Exporting A Report

Mar 6, 2007

I am producing some reports for an existing business system. I have a copy of the Access database and am working with that. When the reports are complete, how do I export them to the 'live' site? I do not have direct access to the company network. Can I email the reports, or put them on a CD, to be imported to the live site?

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Exporting A Report To Excel

May 30, 2006

Hi there,

Once I have an Access report in the preview on the screen, I "export" it to Excel, using the built in Menu Symbol Option (analyse in Excel). It exports all the columns of the report perfectly, except for Dates. Here it doesn't just change the format - but shows ######## in the Excel column. When I click in the cell,it says "Negative Dates and Numbers are shown as ####". Any way I can stop this happening? I don't mind what format the date is in, in Excel, as long as it's readable!
Thanks a lot

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Exporting A Form To A Report

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form that pulls a number of records from a number of different tables. I want to see basically the same information in a report. Is it possible to export the set up to a report so I don't have to build a report from scratch?



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Exporting Report Into MS Word?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a Report that contains, among other things, Pictures & Check Boxes. When I try to export into a Word (.rtf) document,the Data exports just fine, but the pictures & check boxes are lost. Is there a way to export the Report into Word keeping all formatting intact?

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Exporting A Report To Text File

Apr 21, 2006

In my database I would like my report to run every 30 seconds and export that data to a text file. I am not sure if that is best with a Do While or Do Until.

What I am looking to accomplish is to populate a map with data from the data base report. it needs to rerun the report and write the text file every 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Any help with the coding would be greatly appreciated.

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Exporting A Query(report) To Excel

Mar 11, 2008

I am exporting queries to Excel using a Form with command buttons. The code for this effort follows:

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Dim reportName As String
Dim theFilePath As String

Select Case Me.Frame1.Value

Case 1
reportName = "qryPriorMnth"
Case 2
reportName = "qryNewRequests"
Case 3
reportName = "qryNoApprovals"

End Select

theFilePath = Me.txtFilePath.Value
theFilePath = theFilePath & reportName & "_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xls"

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, reportName, theFilePath, True

MsgBox "Done."

End Sub

The code works great, however, I will be making this available to several users who will use access from differenct PCs. In order for them to get the data passed to their respective desktops, they would have to change the Me.txtfilePath.Value in the properties manaually. This is currently in the Row.Source for an unbound text box. I would prefer them not messing with that. The current value is
="C:Documents and Settings’User_ID’Desktop"
where the User_ID (varies from user to user) would need to be changed. Can this be done with a variable setting that would prompt the user for their User_ID and then execute to the appropriate desk top. I am a VBA novice and would appreciate any help at all.


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Reports :: Exporting Report As Individual PDFs?

Aug 31, 2014

I have a report that has a group sort and page break after each area. What I'd like to do is export each area as it's own individual PDF report (preferably as an automated process).

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Exporting A Report To Excel Using Command Button And VBA

Nov 28, 2012

What would the VBA command line look like to export a report to Excel using a command button ?

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Reports :: Exporting Report To PDF Blank Fields On Some Computers Only

Apr 24, 2013

I have a report (Access 2007) with subreports that is being exported to pdf. It all works fine on PC except for on a virtualbox and a laptop. When the user exports the report to pdf, it leaves some subreports blank! If the report is opened in the DB it pulls data as it should and all looks fine.

In the report, the missing data is from 4 subreports in the same top section of the report where a 5th subreport also resides. Subreport 5 is displayed OK. There is no dynamic formatting nor filtering in the reports.

These two machines had to have the 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF installed for the PDF export to work at all. Both machines are up-to-date on the latest windows updates. The virtual box runs XP while the laptop runs Windows 7.

This is the strangest error I have ever encountered as it only partially fails and it cannot be replicated on a regular PC.

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Reports :: Exporting Data From Clicked Field On One Report To Another

Feb 23, 2015

I have become stuck with an issue which I am sure is entirely my fault. I am trying to create/modify a macro for a field ([cx_ref]) on a report (Upholstery_orders), so that when a particular record is clicked, it uses the data in that specific record and field to open another report (works_orders), based on said data.

So far the only headway I could make was to create a macro that opened an intermediate form with a combo box displaying every record in [cx_ref]. I'm not a huge fan of this method as any user would have to either memorise then type, or scroll down thousands of records in order to locate the correct one, select it and then click a button to open the "works_order" report.

A macro (or code) that could take one from the original report, using the data in the 'clicked' box/field on the form, and open the second report without having the input the data again. Short of being able to do this, any way to simply export the selected field so that it appears on the intermediate form (without the need to select or type it again), be that in the combo box or in a box of its own.

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Reports :: Exporting Filtered Report After Users Verifies Content

Sep 18, 2013

I have a report that is opened via a Form that lets the user choose a date to filter the report. The report opens in Print Preview mode.

What I'm attempting is to give the user an easy way to export the report once they've verified the report is accurate.

One way I've tried to do this was to use the OnClose event to execute a vbYesNo MsgBox giving them the option to export. The problem here is that I can't do the export while the report is closing.

Run-time Error '2585': This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event.

I tried to move my MsgBox to the OnUnload so that could cancel the Unload, but was met with the same results.

