FindRecord Method

Apr 24, 2007

When trying to use FindRecord I get a "Runtime error 2406 - the command or action 'FindRecord" isn't available now". The script up to that point is as follows:

Sub Test()

Dim Connection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim Catalog As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim rstRain As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim ppn_0900 As Field

Set Connection = CurrentProject.Connection
Call rstRain.Open("0800Rain", Connection, adOpenForwardOnly)

DoCmd.FindRecord "10", , False, acDown, , acAll

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Troubleshooting FindRecord Method

Jun 20, 2005

I would like to use the FindRecord Method, but something does not work. I would like to find a record which contains the data I entered in an unbound textbox in the form. The action should be started by a command button. As 'Find what'-object I used '=[text61].[text].
Thanks for your help.

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Findrecord Help Needed :eek:

Feb 24, 2005

Hello all!

Help m' help m'.....I'd like to create a form that allows the end user to fill in a field to search a table. Can't use the standard drop down box option. Needs to be open so it will search a few letters or a complete word. It needs to search the whole table.

:confused: noob :rolleyes:

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Conditional FindRecord

Nov 3, 2005

I'm kind of banging my head against this one. I've searched the forums and outside, and think I have the idea, but Access say it can't find the forms.

I added an "Notepad" for end user to make notes of each clients if they wanted to. It is a pop up form, has its own table, with ClientID FK to the primary table's PK of same name.

The code I tried is

DoCmd.OpenForm "Notepad", , , Forms![Notepad]![ClientID] = ClientID Or acNewRec

It wouldn't accept an If... Else statement which makes it problematic, because I only want one note per client, so need to make sure Access check whether there is already a record that corresponds to the client, pull that one up. If there isn't any, then create a new record.

The other code I used allowed me to run and can get the ClientID, but does not create a new record when there should be a new one for a new client. It was

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.OpenForm "Notepad"

Let Forms![notepad]![ClientID] = ClientID

End Sub

If I add an Do.cmd.Gotorecord, , acNewRec, it returns a error message that there would be a duplicate record, which is expected.

So how do I get Access to simply

1) Check if there is a note already written for so and so client then pull it up
2) if there isn't any for that client, create a new record

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Subform And FindRecord

Jan 17, 2007

Hi, I am currently doing an A2 level Coursework on Information Systems and part of this embodies a database and I am have a few issues with a certain aspect of the database that I am currently building.

The three forms that concern this answer are: "Frm_Main", "Frm_Customer" and "Frm_Projects".

"Frm_Main" is the main database form with a subform ("Sub_Main") displaying the content and buttons to the right for navigation etc.

Basically, within the "Frm_Customer" form that is viewed within the subform on the "Frm_Main" form there is another subform, this time showing projects specifically for that Customer.

I want to be able to select a record from the table, click a button and the "Frm_Projects" will open within the main subform on "Frm_Main" and use FindRecord to navigate to the record that was selected.

At the moment, I have it working properly, however instead of the "Frm_Projects" openning within the subform it opens as a new form.

This is the code that I am currently using for the button on the "Frm_Customer":

Code:Private Sub openrecord_Click()On Error GoTo Err_openrecord_Click If Forms![Frm_Main]![Sub_Main]![project_subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "There are no proposed projects entered for this Client." Else DoCmd.OpenForm "project_form" DoCmd.FindRecord Forms![Frm_Main]![Sub_Main]![project_subform].Form![Project ID] End IfExit_openrecord_Click: Exit SubErr_openrecord_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_openrecord_ClickEnd Sub

As you can see, I have also implemented an error message to generate if there are no records entered within the table subform.

If it's any use, here is the code I am using for the buttons on the "Frm_Main" to change the source of the subform ("Sub_Main")

Code:Sub_Main.SourceObject = "Frm_Customers"

Thankyou, ever so much for your time and it will be muchly appreciated.


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Q? Find Last Edited Record Using DMax And FindRecord

Oct 27, 2004


I have a database / form with a hidden timestamp field [LastEdit]
that is filled automatically with the current time Now() when updated.
The purpose is that each time the form is opened I want it to "Goto" the last edited record.

