Filter By Month?

Aug 9, 2007

I need to filter in a query for only dates in a certain month/year combination.

User selectable.

For example they will enter 8/2007 to get everything for August 2007, etc.

Is this possible to do?

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Forms :: Filter By Month And Year

May 4, 2015

I'd like the user to be able to search a subform only by month and year. We have lots of reports with different days, but none of them are pertinent to searching.

I don't mind if it looks a little bit messy (such as using the calendar drop down and it discounting the day) but I'd like to have it all in one box, preferably where the user can just select ex. 05/2013 and it would filter the subform, showing only reports from that month.

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Filter All Dates Within Current Month

Mar 21, 2015

I am probably quite wrong but I am trying to apply a filter that returns all dates within the current month

The bulk of the filter is from Microsoft Access examples.

Private Sub MonthB_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "DueDate Year([DueDate]) = Year(Now()) And Month([DueDate]) = Month(Now())"
End Sub

It is not working??

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Reports :: Filter Report By Month And Year

Apr 30, 2015

I have a report filter that filters the reports by month and year:


DoCmd.OpenReport "AttWholeCity", acPreview, , " Month = '" & txtCourseDateMonth & "' AND Year = '" & txtCourseDateYear & "'"

I want the code to also show these two columns where there are null/blank values aswell, for example if I filter by apr 2015 i want the report to show these columns as well as blank columns is this possible

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Forms :: Continuous Form Filter By Month Or Age

Feb 9, 2014

I have a continuous Form named frmBirthdays that lists People with a [DateOfBirth] field.

In the Form Header I have 2 Unbound Combo Boxes 1- cboMonthFilter which list the 12 Months of the year in Text NOT Number and 2- CboAgeFilter that has a list of Ages 0 -30 (which is all i require) and a Clear Filter Command Button.

I would like to be able to filter the people list by cboMonthFilter for anyone that has a Birthday in any given month.


I would also like to filter the people in the list by their age.

But never both at the same time.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Report - Filter Month And Year

Feb 25, 2015

I have vba code

PHP Code:

    DoCmd.OpenReport "MonthlyData2", acPreview, , " YEAR(CourseDate) = '" & Me.txtCourseDateMonth & "' " 

this works sucessfuly how can I add the following to the code so it filters month and year?

PHP Code:

'" MONTH(CourseDate) = '" & Me.txtCourseDateYear & "' " 

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Queries :: Date Filter - If Date Is In A Future Month

Apr 20, 2015

I've two fields to work with:

[Date of Device]

If i was explaining it, it would be as follows:

If [DischDate] Is in the next month after [Date of Device] then Y else N.

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is also April then i'd expect a N answer

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is May then i'd expect a Y answer

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Queries :: Rolling 12 Month Query - Keeping Track Of Orders Placed For Given Part Number By Month

May 5, 2014

I am trying to create a database that will keep track of the orders placed for a given part number by month. Currently, my table houses the part number, and the ordered amount for the past three years by month (there are thirty-five columns for every part). My column headings are ORDER_MAY_2013, etc. I would like to set a query up that will look at the column headings and pull the amounts ordered for each part for the past twelve months. In other words, I have three years of data in my table. In my query, I just want one year. However, I don't want to have to rewrite the query every month so that it will pick up the new data. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Is there a better way to build this database? I thought about just have four columns in my table - PART_NUMBER, ORDER_MONTH, ORDER_YEAR, ORDER_AMOUNT. The only problem there, is that every part (there are about 450 parts) would have to be listed 35+ times. That seemed too redundant to me, so I built the table this way. However, now I am having trouble querying against it.

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Calculate Variance Of Payment Month On Month - Values Comparison

Mar 19, 2012

I have a MS access table with 12 numerical columns for 12 Months payments for our customer base.

I need to calculate variance of payments month on month and identify set of customers who have made huge payments.

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Matching Current Month With Month In A Table

Oct 18, 2005

I have a table full of dates of meetings through out the year...



16th August 2005
18th September 2005
19th October 2005
23rd November


i also have a report that i print out each month that has the date of the meeting on it... i currently edit the date manually.

I was wondering if there was a way to automate this facility, so that the report looked to the table of dates and looked for the current Months Date that is stored i the table.

i then want this date to be displayed in the Report.

So in this instance if i am running a report for tomorrows meeting being the 19th October it would display that date in the report....regardless of when i run the report...

