Finding Sequence Of Fields Making A Unique Record

Aug 23, 2006

I have a MS Access 2000 database with 136 data tables in it. What I would like to do is execute a piece of VBA code which will list for me in another table, (for example: Field1: TABLE NAME Field2: FIELD NAME 1 Field2: FIELD NAME2 etc), starting left to right, how many fields would have to be combined in each table to represent a unique record.

For instance:

1 1 "Cats"
1 2 "Dogs"
2 1 "Rabbits"

In this example a combination of the fields TYPE and ID give a unique record.

Any help most appreciated.


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Making Specific Fields In A Current Record Copy Themselves When Making New Record

Mar 28, 2005

;) Hey everybody,

I am working on a database used in recording device characteristics/test information. The main table of information has dozens of columns for test/part detailed information. When inputing the data for each specific test, many of the info. details are repeated when testing say 20 devices of the same part all at once. Rather than retype every piece of detailed information in every field, everytime, is there an easier way? Does anyone know of a way to make specific fields copy/paste the previous record's information in the fields automatically when a new record is created? Please, if anyone could help or has ANY ideas, let me know...



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Problems Making A Field In A Record With A Unique Value

Oct 23, 2004

Hi I have a very simple table, with say 5 fields (all text). There is only 1 table. The first field is name, and I want to enforce its uniqness across all other values. I am completely new to Access database and am not sure how to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Edin

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Finding Missing Numbers In A Sequence

Feb 1, 2005

Hello, I have no idea what to search for to see if someone else has already asked this question. I've tried several things with no luck. So here goes...

I work in a library. We deal with thousands of journal subscriptions--we cancel our subscriptions and order new journals all of the time. Every paper journal we have is assigned a unique number, called a ZP number. When we throw out a journal, that ZP number can be assigned to a new journal.

I would like to find the earliest missing number in the sequence without having to check manually. Is there a way I can do a query or something to find missing numbers in the sequence? The ZP numbers start with 1 and go up to 9999.

So, I have two fields: Title and ZP#.

How can I do this?

This is a cloned table, used solely for assigning ZP#'s, so it can be altered in any way--including adding records with blank titles for each missing number.


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Finding Numbers Missing In Sequence

May 8, 2007


I've searched the forum and only found one thread which covers this but doesn't help me.

I have a table with peoples individual information in it.

Every person has a unique ID number.

I want to find the missing ID numbers when I delete a person so I can keep the numbers in sequence.

I am not using autonumber. The reason for this is coloured wristbands. Each wristband has a unique number and they are broken into 4 colours. each colour has a number range 1 - 300, 301 - 600, 601 - 900, 901 - 1200. Each person in the table has to have an ID number matching a wristband. The people are also broken into 4 colour categories. This means that not every range is filled before i need to start using the next range.

Hope that makes sense.


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Finding Specific Fields In A Record (sorry, Newbie!)

Sep 5, 2005

Hi everybody,
My question may sound you stupid but i am a newbie and i think you can help me...
My problem is,
I have records that have the id of a stuff and the error codes of the stuff which are occured in production. Therefore not all of the fields in the record are non-zero. I want to find the non-zero field/fields in a record...
Any help will be greatly appreciated...

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Queries :: Adding Sequence Number To Transactions Based On Date And Unique ID

Jul 29, 2014

I have a set of transactions with a Unique ID field and a date. I want to add a field based that gives me the sequence of events for each Unique ID in order of when it happened.

For example, if customer X has 6 transactions, the sequence field would have a number (1-6) in each record that corresponds to the order in which those transactions occurred. The first transaction would have the number 1, the second would have the number 2 and so on.

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Finding Unique Numbers

Mar 5, 2008

I have a table of order lines. Each line of data the order number is repeated for every line. I need to just pull out one line for each order number. I assume a query would do this but I don't know how to create it. The order number is numeric. Can some one show me the way?