I *think* I get around the find edit quotes because the smaller snippets below do work.

findit = DMax("[LastEdit]", "esn")
MsgBox DMax("[LastEdit]", "esn")

But the whole thing fails when I put it into one command as either one of these
DoCmd.FindRecord DMax("[LastEdit]", "esn"), , , acSearchAll
or DoCmd.FindRecord findit, , , acSearchAll
perhaps because of the quotes around the variable.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

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Forms :: FindRecord Split Form Records From Combo Box

Dec 21, 2013

I have a split form with many of a combobox (date, text,numbers and both).

How can displayed only the records in the datasheet based on a combo box selection?

How to build this mechanism and write a sample code?

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Is This The Best Method?

Jan 8, 2008


I have a form which has a subform. For each record, I have to assign a user, which comes from a user table. Due to the large number of users I have created a user selection form, which is designed as a popup. This form has an option group to select department, which then filters a combo box for selection of a user. On clicking a user, the window closes and that username is inserted into the form.

Since this particular user form will be used in multiple locations, I was thinking of having a global variable, which is set when a field is clicked. i.e. a variable called nameSelect. When a user is being assigned in form A, the user field is clicked, nameSelect = 3.

I was then thinking of having within the user selection form coding a Select Case function which depending on the value of nameSelect assigned the selected user to the correct location.

Is this the best method to tackle this?

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Using The FindFirst Method With DAO

Aug 1, 2005

I am writing an event procedure to check to see if a particular Project number exist in a recordset. I am trying to use the findfirst method and are having some problems. Here is my code.

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, ProjectNo As String, SqlStr As String, StrProjectNo As String

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblTrackingSheetFrm", dbOpenTable)
StrProjectNo = Me![ProjectNumber]
rs.FindFirst StrProjectNo

If rs.NoMatch Then
Forms![frmProjectCriteria].Visible = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings WarningsOff
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(1)qryDeletetblTrackingSheetFrm"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(1A)qryDeletetblTrackingSheetTMP"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(2)qryAppendProjectTasks"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(3)qryMaketblLaborActuals"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(3A)qryUpdatetblTrackingSheetTMP"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(4)qryDeletetblMaterialActualsTMP"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(5)qryAppendEquipment"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(6)qryAppendInventory"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(7)qryAppendPayables"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(8)qryAppendPurchaseOrder"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(9)qryUpdateMaterialActuals"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "(A)qryAppendtblTrackingSheetFrm"

DoCmd.SetWarnings WarningsOn
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTrackingSheet", acNormal


MsgBox " Project worksheet already opened by another user."

End If
End Sub

What this does is check to see if another user has a project open and if so doesnt allow that user to access that project. I am getting the following error when I execute the procedure on the findfirst Code line.

Runtime error 3251 Operation is not supported by this object type.
Can someone take a look and see what I am doing wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Best Deliverable Method

Jan 3, 2006


I just want to ask what is the best method to deliver an application to the user. The reason of asking is that it needs user to have access software installed which is not cheap Any other method that can help, some sort of exe file that can run without access software or atleast something free...


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Best Method Of Storing This Data?

Jun 7, 2005

Hi everyone,

I've recently begun building a database to keep track of stock at work. Nothing particularly special or difficult. I have a little bit of prior experience with Access and VB, but not heaps.

Basically, I've created a tables for parts, companies etc, and am relating all the data together.

At the moment I've made a form that allows you to enter a new part, with Part Number, Description, Category, Supplier, etc.

The complication comes when I want to create an ASSEMBLY of parts. I'd like to create an assembly (which has a lot of similarities to a part, in that it has a part number, description etc), and that assembly needs to store a list of parts that it includes. A simple assembly might include a few items, ie, a bowl of meatballs includes the bowl, a fork, the spaghetti, and 5 meatballs. A more complex assembly (a complete dinner for 5) might include 5 bowls of meatballs (a sub assembly), pepper and salt, 5 glasses and two bottles of coke.

I'm not sure how to best store this assembly data...

I can't really have a table with a finite number of "part" spots because the assemblies get quite large. I'd rather not use an ugly VB macro that stores the PartID's with quantities either, as that could get thoroughly out of hand pretty quickly.

I'm sure there must be a simple method for doing this, but without having a clue as to what it might be called I can't really look for it in help!

Any clues you guys could give me would be great.



