Finding A Record Where 4 Criteria Must Match

Aug 13, 2005

How do I set up a search on my form where 4 fields must match exactly to return the correct record? I must match - persons name, description, type and date.


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Still Need Help Finding A Record Where 4 Criteria Must Match

Aug 19, 2005


How do I set up a search on my form where 4 fields must match exactly to return the correct record? I must match - persons name (text), description (text), type (text) and date (date). I would always search on all four fields.


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Finding Records That Match Multiple Criteria

Nov 2, 2005

Hi, I have a personell DB an I vant do be able to select only the persons from a specific "city" with a specific " genre" and a specific "skill" and also i want the query to "ignore" one of the criteria if I press Enter or input all.
I tried with "query design " and I don't seem to make it work for more than one condition.


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Query For Finding A Match From Multiple Value Criteria?

May 2, 2013

I am designing a database which keeps track of door access levels at a college, using Access 2010. A door access level is programmed to a key card, which grants access to a number of different doors throughout the college.

So, what I have is an "LevelID" and a "DoorID", where each LevelID has zero to many DoorIDs associated with it, as well as each DoorID has zero to many LevelIDs associated with it.

example table:

LevelID DoorID
1 1
1 2
1 5
1 6

All the data has been inputted into Access 2010 successfully, however I am having difficulty in developing one of the main functions of the database..

What I want to do is have a checklist of each DoorID displayed on a form, and when any combination of DoorIDs are checked, Access will search to see if a LevelID is associated with that combination. This information can tell me whether a new LevelID is needed to be created.

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Closest Match Criteria

Dec 3, 2007

I need help writing an SQL statement in Access 2007 to select the closest date/time. I have Spot Time (the date/time commercials ran) and Call Time (the date/time we received calls).

I need to match these two fields so that I can tell which calls came in within 5 minutes before the Spot Time and which came in 15 minutes after.

Between DateAdd("n",-5,[SpotTime]) AND DateAdd("n",15,[SpotTime])

This gives me results within that 20 minute time range, but does not match each call up to the closest time.

For example,

SpotTime--------------- CallTime
6/30/2007 10:45 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM
6/30/2007 10:50 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM
6/30/2007 10:55 AM 6/30/2007 10:55 AM

In this example I would need the three Call Times to correspond with the 10:55 AM spot because the Call Time occurs very close to the Spot Time. I am unclear how to proceed.

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Count Consecutive Records That Match Criteria

Jan 25, 2006

I want to place a control in a report footer that will return the highest number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. The database has fields named WeekNo and Net. The Net field contains positive values (profit) and negative values (losses). The WeekNo field is an integer from 1 to 52 designating the week number.

For example if the figure in the Net field is a positive number I want the control to count the number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. I know how to get the value of total weeks that a profit was earned; this is not what I am looking for. The control must return the highest number of CONSECUTIVE weeks that a profit was earned over the year.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Queries :: Return Results That Exactly Match Criteria

May 9, 2013

I have 3 main tables: tblEmployees, tblJobs, and tblProcedures. (See attachment for relationship diagram and additional supplemental tables).A job can have multiple procedures and an employee can have multiple procedures too.

I need to write a query such that when searching by a specific job I can see all of the employees who are qualified for that job. This is done by seeing which employees have the procedures that belong to a job. But here's the catch: since a job can have multiple procedures, if an employee only has some of the procedures I don't want that particular employee to return as a search result. The employee must have ALL the procedures that belong to the selected job.

So for instance if I have:



If I search by Job1, I want only Employee2 to return as a result, NOT Employee1.I am at a lost for how to construct the SQL for something like that.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter To Match Any Part Of Criteria

May 3, 2014

I have a text box ( Supplier_Name) on the main form i would like to filter subform by any part of entered charactor on the feild (suplier_Name)

Private Sub Find_Click()
If Not IsNull(Supplier_Name) Then
Me.Suppliers_Details.Form.Filter = "[Supplier_Name] = '" & Me.Supplier_Name & "'"
.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

this code is work fine but i have to enter all the characters of long name , but i would like to only insert few chars.

