Filtered Report

Jan 25, 2006

Hey all, I have been trying to filter my report However It doesnt seem to be working the way I would like it to. I have the ability to filter on my form, so I can search Wood* and then there will be 27 records displayed so I can view each one speratly. however now I would like to have it on a report. I would like to then click the report button, and view those 27 records on my report as the layout that I have provied I can see multiple on a sheet. Any ideas?

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Reports :: Unfiltered Report Footer Totals On Filtered Report?

Apr 10, 2014

I've done this once entirely by accident and can't seem to duplicate it...

I have a report. It has the following:

Report Header: Logo and title
Department Header
Supervisor Header
Group Header
Department Footer: Totals
Report Footer: Overall Totals for all departments

Here's my question.
I have combo boxes on my main form that filter this report. The combo boxes are referred to by the query that runs the report. How do I get proper unfiltered overall totals in my report footer?

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Only Filtered Records On Report

Sep 15, 2005

i've created a form base on a query, and other users will work on it (mainly filter). then i created a report base on the same query...
what i want is a "print" button on the form which will print the report, not all records, but only the filtered records after user applied their filters...
since users will apply different filters each time, it's quite impossible to make all different filters as query...
any idea?

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Reports :: Getting A Report Based On Filtered Subform?

Dec 25, 2014

i have some combobox which shows the column shown into the subform. i can filter the subform using the comboxes. now i need to build an instant report based on the current filtering. i can filter more or less. but i need the current position of the subform into a report.

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Reports :: Printing Filtered Results That Have Set In Report

Aug 5, 2015

I have a database with some reports that show all records in a table. Some users want to only see certain rows, so they use filter option (clicking in the field, and using the funnel symbol feature at the top.

I have a print button, but I had only set it to print the report name. So when a user filters a report and clicks print, it still prints every record, instead of the filtered results that they have set.

How can I alter my VBA code for printing so that the button prints whatever results are shown? I don't quite understand how Me.Filter works, so every change I try still prints everything.

Right now its just back to

Private Sub btnPrint_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "ALL REQUESTS", acNormal
End Sub

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Forms :: Open A Report With The Results From A Filtered Form?

Nov 25, 2014

I want to open a report with the results from a filtered form.

I want to use a similar format to the attached Allene Browne search2000 as the base to filter the records initially, but not sure how to get the filtered results into a report and the most efficient way.

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Reports :: Printing Filtered Pivot Chart On A Report

May 23, 2013

I have created a database that tracks production by individuals. I have also created a report which includes a pivot chart to give the user a chart view of production.

In the pivot filter of the chart I have associate names, where the user can click all, or individual associates, to see individual production.

The trouble I am having is when the user goes to print the chart, it will only print the chart with the "All" filter view. Even if the pivot chart is filtered to one associate, it will print like "All" was checked.

Is there a way to allow the report/pivot chart to only print the production for the individual who is checked within the pivot filter?

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Report Out With One Click - How To Get Filtered Data In Graph Form

Sep 29, 2014

My company wants me to run a high level report which ask for three filters. However as its high level they want it should run with a click instead of choosing filters from three drop down ...

As this report comes out as a graph I can't use report wizard to run tabular report. Any smart way that they click a button and get filtered data in graph form.

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Generating Filtered Report By Selecting A Month From Combo Box

May 8, 2013

Basically what I would like to do is create a Combo Box with each month of the year available to select. When I click on a specific month, I want it to pop open a Report based on my table that is filtered by the month I selected. I have a Date column already created in my base table to be my filtering device.

I've already learned how to use query's and reports a bit. I have a Command Button on my form that launches a report based on a query that only shows data for the current year. Likewise, I created one that only shows data for things with a specific item code using a [Which Item Code?] criteria in my query. So in theory, I could do this by creating 12 different buttons, 12 different query's, and 12 different reports. That seems like overkill though and it would seem there has to be an easier way to do that simply by using a combo box to select the month you want to filter.

