Field Data Copies Into Column

Sep 19, 2006

I grabbed a mdb template for customers/workorders from MS. I am trying to modify the "workorder labor" form in design view to have the first field be a manually filled in date, followed by start time, then finish time.

I got the boxes to show up.

The problem is that when I enter a date all the fields in that column are filled with the same information.

I tried variations of using a mask and format. I tried it as a text box from scratch and copying an existing one.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Add A New Field (column) To A Table With Data

Jan 27, 2008

I have a table of at least 1000 records. I want to add a new field to that table. I have the data of that field in an excel sheet. Can I import that data to the new column of my table ? If I import directly to access, access creates new set of records. I don't want this, I want my records updated.

Thanks for help

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General :: Lookup Field - Adding Another Column To Enter Data

Aug 2, 2013

I have got a a form storing all employee's information and on that form I have a lookup field which looks up all the records in the "Qualification table" and the user can select multple qualifications. What I want to add to the lookup field is a data box so you can select a qualification and then enter the date that it expires (different for expiry date for each employee) How do I do this?

I have added the date field to the qualification table but when I create the lookup field on the form it shows the qualifications and a blank column next to it which data can't be enteed into.

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Queries :: Run A Simple Update Query To Copy Data From One Column To Another Column

Sep 24, 2013

I am trying to run a simple update query to copy data from one column (Addrl1)to another column (Working_Addrl1) within the same file and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Then I need to repeat for addrl2 and addrl3 to working_addrl2 and working_addrl3.

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Modules & VBA :: Input String In Column Based On Data In Another Column?

Nov 30, 2014

I need to input a string into a column named "EventType". The code should first check if the column "Agent Name" contains any strings. If there is none, it will input "IBM Director" into the EventType column.

Once it has looped through the agent names, the code will then loop through the Details column and input into EventTypes based on what is displayed within the string.

These are the codes that I am using to achieve this, however nothing is being input into the EventType column.

Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Final")

[Code] ....

I think the problem lies with the code that checks the agent name. When I removed it, it managed to populate the EventType column based on the details. But I still need to find out how to check the agent name too.

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Moving And SORTING Multiple Column Data Into One Column

Feb 25, 2008

Hi. I have a question I'm hoping someone can help me with. I would like to take data from multiple columns and put the data into one column. Additionally, I do not want to exclude any data (union all) and I would like to group the resulting union by another field. For example:

Original data layout:

Column Headings: Sample Event, Depth 1, Depth 2, Depth 3,
1st Row Data: 1, 6, 9, 12, 9
2nd Row Data: 2, 7, 9, 8, 3

Desired data layout:

Column Headings: Sample Event, Depths
1, 6
1, 9
1, 9
2, 7
2, 9
2, 8
2, 3

So far I'm using the following SQL. What do I need to add or change to get my desired result of grouping the unioned depths by the 'sample event' field?

I appreciate any help anyone may have to offer. Thank you.

SELECT Depth1 AS Depths
FROM Depth_Velocity_Substrate_Correct
Union all
FROM Depth_Velocity_Substrate_Correct
Union all
FROM Depth_Velocity_Substrate_Correct
Union all
FROM Depth_Velocity_Substrate_Correct
Union all
FROM Depth_Velocity_Substrate_Correct

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How To Highlight One Column And Change All Data Inside Of That Column To Same

Aug 18, 2011

I have a Access 2003 file and I want to filter anywhere where there last name is "expired" and change the column first name to say "no". How do I do that?

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Copy Data From A Column In One Table To A Column Another.

Jul 18, 2007

Please would you be able to advise me how I would copy data from a column in one table to a column another table.

But I need to only use table not a query.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Split 1 Column Data Into 2 Separate Column

Oct 5, 2005


I need a query that could split data into 2 different field.
The table pic is attached for your ready reference. I tird with Left & Right funtions with no results.

Any one can help me please.

Table name is Agcad and field on which I need to split is Board_Size. The problem is Board_Size data is sometime in 3 digit (first half part) and sometime second half part is in 4 digit. It is a text data type field.

Thanks in advance...

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Modules & VBA :: Writing 2 Column Data Into 1 Column

Sep 18, 2013

I have a table that contains:

item | quantity
123 | 1
456 | 10
789 | 4

I need to get this data listed into a table that just has item and for it to look like this:


I understand and have accounted for the obvious primary key to get the data to display out like this.

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Comparing Data In One Column To Another Column

Jun 20, 2006

I have two separate columns in my query but they contain the same kind of data. These two columns data should match but some of the data doesn't. Can I write a criteria that will show me only the rows that do not match.

For example, I want the query to show me only the rows in which the data in the Duty column doesn't match the POSC column.

