Expression - Pulling A Number From A Text Box

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to pull a number from a text box. I listed the expression for the box below. [Current Record] is a number and Count(*) is a number. I couldn't figure out what field gave me the total records so I did a count instead. If I want to pull the value from just the count portion, what expression would do that?

=[CurrentRecord] & " of " & Count(*)

Note the spaces on either side of "of"

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Modules & VBA :: Fields In Text And Number Format - Type Mismatch In Expression

Oct 29, 2013

I have two tables in a query joined by a ID field. The problem is in the one table the ID fiels is a text format and in the other table its a number format so the query builder doesnt like that and gives me the Type mismatch in expression error.

There's no way around it though; i need it to be those formats in its respective tables for reasons i wont go into here for simplicity.

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Queries :: Pulling Name Instead Of Associated ID Number

May 13, 2013

I have three tables the tblStudentInfo (holding the persons main data), the tblEducation (holding the students education records) and the refInstution (holding all university's and college information).I am pulling PersonID, name, etc from the tblStudentInfo, education records from tblEducation.

the problem is that in the query it displays the institution ID instead of the Institution name. How do i get the query/rpt to show the name instead of the ID?

On the form Institution this is pulled from the refInstitution table and the ID InstName etc is a combo box 0; 1.0; etc so the display on the form shows the name of the university instead of the ID number.

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Modules & VBA :: Number Rounding Error When Pulling Double From Recordset?

Jan 28, 2015

I have 2 similar numbers in a table with the following parameters:

Double, Fixed, DecPlaces = 2
One number (GLminor) = 0.10
Second Number (GLmaj) = 0.50

When i use the following code to create and pull the numbers from a recordset the (Gmin) is OK and displays as 0.1 but the (Gmaj) has a problem and displays as 0. So when i'm attempting to use it in an equation (OtherNumber) / (Gmaj) i'm getting a divide by zero error.

sSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM tblRScales WHERE ID = " & RScaleID
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)
Gmaj = rs1!GLmaj
Gmin = rs1!GLminor

I've tried using CDec(OtherNumber) / CDec(Gmaj) and still get the same error.

As both numbers have the same properties in the table parameters i'm completely lost as to why one seems OK while the other seems to round down to 0.

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Queries :: Pulling A Cell From One Table To Another Based On (Account Number)

Jul 22, 2013

Table 1:
Account Number
Start Date
End Date
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 2 (Imported excel file with cost/budget data):
Account Number
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 1 is the main table that will be viewable in this database. The idea here is that new Account Numbers can be added to Table 1 throughout the year. It then pulls the cost/budget data into Table 1 based on the matching Account Number between table 1 and 2.

So, if the Account Number (Table 1) = Account Number (Table 2) then it pulls the cost/budget data into the cells on that row. I am trying to make this automated since this data is updated weekly and imported into Table 2 from excel.

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Access 2010 - Pulling TOP / Max Number Of Records User Prompted For Value

Oct 23, 2013

I would like a user to specify the total number of records they need from a query result. The result must be random, therefore cannot filter on any field or data in the table.

On a form, the user enters the total # of records they need and selects a button that executes this:

WHERE DcountRDP.MaxRecords = [Forms]![Open_Frm]![IL]

This is not working at all.

How can I make it possible for the user to enter a total needed or be prompted to enter a total and then randomly produce the first top # of records that they specify?

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Pulling From A Record Into A Text Box...

Jul 7, 2006

I've made the form below, with a sub form in it to show the table below the text boxes. What I'd like, is for the user to be able to select a record on the table (preferably just by clicking on it) and the text boxes to automatically populate with the relevent data. Is there a way to do this?

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Query / Pulling Out All Records That Contain Specific Text?

Nov 11, 2012

In the Owner Name field, I am looking for a way to pull out all estates. They are abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate". The problem is throughout the database, if you do a simple filter for "contains est" it will include names such as "Forester" or "LHB Investments".

How do I query, or filter this database such that it only returns the estates abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate"?

