Find Function In Form

Mar 28, 2006

I am trying to add a find button to the form. But I keep getting an error saying "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost" I have a feeling it has something to do with the Event Procedure. Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Find Null Values For Each Form

Apr 10, 2015

I have a form with couple of textboxes bound to a table. When the user opens the form to enter records, i want to write a function that would go through the textboxes to check whether the textboxes are left NULL. Now i can write code on button click for each form, but i was wondering if its possible to write a function that could be called for each form that i have to check for null values.

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Tables :: Find Record Button Added To A Form To Adjust Search Function

Apr 6, 2015

Is it possible on the Find Record button added to a form to adjust the search function so it defaults to a specific box on the form? I have a form for tracking employee's and on my Find Record button I would like it to default to the Last name instead of the Record number.

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Find Function

Jan 31, 2006

Is there a function similar to the find function in excel which will return the starting postion of a charcter in a string and allow you to set the position for seaching
I want to know at what postion the second ":" starts at in the following string


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Edit Find Function Substitute

Mar 10, 2007

I have designed a data entry form in MS Access 2003. One function I find frustrating is when I want to find a particular record while using this entry form. If I use the Edit>Find facility, for instance, looking for someone with the last name "Jones", eg, I must page through all the Joneses in the database by using either the "Next" button or by pressing the "Enter" key. This works but if I pass by the Jones I am looking for, I have to go all the way back to the first record and then slowly repeat the above process to find the Jones record I was looking for in the first place.
I am wondering if there is some VBA code somewhere that would pop up a table, for example, of all the Jones records in my database. Then I could simply click on the Jones' record of interest in this pop up table and go directly to this record in my data entry form.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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The Expression You Entered Has A Function Name That XXX Can't Find

May 23, 2006

I have a database functioning pretty well.
All I did was move the files from one computer to another via USB stick and now I get this alarm when I try to run this particular macro.

It is a macro to set a value to specific field.
The Macro uses a condition [Forms]![tblCustomerCall]![Alarm Number]="000".
If the condition is met then it is supposed to set a value to a field in the same form.
[Forms]![tblCustomerCall]![Alarm Descrption] is the item to set.
Left("TV Parity Alarm",50) is the expression.
So if 000 is entered in then the text TV Parity Alarm is filled into the Alarm description field.

It was working perfect until I moved the files to another computer.
I have Office SP2 installed and have updated office with everything available.

Please help.

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Modules & VBA :: Right Function To Find Any Letters

Dec 23, 2014

I have a field (SNumber) which is a text field and contains records that have a number which sometimes also have 2 letters on the right. ( examples: 1, 2, 3CD, 5, 6 HD). I am using the Right function in a code I am writing.

If Right (SNumber, 2) = "CD" then of code here

I would like instead of stating actual letters to code "any 2 digits". Can this be done and what is the correct code for any digits in this instance?

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Query For Find And Replace Function?

May 16, 2012

How do you use a query for the find and replace function???

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General :: Find Function / Expression In Access

Nov 8, 2012

I'm relavtively new to databases but after a steep learning curve (being left with many databases created by my old manager with no instructions on use) I'm getting there.What I am trying to do is pull out the date from records in a field called "Model_ID". The Model_ID field contains this kind of information:


I want to bring back "20120726" or "20120521". In excel I can do this with the mid and find functions but find doesn't work in access. I've tried combining the mid function with instr function but it comes back as too complex!

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Cannot Change Field Value By Find / Replace Function

Nov 29, 2012

Why I can not change my access field value by find and replace command.

Some time I can change this but some time this is not done and a error come out.

The value you have inserted is not valid...

You tried to commit or rollback a transaction without

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General :: Trim Function - Can't Find Project Or Library

Dec 3, 2012

I am using VBA for MS Access 2003. I left this project since 4 years and I know back to it as mass needs forced me to use it again.

I use trim function. it raises the compile error: can't find project or library. I know that the solution is by adding the library in the References item from the Tools menu. Thus What are the minimum libraries that I should add so that these basic problems solved. By the way: I already added the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3.

