Filtering Using A Combobox

Jan 26, 2005

Hi folks, I have a question regarding filtering of a data in a listbox.

Basically the listbox has rows of data from a main table, with 8 columns, i.e. 8 data fields (CustomerID, Product, Subject, Date etc.). At the moment the list box shows all data entries, I then want to filter out certain entries. For example, only show entries with a certain Product. In the main table the Product field is filled by selecting a product from a combo box. I want to filter my listbox using a combobox containing these products. I have the listbox and combobox set up on a form. Is it possible to filter in this way or should I construct an Option Group and filter using that?

Many thanks,

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Filtering Combobox In Form

Nov 9, 2006


I have a minor problem.
I have a table and form with a carpool.
I would like to be able to display history by date with the help of the combobox which car you had last week.
But I don't know how to go about it.

I have attached a DB and would be glad if someone can but their magic touch to it.


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Filtering Out Data For Combobox

Jan 2, 2014

I'll start with explaining what my goal is.. I have a table with workorders, it has a column "date planned" so I can give all the work orders a date when to be executed.

On the other hand I also have a table with the ID of every technician and the dates when their vacation starts and ends, so 3 columns, 1 text, 2 dates.

To link the 2 I use a table "schedule" where I have 4 columns, "ID", "WO", "TechID". WO refers to the workorder nummer that can be found in the schedule table.

My end goal is to have a form with a subform "schedule" where I can see all the workorders in dataview, when I select a workorder in the table I want to fill up a combobox with all the technicians available, so that means that all the ones on vacation on the planned date of that WO are not included in the combobox..

I tried making a select query, but I have no clue how to make a "select ... where (date) is not between ... and ..."

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Filtering Query For Combobox In Subform

Jun 21, 2005

I have this form where there's mention of CompanyID

In a subform, I have the information about all the contacts of this Company. In order to see full detail information for a particular contact (of that particular Company) I have a Combobox with a query.

At least: that's the whole idea. Unfortunately it doesn't work in Access:
SELECT Contact.ContactID, Contact.Name
FROM Contact
WHERE ((Contact.CompanyID)=(Me!frmCompany![ContactID]));

Can any help me? I need to do more of the sorts of queries... and I can't figure it out how to use values from forms and parent-forms.

Any help is appreciated,


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Forms :: Filtering Listbox Using Combobox?

Jun 23, 2015

I'm trying to filter the listbox using a combo box.

So I have a Combo box that has the list of the subjects and a listbox with the list of students.

I wanted to show the list of students who are registered in selected subject.

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Filtering A ComboBox List Based On A Table Value?

Nov 12, 2014

My database is centered on a main form where users select pieces of information from ComboBoxes (primarily) and submit.

The first part of the form, they must choose from a list of our clients, which is a table with with roughly 5000 rows.

Later on in the form, they must choose a contact person from that client. While Client's may have several contact names (which need to be stored in a table), only one name is necessary for the form portion.

How can I make this Contact Person ComboBox only load names attached to the specific Client selected above?

As it stands right now, the Client List has its own table (along with additional information), and Contact Name is a separate Table with a look up field of Client List.

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General :: Combobox Filtering Listbox To Only Show Same Records

Apr 4, 2013

Ok I have a list box (CounselorInitials) and a listbox (AssignedToYou)

The list box has 6 columns and is using a query (AssignedToMe). The important one is the 6th one (Counselor). All working off a table called DityLog.

I want to select initials in the combo box and then it will filter the listbox and only show records that are the same.

So if I select initials MC from the combo box I want the Listbox to show all records that have the initals with MC.

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One ComboBox Selection Filtering Selection Of Second.

Jan 12, 2005

Porbably a stupid queston for most of you, but I am new to the game. Trying to get the selection of one combo box to filter the selections of a second combo box. Have one table called Sections with the colums SectionID and SectionName, a Second Table called SubSection with Colums SubSectionID, SubSectionName, and SectionID. Third Table called Points which has a column for Section, and SubSection, need to have the section combobox selection filter the SubSection combobox selections. Any help would be appreciated!

