Fields Are Locking, But Very Stange

Dec 1, 2005


Ok, i have a really stange problem

I have two tables tablea, tableb. They both have the field Line address in which is a number.

However, when i have both these tables in a query and link them on line address the dataview sheet becomes locked. But if i just run a query with tablea on its own, i can write in the dataview and if i just run a query with tableb i can also write in it, but when linked together on line address, it fails

Any ideas?


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Locking Fields In A Table

Feb 15, 2006

How do you go about locking certain fields in a table, so that data can only be input to them via the form?? I have a few tick boxes set up, and i want them to changed only in the form, as they can only be ticked under certain circumstances which aren't setup in the table.

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Locking Specific Fields

Jan 30, 2007

Hey guys,

Is there a setting that will allow me to make specific fields in my table read-only unless I enter a password, or I am the DB administrator?

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Locking Fields In A Form

Apr 29, 2008

Hi All,

I am really new to all of this and used to use excel for this stuff.... yes I know... I can hear the screems already .......... :):eek::rolleyes:

What I am trying to do is lock some fields in a form when they are entered so the data can not be changed after they move onto the next record. I think this might be done in the table but can not be sure.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? or some pointers please. Any help would be good.

Many thanks

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Locking Fields After Update?

Jun 12, 2006

i have a form that looks like an invoice.. i want to be able to lock the fields invidually after they are updated but only for the current record being accessed... and password protect them to allow editing..
any suggestions or pointers would be great!


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Locking Datasheet Fields

Sep 4, 2007


I need a little help with locking some fields in a datasheet.

Simply, there are many fields, one of which is a combo which has either Yes/No fields

I would like to lock the records which have a Yes in the field i mentioned.

Ok, what i've tried already. - in on current and after update.
I have also tried this with the Me. function.

if [avail?] = Yes then

Qty.Enabled = True
StockCode.Enabled = True
StockPoint.Enabled = True


Qty.Enabled = False
StockCode.Enabled = False
StockPoint.Enabled = False

end if

This works but locks fields in all the records even when selection is "No".

Any help will be appreciated.

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Forms :: Locking Fields Even If They Have Unsaved Changes

Aug 8, 2013

I have a button on my form which locks (and disables) some fields. by locking and disabling fields, I am able to change the back color of the fields to a "grayed out" look to warn the user that they cannot change the contents of the field.

some of the fields that I have disabled are in fact option buttons and check boxes which have no back color to change, keep this in mind!

So i have a macro that changes ALL of the fields to disabled and locked, as well as their background color.

This causes an error with the check boxes and option boxes so to bipass them I have got the clause "On Error Resume Next" so that my macro continues to complete and finish locking the rest of the form.

With this "On Error Resume Next", If the code reaches a field which has been changed, another error occurs due to a field being changed which blocks the rest of the code from working however why it wont change regardless of the issue, I dont care if the content was saved to a record or not, I just want to put the fields into disabled and locked.

Is there a way I can remove this "You Can't Lock A control while it has unsaved changes" error to ignore that there has been changes? Where the changes just dont matter?

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Locking Fields In Access Form

Jun 4, 2012

I have 4 questions (4 fields) in a form. 2 are drop down menu type and 2 are open text fields.I would like to limit the user from entering data in the fields if one has been answered. for example: if Question one is answered, question 2, 3 and 4 should be locked and should not allow the users to fill in anything. How do I create that Locking system?

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Locking Fields For One Record On A Continuous Form

Jul 22, 2005

How can i apply the following code to the immediate record in my subform. I would like when the assigned check box value = true, then the fields for that record become locked.

Ive written the following code to an onclick event for a check box labeled "assigned" on my form, the problem is it executes on all the records in my form.

Q. How do i apply the code to only the immediate record?

Private Sub Assigned_Click()
If Me.Assigned.Value = True Then
Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = False
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = False
Me.TypeID.Enabled = False
Me.Description.Enabled = False
Me.Status.Enabled = False

Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = True
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = True
Me.TypeID.Enabled = True
Me.Description.Enabled = True
Me.Status.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Set Of Fields - Method For Locking Records?

Aug 20, 2013

On my form I have a set of fields that can be displayed as editable or read-only depending on a "Lockout" checkbox for that record.Is there an easier way of doing this? If not, would it be smarter to create a function to do this? As it stands I'm assuming I would have to have this code run when the form loads, when the Lockout box is clicked, and whenever the record is changed just to ensure that the records are displayed as locked or unlocked appropriately.

Here's what I have:

Private Sub Lockout_Click()
If [Lockout] = True Then
Me![Customer_Text].Enabled = False
Me![ReqDesc_Text].Enabled = False
Me![MoreInfo_Text].Enabled = False


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Forms :: Locking Row Source Fields In Properties Menu?

Mar 5, 2013

Is there a way to lock the row source fields in the properties menu as currently it keeps creating exceptions (WHERE) onto the end of the SQL this is subsequently causing me major issues in the view of the form/datasheet as fields keep appearing as blank when there is actually values stored within the table.

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Forms :: Locking Fields In Forms?

Oct 30, 2013

locking entry of data in a form. Attached is the database in which my question lies.

The user first interacts with Table 1, which then leads to the opening of the Personal form (as per the user's wishes). What I would like to do is:

1: To give the user the authority to enter data in those cases where the fields in the Personal form is empty (in the case of the Names). The user should not be able to change any data if these fields are not empty.

2: To give the user the ability to change the Amount (If this figure is Zero) and not to change anything if this amount is not Zero.

