Field Auto Populates

Nov 23, 2005

What is the best way to get a field to automatically populate on a form when the user select criteria from 2 combo boxes. For example in cbo1 the user select Eastern and cbo2 the user selects Regional President. How can I get in a seperate field the name of the Eastern Regional President to populate?

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Create Field That Auto Populates With Record Creation Date/time?

Feb 11, 2008

I think my question is fairly simple - fingers crossed.

I want to create a field that, whenever a record is added, it auto-adds the date & time the record was created. I'd call it Book_Date_Added, or something like that. I tried snooping around the Default Value options but couldn't figure it out.

The table exists and it already has some records, so I'd need to know how to add this field rather than how to create it when I create a table (although that would be helpful too, if it's somehow different).

I'd appreciate any help, thanks a bunch.

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Forms :: Form Auto-populates Date Field - Want To Add Check Box To Enter Alternate DATE

Nov 1, 2013

We use access to enter our service tickets in at work.What we have are three date fields.

Call Date
Start Date
End Date

We are 24/7 operation.Currently all 3 just autopopulate with the current date.What i would like to do is ADD a CHECKBOX next to each Date Field.And make it work like this.

1. let them autopopulate as they are currently
2. if you end the call AFTER MIDNIGHT (the next day). CHECKING the box would automatically populate yesterdays date in each of the fields that has the check box CHECKED

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Field Populates Depending On Cbo 1 And 2

Nov 25, 2005

I would like my form field to populate based on what the user selects from 2 combo boxes I have. I have a table set up with Region, Position, and Name. I would like when the user selects for example Eastern for the region and President for the position that John Smith would auto populate in the form field. Is this possible and if so, how can I get this to work?

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Forms :: Combo Box Populates Every Field On A Form

May 5, 2013

When I enter a combo box on a form, whatever I choose from the combo box, it populates everything. If I go to a different row to change it, it changes them all. How do I get that to stop? And why does it do that?

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Combox Value Populates Subform

Nov 15, 2006


I have a simple question with an answer that hides relentlessly from me. I have a combo box on the main form called cboProjects. I also have a subform called SubProjectsDetails. I'm trying to get it to where if a user selects a project from the combo box, the details show up in the subform. The relationships are good and working, and if I add a Find Record button on the form, that works as well. I just don't know the code to dynamically populate the subform with combo box values.

Anyone have any tips?


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Form Populates Two Rows In Table

Mar 13, 2008

Anyone know why the following would happen:

I have a form that is linked to a single table. For some reason some controls populate one line in the form and others populate another line.

Each time I complete the form it creats two records with some data in one row and other data in another row.

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Combo Box Populates All Form Records

Nov 24, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a form with a combo box, whose afterupdate code is:

Private Sub CustomerName_AfterUpdate()

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim person As String
{This will contain the SQL Statement}
person = "select people.department from people where'" &

CustomerName.Value & "'"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(person)
{Now the following are combo/text boxes that are populated}
Department.Value = rs("department")
InputDate = Date
InputTime = Time

My code works: when you select something in CustomerName combo box, the other

boxes in the record get populated with data. The problem is that ALL the records in the

form get populated with this data as well...
I want the records to be independent of each other - that each record will be filled


Any ideas?



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Textbox Populates Only After Tabbing Past

Sep 20, 2005

I have a combobox where users can select classes. In the AfterUpdate event for that combobox I have the following code:

Me.ClassCode = DLookup("[ClassCode]", "Classes", "[ClassID] = " & Me.ClassID.Column(0))

I want to populate the Class Code field based on the class they select. The code works fine except that the Class Code field does not update until after I tab past it. There is a field in between Classes and Class Code so I have to tab 3 times before the textbox populates. I expected the textbox to populate immediately after I selected the class. I also tried putting the code in the On Click event of the combobox but that didn't work either.

If I just keep clicking on different classes I'd like the class code to change each time without having to tab to another field. Is that possible? What am I doing wrong?


