Finding Duplicate Data From Two Columns?

Jul 21, 2014

I am trying to find duplicate data from two columns and I want to query the all the duplicates. I tried the query wizard but it only finds duplicates in the column itself. I am trying to compare the columns together and see what is found in column A that is also found in column B and also Vice Versa.

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Queries :: Get Rid Of Duplicate Records That Show Different Data In Multiple Columns

Sep 8, 2013

I have 10 tables linked in one query. 9 tables are linked to one main table (one to many relationship).I want to get rid of duplicate records that show different data in multiple columns. I want only one record of this but retain with different data under different columns to be separated by commas. For example: I want this...

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training 1/1/2010 5/1/2010
1 John Smith Python Training 1/30/2011 4/1/2011
1 John Smith Leadership Development 6/27/2013 9/1/2013
1 John Smith Sensitivity Training 9/5/2010 -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel Sensitivity Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel WHMIS Training 11/15/2010 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

To turn like this:

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training, Python Training, Leadership Development, Sensitivity Training 1/1/2010, 1/30/2011, 6/27/2013, 9/5/2010 5/1/2010, 4/1/2011, 9/1/2013, -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training, Sensitivity Training, WHMIS Training 8/1/2010, 8/1/2010, 11/15/2010 10/1/2010, 10/1/2010, 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

I am using two tables to find the data (main - "employee tbl" and "courses tbl")I have been trying to follow Allen Browne`s method, but I`m unsuccessful. This is the code I've put in SQL of this query:


SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Courses]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Start Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Completion Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl];

However, I am prompt with "Syntax error in query expression".It also prompts another expression to be in error when I include the above but it runs okay when I don't do the above:


WHERE (([Employee Tbl].[Employee #]) Like [Enter Employee ID or leave blank for ALL employees] & "*")

I placed the following in VBA module:

Public Function ConcatRelated(strField As String, _
strTable As String, _
Optional strWhere As String, _
Optional strOrderBy As String, _


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Finding Duplicate Records

Jun 19, 2006


I've had to export data from an old third party database to Access with the task of reporting on the data. I have a client table and work tables, one for each year going back to 1992. In the original database, the clients do not have a date of when they were set up. I need to find out how long clients have been with us, so I thought of going back through the work tables 2006 to 1992 and finding out where they first occurred, by looking for duplicate records in the tables. Is this a simple enough thing to do? The client table and work tables are linked through the field Client.


Dave, England

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Finding Duplicate Entries

Oct 12, 2006

I am running a query to find out duplicate in two fields in one table. Postcode and Address Line 1. Can anyone tell me the formula for only picking up the first 6 charaters in the Address Line 1 field??? I cant remember how to do it!


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Help Finding Duplicate Of Reversed Fields

Feb 14, 2008


This is my first post and i searched to try and find an answer on the forums but can't seem to find one so thought i'd ask to see if anyone is able to help. Sorry if this has been answered before and i've been a bit thick not been able to find it. anyway here's my question...

I have 2 fields i want to check in my database DOB1 and DOB2 (date of birth of applicant 1 and date of birth of applicant 2.

i've written a query that looks for any records where the data in DOB1 and DOB2 match the data in another record for DOB1 and DOB2. i hope that makes sense. this is what i've written.

In (SELECT [App1 DOB] FROM [Data] As Tmp GROUP BY [App1 DOB],[App2 DOB] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [App2 DOB] = [Data].[App2 DOB])

this seems to work but please feel free to correct me.

Now the part i'm struggling with is trying to find duplicates where the fields have been reversed. eg App1 DOB and App2 DOB are the same as App1 DOB and App2 DOB in another record but applicant 1's Date of birth has been stored as Applicant 2 and Applicant 2 is now stored as Applicant 1. i hope thats not to confusing.

Basically i'm trying to check for duplicate mortgage applications in the database but sometimes applicant 1 and applicant 2 are reversed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Finding And Removing Records That Sum To Zero Based On Two Other Columns?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a dataset of about 70 columns but would like to remove any two rows that sum to zero (based on two columns) if the column "Units" are the same for the same "Bar code" thus to say "for the same 'Units' (for any two lines), check to see if their respective 'Bar Codes’ are the same and if so remove if their amounts sums to zero".

I have the following code which seems to be working but for relatively large data ( about 5k), it does not select all the data that meets the criteria:

FROM datatable
WHERE ((([datatable].[Unit] & [datatable].[Bar Code] & Abs([datatable].[Amount]))
In (SELECT datatable.Unit&datatable.[Bar Code]&abs(datatable.Amount)
FROM datatable
GROUP BY datatable.Unit&datatable.[Bar Code]&abs(datatable.Amount)
HAVING count(*)>= 2 and sum(datatable.Amount)=0)))
ORDER BY [datatable].Unit & [datatable].[Bar Code] & Abs([datatable].Amount);

identifying the bug in this code that makes it not pull all the data meeting the criteria.

