Field Order Changes

Jun 13, 2005

I'm using Access 2003 and a week ago I ran into a very strange problem with one of my tables. The table has 15 fields named Field1, Field2, Field3,....Field15. The weird thing that is happening is if I open the table in design view it will list the fields in order (Field1, Field2, Field3....Field15), but when I open the table in datasheet view Field10 and Field11 get flipped (.....Field8, Field9, Field11, Field10, Field12....). Has anyone every seen this before? I'm guessing it somehow got corrupted. It wouldn't be a real big deal for me to just delete the table and create a new one, but if there is a fix to it then I was wondering if someone could share that with me. Thanks.

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Forms :: Delete Search Field In Order To Point To Appropriate Field?

May 6, 2013

I am using access 2010. I technically have an unbound form but I am changing the record source by command buttons. Switching between 3 command buttons. My problem is that I have a subform that I was linking to the form to an unbound search field. Now I want to switch the master and child links to a field on the form when I switch the record source which happen to be the same field as the unbound search field; however; it still pulls from the unbound search field rather than the field on the form. Do I need to delete the search field in order to get is to point to the appropriate field?

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Field/tab Order On A Form With A Subform

Aug 31, 2005

Hi all, i have a form with a subform, the main form has a field named: "shiftname" and i would like it so that when the form is opened the cursor is on that field but instead the cursor is on the first field of my subform. Ive tried changing the tab order on the main form (selecting form header, then shiftname) but this doesnt seem to work :( is there a bit of code i can use to force the form to open with the cursor in the "shiftname" field instead?

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Form Based On Ascending Order Of A Field

Apr 25, 2006

Hello all,

How can i get the records of a form based on a field ascending order (not the primary key), when i open it?

Thank you in advance.

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General :: Automated Order Status Field

Feb 25, 2014

Basically working on a Customer Order Database for my carpet shop.

I have a Customer, Job and Order table. The order table contains the line items for each job and each customer can have many jobs.

I have a field in the Order table showing the item order status being either "Instock", "To be Ordered" or "Ordered"

I also have a Job Status field in the Job Table

I would like that Field to be automated depending on the item order status for each item on the job.

At the moment the Job status is a manually selected drop down box of either; 'Ready To Fit', 'Awaiting Stock', 'Items To Order' or 'Job Complete'

For example if all of the items had a item order status of 'Instock' then the Job Status would display as 'Ready To Fit'

If any of the items were 'To Be Ordered' it would display as 'Awaiting Stock'

I dont know how i would solve the situation of some marked as say 'In Stock' some 'Ordered' and some 'To Be Ordered' ????

Also the 'Job Complete' would come from another field in the Job Table marked with a check box...

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Forms :: Comments In Descending Order In Memo Field

May 5, 2015

Having some trouble with a memo field. For each record, the notes field is present on the Form.... I added an unbound text box (txtMemoAdd) and a command button (Add New Note). When the button is selected, it adds the note to the Read Only Notes Field and adds a timestamp using the following code:

Me.Notes = Me.Notes & vbCrLf & Now () & VbCrLf & Me.txtMemoAdd
Me.txtMemoAdd = ""

The note is added to the bottom, and I was wondering if there was a way to make the new note go to the TOP of the field (Descending Order rather than Ascending).

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Tables :: Concatenate Field Names But For Each Record Order Can Be Different

Jul 10, 2014

I have

I need to concatenate these three fields into one but for each record the order can be different. What I want to do is have another field in the table to store the concatenation order as the field names not the field values.

I also need to display the concatenated field as the actual field values and not field names in a form or a report

So if field4 was the concatenated field store it would store the information like this

[Field1] & " " & [Field3] & " " & [Field2]

In a form or a report

Field4 should show as Values of those fields

Monkey Dog Cat

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Queries :: Cannot Change Sort Order On Float Field

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query with a float/delta column which is the expression:

Float: [Date1] - [Date2]

When I try to change the order by in the column filter drop-down i get a data type mismatch in criteria expression error.

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Queries :: Create And Order By Random Number In Query Field

Jan 2, 2015

I'm trying to create a query that generates random numbers for each record, sorts them by that field, then selects the top record. This should randomize the record being selected.

I can use the Rnd([ID]) function which does appear to generate a random number. Problem is that each time I exit the program and come back in, it always selects the same record. When I remove the Top = 1, to show all the records, every row does have a different random number but it does not appear to be sorting by this field.

If I run the query, here is the number I get: 0.98609316349029

Exit the program, restart, and run the query again: 0.98609316349029

If I refresh the query, the second and third time does appear to be random but the first result is always the same. how to generate truly random numbers?

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Exporting Data In Excel Where Date Field Is In Ascending Order

Jun 20, 2013

I am trying to export a data in Excel where a date field is in ascending order

But on displaying i am getting in ascending order but the display is somthing like this:


Date order is misplaced...

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General :: Comment History Field To Appear On A Form - Change Sort Order Of Results

Aug 28, 2013

I have after much stress gotten my comments history field to appear on a form.

