Find The Median???

Jan 4, 2006

OK try this:

I want to get the Median number from the "This Week" column for Cher. The output should hopefully tell me that Cher has a score of 7.

In addition to this.. I want to be able to create a report which tells me the medians for all the artists in the sheet.

Any ideas??

Cheers, Alex.

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Jun 22, 2006

Can I do an Median Function in Access? I do not see in the the built in functions?


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Another Median Question...

Dec 21, 2005

Newto Access, new to the board. Have searched for median queries and have not found what I am looking for.

I want to incorporate a MEDIAN calculation into a querey. I have 6400+ records, which I need to be grouped by 61 industries. I have suceessuflly grouped and got the MAX, MIN, AVG, etc... and I would now like to add into this grouped query the MEDIAN calculation. Can someone here help a brother out?

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Another Median Query

Jan 3, 2007


I am trying to run queries to determine the median values for different age groups of peoples each with different illnesses. At the moment the database asigns an age group for each person whos age falls into the module determined age brackets, under 16, 16 - 40, 41-50 etc.

For each age group and diagnosis (bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis or pulmonary fibrosis), I need an age distribution chart including the min, max, mean and median.. min max mean are all simple enough and using MS VB median module I can individually calculate medians for each of these. The problem comes when trying to combine these all in one data set.

One solution I found was to combine two reports so I have queries with min, max, mean and then the medians set up beside them. The problem tho with this is that when a recordset returns 0 results (i.e there are no people under 16 with sarcoidosis), the query linked to the report does not return the value of 0 but as they dont exist it does not include it at all. The median fields however return blanks and cos of this the line spacing becomes messed up and the report becomes incoherrant and incorrect.

I think the solution will have something to do with querying, though so far I have not been able to work it out :confused:

Please help!

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Calculate Median Value

Mar 16, 2007

What is the easiest way to calcuate a median value for a group of values?

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Calculate Median

Apr 19, 2007

I am attempting to calculate the Average & Median on a particular field in a query.


query name is qry2007_KPI_AvgJan_A
field name is ContractSignedToReceived

I am getting #Name? error.

Any ideas why? Thanks for any help troubleshooting this.

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Calculate Median In Query

May 3, 2006


I have read the Microsoft article at several times. However, I am looking for an expression I can place in the field name to calcluate the median of another field in the same query. Is this possible? If not, I don't understand how to call the function created in the Microsoft article.

Example (fields in the query)

Thanks in advance.

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Group By In A Median Query

Apr 24, 2007

I've gotten the medianf fuction that is pasted on these boards working in the attached db example. The problem I am running into now is the medianf function (correctly) takes the median for an entire table at once. My dataset example looks like:


I'm trying to end up with median t1 = 4.5, t2 = 2. With the way that function works, it sets them both to 3 which is the median of the entire set. I have the query saved in here already setup so far. Any ideas on getting the grouping to work properly?

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Reports :: Finding Median Value In A Report?

Jul 6, 2013

I have a report that calculates a average value from a field. Is there a way to figure out the median value? I did not see a function for this.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculate Median Value For Group Of Transactions Within The Same Industry?

Oct 15, 2013

I am using the code below to evaluate values for each transaction to determine the median:

Function MedianF(pTable As String, pfield As String, pgroup As String) As Single
'Purpose: Return median value from a recordset
'Inputs: ? medianF("Values", "Industry") <enter>
'Output: results are currently incorrect
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String


The code generates median results based on the value but not the correct ones, as I check results in Excel using the Median function. I need to see the median for the transactions within the same industry and I do not know how to do that . Below are some sample transactions including the Industry, Value, mymedian (which the current results based on my code) and the expected median result (which I calculated in Excel based solely on the transactions listed here). Note that mymedian results listed in the 3rd column are determined using the complete data set (over 2000 transactions). I only included a few sample transactions below to show that I am currently getting 2 different median results: 44.62 and 50.82. Also be aware that I do not want to evaluate any zero value transactions, which I believe I am handling in the strSQL line above where I indicate <>0 . I need to see a Median result for each industry and the result should be the same for all transactions within the same industry.

Industry Value mymedian Expected Median
Aerospace 18.01 50.82 40.45
Aerospace 53.02 50.82 40.45
Aerospace 109.18 50.82 40.45
Aerospace 61.54 44.62 40.45


This is how I am passing the values from the query to the module, passing the value of Period2 if Period 1 = 0, else passing Period1:

mymedian: IIf([Period1]=0, medianF("qry_My_Query","Period2","Classification_I ndustry"), medianF("qry_My_Query","Period1","Classification_I ndustry"))

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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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A Word Find Can't Find

May 23, 2005

A customer's name is SZEE. Seek him through the SName textbox with Find, and Access can't find him. (Same in the table.) Seek him with a wildcard Sz* and there he is.

I've tried it on another machine - also with Access2k - and it's the same.

Is it an Access quirk? Is there an answer? (The client asks why. Be good to be able to say.) Cheers.

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Aug 10, 2006

Is there any way I can do a search that lets me put in a section of a part number and the part number be found? I only see how I can find the number if I put in the entire number.


