Exporting Access 2003 Report To Excel Truncates Memmo Field

Jan 10, 2005

When I export a report to Excel, a memmo field is truncated to 256 characters. If I export the query behind the report, the memmo field is exported correctly. Is there a way to export an Access 2003 report to Excel and maintain all of the data and report formating in memmo fields?

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Data To Excel Truncates Long Text Form

Jun 13, 2014

I'm having an issue where when I attempt to export data from an Access database to an excel spreadsheet using VBA it truncates any field longer than 255 characters to the 255 limit. I'm using

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "tableName", "FilePath", True, ""

to export it (obviously with the table name and filepath filled in) but for some reason I cannot get it to export the entirety of the field to excel. I've been doing some digging on various forums around the internet and it seems as though it may be possible to split it into various excel cells then use automation to concatenate the cells. But considering this field I am trying to get not truncated can be up to 40,000 characters theoretically, it doesn't make sense to do it that way.Do you need more information from me? I'm somewhat new to both Access and VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Memo Field Copy To Excel Truncates At 255 Characters

Nov 25, 2013

Two Solutions to address moving an Access Memo field into Excel when string has > 255 characters. All my 'reports' use Excel VBA (Access Reports are not used). The Excel reports can have 40,000 records. Speed to create the report can be an issue.

Describing 2 Solutions below to address moving Access memo fields with > 255 characters into Excel.After running this code

720 ObjXL.DisplayAlerts = False
ObjXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "@" ' set column to Text
730 ObjXL.Worksheets(intWorksheetNum).Cells(intRowPos, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsNutsAndBolts

The Comments column are limited to 255 characters. So, the CopyFromRecordset (recordsetvariable) creates the 255 character limitation.

The reason? The 255 character limit is because CopyFromRecordset sutomatically uses the Characters property of the Range object. The 255 limit would not be there if the Cell Value property is used to assign the string to that cell.

Dim sRx as String ' String Prescription
sRx = "String with > 255 characters ... you fill in the rest ...."
Cells(1, 1).Value = sRx ' Cell's Value property assignment can be very large

Solution 1:

The record set is still in memory. By using a loop, a cursor can start with record 1 (memo column) and assign that value to the Excel row / column using the .value as shown above. Basically, this moves one memo field at a time, record by record. e.g. Read First recordset in Access, copy to variable, assign value to Excel row/column Then move next on each Access and Excel.

Solution 2:

An Access Memo filed [RxNotes] can have up to 750 characters. Cut it apart into three new fields that end up out in the very right Excel columns AA, AB, AC.

Then using Excel Object - Concat the cells back cell by cell...

Then delete the columns AA, AB, AC to hide the evidence..Neither solution is all that elequent. Read about this and by golly, it made a difference

ConcatComments = "'" & CommentString

Before using the CopyFromRecordset be sure to add a single quote in front of the large string.

Turns out the interface between Access and Excel look for this to prepare Excel immediately for the string to be a string, not something else. Some of my strings had weird print characters that kind of looked like Japenese characters. It seemed random, it always happened if the string was 255 or more characters (ramdonly, not always). The single quote doesn't show up in Excel, but got rid of all the noise.

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Remove Unwrap Text After Exporting Report From Access To Excel?

Mar 14, 2012

How to remove unwrap text after exporting report from Access to Excel?

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General :: Run Time Error 3011 When Exporting Access Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2012

I using excel 2010 and access 2010. I have VBA script runtime error 3011 when running script. It has problem finding access report. First I was passing in as variable with the name. Then I used a script to pull in the report name from access and it is still failing with same error.

Code is shown below.

Private Sub Command29_Click()
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String, FilePath As String, tempStr As String
' reportname = Me.My_DBTableName

[Code] ....

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Reports :: MS Access 2010 Report - Exporting To Excel Produces Blank Xls File?

Jun 27, 2014

My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.

I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:

Export button from external data ribbon
Export from print preview
Export via macro
Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)

All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...

I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.

Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.

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General :: Exporting Each Field Of Access Database To Excel With Different Format

Oct 5, 2012

I actually have an ms access database with the following format(assuming)


for each row in the ms access database above i need to retrieve an excel in the format below



and so on....

Where I can proceed, what tool can I use??

