I am creating a form for users to enter data. Each entry needs to have a "Event ID" associated with it and these Event IDs may be used more than once but will refer to the same Event (if it was a single entry with no duplicates, I would just use the rows primary key). How to create a query that looks at a list of existing numbers (Events already in the table) and returns the next/an unused number? I would like to create a button that says "Next available Event ID" and provides the user with a number.
I have a access table with 32 columns and 42,000 rows of numbers. I need to find the MIN number in the row and if the MIN number has duplicates then I need them all placed into another column by column name. Example: Starting file DEST,ORIGIN1,ORIGIN2,ORIGIN3,ORIGIN4, ETC 05512,3,2,4,2
Please Help I am new to this place Developing Asp pages in Dreamweaver MX 6
In Access, 4 fields ID( AutoNumber), A(Number), B(Number), Tot(Number), Result(Text) After entering numbers in A & B, how to input total automatically Can I set something in the Default Value in the properties of Tot Like =A+B Whats the code ?
Next, If the Tot > 25, I want to display "Fail" in Result otherwise "Pass"
I am not sure where to start or go about creating message box that would display "No results found" if my queries return no results. My search of the forums hasn't been fruitful.
I have created one form that has a text box and a button that works as a search function to run through the tables and displays the applicable queries. Currently, if no results are returned nothing happens. Preferably I would like a message box to display stating that there were "No results found". I would assume that the code would be associated with the "Find" button. Here is the VBA code as it stands, again, I haven't even attempted to add code for a message box.
Private Sub Find_Click() On Error GoTo Find_Click_Err
If DCount("Heading", "Service Desk Manual Query") > 0 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "Service Desk Manual Query", acViewNormal, acReadOnly End If
Hello, I am trying to generate some query result on a form. My DB consists of the following fields : tradeID and profit/loss. How do i make a query to find the Maximum consecutive number of wins and losses in the database and display the results on a form?
Would really appreciate it if any of you have tried to sort and display results for finding consecutive number of events in any database!
In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?
Example of Hyperlink Editor:
Example of Find and Replace
In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?
I should find the position of a number in a sentence and later extracted. The number is attached always to an "E". ie: E1, E2, E3,E4. The range of the number is 1-4. I have this until now:
I am looking to find if a field contains a number and then build a case statement depending on which number is found. The field will contain data just like this:
Repaired frequency response and grounding issues. Replaced 2 Hybrids, capacitors, and connectors. Tested MER/BER and operation to specs.
Here is my code that did not work:
Code: If Me.txt_work_comm1 Like "*Hybrid" Then 'Sets up auto priced based on number of hybrids entered '1 hybrid If Me.txt_work_comm1 Like "*1" Then strCriteria = "repair_item = 'Charter RF Amplifier Repair + 1 Hybrid' AND profile_types = 'Alpha'"
To Summarize: 1. I need to find if the word "Hybrid" or "Hybrids" is in the field 2. Then I need to know how many to determine a price
On my "timesheet" for my volunteer database, I have a textbox called HoursRemaining. It's control source is =[HoursRequired]-[HoursCompleted] That works great. Occationally however, the volunteer will complete more hours than required. Instead of displaying a negative number, I would like HoursRemaining to display 0.
Is there a way to display a number (on a Form) for the number of records in a specific table? I just want to reference how many records there are. I tried to search this topic, but couldn't find anything. Thanks.
i would like to display the date and week number on one of my forms but have no idea about dates and how to code this. can some one help? id appreciate it it beyond me :confused:
hey guys i have the following line in my query for removing seconds from a time/date stamp and all works great except one thing if the time is 10:02 it is showing as 10:2 anyway of getting it showing correctly?
While doing a rabbit DB for the missus I have hit a problem, if one of the does gives birth to 3 babies i wish to have the details entered onto a form (not a problem) but i would like to do this:
if number of babies = 3 then fields to display to enter details is 3 on the form, i have my table setup with up to 10 seperate field for the babies per record but am stuck trying to do this
Hi, I have many records in 1 form, is it possible for me to display running number on that form? I can display running number in report by putting textbox and set its control source to =1. Is it possible to do that in form?
I'm converting minutes to display as HH:MM but have an issue when the number is negative. How to write this so I don't end up with a negative in front of the minutes?
Format([Variance]60,"00") & ":" & Format(([Variance] Mod 60),"00")
i.e. -193 gives me -03:-13, whereas I would like -03:13
I have a date field in a table. I wish to display in a query:Column A representing the month. Column B representing the number of records in the table corresponding to that month.
I have loads of projects in a table, they all have a status (eg Red, Green, Amber).
I have a query for each so if you run qry_RagRed, it will show in a sheet all Red projects and obviously have a total in there.
So I have a form which has buttons on it for navigation, what I want is to display various things on there so for example, a field that simply has the number of red projects, or green etc.
All I want it to do is tell me a number based upon number of items in a query.
I can't display a 17 digit number in my table without losing the last couple of digits to 'rounding'. I've tried 'doubling' the field size but to no avail....whatever I attempt loses the last couple of digits to a 'nice round figure'.....
The numbers had initially been imported as text...which is really what they ought to be as they're identification numbers, but I had some issues using the find 'duplicate values' query and conjectured that was because the ID numbers had been defined as text---->though I could be wrong.
The VAL function works (to convert the text to numbers) but again -- I lose the detail of the last couple of digits.
I've been beating my head against this wall the entire day and at the very least, would like to know if what I'm attempting is viable. I've stumbled through function queries (with some success) and react like a deer in the headlights when it comes to VBA....