Filter By Check Box

Dec 3, 2007

I'm requerying a subform based on selections made on the main form. One of the fields is a check box. This is the code I've got on the Show Data button

On Error Resume Next
db.QueryDefs.Delete ("Search_Query")
' TO DO: Turn normal error handler on when this condition is finished.
On Error GoTo 0

where = Null
where = where & (" AND [IDTrans]= " + Me![Combo2])
where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7])

Set QD = db.CreateQueryDef("Search_Query", "Select * from qryTransWork " & " Where " & Mid(where, 6) & ";")

If DCount("*", "Search_Query") <= 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records Found"
Exit Sub
End If

Forms!frmTransWork!sfrmTranscriptionistsPd.Form.Re cordSource = "Search_Query"
End Sub

I'm getting a type mismatch error on where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7]) so I'm obviously referencing the check box incorrectly but not sure what to do.



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Modules & VBA :: How To Filter A Report Using A Check Box

May 2, 2014

I'm trying to figure out how to filter a report using a check box.

I have created a form, which if you push an industry labled button on that form it will show you the report with what work was done for that industry.

Now I'm trying to modify it so that I have a group of check boxes; each check box being a different office location the company has.

What I want to make happen is if say out of office A. B. C. and D., A. and D. are checked and I hit the button of a specific industry it will bring me up a report of office A. and D. Combined for that industry.

From what I've figured I can create a bunch of reports of all the different possiblities and link those to that senerio, but that seems tedious and ridiculous.

Is there a way I can code VBA to do this for me? Or am I going to have to go through the proccess of creating a bunch of different querries and reports beyond what I have now to pull up an industry.

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Check In Is Not Designed To Be Opened Without A Filter

May 16, 2015

What should I do? I really don't know what filter is that.

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Queries :: How Filter Date Is Null Using Check Box

Jan 13, 2014

I have form that user can filter the records and generate a report but I have difficult trying filter null date.

If I have check box called filter null if it has a tick in I would like it only show records that have no value (is null) in field "date start" but if unticked I would like it to only show records with a date in field "date start" ...

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Modules & VBA :: Form Filter And Exclude With Check Box?

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code which builds a filter on my form which i can then generate a report from.

However id like to add a check box to exclude rather than include a certain [Error_Type] which is "Wrong Batch" and im not sure how id do it..

the vba i have so far is as follows

Private Sub cmdFilterConvErrors_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yy#"
If Not IsNull(Me.txtqccheckby) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Error_QC_By] = """ & Me.txtqccheckby & """) AND "


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Modules & VBA :: How To Add Check Box Values In To Filter String

Feb 2, 2014

I have got like subform which I think is the tech term I use it to filter dates on field "date raised" and open's a report depend on date's entered in txtstartdate and txtenddate it works perfectly but I need to add some check boxes to check other field's are true/false ...

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long

[Code] ....

I need to add code to the text in red well I'm guessing

here goes with what I would like to add
job cancelled1 check box name field name= job cancelled
job on hold1 check box name field name = job on hold
void property1 check box name field name = void property

E.g. if I put date range in my date boxes and tick job cancelled show all record in that date range cancelled same with job on hold and void property

here some code I did but wont work as it not in the same strwhere above

if me[job cancelled1] = true then
strwhere = [job cancelled] = 1 'field name
strwhere [job cancelled] is null
end if

Some how need to add the strwhere to the code above ...

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Forms :: Restrict Filter Result By A Check Box

Sep 9, 2014

i have a main form called frmSearch with a sub form called subform_CasesSearch the rowsource is a query called qryCasesSearch which has a check box field called CaseClosed.the main form has a combobox called cboNy which filter the sub form.for filter i'm using the code

PHP Code:

Private Sub CboNy_AfterUpdate()Forms!frmSearch.subform_CasesSearch.Form.Filter = "NyID =" & 
Me.ComboNyabaForms!frmSearch.subform_CasesSearch.Form.FilterOn = TrueEnd Sub 

I want to complete the code above to add a condition by an unbound checkbox (or any method ) in the main form to restrict the filter result ... so the user can show all fields or fields has a CaseClosed checked only or fields has a CaseClosed not checked only.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter List Box With Combo Box Depending On Check Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form wich includes listbox of employees. When I click on them, it shows his or her data (date of birth,address,etc...). For every employee there are also three diferent checkboxes - if he is regularly employed, temporaly employed or student.So now what I need is to filter listbox of employees - only student or only regular or only temporar or all.I was wondering if I can do that with combobox, but I really dont know how. I am prety new to VBA.