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"DoCmd.OutputTo" To Excel Truncates Character/ Field

Aug 24, 2007

Hi all,

I have been using this command in VB to export Access tables to Excel. Everything works fine except when the table contains a large Character/Text field- it gets truncated to around 200 chars. Is this a known limitation or I am doing something wrong? DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet command works correctly but there are some limitations to this command.

Can please somebody help

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Exporting A Report To Excel

May 30, 2006

Hi there,

Once I have an Access report in the preview on the screen, I "export" it to Excel, using the built in Menu Symbol Option (analyse in Excel). It exports all the columns of the report perfectly, except for Dates. Here it doesn't just change the format - but shows ######## in the Excel column. When I click in the cell,it says "Negative Dates and Numbers are shown as ####". Any way I can stop this happening? I don't mind what format the date is in, in Excel, as long as it's readable!
Thanks a lot

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Exporting A Query(report) To Excel

Mar 11, 2008

I am exporting queries to Excel using a Form with command buttons. The code for this effort follows:

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Dim reportName As String
Dim theFilePath As String

Select Case Me.Frame1.Value

Case 1
reportName = "qryPriorMnth"
Case 2
reportName = "qryNewRequests"
Case 3
reportName = "qryNoApprovals"

End Select

theFilePath = Me.txtFilePath.Value
theFilePath = theFilePath & reportName & "_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xls"

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, reportName, theFilePath, True

MsgBox "Done."

End Sub

The code works great, however, I will be making this available to several users who will use access from differenct PCs. In order for them to get the data passed to their respective desktops, they would have to change the Me.txtfilePath.Value in the properties manaually. This is currently in the Row.Source for an unbound text box. I would prefer them not messing with that. The current value is
="C:Documents and Settings’User_ID’Desktop"
where the User_ID (varies from user to user) would need to be changed. Can this be done with a variable setting that would prompt the user for their User_ID and then execute to the appropriate desk top. I am a VBA novice and would appreciate any help at all.


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Exporting A Report To Excel Using Command Button And VBA

Nov 28, 2012

What would the VBA command line look like to export a report to Excel using a command button ?

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Customize Date Report When Exporting Data To Excel Format

Aug 18, 2015

I have a form that shows the data.All the date format display this kind of format " 12/17/1974".But when I export it to excel format.The date is displayed as "17-Dec-74".However, when i double click on the cell ,it will show "12/17/1974"...I want the date to displayed in excel -> "17-Dec-1974" or "dd-mmm-yyyy" how can i change the date format when manually formatting the date in excel .

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Reports :: Yes / No Field Not Exporting To Excel

Dec 19, 2013

When exporting a report to Excel my Yes/No fields do not export. The Label nor the field itself exports. I am using the Table to create the report, not a query and sorting data within the report.

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General :: Exporting To Excel Changes Field Value

Sep 4, 2012

I'm relatively new to Access. I've created a database where we track product information and testing done on the products. I have the Product Code set up as a combo box with five other fields auto populating based on what is entered into the Product Code field. However, when I export the table or form to Excel, the Product Code changes to another number, which I think is an auto number but does not directly relate to the product entered (either one up or down from the product).

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Help!! Exporting From Access To Excel

Sep 11, 2004

Dear All:

Does anyone know how to export from an Access form to excel using a command button?

1-Here is what I desire: I have created a command button on a form. When it is pressed, it is supposed to export certain fields in Access to specific fields in excel. Four fields in Access is to be exported to Excel when I click a command button.These four cells in Excel are A1, A2, A3, A4. I managed to get this far.........

This is the code:
Private Sub Command604_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command604_Click
Dim oApp As Object
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oApp.Visible = True
'Only XL 97 supports UserControl Property
On Error Resume Next
oApp.UserControl = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command604_Click

End Sub

2-When I click the command button, It launces Excel, but there is no sheet.

3-I have posted this message before and I am greatful for those who responded, but I need help! I suck at this, any help will be grealty appreciated.

Hats off to all you Access Wizards!!!!


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Exporting Memo Field (>255 Char) Into Excel

Sep 28, 2005


I've read a bit on exporting Access fields longer than 255 characters (Memo) into Excel, and the general concensus is that it cannot be done.

All I need to do is run a report, right click the report, and select Export from the menu.

However, if it can be done using a query, any assistance or pointing in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.



