Find Instances Where Entries Have Same Address But Different Zip Codes

Nov 7, 2013

I have a database where several entries may have the same address, but someone has been inputting some of the zip codes incorrectly. I want to come up with a way to get a query or the like to spit out a report with just the entries that have identical addresses and conflicting zip codes, and have hit a brick wall.

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General :: Find Instances Of Field Name Usage

Jul 21, 2013

I have written a large database for the school I used to work for. In the main table there is a field named "Active" which is text with yes or no choices.Is there a way to find in what objects this field is being used in the database?

For the life of me I can't remember why I put this field in or if its even used now.This database has had many versions over the years.

I have searched many of the queries but can not find where this field is used.If there isn't a way I plan to backup, remove field from table and test all the features of the program to see which crashes. However I'm hoping there might be a quicker way.This was one of the first DB I wrote and didn't pay much attention to mapping or keeping notes back then.

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Predictive Address Form Entries

Dec 1, 2006

i have an address memo field

on the form.. is there a way to display entries already present in certain address fields


the following address is in the 'pickup address' field and the 'destination address' field

23 High Street, South Kensington


i put a rule on my pickupaddress memo field on my form..

if they type 23.. the rest of the above address appears and offers itself to the field as a sign of good will.. of course the user can just type over it if it happens to be a different address starting with 23..

is this hard to do?

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Generate Data Based On Zip Codes Or Area Codes

Feb 28, 2008

Hello Don,

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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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Find Matching Entries In Other Tables?

Dec 10, 2007

Im using Access 2000.

Essentially I want to find out which of the entries in my master table have matching entries in my other tables, and list the ones that do.

So if I have an entry in the master table for “productA”, and there are also matching entries for “productA” in tables “SupplierC” and “SupplierD”. I want to perform a query that will output a list showing “SupplierC” and “SupplierD” (I have A & B tables but if there isn’t an entry in them for “ProductA” I don’t want them on the list.)

I intend to use the results to populate the values of a combo box in future so I require the list to be in a single column, rather than across many columns. Does anyone know if this is possible?

My master table is called “OurProductsTable” and the four supplier tables are called “SupplierA”, “SupplierB”, “SupplierC”, and “SupplierD”.

Each Table has a primary key called “ProductID” and I have linked them together on the relationships screen.

I’m not sure if this is the proper method but I also made another field in each of the supplier tables called “CompanyName” and set the default value as the name of each supplier, so if the entry for supplierC matches the master table entry I can return the “CompanyName” value of “SupplierC”.

Here’s what I thought the code should kind of look like but I don’t know how to apply it properly in a query:

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Find The First Occurrence Of Multiple Record Entries

Mar 8, 2008

As my screen name implies, I am a new to Access and I’m seeking some input to resolve an issue. I have tried numerous queries, read MSDN forums and Access help w/o success. I hope someone would have some ideas.

See ATTACHMENT for screen shot of the following scenario:

Two tables in a one-to-many relationship. The parent table (tblAdmByWard) contains the autonumber primary key (PatientID) and additional fields that will not change while the child table (tblContStayEval) has a corresponding field (i.e. PatientID) to secure referential integrity PLUS additional fields as shown that are evaluated and updated daily. During the update the current date is entered (DateOfReview) along with additional info thus creating a new daily record in the child table.

I would like to query the child table (tblContStayEval) to find and return ONLY the first occurrence (DateOfReview) that the criteria (Variance) was selected…i.e.2/24/2008 as illustrated in the screen shot. This needs to occur for all (PatientID) records but exclude any subsequent and/or similar selections. By “similar” I mean the date will be different for each record in the child table while the data in the other associated fields may or may not be.

I hope I explained this okay as I’m not sure how to go about this. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

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Totals From Instances (not Of Instances)

Jul 21, 2006

I've come across an interesting problem a colleague has been trying to solve and even though I can 'see' what needs to be done and could probably program it on our mainframe, I'm really stuck on how to achieve the same results in MS Access

I'll do my best to explain the problem by showing an example of how the data exists in the DB and also how it 'should' be output on a report.


