Find Out What Users/workstations Have .mdb File Open?

Jun 29, 2006

I am looking for help related to the “You do not have exclusive access to the database at this time. If you proceed to make changes, you may not be able to save them later.” message when trying to change the design. I have done a lot of reading on this forum as well as googled the subject but have not found anything regarding my specific question. I find that there’s a whole lot of information regarding workgroup security and how to set up and troubleshoot. However, my needs are a bit more simple – I think :) We have a database that is shared among 5-6 users during a couple months out of the year. There are no log-on id’s required and everyone just opens the file and works as needed. Everything works fine; we have no problems with users changing or doing more than they are supposed to. Therefore, I don’t want to break anything by complicating matters…it works and we’re happy with it. The only annoyance is that during these couple months, someone has to make occasional changes to the database in design mode. Of course, we need everyone else out of the database so he can have exclusive access. This entails calling and/or running around asking those people to close the file and sometimes physically checking computers left unattended with the file open. So my question is: Is there any way to find out what users or workstations have the file open? This would make it so much simpler. All the users are on a Windows Server 2003 network and the files reside on a server. Perhaps this is more of a Windows question; I couldn’t think where else to post it! If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.

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Error Using Shortcut To Open A Database - Can't Find File

Nov 5, 2013

We have a new user who is unable to get into a database. Another user in the same office had no problems.

The other user is using:

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp"ServerNameShareNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb

The new user was not able to access the share at all using ServerNameShareNameSFTP until he changed the path to:

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp" reNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb"

Now he can get into the SFTP folder, but when he uses the shortcut, he gets an error stating Microsoft Access couldn't find the file reNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw 1" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb" (Note the space and 1)

I created a new shortcut, and I was able to open the db using his target line, even though I can use the shorter one. For the new user, this still generates an error.

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Pherical Tracking On Workstations

Oct 28, 2004

Im trying to design a tracking DB for phericals and ports located at workstations throughout the office. Theres over 200 workstations.

Ok this is what I have so far. Please tell me if im on the right track and any suggestions.

Ive never been good at doing the relationships. They are so frustrating at times.

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ACCDE Fails To Load VBA On Random Workstations

Jan 14, 2014

I have created a database to track leave requests for staff. After upgrading from XP to Win7 and upgrading to Access 2010, some workstations will not run the ACCDE front end, but the ACCDB runs fine.

I am storing the front end ACCDE in C:Users\%username%appdataRoaming which is trusted - and I do not receive a warning for this. When the ACCDE loads I receive the message that "The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read.". I have tried running the application with different users to eliminate privilege issues. All the workstations are built from the same image and I cannot find any missing references or different patches. The workstations in question are running RUNTIME version.

I have checked for missing references in the dev version. I have compiled the database right before creating the ACCDE, finally I have run the app with the -DECOMPILE option.

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Users Cannot Open Certain Forms

May 21, 2007

I've created a database which works fine and i've tested it extensively on my machine. It is saved on a network drive which other users have access to. I've added a simple security log-in procedure (which I picked up from a sample posted on here) which only determines what buttons the different users can see on the switchboard which takes them to the different areas of the database. The problem I now have is some of the forms aren't opening.

Other Users who try and go into the forms that they have access to - even some of the generic ones cant open the actual forms as it crashes and comes up with the generic error message - "Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close".

I cant understand why this is happening. The security measures are only linked to the main switchboard and it works fine as it opens up all the other relevant switchboards as required. It's just certain forms on the other switchboards that refuse to open. I hope I have described my problem adequately and someone has encountered it somewhere or knows what I'm talking about and can help. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

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Modules & VBA :: File Open Dialog Does Not Allow Selection Of All File Types

Oct 4, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Here's my code and a screenshot is attached.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show

[Code] ....

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Backup Current Access File Using Vba While The File Is Open

Jul 11, 2007

I have a button in the form of the current access file. What I want to do is when the user click on the button,
triggered the vba to backup current access file. But since the file is currently open, is this possible? If yes, may I know how to do it with vba?

I have tried two methods but failed:
1) Use copytofile method, but I get permission denied due to file open;
2) Use dbengine.compactdatabase method, but it also has problem if the file is open.

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Users Unable To Open Database

Feb 25, 2008

I have two databases that have been split, and both back ends are in a shared folder on the server that only a few people have authorization to access. One of the front ends is accessed off another shared folder, and the other is saved to each person's desktop. They have been up and running for months, and I've had no problems with users not being able to access data from the back end.