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Reports :: Printing Report Based On Filtered Results Of Form

Jun 26, 2013

I am trying to print a report based on the filtered results of a form where the data record source is generated from a query. What I have is five unbound comboboxes on a form that filter the results of the query on a subform which works fine in whichever combination I set, I then want the report to print out the results of the filter and the filter combination that I used - basically exactly as it appears on the form (I have used the same query / subform in the report with text boxes to show the filters used on the form). My VBA skills are quite limited (but improving!) and I have trawled the web trying different code examples but can't seem to get it nailed. Current filter code follows;

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub PrntConfigReport_Click()


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General :: Report To Multiple Text Files Based On Filtered Value

Jun 14, 2014

I created report "rpt" with a few subrpts. I would like to export this report to word by value in column M_AGENDA_KOD.

M_AGENDA_KOD column has about 370 rows, so i do not want to export each manually.

So I would like to have each M_AGENDA_KOD value as separated word file named by that M_AGENDA_KOD value.
Is that even possible?

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Reports :: Exporting Filtered Report After Users Verifies Content

Sep 18, 2013

I have a report that is opened via a Form that lets the user choose a date to filter the report. The report opens in Print Preview mode.

What I'm attempting is to give the user an easy way to export the report once they've verified the report is accurate.

One way I've tried to do this was to use the OnClose event to execute a vbYesNo MsgBox giving them the option to export. The problem here is that I can't do the export while the report is closing.

Run-time Error '2585': This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event.

I tried to move my MsgBox to the OnUnload so that could cancel the Unload, but was met with the same results.

Private Sub Report_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Response
Response = msgbox("Do you want to save a copy of this log?", vbYesNo, "Export to PDF")
If Response = vbYes Then
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptWatchLog", acFormatPDF
End If
End Sub

Some research indicates perhaps the DoCmd.OutputTo is happening to quickly. Would including some type of pause in the code execution between the Cancel = True and the DoCmd solve my problem? Though frankly, even if it did it doesn't feel very elegant. I also recognize that I'd need to reinitiate the Unload>Deactivate>Close process after the export completed.

I initially began by having an Export Command Button on the form they use the choose a date, but was unable to have the exported report honor the user supplied filter from that form.

Here is the code from that form that is applying the filter:

'Open Watch Log Report with chosen date as filter
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
'use date even though it's not saved anywhere
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False

[Code] .....

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Filtered DAP

Aug 2, 2005

I would like to know how I can put filter fields on a DAP that when you press a button will then filter a table. Also, does anyone know of any good references on working with DAP, becasue from what it seams like, there isn't any technical information out there.

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Using Avg With Filtered Data

Sep 27, 2004

Hi everyone, I am new to writing queries in access and I have got stuck with this one.

I have 2 tables containing similar data from 2 different paradigms.

The main columns I am interested in are not unique - labelled ID and Delta Ex (a score). The same ID values can occur more than once in the same table, so I am interested in calculating the average Delta Ex score for each ID value in each table.

I then want to ask what ID values occur in both table 1 and table 2 and then calculate the average score of each common ID values across both tables. i.e. ID 1 score = avg( ex, table ex).

I then want to rank the top 50 scores.

So far I have the following to find common ID values, with a score above a threshold set by the input string threshold. These are ordered with in descending score value.

SELECT [MODEL 1].[ID], [MODEL 1].[Delta Ex]
WHERE ((([MODEL 1].[Delta Ex])>[threshold]) And (([MODEL 2].[Delta Ex])>[threshold]) And (([MODEL 1].[Accession])=[model 2].[accession]))
ORDER BY [MODEL 1].[Delta Expression] DESC;

With a second query I can select the top 50 scores:

SELECT TOP 50 [query 1].ID, [query].[Delta Ex]
FROM [query 1]
ORDER BY [query 1].[Delta Ex] DESC;

However, I can't for the life of me work out how to obtain an avg score for each ID value.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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Filtered Query Look Up

Feb 9, 2012

I have two tables, say customers and purchase orders. I am trying to write query that returns a list of customers based on a wild card purchase order search.(FYI, the query is being used in a VB.NET application)

SELECT Customers.WarehouseID AS Customers_WarehouseID, Customers.Name, PurchaseOrders.PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrders.WarehouseID AS OBRs_WarehouseID
FROM Customers INNER JOIN OBRs ON Customers.[WarehouseID] = OBRs.[WarehouseID]
WHERE (((OBRs.OBR) Like '" & strPOFilter & "*'));

This query almost works how I'd like it to, except in cases where a single customer has multiple purchase orders that begin the same way. So, for example, if customer "mike" has purchase orders "00554" and "00553", if you search for "00", mike will be returned twice. How can I modify the query to only return the customer once?Is it possible, or should I filter out repeated offenders in my code?

