Fill 'empy' Part Of Text Control With Stars*****

Jan 25, 2005

I would like the remaining part of my text control to show stars
e.g control value is 12
it shows *************12
control value is 3567890
it shows *********3567890

My text control does not have a fixed width, this is set in code depending on various factors

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Tables :: Auto Fill Part Of Form From Project List Table?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master list of projects, with project reference number, project name, and nature of project.

I have also got a form for individuals to fill in details of project events, with date, time, name, and two or three other fields - also included are project reference and name. I'd like the name field to be auto filled when the user selects the project reference from a combo box; I think? (the list only shows open projects).

I'd did something similar some years ago in Access 2003 (I think) but cannot figure it out in the version I'm currently using 2010.

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Can You Make Just One Part Of The Text In A Text Box Bold Or A Different Font Size?

Aug 20, 2004

Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?

Something like this:

Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold)
(a smaller height line used as a line space)
Another "normal" line
a larger height line
a normal line....all in one text box!

One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.

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Show The Item Rating With

Nov 30, 2005

Hi all

I have a rating table with the rate ID and title. Is there a way to represent the rate as stars image like this

instead of just showing the title of it.

i tried with this code

Select Case Me.RateID
Case 1
Me.Image0.Visible = True
Me.Image1.Visible = False
Me.Image2.Visible = False
Me.Image3.Visible = False
Case 2
Me.Image0.Visible = False
Me.Image1.Visible = True
Me.Image2.Visible = False
Me.Image3.Visible = False

Case 3
Me.Image0.Visible = False
Me.Image1.Visible = False
Me.Image2.Visible = True
Me.Image3.Visible = False
Case 4
Me.Image0.Visible = False
Me.Image1.Visible = False
Me.Image2.Visible = False
Me.Image3.Visible = True
End Select

but there is somthing wrong it dosnt change ?? correct me if im wrong please

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Contains Part Of Text Formula

Dec 12, 2005


My name is Amanda, and recently I’ve started using Access again for work. I haven’t touched the program in about five years, so I am rusty. In addition, it turns out that I am the only one in my department who’s ever even opened Access. I’ve tried hunting down a manual around here, and it seems to be an ever ending scavenger hunt. I also have not been able to find the answer to my question via web, FAQ, and experimentation, although, I feel it’s a fairly basic question.

So here it goes. I want to return all fields that contain part of a text. For example, I want all fields that contain the word “lux”, regardless of what else the field contains to be returned. So if a field contains “lux. cars” it will be returned in my query.

I’ve tried goggling “Microsoft Access” with “text formulas,” however, all I receive are excel formulas.

Thank you.

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Extract Part Of A Text

Aug 24, 2006


I have a table with a field named SSN. This field contains data with the following format:


As you can see my field has a text format and I need to create a make table query that will extract all the character that are places in position 12 and 13 (simply the letters after the ssn).

I have tried with Mid([SSN],12,13) but nothing happens.

Any help? Thanks.

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Selecting Records Based On Part Of A Text Field

Oct 12, 2006

I'm working on a table which has a country field, but this field may contain a text string consisting of more than one country, eg "France, Belgium, Spain"

I want to run a query against the table to select records for any one country, but not sure how to do this.

Any suggestions please?

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Creating Relationship Based On Part Of A Text Field

Jan 27, 2014

Each each record in table1 has a unique four character (alpha-numeric) code to identify it. The first two numbers of this code represent the group it is in. (Ie. 15AB and 1502 are both grouped together) The second table stores values that apply to the entire group. I need to create a relationship between these two tables based on the first two characters in the ID field.

Things I've tried:
* Making a calculated field with left$() formula - Access doesn't allow relationships on calculated fields
* Create a new field for just the first two characters and create a data macro for after update and after insert to update that field with the expression - cannot edit the field the user is on

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Forms :: Unbound Control In Data Input Form - Auto Fill Leading Zeros

Apr 12, 2015

I have an unbound control in data input form requiring to input a 6-digit number. I have put a validation rule restricting more than 6 digits. Most users prefer to enter, say 123 and the system can enter the 3 leading zero for them.

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Tricky Question - Form Part Data Entry, Part Not

Dec 16, 2004

I have what I think is a difficult problem to overcome...

I am designing a form to create an invoice. The user will select a workstream and a date range in form frmInvByHrs. Within this I want two sub-forms, one is frmInvByHrsTsht and the other is frmInvByHrsBill. I want the first one to display all the staff and their hours done, and the second one to be in data entry mode where you can enter the hours you want to bill. Each sub-form is based on a separate query.