The other day, I requested access to this protected folder for four people, which was granted. But, since the time it was granted, neither database will open unless the user has authorization to access the protected folder. They get an error that says the database is already opened exclusively or they don't have authorization to view its data.

I've created another test db and split it into the same folder, but my users are getting the same error.

Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

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Multiple Users Can't Open Same Access Database

Jul 24, 2006

Greetings. When I create an Access database on my company's "secure" server (through a PIX box), I get this message in a dialog box when I try to open the database again: "Open File - Security Warning. Do you want to open this file?" It then gives the file Name, Publisher (unknown publisher), Type (Microsoft Office Access Application), and From (the file path and name). The bottom of the dialog box has this message: "While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open this software." When I click on the "Open" command button, the file opens just fine.

There are a couple of things going on here:

1) When I open this same database or any other Access database on another of my company's servers that is not protected by a PIX box, I do not get this dialog box.

2) When two users try to access an MS Access database on the "secure" server, the first user will get in, but the second user will not. The second user will not get ANY warning messages -- nothing happens. This occurs if the second user tries to open the database by either double-clicking on a shortcut on the desktop or by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer. Note that the second user CAN access the same file if s/he starts up MS Access from scratch, and then chooses FILE>OPEN from the main menu.

My goal is to be able to let multiple users access the MS Access databases on the secure server by either double-clicking on the shortcut icon or by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer.

I thought perhaps that the "unknown publisher" issue might be part of the problem on the secure server. So I created a certificate using the utility "SELFCERT", went into the database, went into Visual Basic (Ctrl-G), went into TOOLS>DIGITAL SIGNATURE and assigned the digital signature, and re-saved the file. I then exited the file, went back in, and the dialog box still pops up saying the file's publisher is "unknown publisher"! If I go back into Visual Basic, the database is clearly marked as digitially signed by me. I don't know why the initial dialog box is still showing that the file is not digitally signed.

If anyone has any thoughts about these issues (multiple users not being able to access the same Access database, and why my file is saying it is still not digitally signed), I would appreciate your input. FYI, I am on a Windows XP workstation and our company users Windows Servers.


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Forms :: Templates For Users To Open Reports?

Apr 3, 2013

I want to make a simple FrontEnd for my database for users to open reports to print them. I don't want them to mess with the linked tables or queries feeding into those reports. I want the front end to display a list of every report in the database that they can load up and use.

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Modules & VBA :: Identify Users With Database Open

May 1, 2014

I'm wondering if there's any way to find out who has a database open.

I've saved the file as an ACCDE for the users and kept the ACCDB file as my working file. Whenever I make changes to the db I need to save a new ACCDE file on top of the existing one. In order to do that, I need to ensure no one has the db open. Half the time I need to track down 1 of 15 people to find out who it is that has it open so I can kick them out and save.

I don't have any login features, but could use the POD # that each cubicle has associated to their computer if Access allows that...

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Open Text File Using Only First 7 Characters Of File Name

Nov 7, 2013

I need to open and process the data from a text file on the network.

The first 7 characters of the file name will be the same every day.

The rest of the file name will change from day to day.

There will only be one file in the folder that has those first 7 characters.

There are a total of about 120 text files in the folder every day - give or take - including the one I need to open and read.

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.ldb File Write Admission Problem For Our Users

Nov 28, 2007

I open my database when I click on the link in a pdf file!
I created a database and if I look in the properties every domain user has full control to my database.
When I open the database it creates a .ldb file, but in the ldb every user has only a read admission. I can change the admission to write, but it only stays in the lbd file until I close the database again!

ohhh I hope I can fix it soon, waiting of your help!!!! Thank you:rolleyes:

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Errors With Access File For Multiple Users?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm having trouble opening up the tools I am developing in Access for multiple users. I split all my databases so the users will only interface with the "Front End" and I just tried saving one as an ACCDE file. I had the ACCDE file open on my machine and asked another person in the office to try opening it (all our files are stored on a network drive, which is already identified as a trusted source).

She got the following error message:

"The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if the VBA project is first deleted. Deleting the VBA project removes all code from modules, forms, and reports. You should back up your database before attempting to open the database and delete the VBA project"

How do I fix this? I don't want to publish several Front End Access files since each person in my office will ask me to customize their file and my supervisor wants everyone working off the same file. I thought the point of Access was that multiple users could open the same file and make data modifications. How do I achieve this while retaining all the fun, creative VBA solutions I have developed?