29/06/06 - Oper A - 32
29/06/06 - Oper B - 12
29/06/06 - Oper A - 10
29/06/06 - Oper C - 13
29/06/06 - Oper B - 10

The output needed however should read as follows

29/06/06 - Oper A - 42
29/06/06 - Oper B - 22
29/06/06 - Oper C - 13

Setting up a date selection shouldn't be a problem, its just adding the totals on each instance of each operator into one figure without ending up with a total of the number of times an operator appears on a date.

Any help and guidance about how best to approach this problem (macro/query/script) would be appreciated.

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How To Find Duplicate Entries Across 2 Columns In Access And Line Them Up

Nov 16, 2012

There is an issue that I cannot resolve in MS Access:

I have a large files with multiple columns that has 2 columns that randomly contain duplicated data.

I would like to filter out the duplicated entries in these 2 columns without spoiling the data integrity - and so the duplicates appear on the same row.

I think what I want it pretty much like conditional formatting in excel, but unfortunately the file size is really large to be filtered in excel.

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General :: Replace Input Email Address With Mailto Address

Sep 17, 2012

I have a form where the user puts in a email address, eg test @

So the link opens a new mail it has to be prefixed by mailto:

How can I automatically replace the address the user enters with the format

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Query How To Show A Temp Address Over A Perm Address

Jun 19, 2007

Hope you can help!

I have an access table which lists a customers address, however, if the customer has a temporary address it will also list that on a separate line -

CustID Address Type
1234 5 The Street P
1234 12 The Street T
2345 13 The Road P
3456 12 The Avenue P

Where P = Permanent and T = Temporary

I want to set up a query to show the permanent address where there is only one address, but where the customer has a temporary address also, I want to list the temporary one instead.


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Email Address, Web Address, Hyperlinks, Etc..

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form bound to a table which stores contact info for a person. I have two controls that are email_address and website_address. I set them both as hyperlinks.
So now when the user clicks on the email_address Outlook opens a new message with an email_address in the To field. (I had to use a function found on this forum to replace the "htttp" with "mailto" on AfterUpdate event in order for this to work properly.) However, now trying to add some other features to my DB I ran into problems listed below. I wonder if I should have rather left that control as Text instead of Hyperlink, and use the DoCmd.SendObject on doubleclick event instead of using the above solution.
How people usually store email addresses and enable emailing on click?

The problems I ran into:
1) My main form is in popup mode and therefore right click on the hyperlink does not give an option to edit the hyperlink
2) I copied a function from this forum which gathers a list of emails and sends one message to the emaillist. However, my email list instead of generating as:;
it generates as:;

I guess I could extract the email using vba (not sure how), but I still don't know how to solve issue number 1. So maybe it is better to siwtch the field to plain text and forget the hyperlinks?


PS. What procedure on double click would open a default browser, since I also have to deal with web addresses and thought of turning them into text controls?

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Creating Two Tables - Old Entries And Weekly New Entries?

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table in access which is updated weekly; I need to create two tables from this updated table.

1st table will consist of all the new entries for the current week

2nd table will consist of all the entries from the previous week - an amalgamation of all the entries which are not from the "current week" (table) For example; the table below shows the two entries from last week.




This week I have three new entries New entries




So when I run the same query next week I will get something like this.

Old Entries






How do I get a query /queries which divides up the weeks new entries and also all the old entries.

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Multiple Instances Of The Same Report

Jan 18, 2007

I am fixing a database that was previously built. It is use to show listings of items for sale. There is a form that displays all of the information about a particular listing, each with its own id code.

If I want to email a particular item and info to an email address i can, but i can only send one at a time. I click a button which then asks what format to save the report, i choose html, then it opens a new email message from Outlook and sets the file as an attatchment.

The problem is, i want to be able to send more than one listing at a time in the same email. But once the first listing is created and attatched i have to send that one before i can send another listing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Multiple Instances Of Access On One Machine

May 12, 2005

Hi, I would like to recreate a record locking problem (error # 3218) our users are experiencing on an application we have developed. I currently do not have access to a network, so I would like to run multiple instances of Access on one machine. How do I do that?


