Find And Update

Oct 26, 2004

I currently have been set the task to update our inhouse database (Access 2003)
with data from downloaded XML files. I have the database importing, and extracting
the data into a new table. My problem is now I need to query the main table, locate
those records with blank or null values and update them from the new table.

Any help is good help and extremely appreciated.


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Update Find Combo Box After Add Record

Sep 8, 2006

I have a combo box at the top of a form which is used to find records. When new records are added using the form, they do not show up in the combo box until the form has been closed and reopened.

Can anyone tell me how I can requery the combo box to ensure that it does list newly entered records?



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Queries :: Find Value In Recordset Then Update?

Apr 4, 2014

I am not sure if my coding is efficient or not but it takes so long to read lets say tbCOMPANY 40k records and find if values of two columns exists in tbRESULT which holds 30k records. Then if it doesn't find any records in the tbRESULT it will just insert the row otherwise an update will be executed.

What I did was:

1. Read tbCOMPANY each row using for loop
2. tbCOMPANY.FindFirst to lookup if values exists in the tbRESULT
3. If tbCOMPANY.noMatch, it will insert into tbRESULT
4. else it will update the matched row in the tbRESULT

Its been taking like over 30 minutes to process this and still ongoing and it will still keep on running. Now Access is showing as Not Responding in the task manager.., Any efficient way to do this?

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Find Record And Update A Field

Jan 29, 2014

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Complaint", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] ....

I find the record, and then try to update a field. The drop down menu field gets updated after it is initially changed from blank to a value, but it never changes after that though the re!C02 field has the correct newer data when I change it again.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Find Field In Update Statement

Aug 19, 2014

My update statement is shown below. What this is to do is change the PGTIN record in PP TBL to the GTIN that is in the UPC TBL where the UPC Code on the form is the same as the UPC Code in the UPC TBL. I am getting the error message "can't find field..." I have double and triple checked the field names but cannot find my error. Both PGTIN and UPC Code are text fields.

strSQL = "UPDATE [PP TBL] SET [PGTIN] = '" & [UPC TBL].[GTIN] & "' WHERE ([UPC TBL].[UPC Code] = '" & Me.UPC & "');"

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Forms :: Find And Update A Record Using Multiple Criteria

May 30, 2015

I Have a forms which brings up a record in textboxes when you hit a search Button using a value that you type into a Textbox called BarTxt. My problem is that this value may not be unique. Therefore I'm trying to find and update the table using 2 values from the table (Barcode and PurchaseOrder).I have entered the code


Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
PNTxt = DLookup("PartNumber", "BookInTable", "BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" And "PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] & "'")
End Sub

This however is just bringing up a Type mismatch error. Even though both are text fields.Also even if I just use Barcode to search which works. My update Code


DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" AND PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] &

I get an Compile error saying "expected expression".

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Forms :: Attendance Table - Find Student ID Before Update

Apr 2, 2013

I have a table called Attendance were information about the Student and the class they are attending is collected.

Another table called Student, this hold information about the student. I am using a Form called Attendance to input my information. What I am trying to achieve is:

BeforeUpdate on a text box:

When you input Student_ID it looks at the Student Table to see if the Student ID is valid before the information is updated to the Attendance Table.

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Queries :: Update A Field If Find A Match In Another Table

Jun 29, 2015

I have a table Billing_Temp that I need one field updated if I find a match in another table Random_Temp. I runt the query and it prompts for "Enter parameter value: Random_Temp.peopleID... what could be going on? Both tables have a field called peopleID and always Billing_temp has many more records than Random_temp:

UPDATE Billing_Temp SET Billing_Temp.audited = -1
WHERE (([Billing_Temp].[peopleID]=[Random_Temp].[peopleID]));

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Possible To Update 180 Queries With Find / Replace Script Or Function?

Apr 2, 2014

The company I work for is consolidating regional server space onto a single server. I have relinked all of my tables, but my ~180 queries are still pointing to the old server.

My question: Is there a script or other process that can be executed that will search through all my queries within the database to find the string "dbo_tbl" and replace with "dbo_vwtbl"? I would very much like to avoid taking each individual query to a notepad...

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Modules & VBA :: Multi User Environment / Find First Method And Update

Aug 21, 2014

I have a problem in multi user enviroment, with finding and locking a record in database.When one user finds, blocks and edit record ... another user in the same time can find the same record and overwrite it (User and Status values). It is just like he didn't see the changes making by another user.Each user have a copy of the front-end, back-end is on the shared disk.Here is the code to find new record:

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblTable1", dbOpenDynaset)
rs.FindFirst "[Status]='New' And [User] Is Null"
rs.LockEdits = True
rs![User] = username
rs![Status] = "Assigned"

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Queries :: Find Data In One Table And Put In Field Of Another Table Then Update

Nov 7, 2013

I have an "order details" table that needs to populate a field called "Voucher" with data from another table called "codes". The "codes" table also has a true/false field called "allocated" because once allocated the code cannot be re-used.

I am trying to work out how to automatically allocate the next unallocated code in the "codes" table to each record in the "order details" table when that order details record has a DiscountID of "92".

Order Details Table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
DiscountID - only when the DiscountID = 92
Voucher - only populated when Discount ID = 92

Codes table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
code = text field with a code like "einstein01", "einstein02"
Allocated = False

Is there a way to put the next available code into the order details record then mark that code as allocated in the codes table. Then, move on to the next order details record that has a discountID = 92, input the next unallocated code and mark that code etc. etc.

Ideally, I would like to do this to happen via an event when the Order forms button "Close" is clicked.