Obviously if i run the report on the first of November because the month has changed it would then display the date of the November Meeting...

we only ever have one meeting a month!!!!

Please help


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Forms :: Calendar Scrolling Month By Month

Aug 9, 2013

Using Access 2010..I have form with a date on it. For this control I have show date picker set to "For dates" and lo and behold I get calendar! I can scroll through this calendar month by month. Great if I just want to go back or forward a month or three. What I'd like to be able to do is scroll through the calendar year by year. Can I do this with the method I'm using at the moment? If not is there a way round it that isn't over complicated?

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Month String To Numerical Month

Oct 13, 2006

HiI have a field that is text which holds the month in form "oct" etc. I need to pass the numerical value of that month to a function so how do I create an expression that will change it (in this instance) to 09.kind regards in advance.peter

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Month By Month Query

May 17, 2005

please help me

i have a date field called open & i need to generate a query to count all entries by month, so far i can get all cases each day, but i'm unable to get the query to count them just based on the month & year..

any ideas please

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Records - Adding Unbound Date Listbox To Filter String

Feb 10, 2014

I'm trying to hash two scripts I've found into 1 functioning filter, however I'm still relatively new to vba and can't figure out how to get this working.

I'm trying to use Allen Browne's Search Criteria:

with another snippete of code I found here:

'Purpose: This module illustrates how to create a search form, _
where the user can enter as many or few criteria as they wish, _
and results are shown one per line.


It's the date part I'm having trouble with, the rest of the search criteria work fine without the date, but I can't get it working when I try to modify and merge the date sections of each code.

Also I'm using a listbox for the "Yesterday";"Last 4 days";"Last 9 days" and not a combo box.

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Forms :: Command Button - Set A Default Filter And Filter On Load

Aug 13, 2014

I have a continuous form based on table "INCOMES" that shows all the payments received, which mediums can be (field "PMNT_MEDIUM"):

- check
- transfer
- taxes
- cash

Table "INCOMES" is filled using another form, but in this particular form I just want to show "check", "transfer" and "cash" (not "taxes") so that I can track all the cash incomes.

Note: taxes are loaded because they appear in my invoices and I need them there to reach the invoice total amount.So my form has a search bar which allows me to search by PMNT_MEDIUM listing all "checks", all "cash" or all "transfer". I can also search by payment number (meaning: check number). To that end I have a "search" button that applies the filter. And I have another button that "cleans" the filtering by "putting a "" in the search-bar and then calling the "on click" of the search button".

What I need is, no matter if I click over the "search" or "clean" button, it NEVER shows me the "taxes".Search button, on click code:

If IsNumeric(Me.busq_chq_med) Then
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*' or [INVOICE] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
End If
Me.FilterOn = True

Clean filter button, on click code:

Call [Search button]_click
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: Dynamic Filter With Multiple Possible Filter Criteria

Jan 26, 2015

I have a form that is showing data from 1 table. That table has 12 different fields on it and I want to be able to filter based on selections I make in a combo box in the header of the form. The filter string must be dynamic enough to allow filtering based on 1 criteria selected, or multiple criteria selected. For example:

If I have values in filter fields 3, 5, and 9 I'd want the filter string to be created as follows:

"...WHERE field3 = field3filter.value AND field5 = field5filter.value AND field9 = field9filter.value"

If I have values in only field 7, I'd want th efilter string to be created as follows:

"...WHERE field7 = field7filter.value"

And so on and so on.

I have created some filters before but all of the different VBA syntaxes I'm using seem to come up short.

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How To Create Filter Button On Form And Filter Records

Nov 26, 2012

How can I create a "Filter Button" on a form and filter my records? I create a textbox on a form and a filter button on the right. Then I click the filter futton, the filter function will search/match the content in the box through the datasheet. And then the results of the filtering will be pop up on the split form datasheet.

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Filter A Report USING A Forms Filter Results

Oct 25, 2006

I am using MS Acess2000 and need to make a report that will be passed around with production work. My primary key is the invoice number of the work order. Currently to open an invoice i have a macro, attached to a query with the following qualifiers; Like [Enter invoice]

This pulls up the current record fine.
for the form and flags the folloing in the property filter sectin of the form

(((([CustomerTableMasterRef].[Invoice]) Like [Enter invoice])))


Now I am trying to use microsofts how to filter a report using a forms filter...
This picks up on the Invoice query as shown above but does not just insert the query results...