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Saving Contents Of Combobox As String, And Inputing In Another Combobox

Jan 13, 2005

How would I modify multiple comboboxes in subforms at the same time. For example.. In main form ComboboxA user selects 1992, Combobox1 in subform1 is also changed to 1992, as well as Combobox2 in subform 2.

Whats the best way to do this?

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How Can I Filter One Combobox Based On Another Combobox Selection?

Apr 22, 2005

I have 2 comboboxes, the first one is called "activity", whereby I have 3 options to choose from, and the second is called "level".

When I click an "activity", for example Drawings, I want the "level" combobox to list a unique set of options for that category. and if I click on a different "activity" for example Planning, I want the "level" combobox to show a completely different set of options.

If anyone can give me any help on how to do this then I would be very grateful!!


Angela :eek:

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Combobox Based On Previous Combobox

Jan 25, 2006

I've tried searching the forums and haven't found quite what i'm looking for. I would like to be able to change the source for a combobox based on another combobox. The simplest way i can summarize that is i want to be able to choose A or B, depending on my choice i want another combobox to display all the values that A or B can have.



I'm not sure I worded that very well. :(

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Combobox Depends On Input Of Other Combobox

Feb 25, 2008

Hey all,

I've read some tutorials on this sort of thing, but I can't seem to piece it all together to achieve what I want.

I have a table Products that contains the fields Product, Size and Brand. I also have a form, frmProducts, that has a combobox linked to each of the fields in the Products table. I want to be able to select a product from the first combobox, tab to the Brand combobox and have only those brands associated with the product already selected.

This is how I think it should work:
1.ComboBox1 selects productA
2.ComboBox2 takes its options from a query that searches Products table for all instances of productA and displays all available brands. brandA is selected.
3.ComboBox3 get its options from another query that searches for all instances of productA that also have brandA and displays all available sizes.

What I'm having trouble with in particular is passing the data between queries. For example, I can't figure out how to tell the query to search for all instances of productA when its defined by the first combobox. Do I have to store it as a variable somewhere?

I hope I've been clear.

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Jun 14, 2005

I have a text box (txtInput), is there a way that I can filter results on a form based on txtInput.text?

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Jun 2, 2007

Hey guys im a bit stuck and would really appreciate any suggestions...

I have 3 tables:

Table 1: Products

Table 2: Suppliers

Table 3: Prices

Table 1 & 2 have a relationship to table 3, with a many to many relationship. i.e. many products can have many suppliers.

This part works well and i have a form that shows each product with a subtable that shows that products suppliers.

However, i want to be able to filter to prices table to show each individual supplier and what products they supply.

I appreciate they time anyone took to read this and hope i made it clear, and if any one can help like i siad i would be very gratefully :)

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May 19, 2006

When using the MS Works database the "Find" command makes a new table of all records that include the chosen words.
The "Find" command on Access 2002 does not do this, nor does any filter command. Is there an easy way to do this in Access?


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Help With Filtering

Aug 10, 2005

I want to filter the information displayed on a form using the values I select in text or combo boxes.

I want to filter the form using one or more of the following options.
Call Ref - text box
Location No - Combo box
Area - combo box
Status - combo box

The combo boxes are taking their values from other tables within the database.

Can anyone help me develop the code needed to filter the form.


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Jun 26, 2006


i have a data sheet form which I need some help with!!
I have a lot of data that I need filtering.

The first filter is for day and the second is for time of day.
I.e. i want to be able to click on a date (using the calender from MS datepicker) and have the datasheet return the records for that selected day.

But I would also like another field that can filter it down to a specific time of day. e.g. 27/06, 13:00 returning all the records for this specific time slot.

At the moment there is a filter for date AND time but I would like date AND/OR time.

Also I would like to have it setup so it automatically gets rid of data over 2 months old, is there a way to do that, if not automatically maybe with a macro/command button??

Thanks for you help

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Jan 14, 2008

i have a form bounded to a table called street.
this form has 2 bounded text boxes:
country: lookup field to the country table
city: luukup field to the city table

i want to do the following: when GetFocus on the city text box, i want to filter in thi stext box for all the cities that belong to this country (value in country text box)

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Form Filtering?