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Find Less The Following.

Apr 25, 2006

I think this is fairly simple, but being as I haven't ever done it! I want to do a search to find all records less those called "Default". As I say I just cant think how to do it. Any help appreciated. Thanks

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Find Box

Apr 6, 2005

Hey everyone,

Im creating a database for college using MS access 2003.

I have 3 table that contain data and i am building form to allow a user to search for a particular customer. The customer ID in my customer table is an auto number.

I have a button on my form and it shows the find and replace box when pressed which is what i want but i then want it so that when a user types a customer ID number in to that find and replace box and it is an exact match for the find and replace box to auto close else show an Error message and allow the user to input another customer number,

Im sure there is macro code to do this so im asking if anyone knows or has any better ideas?

Thanks for your time

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Using Find Of ADO

Sep 19, 2004

Hello Expert,

I have attempted for two days to following codes. I am still unable to get the way out. Would you give me a help?

The field fund_cd is a combo box of transaction table to look up reference table called fund_type. Here is the structure of fund_type:

fund_cd text 3

fund_desc text 50

fund_currency text 5

My needs are to pull both values of fund_cd and fund_currency to transaction table, so 1 combo box cannot meet my needs. As such, I write following codes to base on selected fund_cd to find appropriate value of fund_currency in fund_type.

From the code below, I meet the run-time error ‘3001’ and I am not sure can I finally get fund_currency using method of GetString.

Dim strSQL As String

Dim strccy As String

Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic

rst.Open "Select * from fund_type"

strSQL = "fund_cd = " & Me.fund_cd


rst.Find strSQL, 0, adSearchForward

strccy = rst.GetString(adClipString)

Thanks very much!


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Find First

Dec 24, 2004

I am trying to code a combo box control to find a record. This is incredibly simple but for some reason it won't work. Could you tell me what I am missing.
I have put the following code in the after update of the control

Dim rs as Object
Set rs= Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[ContestNo]='"&Me![Combo23] & "'"

I don't get any errors but it won't work either...any ideas??

thanks in advance,

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Feb 1, 2005

I have an unbound text box. I want the user to
be able to type in all or part of a title for a movie.
Hit the find button and then have a form open
with entry's based on the text box.

Thanks Tukewa

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How To Use Key Find A Record ?

Aug 17, 2005

Hello to all,
Little new in Access i would like to know how to use the key to find directly to a record in a table.
ie : i have a table where the primary key (unique) is a date, using VBA i would like to know the instruction to find directly the record 01/06/2004 for exemple.
Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Find My Posts?

Sep 27, 2005

I realize this probably isn't the right place for this, do I find all of my posts, whether I started a new post or responded to someone else's post?

Thanks in advance to whoever replies :D

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Find Command

Mar 7, 2006

I have a find command button that appears to call the find and replace message box. It should be a search for anything in my query. The code behind the button looks like the find and replace message box in the office suite. I believe I am trying to create a message box where you add an entry and it searches then lauches a subform with my entries.

When I checked the button it had the following code:
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFind_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdFind_Click

End Sub

I read a few of the lookup queries but they only give me a drop down. Is there some way to customize the box comes up without altering all of Office or do I just sound lost.

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Can't Find My Access DB!

Jun 1, 2006

Ok, so I made a registration website with FrontPage and published it. The registration page has several text boxes and a submit button. I was testing it out and entered a few dummy names. The conformation page popped up and said everything was ok. So I'm assuming the data successfully uploaded into the Access DB that I linked it to while in development.

My problem is when I go to the folder where the DB resides there so no data in the tables. I'm thinking that maybe when the website gets published a copy of the DB is moved somewhere and I'm looking in the wrong place? This is the first time I have made a webpage or used FrontPage so please excuse my ignorance, hehe.

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Can't Find My Access DB!

Jun 1, 2006

Ok, so I made a registration website with FrontPage and published it. The registration page has several text boxes and a submit button. I was testing it out and entered a few dummy names. The conformation page popped up and said everything was ok. So I'm assuming the data successfully uploaded into the access DB that I linked it to while in development.

My problem is when I go to the folder where the DB resides there so no data in the tables. I'm thinking that maybe when the website gets published a copy of the DB is moved somewhere and I'm looking in the wrong place? This is the first time I have made a webpage or used FrontPage so please excuse my ignorance, hehe.

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Windows Cannot Find ...mdb

Jan 24, 2007

Hi all

This message has suddenly started to appear when clicking on a shortcut to all my mdbs.

Windows cannot find [path] .mdb

I click OK and the db continues normally.

the message does not appear when opening a mdb directly.

odd huh?

any thoughts on how to resolve this annoying problem would be appreciated

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Find Postcode

Jun 21, 2007

Hi, I am inputing addresses into a massive databse, through a form, does anyone know a way, that i can get it to do a search for the address based on the postcode, like how googlemaps does it or something?


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Find & Replace

Aug 21, 2007

I have some database, I need to replace empty cells one column with some data.
But Access does not do it.

Any suggestions?

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