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Combo Box Populates All Form Records

Nov 24, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a form with a combo box, whose afterupdate code is:

Private Sub CustomerName_AfterUpdate()

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim person As String
{This will contain the SQL Statement}
person = "select people.department from people where'" & CustomerName.Value & "'"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(person)
{Now the following are combo/text boxes that are populated}
Department.Value = rs("department")
InputDate = Date
InputTime = Time

My code works: when you select something in CustomerName combo box, the other boxes in the record get populated with data. The problem is that ALL the records in the form get populated with this data as well...
I want the records to be independent of each other - that each record will be filled separately.

Any ideas?



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Modules & VBA :: Value From Text Box Populates Other Textbox?

Aug 9, 2015


Me.PHOTO = " & Me.text36 & " & Me.FILENAME & "" & Me.FILENAME & ".jpg"

tell me what I have to change in the " & Me.text36 & " part so that the value displays the value in text 36 and not the words me.text36

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MainForm ComboBox Populates All Records In Query... Why???

Mar 15, 2005


Currently have a Form / SubForm arrangement combining qryItemAllowedAndUnschedlued with tblInventoryItem.

The main form is based on the query and the subform on the table.

My effort is to create cascading combo boxes where a selection in the main form populates a "conditional" list in the subform.

More specifically, where the user selects ItemClass in the main form, I am attempting to populate a list of ItemCategories in the subform based on the selected ItemClass.

I have reviewed and continue to study existing posts on Cascading Combo Boxes and Form / Subform arrangements. However I currently have a question I do not see covered...

When I select my ItemClass it is populating throughout the query and not solely in the current record displayed.

Does anyone know why this may be?

I fear the answer is a simple setting that my current experience is making difficult to isolate. I trust it will present itself with patience, but in the interim more experienced feedback is welcome!


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Value In Text Box As Criteria For Query Which Populates Combo Box

Oct 25, 2006

Simple question but I've been stuck for a looong time.

So what I want to do:

1. enter a value into a text box (Home_Tel) in a form (frmStudentClass)
2. which runs a query (qryNameTel)
3. and return the results to a combo box (Student_Name) on the same form.

The same Home_Tel may have several Student_Name results.

-I have entered
[Forms]![frmStudentClass]![Home Tel]
for the criteria in the query
- However I can't get the results to turn up on the combo box
- I have the following:

Private Sub Home_Tel_AfterUpdate()
' run query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryNameTel"


End Sub

Any ideas?

Or is there an easier way to tackle the problem?

Home_Tel and Student_Name are from the same tables.
I have created a query just for Home_Tel and Student_Name

Thanks everyone!

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Queries :: Query That Populates A Report Linked To Mail Merge

Aug 30, 2013

I have a query that populates a report linked to a mail merge. There is an IFF statement in it that checks to see if a condition is meet. If that condition is meet some standard text results. Is it possible to put a disclaimer with the standard text.For example,

IIF ([Results]="Negative","Nothing detected" (the disclamer would go here)

I am not certain the correct syntax to use to insert "not all regions were tested".

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Forms :: Can A Field Auto-fill From Previous Entry In Separate Field

Mar 21, 2013

I've just returned to work after kids and started managing a large Access database related to health, back-tracking over many years.

Currently in filling a form we physically enter:
Apples 2.2
red apple 2.4
red apple cut 2.45
Oranges 5.6
Cucumbers 8.5

Is it possible to get field 2 to automatically fill with a number code due to the text typed in field 1?

FWIW, I'm confident at more basic Access e.g making follow on default value = Dlast("field""table") type stuff but the more complex stuff I haven't touched since Uni over a decade ago and you will need to be gentle while I blow away the cobwebs

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Tables :: Auto Populate Field Based On Answer Of Another Field In Same Table

Feb 28, 2013

Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.

I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.

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Make Field Auto Populate Based On Value Of Field In Another Table

Mar 4, 2008

I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.

The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.

I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.

I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.

I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:

FROM tblQ1;

This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?