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Expression Help Access Month Name To Number

Dec 29, 2004

I have an Access database query with a month (with full names of months in them) column. I need to build an expression that will take

DECEMEBER and make it 12
November and make it 11
October and make it 10 and so on.

I tried this and it worked for 1 month at a time ****** Expr1: IIf([month]="January","1") ****** but how would I format it to make all the months corespond with the right number?

The table value is not a month field it is a text field. so I don't think any of the date variables will work. I hope this is simple one for you access guys out there. I really need some help on this one.

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Queries :: Expression To Output Value As A Number?

Apr 17, 2014

I've created several expressions in a query to test for values in a field (one column for each value for use in a report).

The expressions output the value 1 where the test is true. I planned to sum them to establish how many times the value is true but this isn't working. I am only offered a Count and this returns the number of records. Other fields (numeric) are offering me a sum at the total line and are working as expected.

I assume the expressions are outputting the value one as text rather than as a number but I can't work out how to change this.

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Expression Help: Calculating Number Of Fridays Since A Certain Date

Feb 7, 2005

So I have a database of contacts, and it has their birthdays listed as well. What I need to do is calculate the number of Fridays from their birthday up until today's date. How do I do this? Thanks

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Queries :: Correct Syntax / Expression For Log Of Number

Mar 23, 2013

Correct syntax/expression for log of a number. The number i am getting in Access is twice as big as the correct number i get in excell

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Number Fields In Text To Number Field, Formula For Fiscal Year

Nov 26, 2004

Date of Birth (DOB) field etc. in one program are text - how do I make another file with the same data into number fields for Date of Birth field etc? When I copy data to file that has number fields the 09252004 is changed to 9252004. Can I get reports with the correct Date of Birth in them by moving data from text file to number file?

There is data entered monthly in file and formula has been set up for January, February etc as ---quarter: Int(([month]-1)/3)+1. I would like formula for the fiscal year for April to be counted as month 1, May - month 2, June as month 3, July as month 4, August as month 5, Sept as month 6, October as month 7, Nov as month 8, Dec as month 9, Jan as month 10, Feb as month 11 and March as month 12.

Thank you

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Reports :: Masking For Phone Number Plus Extension In Expression?

Jan 12, 2014

I have the following expression as part of the recordsource for a report:

Is it possible to put a mask on the output of [phone1]? Ideally something like: (716) 555-5555 x1234

Code : phone1: [ContactNo1] & " " & [ContactNo1_ext]

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Modules & VBA :: DCount - Syntax Error In Number In Query Expression

Apr 13, 2015

I have the following code with dcount

If DCount("Username", "[tbl_userinformation]", "[Username] = " & Me![Text146] & " AND [actualdate]=" & Me![Text148] & " ") > 0 Then

but i have the following error ...

runtime erro 3075: syntax error in number in query expression '[username]=f15691b and [actualdate]=13.04.2015'

f15691b and 13.04.2015 are the values those i entered.

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Web Database Expression - Number Of Days Between A Field And Todays Date?

Jul 9, 2012

How do I write a Access 2010 Web database expression to give me the number of days between a particular field eg [sold date] and todays date?

Being a Web database I know I am restricted to a smaller list of available expressions - normally part of my expression would include eg date().

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Inserting An Expression In A Text Box Of A Report Using VB.

Jun 27, 2005

Hi, I want to insert an Expression in a text box of a report using VB.

This is what I wrote in the code builder section of report header.
Me.totalBox.Value = strTotalExp

Me is the header section of the report.
totalBox is the textbox.
strTotalExp is the expression that I want to enter, it is a string.

How should I do this?


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Text Box Expression Inserted To Table?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a text box on my table form with the expression =([LINES]-[MISSED LINES])/[LINES] which gives me the results I want but I also want this total to go to the "On time %" column in my table.

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Text Box Expression Builder With Queries

Jan 9, 2012

I know how to do this in VB.NET ... I have a form with a combo box. I would like to create an "on change" event where it updates the text boxes on that same form depending on what's been selected in the combo box.

I don't know how to change the combo box's selected index so it defaults to the first item so there's no blanks/errors in my form.

