Field: AutoNumber, Fractional, Incrementing

Aug 25, 2005

I have a table <Table1> with field <Cust_ID> with datatype <Autonumber, LongInteger,Increment>. It means that as new record is entered each Cust_ID is auto-generated with incrementing number (that is not fraction). Now, I want to create a field that will generate incrementing fractional AutoNumber as I go on adding new record. (e.g. 1st record: Cust_ID = 1.00000001, 2nd record: Cust_ID: 1.00000002, 3rd record Cust_ID: 1.00000003)

Any help is appreciated. Thanx in advance.

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Auto Incrementing A Field Without Using Autonumber

Aug 14, 2006

So I have a table tblPO2006 with a field PO that contains a number.
Currently I have 100 records and the curent number in this field is 10804
What i want to do is when a new record is created the field updates with a +1 increment to the previous records number.
Thus the new record would be 10805 and the next 10806 etc

I dont want to use autonumber... can someone point me in the write direction of code to do this.


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Autonumber Isn't Incrementing Anymore!

May 23, 2005

I created a database for my parents last summer and it has worked perfectly for a year now, then all of a sudden when they try to add an entry to the database its saying that it can't because it will create a new field.

Turns out my parents have added 45000 entries and it has just randomly reset the autonumber and is trying to add new entries at 25000, now my parents company is in a gridlock till I can figure out what the heck access did!

The autonumber is only used when I need update or delete entries.

If I compact and repair would that fix it?

Access 2000

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Incrementing A Number Without Autonumber

Mar 26, 2006

I want to generate a unique Patient Number by using the first three letters of a particular field and then increment it by 1.

ie If the [CountryName] field is Australia I want the Patient ID to be AUS1 then AUS2 and so on.

I can do the first bit
PatientID=UCase(Left[CountryName],3) but how can I then add the number...?

(or maybe this isn't possible).

I need to avoid autonumbers becasue of the PDA program I am then transferring the database to.

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Incrementing Field Value

Jan 9, 2007

Hello there, some help would be nice! Say i have a booking field. If people wanted to book a number of seats, how would i make it so that when the number of seats that was entered on the booking form was entered it would add on to the exsisting number of seats taken?

So say for film A There is 20 seats available and 4 of been booked, then someone wants to book 2 more, how do i make it so now, the number of seats taken shows up as 6 as apposed to 4?

Id like this done without VB if possible?


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Controlling Autonumber Field - Start Autonumber From 1 Everyday (Composite Key)

Nov 21, 2013

I have two tables linked to each other in one to many relationship. Instead of auto number, the date and shift (Text) is being used as the primary keys (Composite Primary Key). Here is the tables structures,

Payouts Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night) : Primary Key

Bills Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night): Primary Key
Autonumber: Primary Key

The tables Payouts and Bills has one to many relationship. One payout row can have many bills. The problem is that I want to start the Autonumber in bills table everyday from 1. As date and shift are different for every day so even if i start bills from 1 everyday, it wont make same primary key. I can do it manually but I want to make it automatically.

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Incrementing File Name Field...?

Oct 31, 2004

I am reasonably new to access and i am having a little trouble with what i would expect to be a simple problem to fix.

What i am trying to do is this...
I have a table set up to work with an asp web page. each record in the table has a unique ID which is set to autonumber.
I also have a field which hold the URL of an image used in the asp file. The address remains the same for all of the records except that the file name it points to increments by one each time.
the record ID is 173 and the file address is:

Basically, if i could automatically take the ID number and enter it after 'thumb_' it would all work fine.

Hope someone can help me out,

Thanks in advance.

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Incrementing Numeric Field Value

Nov 26, 2006

I have this bit of code in a routine.
CustNum is a Numeric field with a number
I need to increase by one
With the code below It comes always as 1

Set Db = CurrentDb
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset("Miracle_Cloth_Main", dbOpenDynaset)
On Error Resume Next
rs!Name = NewData
rs!Cust_ID = NewData
rs!CustNum = [CustNum] + 1
rs.Move 0, rs.LastModified ' Go to new record
'Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark ' Go to new record

Could someone help with the correct code.