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ComboBox Dropdown Method

Jun 30, 2006

i have set the dropdown method of a combobox in the onfocus event
if then on the click event or exit event for the combobox i validate the entry and find error and move the focus back to the combobox the dropdown method does not appear to work.The focus has clearly been moved away from the combobox but when it returns the dropdown list does not appear
yet it always works the first time you enter the combobox within a form

has anybody else come across this problem!
any solutions

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Data Entry Method

Aug 3, 2006

I want to have my records in my form show the latest entry, not a completely new form. The user will click on the new record button to create a new record but I want the user to be able to see the last record. Anybody know how to do this?

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Best Method To Display Data.

Jan 28, 2007

Hello. I am quite new to Access and even newer to this forum. So please be gentle...

My question is quite simple i think. I want to display one particular record.

I have a keyboard wedge barcode scanner.. so basically a quicker and easier way to input digits or letters into a field. I also have lots and lots of CD's DVD's which i want to track and list the contents of, by simply entering the cd/dvd's barcode number istead of having to insert into my pc and browse manually.. if possible searching within results would be good too.~
think of it as a supermarket style.. input number - output entire contents... there could be hundreds or even thousands of programs or music titles,images, videos or documents.. along with any associated data, (where it is stored, who borrowed it last etc)

Can anbody outline the basics for me to implement this? remember i am quite new to Access and databases in general.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work on/in this forum. :)


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What's The Best Method Of Duplicating A Record?

Feb 22, 2005


I want to be able to make an exact copy of an existing record in a table and then change the value of a couple of the fields before writing it to the table as a new record.

What is the best way to go about this? I guess it is possible with select, update and append queries but I'd rather do it in code.

It sounds like it should be a simple and commonly performed exercise but I can't find anything on it.

Thanks in advance!


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TransferSpreadsheet Method Overwriter ?

Apr 17, 2008

quickie -- i am away from my project at the moment - but does the TransferSpreadsheet overwrite existing data ??

i have the transfer set up in to a xls ( this works) but if i change the source will it over write the transfered data (I want it to do this )??


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Use Of OutputTo Method In Macros

Apr 7, 2005

Hi guys,

I’m working on a report that I want to show on the web as a Snapshot file. I created a Macro using OutputTo method to export the report. If I type the file name and location on the Output File it works perfectly, but the problem is that I want Macros to read the file name from a combo box since the file name will change every day. Here is the code I got so far.


Every time I run this Macro I got the following message:

“The report snapshot was not created because you don’t have enough free disk space for temporary work files.”

Now!, when I type the file name to that specific location Macro does the job perfectly.

Is there any way I can get the File name from a combo box located in FORM2.

Thank you so very much in advanced. Your help is always a blessing.


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Open Method Failed

Sep 27, 2005

Getting an error on the rst.Open statement of
"Method 'Open' of object '_Recordset' failed"

I am using the same code that I have used before, just tweaked some. Earlier I had an error because the ActiveX control was not checked off for the ADODB connection.

Below is the code...any ideas? THANKS!

Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim lg As String
Dim frmOffset As String
Dim tagnm As String
Dim sql1 As String
Set Conn = CurrentProject.Connection

frmOffset = "3. Offset Printing"
lg = "PT"
tagnm = "Label22"
sql1 = "select translation from translation where lang=" & "'" & lg & "'" & "and formname=" & "'" & frmOffset & "'" & " and tagname=" & "'" & tagnm & "'"

rst.Open sql1, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Me.Label22.Caption = rst!translation

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Combo Populate Method

Jun 7, 2006

Hi, I want that when a value from combo box is selected, based on it the values in the text box should appear. These are all bound columns.

I have written the following code and getting as error "Run time Error 3075" syntax error "missing operator" in query operation at line - >Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL) in the following code appears. Please help.

Private Sub Assigned_To_LostFocus()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String

If Assigned_To.Value > 0 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Department WHERE Assigned To = " & Assigned_To.Value

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If Not rs.BOF Then
Me.Text65 = rs.Fields(1) / Me.Text65 = rs("code")
Me.Department = rs.Fields(2) / Me.Department = rs("Department")
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End If
End Sub

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DoMenuItem To RunCommand Method

Aug 2, 2006

To save records in a form, close the form and open a switchboard, I have the following Event code on clicking a command button on the form:

'Command on last page to save records and go to Switchboard
Private Sub OpenSwitchboard_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenSwitchboard_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.Close acForm, "CaseNotes", acSaveYes
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSwitchboard"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OpenSwitchboard_Click

End Sub

This seems to work okay in Access 2000, but I understand the DoMenuItem method is obsolete, and that I should replace "DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70" to a RunCommand method, but I am not sure about this.
I would be grateful for any help in replacing this piece of DoMethod code with RunCommand code! mcchu

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Queries :: Show DOB That Are At A Certain Age By NOW Method

Jun 18, 2014

Is there a way of finding out who is turning18 years old in the next 6 months on a set day.