The following code gives me what I needed

=ColumnHistory([RecordSource],"LastUpdateBy","[ID]=" & Nz([ID],0))

I have only one simple thing left, that is perplexing to say the least.

Some comment fields will be many short notes, spread over time.

My desire is to change the sort order of the results so the most recent (rather than the initial) comment is at the top.

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Tables :: Make Calculated Field In One Table That Calculates Values From Another Table Linked By Order ID

May 13, 2015

I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?

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Allow More Than Order In ORDER Form

Apr 4, 2013

I have a problem when I want to create an "ORDER" form, that will allow user to enter more than one order.

I have no clue how to do it.

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Order By

Feb 10, 2008

Good morning,

I have a table ID (primary key) and


and I want to do a select of these values, order by ID ASC, and see the position of each one in this order, something like this:


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Tab Order

Feb 17, 2005

I have a startup form with three buttons. All three buttons have Tab Stop set to No. However, when I open the form, there is a highlighted box around what would have been the first button set in the tab order had Tab Stop been set to Yes. Is there a way to not display the light green box around the text in the button?


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Tab Order Help

Nov 7, 2006

My tab order is the way I want it and when the user enters after the last field on the form, they get a new record. Problem is, the cursor is putting them in the last field on the form instead of the first one. I don't get it. The first field is first on the tab order list. Help.

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How To Order A Sub Form

Jun 16, 2005

I have a form (Members of the club), linked to a sub form (payments of membership).

When I open the record of Mr John, I want to see all his payments order by date of payment.

How do I do?

Thanks in advance,

Jackske - Belgium

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Sep 14, 2005

I have a query which i've ordered by date with:


But I want it to display in reverse order with most recent date first for example i want it in order of 18/sept/05 then 15/sept/05 then 10/sept/05.

im guessing i just need to add to the above SQL but im not sure what!

Can anyone help please


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Sort Order

Oct 10, 2005

How do you change a file's sort order from ascii to international?

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ORDER BY Question

Dec 9, 2005

Hi, is there any way to do an order by, but specify that a particular value is listed last, or first.

E.g. ORDER BY t_name ASC ... but feature Simon first and not with the other names beginning with 'S'


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Why Need To Order MS Access?

Dec 15, 2006


I have a question.

why do we need to order MS Access application when the user request it in the company?

Suppose one user buy MS Access application, then we can install the other workstation, right. But, everytime, we need to order MS Access for that user account/workstation.

In contrast, ms word, ms excel, powerpoint, we don't need to order it, every workstation must have them, except ms access.

Can anybody response me why we need to order ms access for each user account/workstation?


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Record Order

Jan 30, 2007

Please help,

I have sorted my table by the primary key as when i open the form that loads fields from the table, i would like the most recent record entered to appear instead of the first record that was entered. The problem i have is when i run the form it still shows the first record even though i have sorted the primary key field in descending order. How do i fix this?

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Tab Order Not Working

Aug 28, 2007

Hi everyone,

On a form, I want to fix the tab order of the text boxes. So I go to the tab order property of the form and when it opens, it doesn't let me change the order. Can anyone help me on this?

Thank you very much

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Order Details

Nov 7, 2005

Hi Folks,

I'm working on an order management database for a small company and have an order details form which I hoped to list each product of the order. As each customer has a different price per product I have a combo (based on a query) to choose the product and display the unit price (working fine) - the quantity and product ID are also input on the form and stored in the order details table (un-tested). My problem is on the first line of the order you choose the product and it and relevant details are shown, however, on line two, three etc when you choose the product - the other lines change to this too. How do I fix this???

Many Thanks in advance for help given!!


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Date Of Last Order!

May 31, 2005


I have a database which in one part records customer orders. What I would like to is identify customers who have not ordered for a given time period i.e. 30 days.

I know once I have built the query, I will require a parameter for the time period i.e.30 days.

I started by trying to record the last date ordered for a customer in a query, but am having problems with this. I had a query including information from my table for Orders (tblOrders). This had:

Order ID
Customer Name
Date Order Required

I do not need any more info apart from these fields.

The results would include all orders, so for some customers there would be numerous 'Order ID' & 'Date Order Required'. In the query, I did try to select the summary option, to group information by Customer - but the 'Date Order Required' was always the first date ordered. What I would like is only the last ones for all customers to be shown.

Can someone provide some guidance on how I can achieve my objective.

Thank you.

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Column Order

Jun 8, 2005

I have got a number of queries that query an MSSQL database that were running fine, but then I decided to tidy them up by giving them more meaningful column headings eg Pupil ref instead of tblPupil. Some of the queries are still fine but in some of them I can't get the columns to display in the order I want. In one, I have got columns called Round, Pupil ref and School but I can't stop the Pupil ref column coming first. If I delete it and put it in again, I can get it to go where I want (ie second) but as soon as I name it, it comes first and stays there even if I remove the name.

Please can anyone help

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