Exporting To A Text Document

Mar 6, 2007

I have a query that I am trying to export to a text document. My question is how can I get the data to show up in tab delimited?

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Exporting Field Value To A Word Document

May 31, 2005


I'd like to export only email addresses separated by ";" to a word document based on a result of a query.
Query gets build dynamically in VB behind the form as there are many search criterias. so user can eneter one field or many in the form to build the query. Queries work and i can extract and display the email in a report or another form, but now i'd like to export it to a word document or outlook (but i would prefer word).

Can anyone please give me advice how i should approch this issue.

Thank you.

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Exporting Text File With Text Qualifier

Jun 26, 2007

I am not sure if this is possible or not, I am trying to export a large table that includes a text qualifier "". I have managed to change all the fields in the table to text. the problem id that I need to supply the data to an outside source that wants the qualifier to also be included for null fields (they receive other files not processed from Access with this included).

I was just after info about if it is possible or I am wasting time trying to come up with a solution (this will be done on a regular basis so I don't want to have to export the table to another software package to perform the task.

Thank you for any assistance.............

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How To Have Users Drag And Drop A Document Into A Text Box Within A Form

Jul 7, 2015

how to have users drag and drop a document into a text box within a form and have it create a hyperlink. What I need to know now, is if there is a way that when a file is dropped into the text box, it only shows the icon associated with that file, or at the very least, edit the hyperlink to only show a certain text. The files I need to see are all in a networked drive, so the hyperlink addresses can be quite long, and ultimately I'd just like the hyperlink to say "letter". Showing the icon would be a plus.

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Modules & VBA :: Quick Way To Export ALL VBA Code To A Text File / Word Document?

Aug 4, 2014

Is there a quick way to export ALL VBA code to a text file/word document?

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General :: Open Word Document With Corresponding Data Filled From Text Field Of A Form

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to open a word document with corresponding data filled from the text field of a form. I managed to get the word document but I don't know how to give a variable in word document.

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Exporting To Text

Jun 28, 2006

I am exporting a table into a text file. I have an intrest rate that is formatted in the table as as five characters past the decimal point xx.xxxxx. However, when I export it to a text file, I loose my 3rd through 5th position. Any ideas on how I can export to text and still keep all five positions past the decimal? The field is currently formatted as a double number in Access. Thanks for your input.

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Exporting To A Text File

Mar 15, 2007


I am exporting a table to a text file and I am having a problem with decimal places. I have got a column which is showing a number with differing number of decimal places, between 0 & 3. The column is set to Data Type decimal with auto decimal Places setting.

When I export this to a text file, it automatically changes the field to be 2 decimal places. Is there anything that can be done about this? If I export it to an excel file, the formatting stays the same, but the table will be too big to export to excel at some point so I can't do this.

Kind Regards


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Exporting To Text File

Jan 8, 2007

I have searched the forum, and nothing seems to work!

I have a query that runs some fields off a table. I have ordered the query and the tables alphabetically by clicking the A-Z button when inview.

This is all very well, but when i click the export button on one of the forms, it exports it fine, but the data is not in order.

I am using acess 2003 with an unrealational database (no relationships are reequired)

Please Help!

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Exporting As Text Only 2 Decimal Places

Dec 12, 2005

I'm having a problem exporting my table as text and having three fields reporting only 2 decimal places instead of the 4 that i need.

I'm using Access 200 on Windows XP Pro.

I searched the forums and the only thing i could find was to create a querry and using ColumnName: str([dblNumber]) somehow. I don't really unerstand what they were trying to do except that somehow this converts the number to a string. This would work I guess, but I couldn't get it to work.

I have also read somehting about changing the fields in the MSysIMEXColumns table somehow to allow more decimal places in the exprted text file.

Thanks for helping.


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Exporting A Report To Text File

Apr 21, 2006

In my database I would like my report to run every 30 seconds and export that data to a text file. I am not sure if that is best with a Do While or Do Until.

What I am looking to accomplish is to populate a map with data from the data base report. it needs to rerun the report and write the text file every 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Any help with the coding would be greatly appreciated.

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Tricks And Tips With Exporting Tbl/qry To Text

Jan 4, 2007

This is not a question.

I have recently been playing with exporting a query to a delimited text file and have learned some things along the way. Some of this is bound to be old-hat to some of you. However, I thought that it might be useful to post a summary of what I've learned for the benefit of others, like me, who may face some of the frustrations I've been dealing with.