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Modules & VBA :: Incrementing A Value And Setting Focus On A Field

Jan 13, 2015

I am new to Access and to the forum. I made a check printing system

table name = 'burgan'
form name = 'burgan cheque'
Fields = 'PV' and 'cheque' and 'Beneficiary'

I have inserted a button (Command31).The function I would like to add on clicking the button

1. it should chose the highest value in both fields (PV and cheque)
2. Create new record
3. Increment it by 1 (both fields 'PV' and 'cheque')
4. the focus should stand on 'Beneficiary' field.

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DateDiff Fractional Months

Aug 28, 2006

I need to (accurately) calculate a rental period to fractions of a month.
ie) 1/1/2006 to 2/14/2006 would equal 1.5 months.
DateDiff("m",[Start],[End]) returns whole months.
DateDiff("d",[Start],[End])/30 is very close , but not precise.

Is there a way to accurately calculate fractions of a month?



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Assign Incrementing Number Based On Common Field

Apr 16, 2013

My access database is used to process vehicle trips. Each shift, a vehicle is assigned a docket number (paper based), and on this docket the driver fills out each trip he/she makes. In a shift (thus on a docket) there may be 5 - 15 trips. I want to create an incrementing number for each trip in a new field - can be created as they are processed or after the fact by looping through the resultant data - whatever is easier.

So in simple terms, return all trips for each docket number then number each trip.

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Join On Fractional Numbers/String?

Jul 6, 2006

Greetings all:

I have a database tracking customers and inventory, and I've tried to add in a feature where I can meet customers needs with future inventory. Key to this process is three tables:

tblCustomer - containing my customer information
tblInventory - with inventory data including a part number
tblNeeds - a table I've created for this purpose, containing CustomerID and Part Number.

Here's the premise: when speaking with a customer, I may learn they want a product I don't currently have in inventory, or may have never had in inventory, but that I may get in the future. I do this "on demand" in the form of a report, and it works really well ... except:

I have found that several similar products from the same supplier have similar product part numbers. What I would like to do is be able to match my query on a fractional part of the part number. In all cases, the part number would be the same over the first six characters (in a text field). Any ideas how I might do this? In my current query, I use a join, but I can't do that for fractional strings....

I've attached the query I am currently using (and running a bound report from this query):

SELECT DISTINCT tblCustomer.CustID, tblCustomer.CoName, tblInventory.ProductDescription, tblInventory.ProductPartNumber, tblInventory.UnitsAvailable, tblInventory.ProductID
FROM tblInventory INNER JOIN (tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblNeeds ON tblCustomer.CustID = tblNeeds.CustomerID) ON tblInventory.ProductPartNumber = tblNeeds.PartNo
WHERE (((tblInventory.UnitsAvailable)>0));

And what I want to do is match the tblInventory.ProductPartNumber on the tblNeeds.PartNo by matching only the first six characters....

Thanks in advance,


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How To Create Incrementing Text Field Tied To Multiple Tables

Aug 28, 2015

This is a errand database where each client can have several errands and some errands are related to each one and other.

Since each client can have several errands and and each errand is related to each one and other, then the client. I thought i need key which can work as a ClientErrandID, so i can tie the errands together. My idee is to use the ClientErrandID as an text auto incrementing field with a string like: (Errand-A-xxxx).

Lest say the range would be from (Errand-A-0000 to Errand-A-9999) And when the string hits "9999" at the end the "A" will switch to a "B" and the number counter would start over from "0000"

How should the table relationship look like?When a user is adding a new errand to a client, how should the function work?

Should all the associated errands be created in the background and granted the same Errand_ID when the main errand is created?Can i create a incrementing text field with vba & queries?

How would the code structure look like?Is there any examples on a incrementing text field with code available?

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AutoNumber Field

Mar 4, 2005

I have a table with 6000 records. The last autonumber is 8810 and now my next autonumber wants to start at 2752. Is there a way that I can renumber that entire field to number correctly? I have tried compacting and repairing the database. Your assistance is appreciated.