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Find Out If A From Is Open

Feb 2, 2006

OK, I admit it, I'm lost. I searched and found the code to find out if a form is open, but I don't know how to use it. How do I "pass the from name to the function"? I keep getting mismatch errors
Please help!

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Login And Redirect Users To Specific Directory, File, Or URL

Apr 28, 2005

Hi guys,

I need help in setting up a login page which would redirect users to their specific directory, file, or URL.
I'm able to create the login page without any problem but i'm unsure what exactly i need to do afterwards to get this to work.

can someone, anyone please help

your help would be much appreciated.

please mail me with any information you might have

thanks in advance.

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Not Allowing Multiple Users Unless File Opened Through Access

Jul 9, 2013

I have a database with three users, only one of whom has editing privileges. As such, I didn't see the need to setup a front end and back end (nor did I know how at the time). Anyway, that's not the issue. The database is saved on a networked computer that all users can access. Unfortunately, when accessing the database in the shared network folder, only the first user can access it. Other users will double click the file and virtually nothing happens.

However, users can instead open Access first, and open the file through the program fine. Why this would be the case and how I can have multiple users open the file from the shared folder?

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Hosting The Access File On A Server And Having Multiple Remote Users

Jun 4, 2007

I am making a database to coordinate the activities of my band (how rock and roll!)...

Is there a way I can somehow host the file remotely, and have users (4 total) access that file through their own computer using access, so they can write, edit, delete records?

We have a db at my work that we use like this, accessing from multiple computers, though this is on a network drive.

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General :: Users And Permissions Missing Reading MDB File In A2010

Nov 22, 2013

I have been using a A2003 file through A2007 to be able to use user security.We are now in A2010 and the users and permissions component is not showing in the Administrator area as it did in A2007, although the security is still functioning. How do I get access to Users and Permissions in A2010?

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Modules & VBA :: Error 3405 - File Already In Use When Users Click Button Around Same Time

Sep 22, 2014

I have a button which runs a list of queries that take roughly 10 seconds to run, when another user clicks the button while the other one is running it gives and error message 3405, File already in use.

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How To Find The Author Of A TXT File?

Jun 10, 2006

I have a TXT file in a folder (C: emp file.txt) I have the file's Title property set to 'Log file' and Author property as 'John'

How can I get these property values into my variables var1 & var2

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Find A File Or Document

May 31, 2005

i have created a form that has data in a field as a referance, i want to use that ref to open a page or PDF file to that referance ,

The idea is that the form is the data input for hard copy documents, i will scan the documents and store them on a hard drive i then want to open the documents as word, or PDF files from the form to the ref of the field in that form

can anyone help

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General :: Find User Who Has Record Open

Jun 22, 2015

is there a way to find out who has a record open and send him message or someting similar?It happens from time to time that some one has a record open (selected in a form) and then is doing other things while the record is locked and a second person can't do nothing to the record.

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Browse [Find A Directory Or File]

May 10, 2005

(Referring to this post ( by ghudson)


This post was very useful, it really helped me out, but I do have one question. My database will be used by multiple users and will be stored on a mapped network drive, just as the files that I want to link to. Now unfortunately not all machines are configured the same, so the same network drive can have different drive letters depending on the machine and this might cause problems. Is there a way to modify the code to get the absolute network path instead of the drive letter?


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.mde File Cant Find Project Or Library

Jun 16, 2005

Please help!

Working on an Access 97 database that I have inherited, on win 2000. The database is converted into an .mde file for the users.

I need to convert my new version to an .mde file, it does convert, but then when trying to open it afterwards gives the error below. Believe it's connected with the startup form frmsplashscreen which has 'on current', 'on open' and 'on timer' events

The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.

I have gone back to the .mdb it was converted from and compared the startup form to that of a previous version. All the code is the same.
I have also tried commenting out the on open event, which then changes the error to

The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.

I don't understand why it does not work, this same form opens fine when it's an .mdb file.

This is the first time I have worked with .mde files...I've looked on the internet, can't locate the exact error but similar ones point to problems with files on my ws (references etc). Previous versions of this database as .mde files work fine though?
Just say if you want the code from the startup form.

Help! Can't see what is causing this issue.

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