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Exporting Access Data To Excel

Jul 13, 2005

Hi all,

I am using Access 97 & Excel 97 for this problem. I have a Access query which takes the contents of three tables and exports them to Excel. However, the query has now reach 69000+ records and increases by about 1000+ records ever month. So what I need to do is create as many WORKSHEETS within a single Excel WORKBOOK as necessary to accomodate all of my Access data. I have written a piece of code which will create seperate WORKBOOKS for each 65000+ of records but then what I want to do is code the almagamation of these WORKBOOKS into 1.

In short, after the first WORKBOOK is created I use code to make that the active WORKBOOK and then I want to import into that the other WORKSHEETS in the other WORKBOOKS.

I am using the folowing DIM's:

Dim X As New Excel.Application
Dim WkBook As Excel.WorkBook
Dim WkSheet As Integer
Dim ExcelSheet As Excel.Worksheet

ExcelSheet therefore is the current WORKSHEET within the Excel spreadsheet I want to import into.

Any advice on the command to perform a transfer of WORKSHEET data between Excel WORKBOOKS?



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Exporting Access Query To Excel

Oct 23, 2007

I am using the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet statement that successfully exports a query result set into excel. I was wondering is there a way to get this result to populate certain fields of an existing excel spreadsheet that I have created and need the information for. Right now the query just creates a new worksheet in the specified workbook.

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General :: Exporting From Access To Excel

Nov 19, 2013

Access version 2010
Excel version 2010

I added a command button to get one of my access reports to export to excel. The process works perfectly on my computer, but when my colleague runs the report on a different computer and tries to use the button, an error comes up that says "can't complete the output operation" (runtime error 2587).

I've tried to find a solution online, but most of those are geared toward having a full version vs. runtime, and that is not an issue here. Both my colleague and I have full versions, and we are both using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I just tested on another colleague's computer and it works fine.

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Exporting Data From Access To Excel

Sep 6, 2012

I am trying to export my access table in excel.

I have the following code which gives an error when i try to implement it.

Private Sub Command22_Click()
Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim objDB As Database

[Code] .....

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Exporting Data From Access Form To Excel

Nov 7, 2007

Hi folks.

I'm new member this site.I have a problem my access project and I have request help you.

My problem. My project has two table and two form .Order (Main Table&Main Form) and Order_Subform (Sub Table&Sub Form) When i click 'Send to Excel' button in Order form it's sending data to Excel file Order.xls but it's only sending one line in order_subform to Excel Order.xls. it is not sending other line. I hope, could I able to explain my concern

Kind Regards.

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Exporting Data From Access Page To Excel

Dec 12, 2007

I created an access page and now I am being asked if the data from the page can be exported to Excel. Is there any way that this can done.

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Exporting From Access To Excel - Formatting Lost

Oct 5, 2004

When exporting from Acces to Excel numbers formatted to one decimal in Access are displayed with two decimals in Excel. How can I get them to export to one decimal? I know I can reformat them in Excel but I'd rather have it work automatically.


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Exporting From Access To Excel, Specific Fields

Oct 15, 2004

Dear All:


Private Sub Command150_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command150_Click
Dim stDocName As String
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command150_Click

End Sub

This is what I am using to export from access to excel. It works great! Many thanks to Mwalts and Colm. How do I go about exporting data to specific fields in excel?

Thanks to all,


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CopyFromRecordset Not Exporting All Rows From Access To Excel

Jul 14, 2014

I'm using the below code to attempt to export data from Access to an Excel template (Access & Excel 2010). The export works fine with one exception: Only the first ~150-200 records export when I'm expecting to export over 1,000.


Dim db1 As DAO.Database
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim mySQL1 As String
Dim strSheet1 As String
Dim strFolder1 As String

[Code] .....

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Hyperlinks And Exporting Access Reports To RTF / Excel

Jan 25, 2014

I have a table with fields of Title, Description, and URL. I have a report with a text box, IsHyperlink set to yes and Control Source set to =[Title] & "#" & [URL] & "#" . When I open the report in report view, it works great - the Title is displayed as a hyperlink and if I click it, I go to the URL. However, if I export the report to rtf or excel, I only get the Title - it is not a hyperlink. How to get the display text (Title) and hyperlink address (URL) from the access report to Word rtf and excel.

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