Expand Table On Form

May 2, 2005

I want to make a table (1 row, 3 columns) on Form like we create the table in Microsoft Word. When I type the data in the first row more than one line. The other rows will then automatically expand. All the data will be saved in the same table.

I try to combine 3 textboxs but do not know how to solve the problem.

Thank you very much.

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Datasheet Expand, Help Please!

Jan 27, 2006

i never needed help this much.
i worked on an access application for 1/2 year. Everything went fine. But now we wanted to start working with it, some older acces versions are acting weird.

I have a form that contains a subform datasheet, and the datasheet has a datasheetsubform aswell.

This works fine in 2003. De datasheet is displayed, and when you click on the plus, the other datasheet opens in the maindatasheet.

But in 2000, you dont see the plusjes.
It is a major issue that i fix that! can some help me to solve this?


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Auto Expand Memo Fields

Apr 19, 2006

I'm working on a sub-form set to continuous and would like to amend a memo filed so that it autoexpands when entered. Have tried amending the height of the field through the on enter an on exit functions but this alters the size of the form.

Any clues would be much appreciated.


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Need To Expand Popup Query List

Jul 27, 2006

On my main screen I have a button that I press and it pulls up a
pop up box...in the box you type in one item and hit ok then
the query goes and gets the results.

My quesion:
how do it make it so when I click the button the pop up box
has lets say four areas where I can enter different items and
then it goes and gets all four...or three or whatever I need ?


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Combo Box Auto Expand Not Working

Sep 22, 2005

Any ideas why combo boxes that all have their "auto expand" option set to YES are not auto expanding as I type-in text? They were working last week and I have no idea why they're not working now. Strangely, if I type in any of the entries present in the combobox list (text such as "St. Louis City") exactly as it appears in the combobox list, and then press enter, I get an error message telling me the value is invalid. Then, if I use the drop-down list to find and select "St. Louis City", it allows me to enter this value.

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Expand Data Columns In Report?

Jan 13, 2005

I have a report with a column of data. It contains a variable amount of data according to the demand of the user (criteria entered in a parameter query). The problem I have is that the data is short string of 3 letters but there are generaly lots of entries so the report runs over several pages. I would like to be able to creat columns side by side. A bit like with the "Can grow" option" but that a new column appears...

I am not sure I am clear...

Many thanx for your help

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Modules & VBA :: Expand Only One Selected Row In The Tree

Jul 30, 2014

OFC without "+" Now I have something like this in double click event in one of my field

If Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False Then
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = True
Me.SubdatasheetExpanded = False
End If

But this code expand all of my items:/

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Reports :: Add / Expand Page In Report?

Aug 22, 2014

I have a report that needs to show about 20 different fields from 24 records. I have it set up in landscape view, with one record per line (running horizontally). It allows me to show about 15 of the fields, spanning two pages (wide). I don't know how to add a third page to show the remaining fields.There are no Groupings.

Also, is there a way to "wrap" text in the column header?

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Expand List Box 'on Enter()' To Avoid Scrolling

Oct 28, 2004

Is there a code for event procedure OnEnter() that allows me to expand my list box so that i can see a list that's larger than the size of it. I was hoping to multiple select from the list and do it at a glance because my list is very long.

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Modules & VBA :: Click Button To Expand Whole Menu

Sep 17, 2014

the login is working perfectly, once It logs in there is a button to expand all that is based in JS. I can't seem to work out how to get it to click the button to expand the whole menu, latest code is below:


Option Explicit
Function Checkpage()
Dim IE As Object
Dim lform As Object
Dim Document As Object
Dim item As Object


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General :: Combo Box Does Not Expand And Search As User Type In

Jun 30, 2015

AutoExpand Property Set to Yes

I have a bound combo box that has a query as a row source, The query has 3 fields called from tblMasterItems, The ItemID , ItemDesc and ItemSupplier(related to the PK of tblSupplier).

Column Count = 3
Column Width = 0";1";0"

If I do not put a criteria under ItemSupplier, the combo box behaves just fine. The problem happens when I set the criteria under ItemSupplier, the criteria being the supplier ID, the combo box no longer expands and searches as you type, but the items in the combo box have been filtered and are there.


When the row source qry ItemSupplier Field does not have a criteria, cbo works just fine.
When the row source qry ItemSupplier has a criteria, cbo no longer expands and searches as you type, but has the filtered data showing if you hit the expand button (that arrow pointing down in the cbo)

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Reports :: Conditionally Expand Chart Onto Multiple Pages

Dec 13, 2013

Have a generic dashboard report with multiple charts in it. One in particular is a bar chart, but depending on what the dashboard is produced for, the bar chart may have too many bars in it to make it legible. Therefore I'd like to conditionally determine the number of bars (basically the number of records in the query) and then make the chart go from one page and continue onto another.

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Design View Keyboard Shortcut - Expand Columns In Design View Of A Query

Jun 5, 2014

I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to expand the columns in "design view" of a query.

What I mean by this is rather than selecting all of the columns and double clicking to see the entire text, I'd like to be able to a shortcut.

The entire process as I see it involves 3 steps so I will need thesolution to the 3rd step.