Specifically, I want to minus a date of birth from todays date (DateDiff?) and then for it to show those people who will be turning 18 in the next 6 months.

I've tried a range of Datediffs but I can't seem to get what I need.

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Can Someone Tell Me What This Command/method Prefix Means??

Apr 6, 2006


I am new to VB.

Can anyone tell me what the 'ac' part of a method, such as 'acReport', actually means. I am guseeing it may be something like Active Command or similar.

There is no other reason that curiosity for me wanting to know this...or is there??

Thanks in advance

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Object Does Not Support This Property Or Method.

Apr 13, 2007


I want to disable a button right after click it. Because I could not disable a control that has got the focus, i tried to shift the focus to another control; however, all controls that I tried to shift the focus to don't support the method (SetFocus = true).

I want to do this on a subform's control, but I keep getting this error:
Object does not support this property or method.

Any susggestions will be very much appreciated.


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Best Method Handling Billto ID And Shipto ID

Mar 25, 2007

I would like to see if I am doing this okay. I want to confirm the best manner of storing a BilltoID and a ShiptoId address.

I presently store 1,000 BilltoID's with 1 address each record in table1. Then I have 1,500 ShiptoID's with 1 address each record in table2.

I figure that i would make a main form with a pulldown combo box on the left for soldtoID and have an address travel in from table1. and then a different set to the right with another pulldown combo box for the shipto address pouring in from table 2.

I have looked at some models. they seem to have the BilltoID address is linked to a table1 like mine with one address in a combo box. However the Shipto address section in their samples is a Manual input section and not a table.

So is my method better? That is, using 2 tables and 2 combo boxes on the form.

Unrelated to my Order form, i want to mention that I also have a Contact table with many people who could get letters from us. so i have more address over in that table using 2 fields in this contact table (billtoID and shiptoID). therefore, this Contact table can be used for a subform and connect to a main form using those 2 fields as parent child thing.

thanks you for reading this and giving suggestions before i proceed.

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Fastest Method For Append Query

Jan 12, 2007


I would just like to know what the fastest method is for appending data to my table using Visual Basic.

What I'm trying to do is to import a few thousand log-files into an Access DB Table using VB to "decode" the log data and to then generate the Access queries...

Here's what I've tried sofar - both code sections gave me the same results for the 600k records that I imported:
Dim cs As Recordset
Set cs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(TBL_CLICKSTREAM)

With entry
cs(FLD_COURSE).Value = .course_code
cs(FLD_STUDNUM).Value = .student_number
cs(FLD_PAGE_TYPE).Value = .page_type
cs(FLD_PAGE_DESC).Value = .page_description
cs(FLD_TIME).Value = .timestamp
cs(FLD_PAGE_TITLE).Value = .page_title
End With
Dim db As Database
Dim sql As String

Set db = CurrentDb
With entry
sql = "INSERT INTO " & TBL_CLICKSTREAM & " ([" & FLD_COURSE & "], [" & FLD_STUDNUM & "], [" & FLD_PAGE_TYPE & "], [" & FLD_PAGE_DESC & "], [" & FLD_TIME & "], [" & FLD_PAGE_TITLE & "]) " & _
"VALUES (""" & .course_code & """, " & .student_number & ", """ & .page_type & """, """ & .page_description & """, " & .timestamp & ", """ & .page_title & """)"
End With

db.Execute sql

Is there a faster way of adding these data to the tables?

Thank you in advance

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Passing Variables In An OpenForm Method

Dec 8, 2005

I can't seem to get the following code to work.
Any help would be appreciated:

Public Function NonConform(strProduct, strBatch As String)

On Error GoTo HandleErr
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmProductNonConforming"
stLinkCriteria = "[ProductName]=" & "'" & strProduct & "'"
stLinkCriteria = stLinkCriteria & "AND [BatchNum]=" & "'" & strBatch & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , (stLinkCriteria)
MsgBox "Error in NonConform Function : " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End Function

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