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Re-set AutoNumber Field

Mar 8, 2005

Good Afternoon Dudes

I have deleted all records from a database and wish to re-set an autonumber field back to 1.

At present when we start re-entering records it starts from record 769 where the old records finished.

Can you please advise how we can do this.


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Autonumber Field

Oct 19, 2006

I want to start value in autonumber field at certain number than 1
ex. start autonumber at 1000 then 1001 ......
thank you

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Help Please, AutoNumber Field

Sep 7, 2005

I have an autonumber field that somehow got reset back to one. Is there anyway to reset this number, I need it to be back around 1900.
This is a big problem because I use the auto number as an order number and also use that number to link the options selected to that order. Now that it has reset to one, it is picking up options from the original order number one.
Any suggestions?

Addtl Info. This is in an Order Table. When the order is ready for manufacturing it is assigned a serial number and the order is deleted from the order table and put into a production table.

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How To Renumber An Autonumber Field...

Oct 3, 2005


I want to renumber an autonumber field to remove the gap appear after deleting the record.

I know it is possible by deleting field and creating a new autonumber field having same name.

But all this I want to do with code.

I will be gratefull if any one help me.


:confused: Rahulgty

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Resetting AutoNumber Field???

Sep 15, 2005

could someone please tell how i can reset an autonumber field to start from 1.

basically i have created a table and carried out a number of test with useless data. now that i have the table set up the way i want it and i have tested the queries etc i want to delete all the current data in the table and begin filling it with correct data. however i want my primary id to start from 1 which at the moment it doesn't because i have just deleted 50 records.

thanks in advance

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Refreshing The AutoNumber Field.

Jul 9, 2006

I had a table with an ID field defined as AutoNumber. It contained a large number of records. When I deleted those records, and added a new record, it was alloted an ID which was an increment of the last ID when the Table was full previously.

I want that the AutoNumber ID be ReNumbered from start if any record is deleted.

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Setting A Field As An Autonumber.

Aug 28, 2006

I am creating a table with a field named Payment ID. I want the table to increment the number of this field automatically when the user is trying to enter a new record, i.e. set the field as an autonumber.

I know that this is very basic, my MS Access skills is really limited.


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Create AutoNumber Field

Dec 20, 2005


I have trawled boards and sites, but cannot find the answer!

I have a make-table query, and I wish to create an AutoNumber field.

Now I know that if you put fieldname: "" , a Text field will be created and if enter fieldname: [] then a Binary field will be created.

Is there a code I can use to create an AutoNumber field?

Help appreciated!



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Copying A Autonumber Into Another Field

Apr 10, 2005


I am having a problem with my frmAddCustomer. I need it so when a new record is entered into tblCustomer (via the form) the autonumber made in CustomerID will be copied and entered into tblDelivery.CutomerID. Thus making a new record in tblDelivery. The form uses a query will all tblCustomer fields and tblDelivery's CustomerID.

How do i go about making it so when a new record from tblCustomers, the autonumber generated is automatically entered into CustomerID of tblDelivery (leaving other fields in tblDelivery empty ready to be edited at a later date)(also how do i make it so when I open up frmAddCustomer it goes straight to a blank record instead of viewing already entered customers)


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Can I Add An Autonumber Field To A Query?

Sep 9, 2004

I would like to create a query that has a new autonumber field. Any suggestions or add-ins available? Thanks.

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Autonumber Field In Forms?

Feb 13, 2005

Hello- I am trying to create a database for a non- profit. They have events and workshops and want a numbered field for each entry in their registration form. Seems like a simple thing to do, but Im not figuring it out. Is there anyway to put an unbound field in a form that will autonumber each entry?
Thanks for any help!

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Declaring A Field As An AutoNumber

Jan 10, 2006

I am using Brinkster to do some ASP/MS ACCESS programming.

I need to add a field which increments automatically with every insert into the table.
I tried the following statement:
ALTER TABLE Jobs ADD jobid AutoNumber(4)

What is the exact syntax?


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