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Print 2 Copies

Oct 15, 2007

I have a form in Access with a command button that prints a receipt (which is actually created as a report). Anyway, I want 2 copies of this receipt to print when the print receipt button is clicked. Please take a look at my code and tell me what I would need to be able to accomplish this. Thanks.

rivate Sub PrintRec_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintRec_Click

Dim rstTrans As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim strField As String
Dim curCount As Currency

rstTrans.Open "dbo_tbl_Transactions", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If IsNull(Me.TempTransNumID.value) Then
'this is new record
'to stay on the record that was just inserted for editing
rstTrans.Find ("TransNumID=" + Str$(Me.TempTransNumID))
End If

rstTrans!TransDate = Me.TransDate
rstTrans!CustomerName = Me.CustomerName
rstTrans!VehType = Me.VehType
rstTrans!TktType = Me.TktType
rstTrans!Auth_By = Me.AuthBy
rstTrans!Quantity = Me.Quantity
rstTrans!SHtkt1 = Me.SHtkt1
rstTrans!SHtkt2 = Me.SHtkt2
rstTrans!HRtkt1 = Me.HRtkt1
rstTrans!HRtkt2 = Me.HRtkt2
rstTrans!TransPayAmt = Me.TransPayAmt
rstTrans!PaymentType = Me.txtPaymentType
rstTrans!PaymentMethod = Me.cboPaymentMethod
rstTrans!CheckNum = Me.CheckNum
rstTrans!TransReceiptMemo = Me.TransReceiptMemo
rstTrans!TransEntryTime = Now()
rstTrans!TransEntryUserID = appUser

If Me.cboPaymentMethod = "Check" And IsNull(CheckNum) Then 'Check number not entered
MsgBox "You must enter a check no.", vbCritical, "Check Number Verification"
Exit Sub
End If

'this was a new record so update the form value of TransNumID for edit
If IsNull(rstTrans!TransNumID.value) <> True Then
Me.TempTransNumID = rstTrans!TransNumID.value
End If

whereClause = "NewQryShuttleHandiRideReceipt.TransNumID" & " = " & rstTrans!TransNumID

//////here is where I'm printing the receipt
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptShuttle HandiRide Receipt", acViewNormal, , whereClause


Set rstTrans = Nothing
Me.cmdAddRec.Enabled = True

MsgBox "Record Successfully Saved! Printing Receipt."
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintRec_Click

End Sub

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Saving Historical Copies Of DB

Sep 14, 2006


I realise this could well go against almost every DB rule in the book, but figured I would ask it anyway!

I have a database, which pulls all it's data from other databases - some in SQL, some in Oracle, and some from other Access DBs.

It then combines it all, performs dozens of queries on it, and allows me to produce necessary reports on it - all fine.

I have been asked to make it save historical copies of all the data it uses. The reason for this is the Financial Services Authority, who insist that the checks we are doing on this data is all stored, so that if an auditor arrives tomorrow, and asks me to prove the data from 3 months ago was processed correctly, I have to be able to come up with that 3 month old data.

I thought the easiest thing to do would be to use a series of make-table queries to move all the tables data to an external database, which can then be archived.

Does anyone have a way of allowing me to save the entire database, as at NOW - to another database?
I would need to make all the tables LOCAL, rather than linked?

Thanks! (and sorry for the unnecessarily long post!)

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Multiple Copies Of The Form

Jul 17, 2006


I finished a db for a client to help her keep track of the classes she teaches, her students and other related info. The db has several tables and one main form with subforms. I read that it was a good rule of thumb to design the fewest posible forms to make the navigation centrilized and so I did. (I also spent some time on making it look less Access like, more of a stand alone app and wish to preserve it)
Up to this point the client was using Outlook to store all the contact info plus anything else she could jam into various "notes" fields. Now she wishes to have some simillar futures in the db to the ones outlook offered, one of them:
being able to open multiple contacts (records) in new windows. So basically she wants to open many instances of the main form so she can jump between the records without closing the previous one. My question is: what is the nicest (cleanest from the point of db design) way of giving her such functionality? I thought about giving her an option to open the new record (student) in a tab, but I'm not sure how to acomplish that. Another way would be to copy the main form several times and open those as she clicks on "open in new window", but I don't think it's a good solution, becsue: e.g. How many copies do I create? I'd have to go over all the vba in each copy and adjust it so it works properly with the copy, plus all the vba in each subform... :eek:
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated on how to tackle this. Also what are the consequences of having several instances of the same form open (editing same record by mistake, etc..)

Thank you very much,

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Print 3 Copies Of Invoice With Different Remark

Jul 8, 2007

I want to print 3 copies of a report named Invoice with different remark i.e. Customer Copy, Office Copy, Auditor Copy. I want to print all 3 copies with a single print command.