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Filter Access Report Based On Check Box Selection

Oct 31, 2011

I have a query that gives field values like name, age, department, etc for all the staff members in our company. These fields are obtained from many other tables and queries. Now I am planning to generate a report, which would display the results of this query. The catch is I am trying to do it in such a way that I want the user to have the option to select for which staff members he wants to run the report. Example: if I have 10 staff members, the user should be able to select staff3, staff6, staff7 and run the report such that it displays all the field values from the query related ONLY to these 3 staff members.

I could put up some labels and checkboxes for each staff on the form, and then select some checkboxes and get the report to read which checkbox is selected, and then display the concerned results through the report.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Check Box On A Form To Filter Out Results From A Table That Is Checked

May 23, 2014

I have kept the names as simple as I can for the example sake to which I can substitute my names in after.

I have a split form - form1, I have a check box on this form - checkbox1 - That I would like to use to make only the checked results from the table - table1 - show and if it is not checked to show all the results. How would I go about doing this? The table field is called field1.

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Records - Adding Unbound Date Listbox To Filter String

Feb 10, 2014

I'm trying to hash two scripts I've found into 1 functioning filter, however I'm still relatively new to vba and can't figure out how to get this working.

I'm trying to use Allen Browne's Search Criteria:

with another snippete of code I found here:

'Purpose: This module illustrates how to create a search form, _
where the user can enter as many or few criteria as they wish, _
and results are shown one per line.


It's the date part I'm having trouble with, the rest of the search criteria work fine without the date, but I can't get it working when I try to modify and merge the date sections of each code.

Also I'm using a listbox for the "Yesterday";"Last 4 days";"Last 9 days" and not a combo box.

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Forms :: Command Button - Set A Default Filter And Filter On Load

Aug 13, 2014

I have a continuous form based on table "INCOMES" that shows all the payments received, which mediums can be (field "PMNT_MEDIUM"):

- check
- transfer
- taxes
- cash

Table "INCOMES" is filled using another form, but in this particular form I just want to show "check", "transfer" and "cash" (not "taxes") so that I can track all the cash incomes.

Note: taxes are loaded because they appear in my invoices and I need them there to reach the invoice total amount.So my form has a search bar which allows me to search by PMNT_MEDIUM listing all "checks", all "cash" or all "transfer". I can also search by payment number (meaning: check number). To that end I have a "search" button that applies the filter. And I have another button that "cleans" the filtering by "putting a "" in the search-bar and then calling the "on click" of the search button".

What I need is, no matter if I click over the "search" or "clean" button, it NEVER shows me the "taxes".Search button, on click code:

If IsNumeric(Me.busq_chq_med) Then
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*' or [INVOICE] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
End If
Me.FilterOn = True

Clean filter button, on click code:

Call [Search button]_click
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True

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Access Application For Check-in/check-out

Mar 19, 2007

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm in need a of a check-in/check-out application for my company. We have about 550-600 employees at any given time and our turnover is about 20-30% per year. Our check-in/check-out process requires our employees to personally visit between 30-40 areas in our company (personnel, safety, credentials, parking, insurance, etc) within the first month of employment. This is currently done manually and is a huge drain on labor, especially when check-in sheets are lost, misplaced or, in some cases, forged.

I'm looking to build a database that would be intranet based, password secure (by check-in area) that would allow the new employee to present at a particular check-in, check-out site, complete that portion of the check-in/out process and then allow the person responsible for the check-in/out to enter the status into the database. At any point in the process, I would want to know the status of the person checking in/out (how long they've been checking in/out and what portion of the process have they completed).

Can this be done in ACCESS?


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Forms :: Dynamic Filter With Multiple Possible Filter Criteria

Jan 26, 2015

I have a form that is showing data from 1 table. That table has 12 different fields on it and I want to be able to filter based on selections I make in a combo box in the header of the form. The filter string must be dynamic enough to allow filtering based on 1 criteria selected, or multiple criteria selected. For example:

If I have values in filter fields 3, 5, and 9 I'd want the filter string to be created as follows:

"...WHERE field3 = field3filter.value AND field5 = field5filter.value AND field9 = field9filter.value"

If I have values in only field 7, I'd want th efilter string to be created as follows:

"...WHERE field7 = field7filter.value"

And so on and so on.

I have created some filters before but all of the different VBA syntaxes I'm using seem to come up short.

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How To Create Filter Button On Form And Filter Records

Nov 26, 2012

How can I create a "Filter Button" on a form and filter my records? I create a textbox on a form and a filter button on the right. Then I click the filter futton, the filter function will search/match the content in the box through the datasheet. And then the results of the filtering will be pop up on the split form datasheet.

