Filter Query If Item Is Sold In Another Table.

Sep 14, 2007

So here goes :)

I have made this example database to show you my problem, I have 2 tables here:

1. "items" table that works like warehouse listing items in stock and has these fields:

ID autonumber
Example name TEXT
Sold Yes/No

2. "sales" table has these fields:
ID Autonumber
Example name created using Lookup in Design view

I created Query called "sales Query" that I use to enter data and my problem is I need only to be able to enter items that are not checked in "Items table".

In other words I need to be able to select in the query dropdown items currently in stock.

How to solve this the easy way? I tried using criteria "False" but dropdown still lists checked items WHY?

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Filter A Form By Switchboard Item

Apr 5, 2006

:( I am using a switchboard in my database, I have 3 forms using the same query,formats,etc but the 2 of 3 have filters. My question is how can I filter the form when I click a button in the Switchboard.

I tried to do
but when the form is open nothing happens.

And I also use the Form_Switchboard!Itemnumber = 2 but the only number it can see is with 0 value.

Please help me. I just don't know how to catch the field from Switchboard. Please help. Thank you so much.

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Query The 3rd Most Recent Item From A Table

Oct 18, 2007

I have a table with a DateTime field. I would like to create a query that queries only the 3rd most recent record in the table. So there would only be one record per ID. If there is only two records for an ID, it would show nothing. I have tried a few things already, but none of them have worked quite right. I was wondering if anyone had a new idea.

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Multiple Item Form From Query To Table?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to augment my database to have a price list. Because I wanted the price list to be of record and saved, I used a form with a subform. The main form taking the price list header info price list ID, price area, and date and putting into tblPricelist) and using the sub form to table to load the actual price list info (product, price) and putting into tblpricelistsub.

What I am trying to do is to be able to bring the entire price list as it is and be able to update (or not) the price of all or some of the items and then have it save as a new entry into the tables. I am trying to do this without having to use a sub form and lookup every product all over again (500 products).

Is there a way to do a query to bring up the entire price list, turn that into a form, and then be able to update the prices that would in turn create another entry into the price list and pricelistsub tables?

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General :: How To Find Out Total Quantity Sold Per Product

Mar 19, 2014

I've now populated my database with all my sales information.

Now, towards plan/prepare 'replenishments' from suppliers, I need to know how many of each product I've sold (ideally between two given dates ....because recent sales history is more important than say sales information from 1 year ago), but let's keep it simple!

How can I get such info out of my database, the info is contained in my database something like this...

Order date Qty Product ID

1-feb-2014 1 widget A
2-feb-2014 1 widget A
2-feb-2014 1 widget B
3-feb-2014 2 widget A
4-feb-2014 5 widget C

(in my database, qty is declared as 'double', where Product ID is categorized as 'text')

So I'd like an 'order summary' from the above raw data (contained in my database) to look something like this...

Widget A Sales = 4 units
Widget B Sales = 1 units
widget C Sales = 5 units

How can I do that please? (I looked at access reports, but couldn't see a way of multiplying 'product by quantity' & then total it all up).

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Forms :: How To Get Only One Item In A Combo Box When Using Table / Query Option

May 1, 2013

How do I get only one item in a combo box when using the Table/Query option (ie No Duplicates). I want only one of each field with no duplicates.

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Setfocus On Repeating Item/accessing A Specific Item

Aug 18, 2006

I have a form that simply lists the items:

In the table: DEPARTMENT_TBL

When I edit the field DEPARTMENT_NBR and it is in error (must be between 01 and 99) I want to put out a message in a MSGBOX and SetFocus back on the DEPARTMENT_NBR.

I coded the MSGBOX with vbokonly and then DEPARTMENT_NBR.SetFocus, but after the message displays and enter is hit for the ok the cursor jumps to the DEPARTMENT_NAME on the current line. Is there a way to get the SetFocus to work properly on repeating items like this? I can never seem to get them to perform the same as they do on non-repeating items.

Thanks for your help.

If IsNumeric(DEPARTMENT_NBR) = False Then
If DEPARTMENT_NBR <> "00" Then
MsgBox "DEPARTMENT NUMBER must between 01 and 99.", vbOKOnly
GoTo DEPARTMENT_NBR_EXIT (exits the paragraph skipping other checks)
End If
End If

Also, is there a way to look at a specific item in a list like that? IE. I want to reference the 3rd row's DEPARTMENT_NBR. Thanks.

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Queries :: Subtract Value From One Table From Each Item In A Group In Another Table

Apr 23, 2015

I have a database to keep track of time spent on development work. The database uses mainly two tables: Estimates and Status.