Is it possible to do this? ie. to have one sub-form in data entry mode, and the other not? It seems to me that the data entry mode is controlled by the MAIN form regardless of the sub-form settings!

If this is not possible, do you know how I can acheive this?



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Can You Fill A Text Box Using A Query

Feb 24, 2006

Hi, newbie needs help!

I am trying to make a courses registration database. I have 3 tables; tblContacts [ContactID], [FitstName], [LastName] [Etc..] [Etc..]
tblCourseRegistration [RegID], [ContactID] [CourseID] and tblCourses [CourseID], [RegID], [CourseName], [StartDate], [AvailablePlaces]
I have created a form called Test1 that displays The CourseID, CourseName, StartDate EndDate and an unbound textbox called PlacesLeft. I would like to display in this text box the number of places that are still available on a particular course. I've written a querie that counts the CourseID's in the course registration table this works ok but I want it to place the value in the PlacesLeft text box. Then I can do a simple calculation based on the PlacesAvailable textbox. Anyone any idea how to do this My querie reads
SELECT Count([CourseID])
FROM tblCourseRegistration
WHERE (((tblCourseRegistration.CourseID)=(Forms.Test1.Co urseID)));

I tried another method which includes a command button that when clicked tries to run the following
Dim MyRS As ADODB.Recordset, strSQL As String

Set MyRS = New ADODB.Recordset
strSQL = "SELECT Count([CourseID])FROM tblCourseRegistration WHERE (((tblCourseRegistration.CourseID) = (Forms.Test1.IDNo)))"
MyRS.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If MyRS.NoMatch Then
Me.PlacesLeft = ""
Me.PlacesLeft = MyRS.Fields(0)
but Access (Ver 2000) does not like the noMatch and shows it as an error.
I would be very grateful if someone could show me how to sort this out!

Many thanks in advance

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Combo Box Fill In Text Box..BUT!

Oct 26, 2006

I know how to base the combo box on a query, and in the after update enter

Me.[txtboxName]= Me.[cboName].Column(1)


I want to bound the combo box to a control source.

How can I achieve that?


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Fill A Text Box With A Table Value

Jun 14, 2005

ok, here goes...
sorry if this is really simple, i just can't figure out how to explain exactly what i'm trying to do...

first of all, i have a list box populated by a table, when i click my button, i want to create a record in the table (done). then i want to display the id for that record in a text box. this will allow me to update the record, which i have also worked out. i just can't seem to figure out how to display the id from the table.
Thanks for your help

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Combo Box / Fill Text Boxes

Feb 20, 2006

May I start by saying Hi and that im just embarking on understanding Access 2003. I do know a little about DB as I have built programs in VB6 using databases. But now onto my problem which seems a simple one.

I have a Db called delivery. With columns as below. Mtno being the key.

Mtno Orderno Description Quantity Customer

I populate a combo box with Mtno, but on the click event of the combo box i wish to populate textboxs from the other columns.

Code used.

Private Sub Combo0_Click()

Me!text2 = Combo0.Column(1)
Me!text3 = Combo0.Column(2)

End Sub

text2 gets populated and updates on the click event of the combo box but text3 doesnt. Niether do the other text boxes when I put the code in.

Help me understand this please.

kind Regards


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I Need A Combo Box To Fill Text Boxes.

Dec 5, 2006

Hello I hope someone can help me on this one.
This is something I am not getting an understanding on and need some help.

I made a form that holds all information for our customers.
I want to make the Company Name box into a combo box so when I change the
Company Name in the combo box it populates all the text boxes on the form with
the correct data.

I for the life of me do not know where/how to even start to do this.

I would attach my database but I cant seem to get the file small enough. I have deleted the large table and it is still 7megs. How do I get it small enough to attach it?

Thanks for the help.

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Date Problem - Part Constant - Part Now()

Nov 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have refined my query from previous threads to involved a module function. This calculates more acurately no of working days between dates and takes into account a holidays table. (All credit to Arvin Meyer on the module:) )
However because the Leave Year starts at the 1 July and finishes 30 Jun I need to compose the date for any current year Year(Now())

Enclosed scrdmp shows my query design. I can easily get it to work as you see it, but obviously as each year rolls over, the year needs to change.

Have looked at many posts but can't find what I'm looking for. This one will get me over the hurdle.

Many thanks,

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Auto Fill Text Box From Combo Selection

Aug 19, 2005

I'm pretty new to this type of programming and i was hoping for a little help,

I have completed the majority of my program it's just a few little things i need to tweak.

The main thing is that i am trying to get a text box to autofill from a selection in a combo box i.e.

i have selected a drop down box with 3 coloums looked up from another table i would like 1 of the columns to stay in the combo box after selection and the other two to appear in the text boxes on the same page.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Forms :: Fill Text Boxes For Same Foreign Key?