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Filter A Report USING A Forms Filter Results

Oct 25, 2006

I am using MS Acess2000 and need to make a report that will be passed around with production work. My primary key is the invoice number of the work order. Currently to open an invoice i have a macro, attached to a query with the following qualifiers; Like [Enter invoice]

This pulls up the current record fine.
for the form and flags the folloing in the property filter sectin of the form

(((([CustomerTableMasterRef].[Invoice]) Like [Enter invoice])))


Now I am trying to use microsofts how to filter a report using a forms filter...
This picks up on the Invoice query as shown above but does not just insert the query results...

Is there better code or another way to approach this... Currently i am using:

Caption: Open Report
OnClick: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub CmdOpenReport_Click()
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "Open an Invoice First"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCustomers", acViewPreview, , Me.Filter
End If
End Sub

Using this code not only does my report not detect the correct fields to import data (no data is filled in) but it requerys the invoice or atleast should, which I could do with out all of that code...

Where should i go from here?

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Forms :: Filter Button On Form As Filter

Aug 1, 2013

I have placed a filter button on a form as a filter and written the following on-click event procedure:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdApplyFilterSort
Me.FilterOn = True

When I click the filter button I get a blank message box titled 'Microsoft Access" and an OK button, when closed the filter works perfectly.I have checked this procedure in other forms and it works without showing the blank message box.The only difference with this form is that its control source is a union query.

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Spell Check Contents Works , Need To Suppress The Spell Check Complete Msg Box

Apr 25, 2005

I have sendkey "{f7}" on loss focus.
this works great as a spell check but then I get the mesage box that spell check is complete.
How do I stop this box from occuring?

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Why Does AND Filter Also Filter NULL

Nov 24, 2006

Hello Everyone,Been a while since I needed to post on this forum, but I found something rather disturbing today; either that or I have missed something obvious. I have a large query of financial data, and I filter out certain codes which I don't want to include. The filter is;<>"BL01" And <>"SS01"Which works as it should, filtering out all BL01 and SS01. However, it also filters out any NULL values, which is something I would not expect it to do. When I enter NULL as a filter, I get the records I expect. What am I doing wrong here? I am using Access 2003 SP3 on Windows XP Service Pack 2

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Check Box??

Jun 8, 2005

Does anyone know or have an example of how to use check box's to filter out things in a form. What I want to do here is I have like 5 different locations and I want to be able to choose which of those location, whether it be one or more checked at a time and then have whatever those check boxes are checked to be filtered out.

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Check For Used ID's

Apr 8, 2008


I have a continious form containing data from the table "tblToernament".
On that form there is a combobox containing teams that are stores in the table "tblTeams".

The table looks like this:

ID | TeamName

1 | Team01
2 | Team02
3 | Team03
4 | Team04

When I select, for example, Team02 in the combobox I want that value on, after I selected it from the combo NOT to be in the combobox.

Can anybody please help me on this?

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Please Will Someone Check Over My ER-D For Me, Once More?

May 15, 2007

Hello, im making a database for a charity as part of my work experience and id just like someone to check over it for me. If you see any issues please let me know. Im already aware of changing text PK's to autonumber, this is a prototype so im not going to change the PK's at the min.

Any ideas, or ways to improve it?

You can find the LDM or ER-D here: (i understand that it may be difficult for you to follow since you dont know the system! But please have a go...) 17447

Thanks very much for your help.

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Check Box

May 3, 2005

Hey guys..

I was working on my project again as usual, which is about transaction of cars coming in and going out (car pool system), So i created a table then a form for this. In the table, i put the option of 'Yes/No'. So, for the form, i want to create a search system which will include a search system.

My Idea:

I want to make a check box, as a search system, so when it is checked and clicked on a command button, it searches for all records with 'Yes'. and if not checked, and clicked on command button, then it searches for all records with 'No'.

Now i did my research, on google and stuff also in the access help but it ddnt help much.

To be honest with you guys, i dont know much of visual basic writing, but i do understand most of it. ( you know, when you understand one language but can speak it?? same way :o ).

So i would request some one to give me instructions on this one. It would really be appriciated.

thanks a million !

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Check Box

Sep 3, 2005

Do check boxes have to be bound to be able to save them in your forms? In other words, when you check the box and click save, does the check box have to be bound so that the check mark can be saved? Thanks.

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Check Box

Dec 16, 2005

I want to connect a single check box to a record of check boxes, so that when it is on yes (checked) all the other boxes are yes (checked) automatically. How do I go about doing this? Is there an expression I can build for it?

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