The Estimates table holds a static number for each item to be worked on. We generally subtract this number from the total number of hours in Status spent on each of the items. In queries, to calculate the overall delta, we subtract the Estimate from the overall Status for each item.

However, we would like to create a report that gives us a running total for each item. So, if we have 100 hrs in the Estimate table for Item A and 5 hrs for item B, then the report would ideally show something like this (delta between Status table and static value in Estimate table):


Item | Resource Name | Estimate | Actual | Delta
A John Doe 100 10 -90
A Jane Doe 90 5 -85
A John Appleseed 85 5 -80
B John Doe 5 10 5
B Jane Doe -5 5 10

This is so that we can see how our actual hours spent working on a task line up to our estimates. So, if we are under estimating our work, we can easily see this.

In Excel, this is of course no issue, but it becomes an issue when trying to write a query in Access to report this information.

As I said, we can do the overall numbers, just not the line item numbers.

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Queries :: Query Filter Out Data From A Table Between Times On 2 Dates

Jul 24, 2014

Running Access 2010 and developed this query to filter out data from a table between times on 2 dates (day before report run and day of report). Covers data from a shift that carries over to the next day.Trouble is, the PC i developed on still operates the query as expected. However, on the PC the database resides (not networked just stored) and operates, the query brings up no data at all unless I remove the Time filtering.

This PC used to operate correctly up until early this year (about 18 months operated correctly) when the PC was replaced due to failure. Access version is the same and I am at wits end to what the cause is. Here is what my query looks like:


SELECT Breakdowns.BreakdownDate, Breakdowns.Time, Breakdowns.Shift, Breakdowns.Downtime, Breakdowns.Equipment, Breakdowns.Conveyor, Breakdowns.Fault, Breakdowns.Stopper, Breakdowns.Gate, Breakdowns.Dolly, Breakdowns.Carrier, Breakdowns.FaultType, Breakdowns.Comments, Breakdowns.Tradesman
FROM Breakdowns
WHERE (((Breakdowns.BreakdownDate)=Date()) AND ((Breakdowns.Time) Between #00:00:00# And #6:29:00#) AND ((Breakdowns.Shift)="Night")) OR (((Breakdowns.BreakdownDate)=Date()-1) AND ((Breakdowns.Time) Between #22:30:00# And #23:59:00#) AND ((Breakdowns.Shift)="Night"));

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Queries :: Unable To Make Crosstab Query To Filter Records From Table

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to make a crosstab query to filter my records from my table.

Here is the scenario.

I want to make a query that will return me my Rep ID, Rep Name, his Bonus and his GV-Q (another value) based on every month.

Now I make a crosstab query and here is the syntax.

TRANSFORM First([TBL Qualification Data India].[Bonus Rank]) AS [FirstOfBonus Rank]
SELECT [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
FROM [TBL Qualification Data India]
GROUP BY [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
PIVOT [TBL Qualification Data India].Period;

This resulted in a column for Rep Number, one column for Rep Name and columns for all the period of Bonus I am going to have., so there are basically 9 columns for this till this month for each month and bonus value shows as values for all these month (period) columns.

Now in this same syntax, I want to have my Rep GV-Q value as well as his bonus to show in the same query, I read and came to know that it's not possible to directly have two values or two column headings in a crosstab query, I must have to make a new crosstab query and then use a normal select query to display records from these two crosstab queries, so I went ahead and made a new similar but with one value field changed crosstab query and here is the syntax for that.


TRANSFORM First([TBL Qualification Data India].[GV-Q]) AS [FirstOfGV-Q]
SELECT [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
FROM [TBL Qualification Data India]
GROUP BY [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
PIVOT [TBL Qualification Data India].Period;

Now after this how to make a select query to show the data from these two queries.

I can make a normal query based on these two crosstab queries and manually add all fields and then I would have my result but then after every month I have to manually enter these two extra month details from both crosstab queries to my final query and that's not what I want.

Is there any method to do this by gathering data from these two queries into one and achieve the result I want or if there is any other approach to tackle this.

To explain my database and my need for output, I am attaching few pics to make things easier if I made some mistakes in explaining my problem. It's included in attached zip since I am not able to post images or links.

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Queries :: Enter Query Criteria - Filter All Record From Parameter Table

Nov 14, 2013

I have table which store set of number

table: parameter
field: Branch

I want to use enter query criteria so that it can filter all record from parameter table, How can I do? or any VBA code can serve same purpose?

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Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

Below is what I have tried but in vain and it says atmost you can atmost one criteria row in sub query

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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General :: Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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Calculating Line-Item Cost In Table

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Save Item In Listbox To Table?

