Field Size

Jun 9, 2005

I have a query that consists of three fields. This query is then placed in a form. I would like to set the physical length of my fields because one field consists of 4 digit numbers (I want the size of this to be relatively small) and the other two field consist of categories (field that need more space so that the user may see each letter of the category) Please help.

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Large Field Size = Larger Overall Database Size?

Aug 29, 2005

Will keeping your field size shorter result in a smaller MDB file?

Or does Access only use as much space as there is real data in its fields.

Way back in the dBASE III days, dBASE would pad all your "real" information with as many spaces as necessary to fill up your field. I suspect that the MDB structure is probably smarter than that.

Another question on the same topic - I believe there is a maximum number of characters in a record (4000?). Can your field sizes add up to more than 4000, as long as the actual data, all combined, never totals 4000...?

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Field Size

Jun 9, 2005

I have a query that consists of three fields. This query is then placed in a form. I would like to set the physical length of my fields because one field consists of 4 digit numbers (I want the size of this to be relatively small) and the other two field consist of categories (field that need more space so that the user may see each letter of the category) Please help.

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Field Size

Jan 21, 2005

I've done some searches on this, and wasn't able to find an answer--just a hint that this isn't possible. So, I'm asking to be sure.

I know there is a limit to field size at 255--but is there ANY way around that?? I'm transferring a file where some fields have a lot of information, usually not more than 255, but what's there HAS to be there.

If there's no way around it, I'll just have to make an overflow field and move them manually. There have been too many changes made to the table already to start from scratch.

Can I just state... for the record.. that 255 is a stupid limit. It's stupid to HAVE a limit.. it's like Gates saying that we'll never need more then 24 or 500k or whatever the number was.


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Text Field Size

Jul 29, 2005

Is there any way of increasing a text field size to above 255?

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Cannot Change Field Size

Jul 13, 2005

I have a main table (with other tables related to it).
It has the 255 max number of fields. (I know... But bear with me.)

ANyway, I need to change some field's size to smaller sizes. But if I try to change them, even 1 at a time, I get the cannot do because I have too many fields defined.



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Text Field Size

Jul 11, 2007

MS documentation states that space is not reserved for unused characters in a text field. Does this mean that there is no storage penaly for having a text field 255 as opposed to 80.

On a more general note are there any tools to help calculate the size of a table?

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Limiting Size Of A Field

Aug 14, 2013

Im doing a coursework on ms access on School Management System. I have a table 'tblSubject' containing fields: 'Subject ID' and 'Subject Name' . A student has the right only to choose a maximum of 8 subjects, that is , the field 'Subject ID' must have only 8 records/entries. How to do this ???????

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Type Text Field Size

Oct 2, 2006


I have searched on this and it says: it doesn't matter as long as it's of type text. It matter if it's long integer..etc. I am not quite sure.

I wonder if default size '50 of fields' of type text occupies that size in memory even though the data in the field is not 50 chars.


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Tables :: Increase Field Size From 10 To 50

Dec 25, 2012

How to increase field size in a certain table from 10 to 50 from Database (programaticaly).

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Tables :: Field Size In Table

Nov 26, 2012

I created a table and some of the fields are shown as Memo however when I imported an Excel database some of the info was cut short in the memo fields!Some of the fields will have ten pages of typed content although it will be well spaced out.

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Forms :: Set Field Size On Textbox

Jul 7, 2014

i just wanna ask can i set a field size for a textbox so that it can be entered only a limited number a words

For example, when i set field size = 8 and want to type beautiful, it will stop at "beautifu".

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Tables :: Field Size Limit Of 255

Mar 6, 2013

is there any way to increase the size of the text field beyond the 255 character limit? I'm creating an incident report and its diffilcult to summarize an accident in less than 255 characters.

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Change Size Of Label And Field

Oct 17, 2012

How to change size of Label and field with out both at once, default. Access 7

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Setting Field Size In A New Table

Nov 15, 2011

how to set the Field Size in a new Table. I need the user to be able to type in 17 characters (as in a vehicle VIN). I don't want the user to have the ability to type in anything less than 17 characters or anything more than 17 characters.

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Field Lengths Don't Impact Table Size

Sep 28, 2006

I just discovered that field lengths don't influence table size because Access doesn't pad fields.