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Finding Unique Records Between 2 Tables

May 12, 2006

Dear all,

Many thanks for taking the time to read this.

I have a slight problem which seems like it should be easy to solve but I have no idea how to do it.

I have 2 tables (table1 and table2 for instance) Table2 contains more data than table1 but should contain everything in table1 as well as more.

How is it possible to return just records that are in table2 that are not in table1


Table1 contains:


Table2 contains:


The query should return just the line:
as this is unique.

thanks again

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Finding Unique Records In A Table

Mar 25, 2015

I have one table with 250 fields and hundreds of records. Each field represents a computer we have and the records in that field represent the type of applications we have on that computer. So the table looks like this:

Computer 1..........Computer 2.......... Computer 3........ Computer 250

Microsoft...............Google.................... .Paint.....................Microsoft
Windows Hotfix......Security Updates.......Java ......................Google
Java.....................Mediaplayer.............. Google.....................Java

As you can see, most computers have the same applications, but some have applications that others do not. I just need the list of applications we have from all computers. Meaning each app is listed only once.

I just need each application listed once. So I was trying to come up with a way to delete all the duplicates or use a Totals query to group the apps but since my table has 250 columns I'm not really sure how to go about it. What kind of query would be best to make this work?

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Finding Unique Data Using Date Field

Mar 27, 2008


I have a table called SWAPS which contains information on each user and the different equipment he has been issued. Query at the moment contains 5 fields

Payroll, Surname, Firstname, Mobile No and Date sent.

SQL for this query is as follows

Select Swaps.PR, Swaps.surname,swaps.firstname,swaps.[mobile no],Max(Swaps,[Date Sent] as Lastdate

From Swaps

Group by, swaps.surname,swaps.firstname,swaps.[mobile no]

Order by;

Now when I run this I get the results I want by date so I get

123456 Smith Fred 0788411025 12/3/8

456789 West Bob 012555447854 13/1/8

So it correctly ids all the last dates for me as I want to see the latest issue date for that user. Now I want to add in another column to this query which contains the serial number of the equipment issued and heres where the problem lies. If a user has been issued more than 1 piece of kit, I get all the serial numbers irrespective of date. How do I get it to display the serial number for the latest date?


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Record Sequence....

Apr 4, 2007

Hi... i have a excel file..... from which i have imported records.... after importing.... the records sequence in my table has changed..... can anyone tell me how to preserve the sequence that i had in excel..........

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Custom Record Deletion Sequence

Aug 7, 2007

I want to create a custom sequence when deleting a record but I'm having a problem.

What I want to do is prompt the user for the reason he/she is deleting the record and then archive this so it can be viewed in a log at a later time. This extra step is not as easy as I thought it would be.

What I did was put some coding into the On Delete event of the form. The code opens a form with a text box. The user can enter the reason for the delete in the text box and click OK or click cancel to abort the deletion.

My problem here is opening another form from the On Delete event. As soon as the form is open, the code just passes to the next step of the sequence and deletes the record.

There are 2 approaches that I've thought of but I'm not happy with either.

Approach 1:
In the On Delete event, set Cancel to True. That way the deletion is not handled by the delete sequence but rather by the new form that opens. The problem is that deleting a record from another form is not that simple. What I've tried is to execute a SQL statement that grabs the ID of the record from the open form and delete it. The problem is that although the record is deleted, all the fields on the form say #Deleted in them which is not that pretty. (Maybe there's some other way to do the deletion without this problem that I'm not aware of...?)

Approach 2:
Use an Inputbox. Unlike a custom form, the Inputbox delays execution of the code so the code can determine from the results (i.e. should it cancel the delete if the user clicked Cancel). The problem with Inputboxes is that they are not very flexible in the layout, they look pretty "packaged" (i.e. they look to me like the programmer didn't bother creating a means to enter a value). There's no way to place the buttons where you want or have it do better validation (e.g. I want the FORM to check that there's at least a few words describing why the user is deleting the invoice rather than have the form with the record get the input message passed back and then give an error and then pop open the Inputbox again)

I think that especially when you're creating an application with anything financial, you'll want to log a deleted invoice including the date, amount, possibly the client's name, invoice number, reason for deletion and the login name of the person doing the deletion. All of these are easy to record other than the reason.