Firstly, in order to export a query or table to a text format other than the default csv, you need to create what is called an 'export specification'. As has been mentioned elsewhere (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=59828&highlight=export+wizard)on this forum, you do this by clicking on the advanced button on the 'Export Wizard'. Pick the delimiter you prefer, click save as, and save the specification with a name that you can remember.

To use the specification in an export, you use the specification's name as the second argument in the DoCmd.TransferText method. (See access help for more detail)

However, things can go wrong!

Firstly, on some occasions, the export wizard fails to open thereby preventing you from accessing the specifications you have created or making new ones. This happened to me and it turns out that the reason was that some code I was running got interupted at one stage and DoCmd.Setwarnings was set to false when it happened. This prevents the export wizard opening for whatever reason.

The solution is to create a sub that sets DoCmd.Setwarnings to True and run it. (Credit to BobLarson here (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=37696&highlight=export+wizard))

Secondly, you may get an error message saying 'too few parameters...expected #' where the # represents a number.

This problem seems to be caused by using a control in a form as a criteria in a query that you're trying to export.

One solution is to simply get rid of the form references in the criteria of the query (Credit Jon K (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=54237&highlight=export+wizard))

But if you need to keep the criteria reference like I did, the best workaround I came up with was to enclose each reference to a form control in the criteria of the query with an Eval("").

Thus, if I were wanting to use a control called 'mycontrol' on a form called 'myform' as a criteria, I would use Eval("[Forms]![myform]![mycontrol]") instead of just [Forms]![myform]![mycontrol] in the criteria line of the query.

Thirdly, you may encounter an error that helpfully says 'Invalid Argument'.

This is due to the presence of a numerical field in the table/query that has its fieldsize property set to 'Decimal'. This is a known bug with access 2000 and solutions can be found at Microsoft's knowledge base (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263946).

In my case, I resorted to changing the fieldsize properties to Double instead of decimal, and deleted/re-created my export specification after the change and this solved the problem for me.

I hope this post is helpful for others.
Cheers! :D

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Exporting Data To A Text File

Mar 26, 2007

I need to export data from a table in Access to a fixed length record text file and would like to find out how to export a number field into this text file with leading zeros.

The text file requires this 999999.99 and right justify and zero fill. My question is this: how can I zero fill from the table to the txt file? I went through the export wizard and couldn't see how to do it.


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Exporting A Selected Record To Text

Apr 21, 2005

Ok I have a db that list stats for many of NFL's Great players. I have created a form with a drop down combobox that list the players. The rest of the form displays the stats for that player. I have linked two forms with a command button. I was hoping that I could use another command button in combination with a macro that would allow me to send (just the displayed record) to a text file. I have tried using a macro with OutPut To but it sends the entire table to text.....Please Help Me I have been working on this for Two DAYS...... :eek: HELP!!!!

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Number Fields Exporting As Text?

May 22, 2014

I want to export the results of a query to Excel. All of the fields in the query are number fields. But when I export to Excel, the fields are stored as text. In fact I get the error message "number fields stored as text" in Excel. Why this is happening?

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Exporting Data To Particular Locations In A Text File?

Sep 30, 2007

Ok, I have a question. It might be a ridiculously simple question. Also, i'm under the impression that I may have to learn some VB, which i'm okay with. I've never really used MS Access, it has sat neglected on my desktop for a number of years and now I am starting to see just how powerful it is. By the way, I'm Jamie, nice to meet you all :) Now, onto the questionWhat i'd like to do is take the following database (for example)field1 = namefield2 = locationfield3 = favourite movieNow, i'd like to generate the following text from this database, for each entryDear <<name>>I once knew a man from <<location>>Was never really much of a <<favourite movie>> fan.Optionally, i'd like it to store the text for each seperately generated document in a file named <<name>>.txt, but that isn't needed urgently.It reminds me of a mail merge I learned to do a few years back in high school using appleworks (I am assuming it was appleworks).Anyway yes, thankyou in advance for any help with this.Jamie

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Exporting Reports In Rich Text Format

Feb 25, 2005

Can anyone help?!
We are trying to export some reports into a Rich Text format using Access on Office 2003 on a Win XP op system. When doing this on Win 98 the Rich text document was slightly out of line but not too bad. Now we are doing it on XP it is completely out of line and unusable. Does anyone have any suggestions please?

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Tables To TEXT File

Aug 11, 2015

I have two tables, Header and Detail,

Header as this fields:
Num; CompanyCode; InvoiceNumber; Date; Total; Taxes; Subtotal

Detail as this fields linked with Header by InvoiceNumber:
InvoiceNumber; CardNumber; Date; ClosureDate; Qt; Price; Tax; Subtotal

And i've got to export to a text file as follows:

first line with a header then the other lines with the details, and if it has another header it continuous with first a header and then details again...