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Delete Records That Match Multiple Criteria From Second Table

Jan 23, 2012

I would like to create a query that will delete records that match several fields from another table. This is complicated by the fact that one of the fields will be in one of 3 columns.I have attached a test database (no real details), all Sheet2 entries need to be deleted from Sheet1.

What I need to do is delete records that have the same 'Surname' and 'DPS' value but also the same 'Line5' value from Sheet2 in 'Line3' or 'Line4' or 'Line5' in Sheet1.The 'Surname' and 'DPS' are no problem, it's the variable position of the third field. I think I could do it in three separate queries but it would definitely be better in one.

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General :: Find Records That Match Criteria Of Multiple Fields

Mar 12, 2013

Using sql or access query I would like to create an expression that aggregates the first field and I would like to see all records grouped by the relationship with another field. Let me show an example.

My query shows:

field1 field2
apple a
apple b
banana a
carrot a
carrot b
dog b
elephant b

I would like my query to now display a third field and group field :

field1 field3
apple both
banana a
carrot both
dog b
elephant b

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Queries :: Search Box Result - Add Up List Of Dates That Match A Criteria

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to add up a list of dates that match a criteria... a search box result.

I have tried DCount, and now I'm doing it through SQL, and no matter what combinations I try I still get an error - usually 3075 - Syntax error (missing operator)

But I can't find anything missing - I copy the SQL into a query view and it works perfectly... but it won't work on its own. And I've tried using DCount with the query as a query object, and I get the same error.

Dim ResultCount As Long
Dim DateSearch As Date
Dim MyDate As String
Dim MyDateAdd As Date
Dim varReturnValue As Variant

[Code] .....

I've used the >= And < option as it solves an issue with Date Time. What operator is missing!?

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Modules & VBA :: Stop Export To Excel When No Records Match Criteria

Sep 22, 2013

I have a sales sytem in Access 2010.New customers have to be imported to MYOB daily. I have a query that finds new customers and appends them to a table for importing at a later stage. I export the records in that table if the field "imported" is set to false. The results are exported to Excel so they can be imported into MYOB after some additional data is added. If there are no records to append to the import table I want to stop the export from happening. I am new to VBA and don't know how to express that the select query "000 Append New Customers...." should only run if the append query has records. If there are no records found, I want to put a message saying "no records found". Here is the code I have behind the command button:

Private Sub PrepCustcmd_Click()
'Turn warnings off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "000 Append New Customers to MYOB Customers", acViewNormal, acEdit


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Update Record If Unique Match

May 11, 2006

This is probably dead simple, but I am brain dead today.

I have two tables:
Requests with fields (ID, Cust, Amount, Ref, Date)


Actuals with fiels (ID, Cust, Amount, Ref, Date)

if Requests.Ref is null, then update Requests.Ref = Actuals.Ref and Requests.Date = Actuals.Date if and only if
there is only one record in Requests and only one record in Actuals where Requests.Cust = Actuals.Cust and Requests.Amount = Actuals.Amount.

Currently, I am just doing an inner join between the two tables, but if there are two requests with a given cust/Amount, but only one Actual, then both Requests will get the same Actual Ref and Date.

So how do I structure this SQL?


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Forms :: SQL To Add New Record Form One Table To Match Another

Mar 3, 2014

I have a form that I need to add a new record using embedded SQL rather than just binding the form and using an automatic new record. My form will display the needed random number in a textbox and that needs to be my new record number. So I need first to check to see if that number already exists as a record number then add it if it does not and either way insert or update a set of additional fields. Something like:

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * FROM tblExceptions WHERE ReconciliationID = " & Me.txtReconciliationID
Psuedocode: IF Record Exists UPDATE Field1 and FIELD2
Else Create record and insert VALUES into Field1 and FIELD2
End If

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General :: Match Typed Text And Forward To That Record

Oct 20, 2013

I've got an access form, and all I want to do, is to be able to type a number into a text box, click a button and then for the record containing that number to be displayed (in that same form).