(1) [ctrl+spacebar] to select initial column
(2) [shift+arrows] to select all of the columns I need
(3) [keyboard shortcut] will expand all of the columns "field" names to the size of the column heading

Alternatively, if you know of a shortcut that will expand the columns without having to select them first I'll take it!!

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Insert Into Table Where Source Is Another Table And Form

Feb 3, 2015

If you want to use a "DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO" command to insert data in a table and the data to insert comes from a table and a form, could this be done in one pass?

So...writing a record wit 4 values from table1 together with a additional value from a textbox in table2 as 5 values.

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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Create Duplicate Table Using Same Form And Compare It With Original Table

May 1, 2012

Here is what I am trying to do: I have form, and a table which is created from this form. The data is entered a second time using the form to make sure there are no discrepancies.

Any easiest way to implement this? (create a new table (which is duplicate), and then compare them?

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General :: Using Checkbox Form From One Table To Populate Another Table

Dec 11, 2013

1. I have a table which lists all of the equipment we use in our company and would like to use it as a template in a form so that users can select a checkmark if the equipment is being used that day. The checked items would then be used to populate another table which records all of the equipment the user has selected. I thought the checkmark method would be best so that the user can scroll through the list of equipment and select multiple pieces for the day. The reason I don't use a multi-value field is so that the user can also enter quantity and hours of equipment used in the same table when they scroll through the list.

2. Once all of the equipment pieces have been checked, I would like the user to be able to click a review button which would navigate to the next form with all of the selections for the day. This new form will have the option to go back to the first form if any corrections need to be made. And also have the option to submit the results.

3. Once the user is finished with their selections, the user can then select Submit which will finalize the recorded equipment table and clear the checkboxes and any inputs from the equipment template table (without modifying anything) so that it can be used for the next day and so forth.

I am using access 2013...

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Getting Form Data Discplayed From One Table Into Another Table

Jan 19, 2006

New to Access! I am creating a quotation database where a new company name will be entered. In 1 form a pick list of products which I then want to go into another table associated to the company name which can then be queried and displayed in a report for printing the quotation.

I have created

QuoteID (PK)

QuoteID (FK) (1-Many Relationship w/above)

I will create a form to generate a new quote, enter the company name with a display of quoted items (QuotedItemsTbl) (Query QuoteID).

On that Form i want to have a button to 'add items' on that form be able to pick from items in StockTbl which when selected and button 'close' copy the data to QuotedItemsTbl

Any advice to a enthusiastic buy novice newbie much appriciated.

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Tables :: Getting Data From One Table To Form Of Another Table

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table called "WorkRequest" consisting of some fields such as WR Number, WR Date, WR Time, WR Requested by and WR Work Requested.Once a work request is completed, I want to open a form called "JobCards" from a table called "JobCards". When I click on the pulldown box for the Job card number, it lists the "WorkRequest.WR Numbers" which is what I want.

My problem is: As soon as I select the WR Number and it displays in the jobcard form in the JobCardNumber field, and I press ENTER or TAB, it must automatically populate the corresponding fields on the JobCard Form. These fields are defined identically in bot the "WorkRequest" and the "JobCard" tables.

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How To Print Hidden Form Using Visible Form Only - MS Access 1 Table And 2 Forms

Nov 24, 2014

I have a Lost/Found property database which we use to keep record of the lost/found property and it is working fine.

As per our organization's policy, we keep the item(s) for up to three months in which if it gets restored to the owner then fair enough otherwise after three months the item(s) can be claimed by the "Finder". But for this very purpose we issue the Finder with a "Claim Receipt" which he/she should bring in when claiming for the item(s) after three months period. Therefore, It's just the right time to upgrade the database to a more professional level.

The database has one table and two forms.

One form (LostFoundForm) is visible to the user in which they enter data, this form has two sections; Item(s) & Finder's details and the second section is about Restoring details.

However the second form (ClaimReceiptForm) is hidden to the users (for manual data entry) and has only one section which is exactly the same as the first form's first section, i.e., Item(s) & Finder's details. This second form takes the data automatically from the first form because the table behind them is same and fields are same (please see attachment). Up to here it's all working fine.

I would like to introduce a Checkbox or a CommandButton in the LostFoundForm which when we click should pull up a msgbox asking "Do you want to print the receipt for this item(s)?" with a Yes/No option. On clicking "No" it should, obviously, settle down but on clicking "Yes" it should print the "corresponding record" from the ClaimReceiptForm.

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Opening A Form Based On The Same Table As The Calling Form

May 22, 2006

Hi All

I have a form based on a table called tblListMaster and I want to allow users to open up another form showing all the members of one of the entries in that table so I have added a button called 'Show List Members'.

The list members form which I then want to bring up is also based on tblListMembers (it's a master-detail form). When I hit the button to open up the list members form I get an error message saying that the table is already opened exclusively.

I can understand why I get that message so I thought I would be cunning and create a dummy form which I open up, passing in my list id in the openargs (at that point I also close the original form) and then from that dummy form automatically open up the master detail form and close the dummy.

Code in List Master form

Private Sub cmdListMembers_Click()
' open up the list members form

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDummy", acNormal, , , , , Me.ListId

End Sub

Code in Form Load of dummy form

Private Sub Form_Load()

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMaintainListMembers", acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal, Me.OpenArgs

End Sub

Sadly I still get the same error message - does any one have any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


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