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Navigating A Filtered List

Jun 8, 2005

I have a form that contains a pretty large list of items and several columns and the list can be sorted by each of these columns. When a user double-clicks on a particular item, another form pops up that lets the user view/modify the item. The problem I'm having is that I still want to be able to use the navigation buttons in that second form, but right now its just saying 1 of 1 (Filtered).

The way I'm applying the sorting is by updating the Rowsource field of the list with an "Order By" statement

Any help would be appreciated


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Run Form With Filtered Criteria

Jan 27, 2006

Hello all,

I have looked through the forum, found some things, but not sure if they help with what I need specifically. I tried looking at the microsoft website, but can't really follow some of the things they have there.

On clicking a form (called Manager), I would like a list of some fields from a query (called queryMgr) to pop up, so that I can put in the criteria as I would if I just used the query, and then submit or run, and the form gives the filtered results. I don't want users to open the query and put in their criteria, I just want them to go to the form directly

When I click the form, I want the following to pop up at the same time so I can fill in the criteria:

Vendor Number
Invoice Number
Check Received (this is a Yes or No field)

and then when I click submit or enter, the form gives me say 5 records that match this criteria.

Thanks a lot!!!

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Allowing Data To Be Filtered

Aug 8, 2006

I'm new to Access and am trying to work out the best way to achieve the following.

I need a way for users to be able to filter the data which is displayed by forms or output in reports. For example, suppose that a user wants a list of all customers in either of two specific towns with a specific date of birth.

Obviously this could be achieved using a query and setting the criteria of the towns column to be:

"Anytown 1" or "Anytown 2"

and setting the criteria of the Date of Birth column to be the specific date required, e.g.


However, so far everything about my database has been very user friendly with forms for data entry and presentation, so I don't really want to force my users to start creating their own queries.

The alternative I'm thinking of is as follows. Provide a query to pull together the required information (from various tables) but without any specific criteria. Then create a form with a field for each of the columns in the query, and allow the user to type their critieria into these. Then, place If statements as the criteria of the query to check if there is anything typed into each box on the form and, where there is, set it as the critieria for the query, then run the query.

With the above in mind, I have two questions.

1) Is there a better, more "standard" way to achieve a system of allowing users to create customised filtered data without requiring them to write queries?

2) In some cases, e.g. like with my specification of a town above, it would be good if the user could select the town they want to filter for from a drop-down combo box, rather than typing it in and risking entering details incorrectly. However, this would obviously allow them to select only one town, and not two as was required in my example. Is there an equivalent to a combo box which would allow multiple selections?

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me - and please remember that I am new to Access so whilst I want the best possible solution, I need a plain English explanation!


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Trying To Add Data To A Filtered List

Oct 9, 2006

Ok access noob here and a first post as well...I have to filter a table that has children and teachers.I made a form with a combo box of teacher names then filteredon the teacher the subform I have to create a matrix of the children thatare assigned to that would be something like thisteacher date child name start endthe teacher and child name are in tblmainthe date start and end values have to be in tbldata1so the beginning they want to choose a teacher and a dateso I shifted and put the teacher in a combo box and tied it to nothingbut the subformso combo box teacher and field datelinks to subform are teacher;datecombo box(teacher name)==> Ms. Eve text box(date)==> 01/01/06but they want a filtered list on teacher so the subform would have to beteacher date child name start endMs. Eve 01/01/06 mary lamb Ms. Eve 01/01/06 billy bullMs. Eve 01/01/06 bob jonesthen they could put in start and end for each childI don't see how I can get the child names filtered thru a query (thisI can do) BUT then to be able to edit the fields and put this datainto a new table.IS there a way to do this?a big help for any ideas or pointers as I am lost on this

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Displaying A Filtered List

Dec 5, 2006

Help !! - Can anyone help. I have had a quick look through the previous threads and can't seem to find anything that may help me. Has anyone got any ideas.