Help would be much appreciated.


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Generate Record Number Sequence In Query?

Mar 23, 2006

Hi -

Suppose I have a generic query that returns a group of records.

Is there some way to generate a field containing the number sequence of each record? E.g. if there are 10 records, generate the numbers 1 through 10?

Must be a simple way to do this, I'm just a bit dense today...



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Create A Sequence Number For Each Record Associated To Foreign Key

Jun 6, 2012

I have data in a table that looks like the first table and I would like to write a query to update the sequence so it looks like the second table.















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Modules & VBA :: Reset Autonumber And Keep Sequence After Deleting Record

Feb 28, 2014

I have a Microsoft Access database with SQL Server backend with 10000 records in my table, I have a autonumber field and in my database the purpose of the autonumber field is just to keep the record sequence (not to treat as a unique identifier) and I don't want to use a number field to manually enter the sequence. Whenever the record is deleted or the user won't save the record, it put gaps in the record sequence, Is there any way to refresh the autonumbers automatically "After delete confirm" event or "After Insert/update" even.

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Finding Duplicates Out Of Differents Fields

May 16, 2005

Sorry for the question's wording.

Here is what bugs me:

- I have one table tblRefctc with the followings fields :
LCtcRef,../..,LRefServ0, LrefServ1,..LrefServ16.

Where all those Lref are long; LCtcRef being the primary key. This table describe a contact from different branches (account, etc..) so while each branch has the relevant information about this contact, they know that that branch too is in contact with the same person.

- I have this other table with describes Events, TblIdxEvt (meeting, whatever) :


where IdxCtc is filled with LCtcRef once an event is created.

What I must check for is : For the same IdxEvt, should another branch makes an appointement for LCtcRef (i), I must check if one of the LRefServ0 to LRefServ16 are not already added in the event table.

At this time, I am stuck with making functions which test the existence of the LRefServ(i) (i ranging from 0 to 16) in tblIdxEvt, but I wonder if there is a simpler way to do it with SQL (which, as you could guess, Im not good at).

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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Help Finding Duplicate Of Reversed Fields

Feb 14, 2008


This is my first post and i searched to try and find an answer on the forums but can't seem to find one so thought i'd ask to see if anyone is able to help. Sorry if this has been answered before and i've been a bit thick not been able to find it. anyway here's my question...

I have 2 fields i want to check in my database DOB1 and DOB2 (date of birth of applicant 1 and date of birth of applicant 2.

i've written a query that looks for any records where the data in DOB1 and DOB2 match the data in another record for DOB1 and DOB2. i hope that makes sense. this is what i've written.

In (SELECT [App1 DOB] FROM [Data] As Tmp GROUP BY [App1 DOB],[App2 DOB] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [App2 DOB] = [Data].[App2 DOB])

this seems to work but please feel free to correct me.

Now the part i'm struggling with is trying to find duplicates where the fields have been reversed. eg App1 DOB and App2 DOB are the same as App1 DOB and App2 DOB in another record but applicant 1's Date of birth has been stored as Applicant 2 and Applicant 2 is now stored as Applicant 1. i hope thats not to confusing.

Basically i'm trying to check for duplicate mortgage applications in the database but sometimes applicant 1 and applicant 2 are reversed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: Finding Top Three Values In Six Fields?

Oct 3, 2013

I'm doing a medical db, where I'm trying to calculate ISS


There are 6 values, and i have to sum the largest three (squares to be precise). How can I get three highest values from 6 fields in the same record?