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Tables :: Auto Populating A Field Based On Selection Of Other Field

Jun 27, 2014

I (will have) a form which a user fills in to enter new data.

I have two fields,

"Branch" and "Branch ID" (Branch ID will not be on the form, just in the table)

Branch will be fed by a combo box with seven choices. I would like it so that when "Branch" is populated it autopopulates Branch ID with a code which relates to the branch, so for example

Braintree BRA
Colchester COL

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Auto-filling A Field Based On Entry In A Separate Field

Jul 17, 2015

I am creating a database tracking physicians and their contracts. I currently have two tables: PhysicianT and ContractsT, with corresponding forms to enter information in them. I have an issue with the Contracts form; I want to be able to select a physician from a dropdown list (looked up from PhysicianT) and have Access autofill their Physician ID #.

PhysiciansT looks like this:

physicianID (AutoNum) name (Calculated)
1 Barker, Bob
2 Burgundy, Ron
3 Stark, Tony

Upon selecting Barker, Bob from my dropdown list, I want "1" to appear in the Physician ID # field in my Contracts form.

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General :: 2 Field Look Up To Auto Fill Another Field On Form

Jan 2, 2013

Is it possible to look up 2 field to auto fill another field on my form?

Field 1 is "RiskLetter" this is autofill with "Risk" is user input.

I need to lookup RiskLetter and Risk and autofill from "Number" field. This to stop incorrect data being inputted.

So I need to look at the "Risk" & "RiskLetter" to come up with a "Number"

Would it be possible to use a Dlookup to look at RiskLetter and Risk to give me the score.

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One Field Auto-populated By The Sum Of The Records Of Another Field

Dec 3, 2007


This is my first post. Thank you for reading it. And thank you in advance for your assistance.

I have an invoice table and a payments table. One invoice can have many payments (a deposit, final payment etc). The relationship is created.

I have a form with tabs that hold subforms. One of the tabs contains fields from the Invoice Table (i.e. Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Total Paid). One other tab has a subform that contacts fields from the Payments table (i.e. Invoice Number, Check Number, Check Amount). I would like to auto-populate the Total Paid field in the Invoice Tab with the SUM of the Check Amount from the Payments tab BY Invoice Number.

This doesnt seem to difficult but I'm having trouble with it. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

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Auto Populate Linked Field With Key Field

Mar 22, 2005

I have a form with a main form and two subforms. The first subform automatically populates it's linked field with the data in the key field of the main form, but the second subform does not auto populate it's linked field with the data from the key field of the first subform. I have created main forms and subforms before and this was not a problem.
Is there a way to cause the second subform to automatically populate it's linked field with data from the key field of the first subform?

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Tables :: How To Auto Populate Field 2 From Key Field

Oct 17, 2012

I need a continuity field...transaction number..that can be both a parent and child key. Would like to create this upon accessing a new record / row.

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Lookup 2 Field To Auto Fill Another Field?

Dec 30, 2012

Is it possible to look up 2 field to auto fill another field?

Field 1 is "Exposure" this autofill with "Probability" is user input.

I need to lookup Exposure and Probability and autofill a score in to "Risk Rating". This to stop incorrect data being inputted.

I have a table with all the results combination in it.

Would it be possible to use a Dlookup to look at Exposure and Probability to give me the score

I tried a Combox with autofill. But the power to be would like it done without user input.

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Auto Entering Field From Another Field With Tax

Feb 28, 2008

Please help,

I want to make field to insert automaticly data from other filed but without tax (18%)

I have filed [Iznos] where the price is with tax and I want to make another filed where data will be entered automatically and without tax

I tried in "defaul value" to enter
[iznos] * 18/100
but don't works.


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Auto Entering Field From Another Field Without Tax

Feb 28, 2008

Please help,

I want to make field to insert automaticly data from other filed but without tax (18%)

I have filed [Iznos] where the price is with tax and I want to make another filed where data will be entered automatically and without tax

I tried in "defaul value" to enter
[iznos] / 118
but don't works.


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