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Modules & VBA :: DAO Exporting Text From Related Table

Jan 4, 2014

I am trying to export text to a 2010 word document from an access 2010 database with DAO. I have successfully been able to export text from the main table tblLandSales via variables (below) and then subsequently a document. I used the following code:

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docm As Word.Document
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strLandSalesID As String

[Code] ....

Now I want to export other data from a one to many related table where [fk_tblLandSalesID] is the foreign key in the related table and tblLandSalesID is the primary key in the main table.

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General :: Exporting Data To A Text File

Oct 3, 2012

My question is when exporting an access table to a text file using a fixed file format can you combine two fields into one field and if so how do you do it.

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Queries :: Exporting Query To A Text File?

Jun 15, 2013

I'm trying to export query results to a text file and it keeps giving me a "too few" parameters error.

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Automatically Exporting Each Record To Separate Text Files

Aug 23, 2007

Hi all,

I've seen a lot of repeated questions from newbies about exporting to text, but so far I haven't come across a scenario like mine. Apologies if I've overlooked something.

I'm using Access 2003 and I have a database that contains a record for each article that appeared in a certain newspaper over the last 30 years (~70,000 records). Each record has a field for year, month, issue, page, title, and text. The text field contains multiple lines of HTML as well as the text of the article itself -- the program designed for viewing these articles calls on this field to create an html document that resembles the original newspaper page in the GUI.

What I would like to generate is a separate .TXT file for each article containing just the text of that article and a filename system that identifies each file by year, month, page, and possibly title (i.e., about 70,000 separate text files). I'm not sure if I want the title within the document or just in the filename, but I'm assuming that wouldn't be difficult to change.

In other words, I'm trying to work backwards, reconstructing the text files that the person who made the database probably has sitting on a disk somewhere (but I don't have access to).

I've read about using the TransferText method, setting up an export spec and looping it in VBA, etc., but the closest solution appears to be Microsoft's page on exporting records to separate HTML files (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/HA010345961033.aspx), which mentions: "You can create a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) program that enumerates through the record set and uses the PRINT statement to output each record as a separate HTML file." After doing this I guess I would batch convert from HTML to TXT. Unfortunately I am new to Access and don't know VBA.

Can anyone provide any suggestions?


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Memo Field Display & Convert Text When Exporting?

May 29, 2005

I use a memo field in a form. This memo field is used to store "steps" for doing something.

To keep things neat, I use ENTER between the steps so there is a blank line between each. This looks good in the form, however... I export this information (from the table) to a CSV/text file to use online. My online script requires that each record occupy only one line. But, the exported file has separated the "steps" into multiple lines just as it appears on the form.

I would like to use the HTML tag <BR> to separate the line feeds in the CSV file. I can enter these in the FORM instead of pressing ENTER, but then the form looks bad - harder to read.

Is this possible to do with code or filters or ??

Thanks for the help!

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General :: Exporting A Query To A Tab Delimited Text File

Nov 26, 2013

I am able to successfully export data from an Access 2010 Query to a Tab Delimited Text file without difficulty.My problem is that the Query includes several 'tick boxes'. The resulting text file shows the text boxes as 1 or 0 as appropriate. What I actually require is a Y/N result.To achieve the required Y/N result requires some fiddly find and replace editing which is complicated by the fact that the query also contains telephone numbers incorporating 1 & 0, This then requires further editing of individual records to convert misplaced Y/N back to 1/0. Is their any way that one can force the export to convert text boxes to Y/N rather than 1/0.

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Queries :: Creating Text File From VBA And Exporting Data

Apr 30, 2015

First I'm developing in Access 2010. I am struggling with code that is supposed to create a text file and populate it from a query. The Query "cbt_Candidate_Export_Temp" is working fine but I keep getting the error in the second argument:

"Run-time error '3625': The text file specification 'cbtTab' does not exist... "

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "cbtTab", "cbt_Candidate_Export_Temp", "denali
bccdatabasesBCCCBT_Export" & strFileName & ".txt", True

What object is "cbtTab"? I didn't write this base code and I can't find it nor do I know how to create "cbtTab" ....

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General :: Exporting Table From Access As Text File?

May 1, 2015

When exporting a table from Access as a text file, it keeps adding .00 to the end of the number format records that I am tying to export.

Why it is doing that and what I need to do to prevent that from happening?

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