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Making All Fields Required

Mar 4, 2005

I have a form that I want to make all fields required so that the user cannot leave that form until all fields are filled out. I have the Required property in the table set to yes, and this works fine if I go to the form from the database window. However, If I go to the form from the main switchboard (In Add Mode), the form can be closed without all of the fields being completed. I know it's probably something pretty simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Attached is a picture of the form if it would help at all.

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Finding A New Record

Feb 24, 2005


I apologise if this is really basic - I am learning as i go along. I have designed a database. Most of the info is stored in the clientinfotbl. On the main form, I would have provided an option for users to search for a record based on its ID number and then pull up various forms accordingly. I am using the "find and replace" option to do this. My first question is, is there a better way? This feels a bit clunky!

Second question is, once I have entered a new record in the "newclientfrm" and go back to the mainfrm and search for that record, it cannot be found (once I have closed db and gone back in, it can then find it). Is there a way round this?

Any help would be hugely appreciated :)

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Finding A Record

Feb 5, 2007

Hi guys, need a bit of help with my Database. I have a Table with has ever player to play for my football club (1700 records in total), now i have another table called games (which has a record for every season played for each player, and is linked to the first table using the relationships and a field called ID. Make sense so far?

Well i then use a query to combine and calculate totals of certain fields and then i can use the query to show every single statistic possible on ASP pages. But when viewing my query in Access only 1699 records show up. So my thinkin is that either two records are identical (which is impossible because every p;layer has an ID and they cant be duplicates) OR a player has ZERO games in all years (in other words the player has no records related to it in the second table called games).

My question is, instead of searching 1700 records manually to find which one is there any way i can find which player would have NO records from the related table joint to it?

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Creating A Unique ID From 3 Fields

Aug 21, 2006

I'm working on a database that has to be done in Access and in coming up with a unique ID for each worker I want to take the first letter of the first and last name and the last 4 digits of their social to create the UID for the table. So for FIRST_NAME:Homer LAST_NAME:Simpson with SOCIAL:123-45-6789 his UID would be HS6789. Is there a function within Access that would allow me to do that, or is that something that's just too advanced?

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Unique ID Across Multiple Fields

Aug 14, 2013

I am working on a database of biological samples and test data. A problem is that many times the same subject has multiple ID's. For example, one subject may have the ID "ID234" but they previously had the ID "Sub84" or something like that. I want to be able to have 3 or 4 fields that have ID's for a subject, and I don't want a single one of them to be repeated. So I have column a, b, c, and d, and I don't want to have one record to have the same ID in column a as another record has in column d and so on. All I have been seeing is a way to make sure all of a, b, c, and d are unique combinations, but I want none of the fields to be repeated.

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Making Yes / No Fields Execute Different Filters Or Functions

Jun 27, 2013

I have a form named frmBuilds_All. This is a continuous form and has 4 yes/no fields. They are "WaitingFab", "WaitingPaint", "WaitingParts", and "Completed". The labels however are just "Fab", "Paint", "Parts", and "Completed". I would like to make it so that when one of these check boxes are checked, the label for that box has it's background color change.

Filter From List

On a separate form named fromBuilds_Today, a list of all builds for today are displayed. I would like to make it so that when the check box for "Completed" is checked, the record in question is filtered off of this list.

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Finding The Most Recent Record

Jul 16, 2005

I have a database with many tables, but only two are relevant to my question.

tblPersonnel holds (amongst other fields) UniqueStaffNo (primary key), Name, Dept, FirstAider (Yes/No).

tblCourses holds details of all courses attended by staff and is linked to tblPersonnel by the UniqueStaffNo. Fields in this table include the CourseTitle and CourseDate (short date format).

I can easily identify who is a First Aider by selecting on tblPersonnel.FirstAider and I can identify which of the thousands of course records are First Aid related by looking at tbl.CourseTitle.

My question is - how can I produce a list of all current first aiders showing ONLY their most recent first aid course (latest CourseDate) so that I can calculate when they need to renew their certificate?

Any help more than gratefully received. Thanks.

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