Private Sub Report_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Response
Response = msgbox("Do you want to save a copy of this log?", vbYesNo, "Export to PDF")
If Response = vbYes Then
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptWatchLog", acFormatPDF
End If
End Sub

Some research indicates perhaps the DoCmd.OutputTo is happening to quickly. Would including some type of pause in the code execution between the Cancel = True and the DoCmd solve my problem? Though frankly, even if it did it doesn't feel very elegant. I also recognize that I'd need to reinitiate the Unload>Deactivate>Close process after the export completed.

I initially began by having an Export Command Button on the form they use the choose a date, but was unable to have the exported report honor the user supplied filter from that form.

Here is the code from that form that is applying the filter:

'Open Watch Log Report with chosen date as filter
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
'use date even though it's not saved anywhere
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False

[Code] .....

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Remove Unwrap Text After Exporting Report From Access To Excel?

Mar 14, 2012

How to remove unwrap text after exporting report from Access to Excel?

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Customize Date Report When Exporting Data To Excel Format

Aug 18, 2015

I have a form that shows the data.All the date format display this kind of format " 12/17/1974".But when I export it to excel format.The date is displayed as "17-Dec-74".However, when i double click on the cell ,it will show "12/17/1974"...I want the date to displayed in excel -> "17-Dec-1974" or "dd-mmm-yyyy" how can i change the date format when manually formatting the date in excel .

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Exporting Access 2003 Report To Excel Truncates Memmo Field

Jan 10, 2005

When I export a report to Excel, a memmo field is truncated to 256 characters. If I export the query behind the report, the memmo field is exported correctly. Is there a way to export an Access 2003 report to Excel and maintain all of the data and report formating in memmo fields?

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General :: Run Time Error 3011 When Exporting Access Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2012

I using excel 2010 and access 2010. I have VBA script runtime error 3011 when running script. It has problem finding access report. First I was passing in as variable with the name. Then I used a script to pull in the report name from access and it is still failing with same error.

Code is shown below.

Private Sub Command29_Click()
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String, FilePath As String, tempStr As String
' reportname = Me.My_DBTableName

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Vanishing Commas When Exporting Report Into HTML Email Body

Jun 17, 2013

I'm running the following code to generate an email from a report.


Function ExportHTML3()
Dim strline, strHTML
Dim OL As Outlook.Application


But I don't really know much VBA and I found that code on the internet, so I can't figure out how it's doing that and if I can stop it. Or is there another way to get the text from the HTML file into the Email body, which brings the bold formatting with it, like the following.

Incident Reference: AA99999

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Reports :: MS Access 2010 Report - Exporting To Excel Produces Blank Xls File?

Jun 27, 2014

My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.

I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:

Export button from external data ribbon
Export from print preview
Export via macro
Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)

All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...

I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.

Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.

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Mar 12, 2007

Hello All,

I have 2 reports that are exporting to 2 different .txt files. Currenlty, I am using the transfertext function in access. What is the best way to combine these 2 reports into one .txt file? I have 2 different specification criteria being used, but I need all the data in 1 report.

Thanks in advance,


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Exporting A Whole Row

Aug 8, 2007

What I want to do is to export about 300 rows of records at a time from a table to a text file (text001.txt). The next 300 will be in text002.txt and so forth.

What I am doing right now is -- I am looping through all the fields [rs(0)-rs(50)], put in a variable and then print to the text file then go to the next row.

Is there a way to print the whole row to a text file instead of looping through all the fields then print it.



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Exporting To .txt

Feb 24, 2006


Does anyone know how I can get a table thats been sorted by a specific field to export to .txt in its sorted format? For some reason whenever I have it sorted by one field and save its new formatting, it exports sorted by another field. Keep in mind it exports the way the table was originally sorted when it was first created.



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Jan 10, 2005

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any way to export email addresses held within an access database to Outlook, using office 2000?
I work for a small charity who have a very large contacts database in access, but are now starting to send some of our info electronically and it would be a major time saver if we could send email addressed directly to outlook.

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Exporting Question

May 6, 2005

Hello. I've searched around the board and help files and couldn't find a straight answer for this. I have 7 or 8 different queries. Is there a way to export Query 1 to Sheet 1 of my excel workbook, then Query 2 to sheet 2 of the workbook, and so on? Thanks.

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Exporting To Excel

Nov 10, 2005

I want some guidance in regards to how should I export access form as a report to excel. I already have fields with formulas in it and here I have fields where I have written down the numbers, so when these numbers get exported to excel. Excel will be populated with with these numbers and all the calculation will be automatically done.

I hope I am making sense here.

I have fields in access that should export through a button and populate on excel sheet.

is there any vb scripting for this, I rem seeing something in the same context few months back, but I can't seem to find it rite now.

Thanks in adv

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Exporting To Excel

Mar 16, 2006

Wondered if someone could help.

I am trying to Export an access report from an .mde (File>Export) and receive an error message "Overflow". the report itself is only 17 pages long.

Can anyone advice?



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Exporting To Text

Jun 28, 2006

I am exporting a table into a text file. I have an intrest rate that is formatted in the table as as five characters past the decimal point xx.xxxxx. However, when I export it to a text file, I loose my 3rd through 5th position. Any ideas on how I can export to text and still keep all five positions past the decimal? The field is currently formatted as a double number in Access. Thanks for your input.

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Exporting Data

Jan 3, 2007

I often have to export data from a table to a .csv (text) format. It is very important that the data remains in the right order. I even add an indexed auto number to ensure this happens. Sometimes, but not always, the data gets out of order. Not completely scrambled but chunks of records just in the wrong place.

Has anyone come across this before or got any idea what causes it?

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