Can any one help me.
Sample database is in attachmant.

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Compact Resulting In Copies On The Network

Nov 28, 2007

I tried the search and while I found some things related to my issue, I couldn't really come to a conclusion on my issue.

I have all the databases on the network set to compact on close. This is resulting in a new copy of the compacted database with the generic "db1.mdb" file name every time the db is compacted. It also does not compact the correct one.

So, is copying the db, compacting it, but not deleting the old one and renaming the new one.

If I copy the database to my hard drive, it compacts, deletes, and renames sucessfully.

The only thing I can think of at this point is there's some issue with the server. But this is happening on multiple servers.

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General :: Synchronized Copies Of The Same Database

Jun 5, 2014

I have a simple database at the moment which I would like to put onto two laptops. The laptops would be used for entering information when out on a job (no network or email connection).

What I would want to do is have a database on a desktop in the office so when the laptops come back into the office they can update the office database with the information on the laptop database.

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Rearrange Row Data To Column Data For Pivot Charts

Jan 3, 2006

I am having trouble arranging my data from a record row into a query that will give me columns for the pivot charts that I need. My guess is that I need some sort of a complicated SQL statement, and I know almost nothing about SQL. I have expressed the problem better, and with graphics, here: I would love to hear the solution to this aggravating :mad: problem.

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Syncronising Multiple Copies Of An Access Database

Mar 15, 2007

If I want to distribute copies of a database and have one copy as the master and syncronise data; can i use briefcase or is there a better way?:o

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Copy And Paste Security Permissions From Copies Of A Db

Jul 11, 2007

I have to make a new copy of a db starting with a blank db and importing all the objects into the blank. (Corruptions issues).

When a blank db is made, and the objects imported into it, the security permissions do not copy over. The only way I know how to get the security permissions back is to redo them in the new copy. It's a big db. Lots of time. Ugh.

Is there any way to copy and paste the security permissions from one db to another?


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[HELP] Adding Book Copies To Book_copy Table

Mar 21, 2008

Ruralguy suggested that i made a new thread - so I'm taking his advice (H)

I've got another problem, well not problem..i want to make it more user-friendly.

Database= 21238 (Look for yourself see what i mean)
(rename to .RAR if it doesn't open)

Basically, when the user adds a book, they can add it easily..
the only problem is, when ..just say i want to add a book, and I have 10 copies of this book, I have to add the book first and the go into the ADD_BOOK_COPY form and then select the book which i want to add more copies of and click add - i repeat this for the total amount of copies that i have.
So if i had 10 copies of 1 book, i add, and then go into a seperate form and then click this button 9 more extra times.
Which, can cause headahces!

So basically, i'm thinking of implementing a new way to do this,
i was thinking about..
When i got to add a book, there's a List/Combo box with 1-20 into
So i can add the book, and then select how many copies, click 'add' and this will add 20 copies of that bookm firstly by adding it to the 'book' table and then adding 20 copies to the book_copy table..

Is there anyone who would like to help with this? :' )

Cheers btw! :)

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General :: Printing Multiple Copies Of A Form?

Jun 18, 2015

I have an Access based CRM system that was built for me in 1998. Amazingly it is still pretty effective. However, I would like to make a small adjustment in the programming..

Once we've added the details for an order we press continue and the screen closes and one copy of the acknowledgement of order form. I simply want it to print three copies!

I believe this is the coding part of the command that is effected.

Rem Print Report
DoCmd.OpenReport "Order Acknowledgement"
Rem Close Form
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Booking Entry"

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Reports :: Printing Multiple Copies Of Each Group

Sep 24, 2013

Our access database keep track of children attending an after-school music programme.

Each week we print registers and give them to the class teachers for them to mark who is coming. The registers are produced as a report, grouped by School then by Class.

We run 3 times a week so each week I need to print off 3 copies of the registers for each class.

Is there a way to print multiple copies of each group in a report? This would save me quite a bit of time each week.

I'm using Access 2013...

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Print Multiple Copies Of A Report Using Macro

Jan 7, 2015

In Access 2007 is it possible to alter a macro so I can print 2 copies of a report. I have created a simple macro which opens up a report based on a value in a data entry form. I want to automatically print 2 copies of the report. Is this possible....

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VBA Print 5 Copies Of Report Via Button On The Form

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to print 5 copies of the report via the button on the form.

I'm sure I have the code correct, however I only prints 1 copy instead of 5.

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Forms :: Command Button Prints Two Separate Copies?

Mar 20, 2013

I am working with an already intact database along with a form. One of the buttions in the form, when pressed, prints two copies of a P.O. One copy says original on the bottom and the other says PX Copy and my boss wants the PX Copy to stop printing. How do I get it to stop?

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