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Possible To Update 180 Queries With Find / Replace Script Or Function?

Apr 2, 2014

The company I work for is consolidating regional server space onto a single server. I have relinked all of my tables, but my ~180 queries are still pointing to the old server.

My question: Is there a script or other process that can be executed that will search through all my queries within the database to find the string "dbo_tbl" and replace with "dbo_vwtbl"? I would very much like to avoid taking each individual query to a notepad...

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Find ACCDB File Date Created?

Jun 5, 2014

Is there a function I could use to find the date listed in the "date created" property of an Access file?

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Modules & VBA :: Compile Error In Format Function - Cannot Find Project And Library

Nov 18, 2014

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
cboDateStart.Value = Format(Now() - 7, "short date")
End Sub

When I run procedure the Format is highlighted and popup error message:

Compile error: Can't find project or library

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Function Module - Find Records With Specific Keywords

Feb 28, 2014

I'm looking for some type of custom function that will search a specified column for any keywords listed inside another table.

I can run a query on each keyword individually, however there are 50 and it takes a long time each time I do it. I was hoping to write in a function for that column and it would just select all records that match.

These would all need to be a "like" with an " * " on each end of the word.

With SQL it would look something like:

select a.address1
from main_tbl as a
where a.address1 like '* north *'
or a.address1 like '* park *'
or a.address1 like '* south *';

I just want it to read each of the table values instead of hard coding them and the column name would be the function name so it can be used in any column I specify. I'm just not sure how to incorporate this into a custom function.

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Unable To Find Form That Is There

Jul 17, 2005

The main form in my database is giving me an error message to say "The form name is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist" when I try to open it, despite the fact that I can see it there. If I try to change its name it says "save operation failed". Does anyone have any idea what this could be before I recreate the form?

Thanks very much for any help.

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Find Out If A Form Has A Subform

Nov 12, 2005

I am on my module, in a public function. This function is called by the onactivate of some forms, which send their to the function.

I would like this public function to find out if the form has a subform(s), and if so, the subform(s) name. So simple, so hard (for me)

thanks in advance

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Error Can't Find Form.

Jul 26, 2006

Why is this telling me it can not find the form?

Private Sub booleanInScope_Click()
[booleanInScope] = Forms![subfrmCoordinatorApproval]![txtID]
End Sub

The form is in the forms and I can open it in form view

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Find A Field In A Form

Aug 28, 2006

I am trying to locate a field in the form. The field is existing in the Tab Order list. But when I use the tab to locate the field in design or run mod, the tab never jump to that particular field.

Can anyone tell me how I can locate the field (in order to change the properties of this field)?

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Find Form And Stlinkcriteria

Sep 22, 2004

I have made two forms which I use to find particular records on another form and one works and the other doesn't. I can't figure out why one works and the other doesn't.

The working code is:
Private Sub Project_List_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Project_List_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Project Details Form"

stLinkCriteria = "[Project No]=" & "'" & Me![Project List] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Project List", acSaveNo
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Project_List_DblClick

End Sub

[Project No] is the primary key in the Project Details. Also, it's the bound to column in the [Project List] list box.

The non-working code is:
Private Sub Assessment_List_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Assessment_List_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Site Assessment Details"
stLinkCriteria = "[Assessment ID]=" & "'" & Me![Assessment List] & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Site Assessment List", acSaveNo
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Assessment_List_DblClick

End Sub

[Assessment ID] is the primary key in the Site Assessment Details and the bound to column in the [Assessment List] list box. One difference between the two is that the Assessment ID is a column of 0" width in the list box of Assessment List and a hidden text box in Assessment Details. Assessment ID is a autonumber field. I've tried to make the column have a width and show the ID on the details form and it hasn't seemed to make any difference.

Any ideas about what the key difference is?