A text field with length 20 or 255 doesn't impact the size of the table, just the data in the field does.

I did a test to confirm this.

This blew me away.

So now I ask why do we specify field length for text fields?

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Forms :: Making A Field Grow In Size?

Jan 26, 2014

I have a subform that shows notes entered but if there is more text in the field then you cant see it all. Can I make it so that this field will grow so the whole input is visible or can I make it so when you click on it it opens in a larger window showing all the txt?

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Tables :: Decrease Field Size But Keep The End Values?

Mar 27, 2013

I have this database where I want to change the field size from 9 to 4 but I want to keep the last 4 digits not the first 4 digits. Is there a way to make that change?

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Access Stop From Increasing Size Of A Key Field

Jul 24, 2013

Access stops me from increasing the size of a key field

Table tTrades
. Key field: idTrade: auto-number
. Field: Code: Text 10 characters

Table tData
. Key field: Code: Text 10 characters

I get an error message when I try to change either of these Code fields from size 10 to 16 characters

Error message - you cannot change the data type of field size. It is part of one or more relationships. Te change the data type of this field, first delete its relationships in the relationships window.

I deleted all relationships in the relationships window. But I still get the same error message.

If I click on relationship window > "All realtionships", Access reproduces all my relationships in the relationship window. Somehow it knows them. I deleted them all again and saved. But I still get the same error message.

I have a form ftTrades which generates automatically when I click on table tTrade and create a form.

I deleted this form ftTrades. But I still get the same error message.

How I can increase the size of this field.

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Is Trimming Field Size Where Suitable Good Practice?

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a DB with several tables containing thousands of records, and most of those records only ever need say 8 characters, does anyone know if changing the field size from default 255 chars to 8 chars will actually benefits the the DB?

Potential benefits I'm thinking may occur are reduced filesize and maybe some speed?

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Forms :: Field Auto-size To Text In Form?

Nov 19, 2014

I am relatively new to using MS Access 2010. Some fields which i have set up as Memo fields to take report comments. Is there anyway to make the size of the memo field box variable to fit in with the text in the form when viewing in htis mode?

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Tables :: Decimals Rounding Even With Double Field Size

Nov 8, 2012

For some reason I cannot enter decimal values without the number rounding up or down. I've already set it to 'Number' and 'double' and have also tried 'Fixed' set to 2 decimal places. Right now the only way it works is if I set it to 'Text'. However I need to do some calculations with these values eventually.

What's strange is I have another table in the same database that is NOT rounding and is working just fine.

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Tables :: Field Size Set To Double - 0.5 Is Input But Table Says 2

Dec 20, 2013

I have a form that utilizes a combo box with 2 options: 0 & 0.5. If I select 0.5 on the combo box the field in the table records it as 2. Why doesn't it reflect as 0.5? And how do I fix it?

This is the general info that I have for the field properties:

Field Size - Double
Decimal Places - 1
Default Value - 0

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Modules & VBA :: Check Datatype And Field Size In Code

Feb 6, 2015

I have created code to import and excel file and create a table from that info. Now I need to confirm that the import has the correct Datatype of Number and Fieldsize of Double for one of the columns.

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Forms :: Field Level Size Appears To Change

Aug 12, 2015

I have a form that contains a blank text box for each field in a record. Until very recently it functioned correctly for years. Lately data enterers tried to fill a ten character field with five characters (ANNNN format, example X9999). Some records require an entry in this text box, some do not, so their field is left blank. Lately when a new entry is tried in this field, only the first three characters are accepted, blocking character four through ten from being entered. It acts as if the text length for this text box has been changed to three characters, but it is still the correct length in the Properties box.

The system keeps track of clients who have attended a nutrition education class and the form involved is the location the class was taught.

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Forms :: Set Field Size On Form To Read 6 Decimals

Mar 6, 2015

I have a form to input data into a table1. On the form I have a combo box to read from a next table exchange rate to input into the table1. Field in Tablet for the exchange rate is set to Field size double, Format currency, and decimals 6.

I am unable to set the field size on the form to read the 6 decimals. The combo box is set to Currency decimal 6. I tried General Number and it still only shows only one decimal.

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