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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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A Word Find Can't Find

May 23, 2005

A customer's name is SZEE. Seek him through the SName textbox with Find, and Access can't find him. (Same in the table.) Seek him with a wildcard Sz* and there he is.

I've tried it on another machine - also with Access2k - and it's the same.

Is it an Access quirk? Is there an answer? (The client asks why. Be good to be able to say.) Cheers.

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General :: Saving Data - Update Or Cancel Update Without AddNew Or Edit

Apr 13, 2013

My membership database has worked fine until recently. Now I cannot save inserted data. On attempted saving "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" appears.

The problem. relates to 2 tables Member and Addresses. PK in the parent table Member is ID. In the Addresses Table the FK is ID. There is a One to One relation between the tables and Referential Integrity is set. I know 1 to 1 is not good but it worked fine in this small database.

Browsing the all of the existing records is fine.

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Can I Get An Update Query To Not Add Records To Tables Only Update?

Jun 28, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have got a query that updates details from one table2 to table1, "Reference" is the primary key and this is what the query uses to determine which need updating.

It all works great but if table2 contains a record in "Reference" that is not in table1 i just want it to ignore it, currently it just seeems to add them.

Any suggestion guys & gals?

Many thanks

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Using Criteria To Update Fields In A Update Query

Nov 29, 2006

Ok, i have a question about update queries.I have two tables (I'll call table 1 and table two for simplicity) and an update query. I want to get some data from table one to table two (via an update query). But in table two there is a field that isn't in table one but i want to add a value to that field via the query.My question is, can i manually put into the query what data to add to a field instead of/aswell as using data from other tables.I hope you understood my questions.Cheers

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General :: Update Or Cancel Update Without Add New Or Edit

Nov 3, 2013

I get an error "update or cancel update without add new or edit" which seems to point to this code.I am using MS Access 2010.


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Store when record was last modified and by who.
'Initially stores when the record was entered.
If Me.NewRecord = True Then Exit Sub 'Exit if new record
Me.DateLastModified.Value = Now()
Me.LastModifiedBy.Value = getUser()
End Sub

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Update Queries Update Message

Mar 30, 2006

I am trying to stop access displaying the "You are about Update 1 Record" etc message when i run an update query. I know i can do this in Tools/Options screen but the problem is that the database is going to be used by multiple users, and rather than changing each persons Action query option I was wondering whether there is something i can put in to the code Globally to halt the message.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Update Query Won't Update In Access 97

Feb 10, 2008

I am trying to remove random characters from a field. The field [assycode] contains a string similar to say, FGEJBF1 or ABFGYRUKC I want to remove any occurrence of "F1" normally at the end of the string but not always at the end. I used: Like "*f1*" to find the correct records, that worked fine, I then used [Assycode]-" f1" in the update to box, It wants to update 146 records I click ok then it says It couldn't due to a type conversion error. Just messing around I tried adding "F1" to these records using [Assycode]+" f1" and it worked fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance


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Using Update Query To Update Values

Oct 3, 2007

I have a database where two tables contain information that I need to update based on the 4 right most digits of a field. There are only 11 values that will need to be updated out of a large list of values. I'm not quite sure how to set up the update query so that I can do this.

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Aug 10, 2006

Is there any way I can do a search that lets me put in a section of a part number and the part number be found? I only see how I can find the number if I put in the entire number.


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Find Less The Following.

Apr 25, 2006

I think this is fairly simple, but being as I haven't ever done it! I want to do a search to find all records less those called "Default". As I say I just cant think how to do it. Any help appreciated. Thanks

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Find Box

Apr 6, 2005

Hey everyone,

Im creating a database for college using MS access 2003.

I have 3 table that contain data and i am building form to allow a user to search for a particular customer. The customer ID in my customer table is an auto number.

I have a button on my form and it shows the find and replace box when pressed which is what i want but i then want it so that when a user types a customer ID number in to that find and replace box and it is an exact match for the find and replace box to auto close else show an Error message and allow the user to input another customer number,

Im sure there is macro code to do this so im asking if anyone knows or has any better ideas?

Thanks for your time

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Using Find Of ADO

Sep 19, 2004

Hello Expert,

I have attempted for two days to following codes. I am still unable to get the way out. Would you give me a help?

The field fund_cd is a combo box of transaction table to look up reference table called fund_type. Here is the structure of fund_type:

fund_cd text 3

fund_desc text 50

fund_currency text 5

My needs are to pull both values of fund_cd and fund_currency to transaction table, so 1 combo box cannot meet my needs. As such, I write following codes to base on selected fund_cd to find appropriate value of fund_currency in fund_type.

From the code below, I meet the run-time error ‘3001’ and I am not sure can I finally get fund_currency using method of GetString.

Dim strSQL As String

Dim strccy As String

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic

rst.Open "Select * from fund_type"

strSQL = "fund_cd = " & Me.fund_cd


rst.Find strSQL, 0, adSearchForward

strccy = rst.GetString(adClipString)

Thanks very much!


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Find First

Dec 24, 2004

I am trying to code a combo box control to find a record. This is incredibly simple but for some reason it won't work. Could you tell me what I am missing.
I have put the following code in the after update of the control

Dim rs as Object
Set rs= Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[ContestNo]='"&Me![Combo23] & "'"

I don't get any errors but it won't work either...any ideas??

thanks in advance,

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Feb 1, 2005

I have an unbound text box. I want the user to
be able to type in all or part of a title for a movie.
Hit the find button and then have a form open
with entry's based on the text box.

Thanks Tukewa

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