Export Multiple Queries Into Zipped Folder

Nov 21, 2007

I am developing a db in three parts: one each to be hosted in two different agencies, and a third to be hosted by a third-party which combines the data from both of the others in one place.

Because there is no common network I need to export data from each of the two agency db's in some form, and then import it into the third db with some import coding to make sure that certain entities are matched up between the two.

There are 5 queries that need to be exported into some format such as csv, or tab delimited. This part is easy enough to do.

However, I would like to take it a step further and have the db create a single export folder to place these 5 files into, and then zip the folder for emailing.

I have searched and googled without much luck trying to figure out a way to do this. I was wondering if anyone might be able to point be in the right direction, or let me know if I'm barking down the wrong rabbit-hole!


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Queries :: Import Multiple CVS From Single Folder Into Access

Jun 2, 2013

I have some patient data which outputs from another system generates 2 CSV files, for example (John Doe Ankle) and (John Doe Calf). Where Angle and Calf are the part of the body and John Doe the patient name.

Here is the exact output side by side of both of these files: [URL] ....

The CSV file generated contains the field names in column A and I have to pull both of these into a single table OR maybe it should be two tables in Access and then join them (only problem is that there isnt any unique keys in the raw data to tie them together).

Ideally, Id love to have a Macro on a form in Access that runs this process into the table, then allows this data to be merged to a single report containing all of this data.

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Modules & VBA :: Run A Query And Export To Specific Folder As Excel File

Oct 13, 2014

In VBA I have set a timer on a form to run a query and export to a specific folder as an excel file.

If I open the database as 'File Open' and open the form and let the timer run it exports perfectly.

As soon as I put the database into runtime - the Timer code kicks in and starts running but as soon as it hits the export line. It stops and then does nothing

I have tried several combinations of either:

- docmd.runsavedimportexport "Query"
- docmd.outputTo acquery etc ...

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Export Multiple Queries Into A Single Spreadsheet In Different Range Of Cells?

Jun 10, 2012

I need to export multiple queries into a single spreadsheet in different range of cells. Means one query need to be exported from B2:E2 and second query need to be exported from B10:E10. In this way need to export 18 queries' result into one sheet only on different name range.

I am using Access 2007 and need to export data into Excel 2003 format.

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Attach Zipped Copy Of My Db

Feb 12, 2008

How do I attach a zipped copy of my database when asking a question?


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Zipped File To Another Location And Unzip

Apr 28, 2015

How easy it is to add a button to a form with a function to copy a zipped file to another location and unzip it?

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General :: Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long

[Code] .....

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Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs (sheets)?

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Excel workbooks would take names from the "Div" field and the tab names would come from the "Tab" field in the Access table. First need to find workbook name (Div - Field) then the look for each sheet name (Tab - Field) to create 1st Excel workbook with all the sheets (Tab) and repeat the process. I think you need to approach of read the Access table one record at a time keying on the "Div" and "Tab" fields in creating each Excel workbook with the associated multiple tabs (sheets) that are written to a common folder.

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim objExcel As Object, objWorkbook As Object
Dim colWorksheets As Collection


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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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Putting Queries In A Folder

Jul 31, 2005


I have created an Access DB for personal use and I am willing to sort the queries in folders. I haven't found a way to do this, is it actually possible?

Having 40 queries all inside the database window is not so convinient...

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Export To MULTIPLE CSV Files

Mar 10, 2008

Hello All,
I am trying to export a query to multiple .csv files.. For example...

Export1.csv = rows 1-1500
Export2.csv = rows 1501-3000
Export3.csv = rows 3001-4500

and so on until all rows have been exported...

Anyone have any idea what the best way to approach this is?

I'm sure many people will find this usefull because some exports can be over the 65000 limit of ms excel.

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: MS Access 2010 - Export Queries Into One Workbook But Different Worksheet

Jul 16, 2013

I have three Queries and I need to export three queries into one workbook but different worksheet,

Currently I am using ExportWithFormatting , but the result came out is three different workbook .

Is there any way I can export to one workbook ?

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Button To Export Multiple Reports To Single PDF

Dec 19, 2006

I have Acrobat PDFMaker.

In Access' file menu, there is a menu called Adobe PDF and under it, it allows you to merge multiple reports into a single PDF file.

How can I create a button that can do this?

Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel - Multiple Tabs

Aug 18, 2014

I have a main form with two subforms. I'm trying to get my code so that it allows me to put 1 subform on one tab and the other spreadsheet on the other tab.Heres my code:


Option Compare Database
Public Function Send2Excel(frm As Form, Optional strSheetName As String)
' frm is the name of the form you want to send to Excel
' strSheetName is the name of the sheet you want to name it to


It won't let me pass more than one subform when I call Send2Excel, so I have to list it twice, which opens two excel files.

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Reports :: Export To Excel With Multiple Sheets

Mar 30, 2013

I have a report generated per insurance company selected. There are around 10 insurance companies.