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Locking A Database

May 8, 2005

I have a company wanting to asses my database and i am willing to show them but i need to be able to lock the database so that they can view it but cannot edit anything in it either adding deleting or plan editing. How can i do this.

The Amateur

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Split DB, Keeps Locking Up

May 24, 2005

Hi, I just recently split my Access db (FE/BE), copied the FE to each of the clients, and it seemed to be working fine. This morning however, two users went into the db, and the second user kept getting the error can't find the file \servernameshare_namedb_fe.mdb. Now, none of my users can launch it. How can I resolve this? Will this keep happening?


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Locking Down An .mdb File

Feb 8, 2006

I have to send an access application out to some people who need to preview it's functionality. What is the best way for me to send this .mdb file to them so they can use it (tables, forms, queries, macros and functions) but still keep them from opeing up the objects and viewing the code behind them? Is there a way of sending the .mdb file out so that objects cannot be seen in design mode and the objects cannot be viewed other than through the flow of the application? As you might have already guessed, I am new at securing an .mdb file for outside use. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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Complete Locking

Apr 5, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I just migrated a back end to a network server. Now when more than one tries to use the database they get a file in use error.

Any ides?

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Locking A Invoice

Jan 18, 2007


I don't know whether you can help :D But i am in need of some code/guidence, or a way to go about trying to do what i want to achieve.

Basically, i am creating a invoice producing software in Microsoft Access, based upon Computing parts resaleing.

Because the supplier, i use changes the prices daily, when i type the products into the Parts Table, the price being typed in will change for the next customer to have the same part.

Basically because i am using this software to produce Profit and Loss, The invoice will be looking back at the Parts table, and changing the unit costs for invoices which are say weeks old.

I am wondering whether i can "lock" the invoice so it cannot be updated from the Parts list and keep the profit the same, so i get an accruate result when i come to look at it.

I will apprechaite any help or guidance.



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Locking Down Access '07

Mar 19, 2007

So with the help of many of you on this site, I was able to build my first Access database. Thank you all.

Now that I'm all done, I have one final thing to figure out.

I have incorporated user authentication into the database for a minimal level of security. Everything finally works like it should, however there is one "flaw" I have found.

In "Access Options" I have the login form set to open when the DB is open, and navigation and ribbon/toolbars are deactivated so only the login form and "Home" ribbon are showing when the DB is opened.

The problem with this, is that a curious user that shouldn't have access could get access fairly easily.

If they right clicked the "Home" ribbon, then left clicked "Customize Quick Access Toolbar", they could change the default form to whatever they wanted. Thus bypassing the login form and nullifying any security that it offered. Ideally, there should be no ribbons or toolbars. I just don't know how to get rid of them.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

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Locking Table

Aug 7, 2007

How Can You Lock Table Or Form So Nobody Can Accidently Delete It Or Alter It Unless Person With Permission?

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Locking Database

Dec 6, 2007


As my username states, I am a rookie to MS Access. I built a database using Access 2002, I will distributed it to other people, I will like to lock changes to certain areas such as forms, design view, etc.

Can this be done? The help is greatly appreciated!


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MDE Locking Issue

Jan 15, 2008

I have an Access Front-end that I made into an MDE file. I loaded the MDE onto a server and now there are multiple people accessing the MDE file via shortcuts on their desktop. I noticed since this update went into effect that the MDB file that the MDE file was made from is being locked when people are using the MDE file. I thought I could have made a mistake with one of the shortcuts and that a user was accessing the MDB file instead of the MDE but I had the Network Admin check and no one was in the MDB file at the time it was locked.

I'm wondering if the MDB file should be locked while a user is in the MDE file or if it's a bug?

Michael O'Brien

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Locking Down Records?

Feb 13, 2008

Is there any way to "lock down" newly created records somehow, so that only the person who created them can edit them after the fact?

Obviously, this would require some kind of system where everyone logged in with some kind of userID and password...and even then, I don't know how such a security system could be set up.

Is this possible? If SO, are there any examples of it anywhere that I could check out?

Thanks in advance!

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Locking A Record

Mar 14, 2008

is it possible once a record has been entered, to lock it so that it can not be changed by just anyone but that the administrator could change it using a password?

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Why Is Locking Occuring?

Feb 8, 2005

I have a fixed length .txt which I am linking into a MS Access 2002 d/b.
My options are set to :
default open mode -shared
default record locking - no locks
Open database using record level locking is unchecked
the (datasheet) form is set to:
allow edits/deletions/additions - no
recordset type - snapshot
record locks - no locks
the text box objects are set to:
enabled - no
locked - no

I have no requery actions associated with any events at all.

My problem is that while the form is active I am unable to open the source .txt and if it is already open I cannot save it. There is obviosuly a lock occuring on the .txt object - how can I prevent it occuring?



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Locking A Database

Feb 17, 2005

I have looked on the forums and cant quite find what im looking for so i wanted to ask you lot for help.

I have a database i have created.

It will be sent out to people to populate via a series of forms i have created.

How can I lock it down so that:
1) you cant access any of the database apart from the forms
2) Lock it so no one can get in to view the code anywhere or make any amendments to the forms and database what so ever

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Records Locking

Aug 11, 2005

I update the table through a form.
Each page in the form updates one complete row of the table.

I am trying to find a method to block each row of the table (or equivalenty each record in the form) after completing the entry in order to prevent unwanted deletion or alteration of the entries of this record in the future.
Is this possible?

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