-And I dunno where to start.

I don't like using the navigation bar, although that is almost what I'm after.Also, search functions I've seen on here that use combo box lists to display results seem like too much for me, as each number typed into my search box will be unique.

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Finding A New Record

Feb 24, 2005


I apologise if this is really basic - I am learning as i go along. I have designed a database. Most of the info is stored in the clientinfotbl. On the main form, I would have provided an option for users to search for a record based on its ID number and then pull up various forms accordingly. I am using the "find and replace" option to do this. My first question is, is there a better way? This feels a bit clunky!

Second question is, once I have entered a new record in the "newclientfrm" and go back to the mainfrm and search for that record, it cannot be found (once I have closed db and gone back in, it can then find it). Is there a way round this?

Any help would be hugely appreciated :)

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Finding A Record

Feb 5, 2007

Hi guys, need a bit of help with my Database. I have a Table with has ever player to play for my football club (1700 records in total), now i have another table called games (which has a record for every season played for each player, and is linked to the first table using the relationships and a field called ID. Make sense so far?

Well i then use a query to combine and calculate totals of certain fields and then i can use the query to show every single statistic possible on ASP pages. But when viewing my query in Access only 1699 records show up. So my thinkin is that either two records are identical (which is impossible because every p;layer has an ID and they cant be duplicates) OR a player has ZERO games in all years (in other words the player has no records related to it in the second table called games).

My question is, instead of searching 1700 records manually to find which one is there any way i can find which player would have NO records from the related table joint to it?

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Setting Default Values In Combo Box To Match The Value Of Previous Record

Dec 21, 2005

G'day. I've been browsing the forum trying to find a solution to a problem, without much luck, and am hoping that someone might be kind enough to help me more directly.

I'm a biologist and a newbie to access: with the distinction of being completely clueless about VBA. Nonetheless, I have been tasked with creating a database for storing data obtained from biological surveys of juvenile salmon and harvest/spawner surveys of adult salmon.

The bones of the db are in place and functional. The problem I have is streamlining the data entry process to minimise keystrokes/mouse clicks.

I have a subform for entering fish records with attributes such as 'species_name', 'fork_length', 'count', 'presence of tags, etc. The idea is that fish can be entered as individuals (count=1) or groups (count>1) with attribute data at the appropriate level (eg, fork lengths only entered for individuals. We typically measure the fork lengths of the first 20 individuals of each species and then tally the remainder).

One problem I face is that fish often occur in schools, and it becomes quite tiresome to click and select the same species_name combo box value for each record when entering multiple individuals of fish of the same species.

What I would like to do is set the default value for that combo box (on the fish subform) to match the value entered for the previous record.

I suspect that you could use the after update trigger to execute some code to change the default value each time something is entered manually into the combo box. Unfortunately, I know nothing about how to write the appropriate code.

Can anyone offer me some guidance?

Thanks in anticipation.
Craig Dolphin

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Modules & VBA :: Match Partial Text String And Update Record

Jun 13, 2013

I am provided a spreadsheet that contains multiple rows of similar data; each row/record represents a different stage in the process of financial transactions (requisition, purchase order, & voucher payment). Each financial transaction has these three records, with the amounts in one of three columns (pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense), depending on the process.

What I am really after is the fuller, more detailed description that is apparently only available for the two records I don't want to import into the database (which is tracking only expenses and not the other two stages of the process). There is apparently no way to cross-reference these multiple rows due to the way the original database was designed (and we apparently have no control over this).

After importing the spreadsheet into Access, I would like to match the partial text string (truncated description) to the full description in another record, and update the record with the truncated description to the full description. To make mattes more complicated, I will also have to match values in the "pre-enc" or "enc" field with the "exp" field across these three records to make sure the correct descriptions are being matched because the truncated description will match multiple distinct records with the longer description.

VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$45.00
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking($45.00)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking$0.00$45.00$0.00
VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$221.13
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging($221.13)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging$0.00$221.13$0.00

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Unable To Match If User Already Started A Record Using Date And Username

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to match if a user has already started a record using the date and username. I have written the following code but I keep getting a error 94 about null. I know its an issue involving the date part. why this isn't working.

DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#")))
The full code


Dim Date2 As Date
Date2 = Date
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#"))) Then
lngEmployeeID = DLookup("TimeSheetID", "TimeSheet", "EmployeeID=" & Nz(Me.ListEmploy.Value) & " AND TimeSheetDate=#" & Date2 & "#")
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTimeSheetMain", , , "TimeSheetID=" & Nz(lngEmployeeID), , , "NoTimeSheetID"

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Finding The Most Recent Record

Jul 16, 2005

I have a database with many tables, but only two are relevant to my question.

tblPersonnel holds (amongst other fields) UniqueStaffNo (primary key), Name, Dept, FirstAider (Yes/No).

tblCourses holds details of all courses attended by staff and is linked to tblPersonnel by the UniqueStaffNo. Fields in this table include the CourseTitle and CourseDate (short date format).

I can easily identify who is a First Aider by selecting on tblPersonnel.FirstAider and I can identify which of the thousands of course records are First Aid related by looking at tbl.CourseTitle.

My question is - how can I produce a list of all current first aiders showing ONLY their most recent first aid course (latest CourseDate) so that I can calculate when they need to renew their certificate?

Any help more than gratefully received. Thanks.

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Finding A Record To Add Data To A Field

Nov 27, 2006

Hi ,

I have developed a very basic contact DB to record enquiries coming into my business. The last field on the DB is for comments, so that anyone entering the DB can see the latest conversation we have had with a particular customer. What I want to do is create a means whereby I can find a customer within the DB and then be able to add the contents of our last conversation into the Comments field. Would there be any way of doing this via a switchboard???
I am a very inexperienced Access user so the simpler the answer the better. Many thanks in anticipation

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Finding Newest Record After Requery

Aug 17, 2007


I have looked for ages for a solution to this and have not yet found one to suit me so here I am.

I am creating an Access 97 db in which I have a form (section1) which shows its records in datasheet format(results from a query). On this form is a button which opens another form (fileViewNewSec1) where the user can input the data for a new record. In the closeEvent() part of this form I have put:


This successfully refreshes the form and the new record can be found. However, there are many records in this database and it would be nice if once the form (section1) has been refreshed that it would focus on the newly created record. I am not sure if anyone can help me with this.

The records are sorted by "fileRef" and therefore the newly created record is not placed at the bottom of the records. They do however have an auto number primary key, I am not sure this will be useful but they you go.



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Access Database - Finding A Record

Jul 18, 2006

Hi All - I'm developing a database that requires records to be entered and updated. When updating records, the user must select an item from switchboard (Update a Record) which takes them to a screen/form where the user can enter the record number. When the record number is entered and the user clicks on the "OK Button" I need one of two actions to occur ... (1) the user is taken to the record for updating or (2) the application returns a message "Record Not Found".

Can anyone tell me how I can code this?

At this time I get a message that my form name is not recognized within the expression I've "built" in the macro.

If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated before I go bald from pulling my hair out!!

Thanks in advance ... Spicoli

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Finding Last Record In A Table / Form

Jul 18, 2012

Product Name
Start Weight
End Weight

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3

Product 4

Product 5

Product 6

Product 7

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3

Product 4

Product 5

Product 6

Product 7

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Finding Specific Fields In A Record (sorry, Newbie!)

Sep 5, 2005

Hi everybody,
My question may sound you stupid but i am a newbie and i think you can help me...
My problem is,
I have records that have the id of a stuff and the error codes of the stuff which are occured in production. Therefore not all of the fields in the record are non-zero. I want to find the non-zero field/fields in a record...
Any help will be greatly appreciated...

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