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Find Record + SINGLE FORM

Mar 30, 2006

Is it possible to create text box for search for records if I use SINGLE FORM?
i try but without effect :(

pls see my database (I want to use for record "Title")


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General :: Access Cannot Find Form

Aug 17, 2012

I have a continuous subform (BooksFullSubCC) that is located on a tab in the main form (BooksFull). In BooksFullSubCC, there is a text box in the footer that sums up all the amounts of credit card charges to make a total with =Sum([Amount]). For some reason, I cannot pass the value from the text box to VBA or another text box on the main form because Access "cannot find the form".Here's the code

Private Sub TabCtl93_Change()
Dim Amount As Currency
Amount = Nz(CCur(Forms!BooksFullSubCC!CCchargesTotal))
Me!CCFees = Amount * 0.015
End Sub

Its really simple - Access should take the amount from the text box (CCchargesTotal) on the subform and then put it the result of some simple math into a text box on the other form.When I try and change tabs to initiate the code, i get "Run-time error '2450':Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'BooksFullSubCC'."

I've checked the spelling, rewritten the code, everything. I even tried to make a text box on the main form with control source =[Forms]![Books FullSub CC]![CCchargesTotal] but that didnt work either...

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Can't Find Macro '.' Access 2k Form Error

Feb 21, 2006

Greetings - some help required please:

I have an intermittent error occurring on an Access 2k form giving the error
message "cant find the macro '.'" although there are no macros on the form.
After much trawling around I believe this may be due to a space being
mis-keyed into one of the event properties of one of the form’s controls but
I have looked at each to no avail.
My question is therefore two fold:

1. If this is due to a space being keyed how do I, in code, step through
each control and it's events looking for it?, or,
2. If it's not a space what else could it be.

The form opens and works Ok most of the time, the db compacts and repairs and compiles to an MDE and the error appears to not be linked to any one control or event but seems to be triggered more often than not if move from the tab order through use of the mouse.

Ideally I don’t want to redo the form or copy the database objects into a new db as there are too many.

Any help gratefully received.

NB This query was originally posted to the vba section without much success apart from a rebuild suggestion gratefully received from WayneRyan. I thought this was a vba error but may be a macro issue, a form error or could be a general problem so apologies if this is not the correct forum, if incorrectly placed Moderators please feel free to move it



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Find Table And Field For A Form Control

Jan 7, 2008

Given the firmname and textbox name is it possible to programmically get the fieldname and table name where the data for that control is held.

I can use .controlsource and .recordsource

But is possible that .controlsouce is an alias of the actual fieldname.

Similarly the recordsource could be a query, from that I want to get the actual table, complicated say if two tables in the query had a field with the same name (even if only one was referenced)


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Append Query Cannot Find Values In Form

May 15, 2005

i am trying to create an append query that gets 2 values from one table and a 3rd value from a form.

It gets the values from the table fine but always gives me a popup asking for the value from the form.

I have used the criteria build... and selected the loaded form and the field value that I am looking for. I have also made sure that there is a value in the field on the form.

is there a reason why the query will not grab the number in the forms field? or am I jsut not doing this right.

I have done this many times on a combo box and it works fine. It is jsut not working for a field that is typed in
Can anyone help me?

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To Find Out Maximum From The Records Entered By The Form

Jul 27, 2005

Hi People,
I am working on a database related application in which the user enters the data from the form and it is stored in 3 related tables in DB.

This is what I want to do,

If IsNull(Me.Q1_2005) = True Or Me.Q1_2005 = "" Then
rs!January2005 = Me.Jan_05
rs!February2005 = Me.Feb_05
rs!March2005 = Me.Mar_05
If parametername = "time" then
rs!Q12005 = DMax([Me.Jan_05], [Me.Feb_05], [Me.Mar-05])
rs!Q12005 = DMin([Me.Jan_05], [Me.Feb_05], [Me.Mar-05])
End If

If user enters monthly data of Jan'05, Feb'05 and Mar'05, but he is not entering quarterly data of 2005 Q1. So I need to update Q1 data in that record, that has a condition. If the parameter name is time then I want maximum of the three month data assigned to Q1 record in DB table else I want minimum of those three text box values assigned to Q1 record in DB table.

Please help me with this kind of conditional statement.


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