to keep pulling it to the bottom several times before it finally gets to the last record.

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Should I Avoid Memo Fields

Jul 18, 2005

I've read on this forum that memo fields can be a spot of bother. I only saw this after I put several memo data types in my tables. I wasn't going to do that much with them; it was intended as a electronic scratch pad of sorts for the user. Where does the trouble arise from with them? Should I just leave them or should I change them to text fields with 255 chars and hope that's good enough?


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How To Avoid Duplicate Data

Apr 28, 2006

I have inherited a 5 table database which is associated with membership details and all tables are linked via the membership number which appears in every table..eg
Main Register
membernumber, surname, forename, age etc etc etc
Home address
membernumber, address1, address2, address3, postcode
Business address
membernumber, company name, address1, address2,etc etc etc
membernumber, grade, subscription, bank account, etc etc
membernumber, college, results, etc etc

I am informed that it is bad practice to have duplicate data in multiple tables (ie. membernumber field) as updating the data item would be difficult (eg. if the members number needed to be changed for any reason). If this is the case how would I restructure the tables but maintain the link through the membernumber?

I am fairly new to Access....as you can no doubt tell.

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Requery? Need To Avoid Duplication!

Dec 14, 2006

is there a way that I can compare the ID number from a combo box selection and a table... in order to avoid duplicating that same entry?

If me.cbo1.column(0) = [table name].[field] then
me.cbo1.column(0) and me.cbo1.column(1), etc... = vbWhite

End if

What I am ultimatly trying to accomplish is a way to get rid of one selection in a combo box after it has been selected once and used for another record. is the .requery a better method... if it is, can someone please elaborate on how to use that a little more.

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A Different Scrolling Issue

May 18, 2006

This is not an other post about disabling the mouse wheel in access application but an other issue that is starting to really bug me...
Some of my forms have a continuous subform, I can normally use the scroll wheel to go up and down the different record in the subform BUT i have noticed that if there is just a small amount of record in the subform (let's say three for example) when I scroll down the different records, they disapear in the detail header frame of the subform and only the last record is visible which I guess I don't mind to much. What annoys me is that if I scroll back up nothing happens the 2 records stay hidden behind the frame and the only way to put it back to normal is to use the scrolling bar on the right of the subform!???
I was wondering if anybody had a similar problem and if there is any solution to it?

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Mouse Scrolling

Feb 15, 2007

In Access (2003) I was able to (by default?) scroll through records with the mouse scroll wheel. That no longer works. How can I have the form scroll backwords and forwards with the mouse wheel?

I've been reading threads and it sounds like MS "fixed" a feature that I was relying on heavily to move through records. I can't find a way to enable it again......

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Mouse Scrolling

Jan 17, 2008


how can i stop wheel mouse scrolling on certain forms? it is ok on some forms but others where specific data is viewed can be scrolled to a blank space.

Many Thanks,


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Scrolling Down A Form

Jan 12, 2006

I'm using access 2000, and have built a long form. My users would like to be able to use their mouse wheel to scroll down the length of the form rather than having to click the scrollbar. is there a way to do this? (I'm sorry if I missed this being answered in another thread, I looked but did not find.)



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