So when the combobox contents is changed, I'd like a routine that updates all the text boxes kind of like this:

sub update()
TextBox = "SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE ID =" & Combobox.text
end sub

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Extract Regular Expression From Text Field

Sep 5, 2007

I have a table with a text field (named Description), which may or may not contain an "ID Number", which is of the form [CHSV]#[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]## - NB this is not necessarily at the beginning or the end, and will vary between records. For e.g.

"something C4CLE01"
"something H5STT02 Something else"

What I would like to do in a query is to extract just the ID number part and put that in a new field e.g.

"something C4CLE01" => "C4CLE01"
"something H5STT02 Something else" => "H5STT02"

So far I have considering LIKE, which is no good because it doesnt tell you where in the string the regular expression is, and INSTR doesnt work with regular expressions AFAIK.

Added bonus difficulty - I use the database as an external source for an Excel pivot table. I created a function (which I named JOBID) in VBA to do the above job easily enough i.e. I added a field "JOBID([Description])", but when I try to use the data in said pivot table, it says "Undefined function JOBID in expression". I have tried copying the function to the Excel workbook, but that doesn't work.

Im using Office 2003 if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance.

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General :: If Expression In Default Control Of Text Box

Oct 10, 2012

I would like to be able to put an if expression in the default control of a tx box.

I would like to say

if txtA = 0 then [Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime] else [Forms]![frmAppointmentTreatmentItems]![TextA]+[Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime]

Is it possible and am i close to doing it mysel?

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Modules & VBA :: Expression Builder IIF Not Recognizing Text

Jan 14, 2015

what's wrong with this iif statement?

=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

it keeps coming back with 0 even when the text says COST OF PRODUCT

I have also tried:
=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)
=IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0) =IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

I'm using the expression builder to create it in a total box in the report footer, I have a box that gives me the total of the report using a sum and I need to show the cost of product separately to this as I need to use it in another calculation.

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Forms :: Expression On Text Box Returning Wrong Value

Mar 29, 2013

I have a form used for taking inventory. One table to lookup items, one for writing values. Tables linked by an ID #. I created a text box on my form to lookup a value called PARQTY in the lookup table. I need to be able to subtract that value from the QTY that is entered into the Qty_Counted box on teh same form when they take inventory.

I created a new Text box and in the control source for it, I entered an expresion that basically says subtract The PARQTY from the QTY_COUNTED it reads = [QTY_COUNTED] - [PARQTY]

The box is subtracting the QTY_COUNTED from the ID # that is linking my two tables and displaying it. Its not supposed to be subtracting the QTY_COUNTED at all. It should be subtracting the PARQTY value that is displayed from the QTY_COUNTED. The PARQTY box does display the right value from the lookup table so I can't figure out why it's pulling that ID number or where from. The rest of the form / program works and we've been using it for a few years. I also created that, but like now, I had to muddle through each and every little thing I did.

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Forms :: Expression To Change Color Of Text According To Date?

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create an expression that will change the font to red if it is an overdue date. It will be on a form with the records showing.

My datebase is for entering, changing, and searching for information dealing with orientation dates, contacts, and associations. My data sheet holds the company name, employee name, date of orientation, due date (orientations are completed annually), contact employee, and status. I would like the date, when opening the form, to show red if it is past due. how to create an expresion to return the status as "Current" or "Overdue", as I am still unsure which method I want to use.

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Modules & VBA :: Text String Extraction - Expression Builder?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm currently in the process of moving from Excel to Access and am setting up a user table with 5 Fields (Full Name, First, MI, Last, Alias). I would like to only transfer the Full name and have the other field be calculated fields, so they automatically fill in. I was able to get the "Last" field to work, but the others are being tricky. Especially the "Alias" field which would need to take the first letter of the first name, MI letter and the entire last name, like (JPDoe).

The current format of my "Full Name" field looks like, (Doe, John P.) without the brackets of course. I'm new to Access, so I was trying to use the Expression Builder to do all of it, unless there is an easier way?

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Forms :: Add A Name To Text 1 Automatically Set Number To Text 2

Feb 14, 2014

I want 2 text , when I add a name to text 1 automatically set number to text 2 (Random),

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