Nov 1, 2005

Hey all I am having a problem with my form filter. I was wondering if you can just direct a filter from form 1 to form 3 without referencing form 2. I am thinking not cause I am having a problem getting the filter to work. Here is the code I have in my load form.

framfiltval = "CONSTR_LOCATION = " + "'" + Form_PID.ADDRESS3.Value + "'"
Form.Filter = framfiltval
Form.FilterOn = True

Thank for the help in advance

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Question On Filtering??

Jun 20, 2007


I have this database that list companies and what type of loan they have. I am having a hard time thinking of the right type of filter to use. I am looking to select multiply types of loans and have it filter out the companies that have that service. I was thinking of a list box or options but I am having trouble with the table. My question is how would you go about it? Thanks

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Filtering, I Guess That's It

Jul 23, 2007

hope someone can help.
I'm making a form to select country/state/city for members
i made a table with 3 columns country,state,city

i wrote down the states for 2 countries (the ones i'm gonna use)
the city is left blank (since i don't want to write down all the cities just yet)

i'm looking to do:

When i try to display the Country as a drop down using a query that selects the column for country, i get a list of the same country the amount of times it is in the table for each state.
I only want to see each country once. even though in the table it is written several times.

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Filtering Nightmare

Feb 1, 2008

Is there any way that I can import a text file and split the data into three columns without having to go through 65000 lines of text.

It is basically a print off of a directory structure. I have a very large text file that lists the files in folders for each of hundreds of users. I need to divide the information up into three columns so that the below data:


2003-07-15 12:10 PM 1,474,564 blue.mp3
2003-07-15 12:09 PM 858,204 orange.mp3
2003-07-15 12:10 PM 1,665,028 yellow.mp3


2005-08-23 03:01 PM 917,504 jolly.mp3
2003-07-15 12:09 PM 331,005 joker.mp3


2005-08-23 03:01 PM 917,504 writing.doc

ends up looking like this:

BOBsongs1,474,564 blue.mp3
BOBsongs858,204 orange.mp3
BOBsongs1,665,028 yellow.mp3
BOBsongshappy 917,504 jolly.mp3
BOBsongshappy 331,005 joker.mp3
BOBfiles917,504 writing.doc

I easily imported the file into Excel, but it is still all in a column. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Filtering A Form

Feb 19, 2008

Hi all,

I'm creating a database for agents to use at work. Because they will all be using it at the same time, I need to create a combo box on the form that will filter the contents to only show those with their name in them. Is this possible?


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Filtering In Table

Mar 25, 2008

Hello All,

I am new here and was wondering if anyone has ever had the following happen:

When you 'Filter by Selection' in a table for NULL values the number of records shown are less than the actual number of records with NULL values.
For example, I tried this with a particular tables looking for NULLL records in a particular field and while I could clearly see that the number of NULL values was x, the number returned upon filtering on NULL in that field was less than x.

Any idea? Your help is very much appreciated.

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Drop Box Filtering

Jan 6, 2006

Hello Everyone. I'm not all that new to access however my problem does exceed my experience and I'm hopeing someone out there maybe able to help me.

A while back I began to build a database to keep track of post production activites such as what items were being produced on a perticular production line. Its my job to book all these items in according to date, line, item, order and qty.

This was all good and simple until it was decided that I had to assign a category to each item. Their are multiple models to one perticular category and to make things even more difficult the same item could be produced on more than one production line.

I work within a Pool company where their are 7 production lines, each with their own purpose and facilites of making certain products until you come to other products that could be produced on any of 3 or more lines.

So, I made a table 'Category' which lists the different types/acronyms for products and the lines in which it could be produced on.
I than created a new column within my Post Production table called 'category' and chose to use a drop box so I may select which category to assign the item. The drop box shows both columns 'Catefory','Line'.

The problem I have is that theres 40+ rows within the Category drop box and because the same name of the category may appear more than once simply beginning to type in the category name isn't good enough.

Is there a way to filter out which categories is listed within the drop box according to which line it maybe coming off once I've already selected which line within the same row?

I've tried selecting a relationship and createing a query both failed.


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