Jul 8, 2014

code to save data in listbox to a table in vba access

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Tables :: Add To A Table With Lookup Does Not Find Item

May 16, 2014

I have several tables which have an indexed, no dup field. When inputting a entry that is not in the referenced table, how can I be taken directly to the input form for that field.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Item In List Box To A Table

Jul 11, 2014

Save Item in listbox (Row source type : Value list) to a table in a database .

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Tables :: Delete Item Entered In One Table From Another Automatically

Dec 24, 2013

Im trying to make a basic customer database and pos system. The part iam having trouble with is, I have two tables as follows:

Inventory: orders(invoices):
productId ProductId
amount (in stock) amount(sold)
pricePerUnit CashTendered

I want the amount(in stock) sold in each order to be deducted from the total in the amount(sold) automatically.

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Linking Multiple Items From A Table To One Item In Another In Forms

Mar 4, 2015

I have what should be a really simple database to build. In table tbl1PlanHdr is the header item. Many items in tbl2MaintItem will then be allocated to each header. MaintItems items will be allocated to more than one Header.

I want to set up a form that has the tbl1PlanHdr as the main part of the form and tbl2MaintItem as the subform. Possibly as a datasheet, or continuous form.

I need the ability to update items in the subform back to the orginal table.

I have a relationship of one to many from the tbl1PlanHdr to tbl2MaintItem using the primary key in tbl1PlanHdr.

But should this be a one to many from tbl2MaintItem to tbl1PlanHdr

The end result required is to be able to get a data dump of all the tbl1PlanHdr items with the corresponding tbl2MaintItems items.

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General :: Order Database - Discount Table With Percentage For Each Item

Aug 23, 2013

I have been asked to create a database that creates orders, debits stock etc for my company. Now I have been asked to put in some kind of discount table with percentages for each individual item for each individual customer. What would the best way of doing this?

I figured in the Customer Table I would have a code such as 'CustomerADiscount' and 'CustomerBDiscount' etc. and then in my table maybe

Product A - CustomerADiscount - 10%
Product A - CustomerBDiscount - 20%

Product B - CustomerADiscount - 5%
Product B - CustomerBDiscount - 7%

This link these values up within a query? Would this be the best way of doing it?

Is Access able to determine a percentage in "10%" or "5%" or do I need some type of formula for it instead?

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Forms :: Entering One Item To Create Multiple Entries In A Table?

Nov 7, 2014

Basically I am inputting stock into my database so I can have a record of what I have left and who it's gone too. Where I'm stuck though is when I want to add an item that I have more than one off but only enter it once and have it assigned a unique stock ID number (this is in the form of an autonumber) for however much quantity I choose to enter. So for example I have 5 keyboards, I type in 'Keyboard' into my item field (named txtItem) and then type '5' into my quantity field (named txtQuantity). When I then press Add Stock (named btnAddStock) I should then see in the table, 5 separate Keyboards listed each with a different Stock ID number.

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General :: Create New Table By Item ID To Show Balance Of Stock

Feb 17, 2014

I have created 3 tables for simple inventory.

a) Item details
b) stock in
c) stock out

All I simply want to do is create a new table by item id to show balance of stock.

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Forms :: Populate Textbox From Table Field By Clicking Item In Listbox

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to populate a textbox from a field in a table based on clicking on a item in a listbox. User clicks a name from the Client table in the client field, and the date that is stored in the orderDate in the same row. I want the text11 textbox to show that date.

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How To Change Item Source For Multi-valued Field From A Linked Table To A List

Feb 16, 2013

I am using MS Access 2007.

I have created a multi-valued field "Product Category" that lookups data items from a linked table. So, the Data Type for the multi-valued field "Product Category" is Number.

Now I want to change the Data Type of "Product Category" from Number to Text, and make a value list that I can type values in and can provide the same data items as the linked table.

How to change item source for the multi-valued field from a linked table to a list that I can type in values? Is there a feature provided by MS Access 2007 can enable such a conversion?

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A Query That Only Displays Each Item And The Cheapest Price

May 2, 2007

ok i have a table containg two columns. One column has a list of items and the second column has their respective prices. I wanna make a query that only displays each item and the cheapest price. Does anyone know how to do that?

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Running A Query Based On Item In Combo Box

Nov 12, 2004

I am trying to select the records I want displayed by what category is chosen in the combo box.

Say there are two fields in the combo box: Red / Blue

I want the query to only display the records associated with the Red Category.

If I set the criteria in the query to [Show only Red] and type in Red when the query is run I get blank lines.

Is there an issue when choosing a category from a combo box for the query to be specific on?

My other issue is.... does the problem originate because I am trying to run a query from a table that is being filled in by typing the
information into a form? I wouldn't think so, but I am not sure.


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