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Multiple Instances Of Access To Allow For VPN Useage

Feb 22, 2007

I have a very elaborate Access 2000 application that uses three different SQL databases as the back end. Mostly the data is modified or selected via ADO connections.

The problem I am having is that recently users on Terminal Server are not able to open the application because for some reason the application is not allowing more than one copy of it to be opened at once. I checked everywhere and couldn't find anything that would not allow multiple instances but couldn't find anything.

Any ideas on what could be causing this? Any help is greatly appreciated

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Counting Instances Of Reoccuring Data

Jun 11, 2005

Hi Guys

Sorry to come to you with this one but my sql is terrible......

I have a recordset named Leave reason. Its numerical and can cover some 20 differing numbers. These are not always sequential.

Ive tried a crosstab - not good enough, Ive tried a form with =Count(IIf([Leave reason]=9,0)) in it, this works, but, it requires a text box for every possible number that could occur!
To labour intensive that.

So the bottom line is is there a small piece of sql that I can add in to the queries sql view to handle this issue, if there is can someone just lay down the code (yes I know Its naughty to ask) so Ill learn and be able to do it in some 30 other
queries of the same nature.

thanks guys - sorry its so drawn out


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Open Multiple Instances Of Form

Aug 4, 2005

Is there a way to allow Access to open a second (or thrid...) copy of a form? We need this so we can visually compare the contents for record one with the contents of record two.


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Queries :: Possible To Have Multiple Instances Of Same Provider ID

Feb 9, 2015

I have a table called providers with the following 3 fields:

Provider ID
Cancellation Reason
Visit ID

It is possible to have multiple instances of the same provider ID, cancellation reason and visit ID on the same date. I'm trying to count just 1 instance based on visit ID if there are multiple instances of the visit ID and reason on the same date. Select distinct doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Search Query Not Returning All Instances

Jul 31, 2014

I have a database for storing part numbers of power supplies, very basic database. I also have a multifield search form and search query. All very basic stuff, however I am new to access and cannot seem to find out what the is causing this issue.

There are 174 entries in the database table, they all start with "0" for the part number, I have wild cards in my Query so that for instance if I searched 0 for the part number field, it should return all 174 entries, but for some reason it only returns 49 entries.

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Zip Codes

Jun 5, 2006

I have a table that contains a Zip Code field. Some of the Zip Codes are missing the leading 0. Zip Codes are a 5 digit field and these codes only have four. how do I get Access to recognize the number of characters and then add the leading 0 to only the ones that have 4 numbers?


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Zip Codes

Jan 18, 2007

Has anyone had any dealings with a way to calculate distance between 2 zipcodes? Of course all the zips wouls be in the current DB.... Then need to query those within a certian distance of another zipcode. I have a feeling this will need to be linked to an external source or app........ BUT... Anybody have any experience with anything similiar?

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Bar Codes

Apr 9, 2007

I would like to print a bar code on my invoices and then have my delivery drivers run the invoice under a bar code reader when they return from delivering. I know how to print the bar code I am nit sure how to go about interfacing a bar code reader in access 2000. Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Searching In Text File For All Instances Of ID?

Mar 17, 2015

I have a text file that cannot be imported and turned into a table because it has no line feed characters and is therefore well over 255 columns. The fields are delimited by commas, however.

How can I search this file for all instances of "{id" and then grab the next 10 characters to the right and store them somewhere?

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Forms :: Variable Number Of Instances Of A Subform

Dec 8, 2014

I have a subform that formats the data in a record in a particular 2D way. I want to use it a variable number of times on a single form. Is there any way to do that? I've tried using CreateControl, but access just says it can't add the controls I've requested -- with no reason given, of course.

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General :: Avoid Multiple Instances Of ACCDE

Jun 14, 2013

I have an Access 2007 mydb.accdb file. If I click on it, it starts up fine. If I click on it again, then focus goes to the already open db.

If I do the same but with the .accde of the same db, for each click a new instance opens. This is not good, in that a single user then can have multiple instances running without noticing it, and that might mess things up. What Windows setting to use, to convince Win XP that only one instance of mydb.accde should run, similar to the .accdb?

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