Is there better code or another way to approach this... Currently i am using:

Caption: Open Report
OnClick: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub CmdOpenReport_Click()
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "Open an Invoice First"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCustomers", acViewPreview, , Me.Filter
End If
End Sub

Using this code not only does my report not detect the correct fields to import data (no data is filled in) but it requerys the invoice or atleast should, which I could do with out all of that code...

Where should i go from here?

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Forms :: Filter Button On Form As Filter

Aug 1, 2013

I have placed a filter button on a form as a filter and written the following on-click event procedure:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdApplyFilterSort
Me.FilterOn = True

When I click the filter button I get a blank message box titled 'Microsoft Access" and an OK button, when closed the filter works perfectly.I have checked this procedure in other forms and it works without showing the blank message box.The only difference with this form is that its control source is a union query.

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Using Previous Month's "closing" Value For This Month's "opening"?

Jan 3, 2006


I've been looking through the archives and learnt a fair amount about date manipulation, but am still a bit stuck. I'm sure there is a way to do this and would appreciate any ideas:

Basically I am monitoring changes in Fuel level over months. For each month, I have a variety of readings, each on a different table, including sales from that tank, delivery in to it, and most importantly a closing dip reading taken at the end of the month.

In order to figure out the change in Fuel level over each month, you need an "opening" figure : this is taken to be the closing dip value of the previous month. And this is where I'm getting stuck!

I am writing a query to generate new table which combines all the relevent values. I have managed to link them through the date field, even though the specific date is not identical what matters is that it is the same month. Effectively I am trying to add a new 'column' showing the opening value, where opening value = previous months closing value for this tank.

I noticed there is a post talking about previous month data <a href="">here</a>, which gives me some ideas but I'm not sure how to go about putting this into the SQL query. I can't use Date() because I'm interested in more than just previous to THIS month - the data spans back over a year!

I'm still learning Access so this might be a simple question - if so please point me to the relevent parts of the help file!

many thanks

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Why Does AND Filter Also Filter NULL

Nov 24, 2006

Hello Everyone,Been a while since I needed to post on this forum, but I found something rather disturbing today; either that or I have missed something obvious. I have a large query of financial data, and I filter out certain codes which I don't want to include. The filter is;<>"BL01" And <>"SS01"Which works as it should, filtering out all BL01 and SS01. However, it also filters out any NULL values, which is something I would not expect it to do. When I enter NULL as a filter, I get the records I expect. What am I doing wrong here? I am using Access 2003 SP3 on Windows XP Service Pack 2

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Sep 16, 2005

I am a very new guy in access. One very simple question.
How can I give crieteria for to get a query result for month and year
ie. i know DATE() is for today
between[start date]and [end date] gets from a date to a date
but i wanted to get particular month and year. How to write this?
Hope somebody will help in this matter.
thx and regards

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Last Day Of Month - How Do You Do It?

Apr 11, 2007

I need to return the last date of the month not for this month, but 6 months down the road. When the FAA says 6 calendar months from a certain date it would mean go 6 months forward and then to the end of the month. So with today being April 11th, I would count 6 months forward to October, and then to the end of the month - October 31. Which would be the date I wish to return. I didn't see anything as far as formatting goes that would allow it to be done easily, and I've already attacked it two different ways, but I am wondering how you might solve the problem.

No rush in this. And I'm going to choke myself if I missed something very simple somewhere.

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Month Value

Jan 11, 2006


I have a 2 fields, one is start date in the format dd,mm,yyyy - the other is end date in the same format. I want to create a field in my query called "month" which will give the month for any record. This will be a parameter field.

So that when I type in January in my parameter - I will see all the records for that month. How can this be done?

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Last Month

Mar 30, 2006


I have a query which pulls data based on a date range.
However, instead of using this, I'd like to only get data for last month.

I have tried doing this by adding 2 fields :

Month: Month(myDate)


Year : Year(myDate)
In each of these fields I have added a criteria of :




This allows me to get the data for last month (say February), but also ensures it is only the data for this year. (as the DB holds data for the past 4 or 5 years)

The problem is though, when the year rolls over to January, this will not work.

Can anyone shed any light on an alternative please ?



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Automatic Month

May 9, 2005

auto date no problem but just an automatic month ??

any ideas???

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