Dec 16, 2013

i have build a small project using access 2003 and vba code one of the forms contains sub form the main form contain the main data about school and in sub form populate different > textboxes for details about classes my problem is how to fill these text boxes in this sub >form for different grades depending on id of main form and how can i change the values and >moveing first or next buttons these are simple picture

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Forms :: Auto Fill Text Boxes

May 2, 2014

I have five textboxes for husband with the values typed(HustxtAddress1, HustxtAddress2, HustxtCity, HustxtState, HustxtZip). I have five more textboxes for wife. I have a combo box asking whether the spouse's address is same as the husband - with yes or no. If "Yes" is selected, the text boxes for wife is auto filled with the same values of the husband. I tried with combo box change event setting HustxtAddress1= WifeText address1, it fills only the first field and other fields are empty.

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Forms :: Fill Textbox With Text If It Is Null?

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to use this expression in my textbox to show when the textbox value is null:


It gives me a circular reference error (#error in the textbox). If I change it to this:

=IIf(IsNull([ContractStatus]),"Null","ContractStatus"), it will display the text "Contract Status" (obviously).

What am I overlooking here? Does this need to be done in VBA?

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Auto-Fill Text Fields In Form

Jan 10, 2012

is there a way to have a form set to either auto populate fields based on the FIRST FIELD? For example: if the user type in the STUDY ID, the other fields like (first name, last name etc..) are auto-populated/auto-filled? and if the STUDY ID is new and not in the table, then the users simply fill in all the fields/complete the form and save? And I would also like a message box to show when I am typing the STUDY ID that would say something like: this person is on the system already. Click YES for this person and NO to add the user?...

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Auto Fill Text Box From Dependent Combo Box

Jun 16, 2012

I have dependent combo boxes which is working fine what i want is to select the value from the list and the text box should be filled in my case it is attachment field i want to fill up the value based on combo boxes selection.I have attached the database also.

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DLookup To Display Date In Text Box On A Tab Control Where Criteria Is Text Field

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:

=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)

Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.

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Using A Recordset To Fill Text Boxes With Field Values

Jul 13, 2005

Hi guys,

This is my first post of hopefully many, and I hope to be able to keep visiting and helping others in the future.

I'm building a database at the moment which I've done basing forms on Queries as I'm very familiar with doing so. However, one form in the database if a bit different.

The form in question is for shipping off refurbished units at the warehouse, by adding a SHIP ID to the record for each unit scanned in. The form before creates a recird ubdexed by a SHIP ID in the SHIPPING table, along with some other info such as delivery address and ship date. Each unit will be assigned this SHIP ID by the child form I wish to create, by scanning the Serial Number against it.
Two actions are done on the child form: Read in Serial Number of unit, find record in MAIN table and display key fields such as the units status (i.e. "WIP" or "REPAIRED" into text boxes on the form Allow unit to be shipped (by assigning the SHIP ID to the unit's record in the main table, only if the STATUS field shows as "REPAIRED"
Now, because I want to scan units into the form's Serial Number textbox and do the STATUS field check, then assign the SHIP ID; I need a recordset, right? I've inherited development of datdbases which used recordsets in their forms before, but have never had to create one from scratch. Also I wasn't able to take a copy of the source code of those databases before I left my last company.

Can anyone give me some info on what the bare minimum is to create a recordset, and to use it to save the record once I've made changes.

For your info I would consider myself an Access intermediate, and I've worked with it in various roles and versions for around 5 years.


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Text Boxes Auto Fill After Combo Box Update?

Jul 13, 2015

GOAL: select the IC number from the combo box and have 5 text boxes auto fill.

I have a table made for the IC number drop down. The columns represent the fields that need to be auto filled.

Making some kind of query to link the combo box entry to the text boxes? Some VBA where the control source is equal to my query? I have tried changing the text box control source to equal columns from my drop down but that did not work.

NOTE: the blue font in the first image represents the text boxes that need to auto fill when I select the IC number from the drop down. The second image is my table from which my combo box is generated. The acronyms are for the two tests on this form.

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Dynamically Create Text Fields In Form And Fill Data

Mar 30, 2007

I want a help on this complicated issue:

On running a select query with "a*" of names in a table:
Results are : America, Argentina

Now I want this to dynamically create 2 text fileds in a form and fill America &".snp" in first and Argentina &".snp" in 2nd filed.

It is not regarding subform to display data of query result.

This I am going to use to add attchment for outlook email session as being discussed in my Email from access with attachment thread.

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