I have a table which has many columns, one of these columns is called actions. On the design of the table, the action column is a Text Datatype and on the lookup tab the row source is a typed in list of actions.

A form has been created from this one table. A drop down box has been created which looks at the action column and so drops down to give us our typed in list of actions.

Users will select the current action from the drop down list.

What I actually want to do is depending on what the current selected action is, that the drop down box only shows a subset / filtered list of actions.

I know how this is designed is not the tidiest/slickest way of doing things, But unfortunately, I have inherited this from someone else who has been running the database this way for over 6 years !!

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Distinct Entries Of Filtered Column?

Apr 22, 2008

I have a text column that has some Letter in it, the format is #A-##A where A = Alpha, the last Alpha is also not required. What I want to do is get a list of all the first A's, so like i have 11P-23A, 22G-45B, 33K-67C and I want to get A,G,K is this possible?

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Enter New Record In A Filtered Form

Jan 25, 2005


I want a filtered pop up form to accept new records.

The archive posting that I found suggested that I insert

[MyForm]![LinkedField] as the default value of the linked field.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.


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Adding Records To Filtered Form.

Nov 1, 2005

Ok heres the problem, i seem to have a little bit of a mind block at the moment so help would be greratly appreciated.

Basically there are two tables involved, tblBikes (which contains all information on the bikes) and tblHires (which contains all the information about hired bikes) these are linked with a one to many relationship as each bike can be hired out many times.
I have a button on a form containing bike information which opens the hires form filtered by the bike ID of the record selected in the first form. When I add a record to the hires form i need the bikeID to be automatically input into the field.

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Sorting Form By Filtered Data

Mar 14, 2006

I have a button that opens a second form and shows filtered data based on the selection of a ComboBox from the initial form. That all works nicely, I now wish to sort the Data in the new form by [POID].

The code I'm using looks like this;

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "FRM_AWMPonum"

stLinkCriteria = "[ClientID]=" & Me![Combo0] & " AND IsNull(DelDate)"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

What changes do I need to make to the code to sort the data?

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Sending E-mail To Filtered Result

Jan 6, 2005

Happy New Year to ALL!

I am trying to e-mail from a form that displays filtered result, but having trouble. Could someone please guide me?

I am using DoCmd.SendObject (a routine that I found in a newsgroup). This routine works fine when I am sending it to all the recipients, but not to filtered recipients. The form shows filtered result, but I am not being able to use the command to only send to filtered recipients. Instead, when I press the button to e-mail, it populates the cc: field with all the e-mail addresses rather than the filtered addresses.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Here is the code:

Private Sub cmdGenerateList_Click()
'Create Email list from the appropriate query and open Outlook with those addresses in the cc: field

Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, sql As String, emailTo As String, txtEmailList As String

On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateList_Click

Set db = CurrentDb()

emailTo = ""
sql = "select EmailName from qInd_info "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

Do Until rs.EOF
If Not IsNull(rs!EmailName) Then
'build up email addresses separated by a semicolon
emailTo = emailTo & rs!EmailName & "; "
End If

'Remove the last semicolon
If Right(emailTo, 2) = "; " Then
emailTo = Left(emailTo, Len(emailTo) - 2)
End If

' Me.txtEmailList = emailTo

'Create the message with the recipients in the BCC: field
' DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , emailTo
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , emailTo

Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdGenerateList_Click

End Select

End Sub

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Saving Query As Filtered Result Set

Jun 21, 2006

I have created a query of 382 records. After filtering I now have a result set of 32 records, which I want to save as another query.

When I select Save As and rename, I get my original 382 record query with a new name.

How do I save the 32 record result set?

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