Is there a way to run the report and export it directly to Excel (I don't need the report in Access) for all companies where each company will be in one spreadsheet? So, 10 companies, there will be 10 sheets in the Excel file.

Is it possible?

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Tables :: How To Export Multiple Value Field To Excel

Nov 2, 2012

I'm learning Access by myself and i have some problem with exporting a multiple value field to an excel.

I have a field name "Users" in a table wherein this field is a multiple value field and looku up the value from the other table. When I export the table to excel, the data in the multiple value field does not export properly and it just shows some symbol in the excel.

Is there something wrong with my field?

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Queries :: How To Export Crosstab Queries By Date Parameters

Feb 23, 2015

How can you export cross tab queries by using date parameters (for example: Jan 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014)...

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General :: 3 Different Tables - Export To Multiple Tabs In Excel

Jun 30, 2015

I have information held in 3 different tables and I would like to extract this information to three different tabs in a singe Excel workbook - preferably in one step.

My access knowledge is fairly basic but I have been looking online and I can only find out how to do it using a VBA script - which is quite terrifying! Is there a simple way to do this?

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General :: Export Multiple Tables To One Excel Worksheet

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access and Excel 2007. This Db is for a mental health practice to track and store the paper questionnaires that the patients fill out. The data then needs to be exported to Excel so that it can be imported into a proprietary software that analyzes the data and recommends treatment plans. (It does NOT play nice with Access, forget it.) There are many forms and all of them are fine and export to separate worksheets no problems.

Now for the problem child: One form has 493 fields. Obviously I could fit that into two tables, but it seemed cleaner to use a main form and main table with the patient information (ID_Number, Name, Date, etc.), then tabbed subforms and separate tables for each “section” of the questionnaire (School, Work, Home, etc. There are 11 tables/forms in all.) These tables are all related by the ID_Number. The problem is the export. I need all 493 fields to write to one worksheet in order. This would of course involve removing the ID_Number field from all the tables except the main one. A query obviously can’t handle that many fields. VBA I can TransferSpreadsheet but then each table goes to a separate worksheet.

I’m thinking maybe calling some SQL code that will drop the unneeded fields and keep appending the data to the worksheet one table at a time? Of course the rows would somehow need to be defined WHERE ID_Number = ID_Number so that the same patients information is all on one row.

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Export Multiple Rows Into A Single Cell In Excel?

Sep 18, 2012

I need to export a list of data into a single cell in Excel.

As an example the list looks like this in Access:





and exports into individual cells. I need it to export into one cell and look like this:

450a, 650b, 320c, 4100d

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Access Query - Export To Multiple Excel Files

May 21, 2015

I have a basic access query (MACs Report Template) that I need to export into multiple excel files based on the 1st field (Plan ID).







I need this to create a spreadsheet for each unique PLAN ID. Ideally i want it to export the following:

MACs Report AM141 20150521.xls (both records above should be in this report)
MACs Report AM142 20150521.xls
MACs Report AM155 20150521.xls

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Queries :: Export Results From Two Queries To XLSM

Feb 9, 2015

I am a beginner Access user. I’m trying to export the results from two queries "TestData" and "ReportDate" to a saved .xlsm file. These queries are generated from tables linked to a SQL server.

The first query “TestData” should be copied to a sheet named ”TestData” and the second query “ReportDate” should be copied to a sheet named “ReportDate” in the same Workbook ”Test.xlsm”.

Both queries have two parametesr passed from Form1 [Start Date] and [End Date].

Public Sub ExportToExcel()
'Step 1: Declare your variables
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
Dim ReportDate As QueryDef
Dim TestData As QueryDef

[Code] .....

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Export Snapshot Of Report To Excel Workbook Multiple Sheets

Oct 4, 2005

Here's my problem. I run a database every monday that has several (more than 15) reports as the outcome. Due to the massive amount of information we can't build the data up every week. We need to overwrite the tables and recreate the "Reports" every week. The department I am creating this for wants to keep a snapshot on the computer of the 15+ reports instead of printing them out. But instead of simply creating a snapshot of each individual report he would like to see them in the format of one file with multiple sheets. The one file would be labeled the date the reports were created and each individual sheet would be labeled the name of the report. For example, This past monday when we rant he Db the file would have been lbld 10-3-05, and one of the many sheets would have been labeled "Selects", or "Rejects" or "Cost" and so on. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Modules & VBA :: Export A Table From Access 2010 Into Existing Multiple Tab

Sep 25, 2014

I am trying to export a table from Access 2010 into an existing multiple tab excel 2010 spreadsheet.I want it to overwrite the "data staging" tab each time.I have it adding the tab into the existing spreadsheet but it names it "data_staging" however if I run this a second time I get excel found unreadable content in 'data staging' Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? if you trust the source of this workbook click yes.

Code I am using

'export to existing spreadsheet data staging
Private Sub Command5_Click()
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 10, "Phx Data Staging", "F:My DocumentsWorkSGN est est data staging.xlsx", False, "data staging"
MsgBox ("Completed")

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