See sample data below:

# Unit bar Code Amount
1. AAB Mac1 2.75
2. AAB Mac1 -2.75
3. AAB Mac1 1.24
4. AAC Mac3 35.00
5. AAC Mac3 -20.00
6. AAC Mac3 20.00
7. AAD Mac3 16.11
8. AAC Mac2 11.00
9. AAC Mac2 -11.00
10 AAC Mac3 12.05
11 AAF Mac3 -12.05
12 AAD Mac3 -16.11
13 AAC Mac4 35.00

I want to select records # 1, 2, 5, 6,7,8,9 and 12 since they are same units having the same bar code and their sums total zero.

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Finding Duplicate Values From The Table Having No Primary Key

May 18, 2005

Hi All,

I have one table where ID field is autogenerated, and another field orderno which is not primary key. Now it has 2 duplicate values in it so when I try to make field Orderno as primary key, it is not allowing me to do so.

Can any one help me how to find the duplicate values using query.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Find Duplicate Entries Across 2 Columns In Access And Line Them Up

Nov 16, 2012

There is an issue that I cannot resolve in MS Access:

I have a large files with multiple columns that has 2 columns that randomly contain duplicated data.

I would like to filter out the duplicated entries in these 2 columns without spoiling the data integrity - and so the duplicates appear on the same row.

I think what I want it pretty much like conditional formatting in excel, but unfortunately the file size is really large to be filtered in excel.

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Finding A Record To Add Data To A Field

Nov 27, 2006

Hi ,

I have developed a very basic contact DB to record enquiries coming into my business. The last field on the DB is for comments, so that anyone entering the DB can see the latest conversation we have had with a particular customer. What I want to do is create a means whereby I can find a customer within the DB and then be able to add the contents of our last conversation into the Comments field. Would there be any way of doing this via a switchboard???
I am a very inexperienced Access user so the simpler the answer the better. Many thanks in anticipation

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Finding Out The Last Time Data Was Updated

Jan 31, 2006


I am using this code below to retrieve the last updated time on the tablea.

lbl_DataLastUpdated.Caption = "Data last updated: - " & Format(CurrentDb.TableDefs("ATM_Info").LastUpdated, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm")

This works but the problem i have is, when i add an entry via a form or do anything else via a form. This does not get updated?. I check the properties of the table and that isn't either.

When i then modify something manually in the table (go in and change it). It then updates.

Is there something im doing wrong or is there a better way to check the last updated.


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Reports :: Finding Source Of Certain Data

Oct 30, 2013

I have a report that is pretty complicated in the page numbering, since it's grouped by Aisle Number (it's a report of hazardous products in a store), and the Aisle Number and the "Page x of x" is in the header.Someone here actually created all of the logic for me last a particular table is being populated with the information.Here's the Event Procedure for the "On Open" event of the report:


Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'when the report opens the temporary table needs to be cleared
CurrentDb.Execute ("Delete * From ztblAislePages") 'delete records from table
' the recordset object needs to be opened so it can be used and accessible in the group footer and header sections
Set GrpPages = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ztblAislePages", DB_OPEN_TABLE) 'open the ztblAislePages recordset
GrpPages.Index = "Aisle" 'set the index so procedure knows what field to search


ztblAislePages is a permanent table that holds temporary's populated with information only for this report, and as you can see from the code above, it's cleared at the beginning of the process.where this information is coming from to populate the table, however.

Set GrpPages = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ztblAislePages",DB_OPEN_TABLE)

The table itself has no source data that I can find, unless I'm not looking in the right place.I've done a search for dependencies and can't find anything.
All I know is that when I choose a store, the table IS being cleared, and it IS being populated with new information.

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Finding Unique Data Using Date Field

Mar 27, 2008


I have a table called SWAPS which contains information on each user and the different equipment he has been issued. Query at the moment contains 5 fields

Payroll, Surname, Firstname, Mobile No and Date sent.

SQL for this query is as follows

Select Swaps.PR, Swaps.surname,swaps.firstname,swaps.[mobile no],Max(Swaps,[Date Sent] as Lastdate

From Swaps

Group by, swaps.surname,swaps.firstname,swaps.[mobile no]

Order by;

Now when I run this I get the results I want by date so I get

123456 Smith Fred 0788411025 12/3/8

456789 West Bob 012555447854 13/1/8

So it correctly ids all the last dates for me as I want to see the latest issue date for that user. Now I want to add in another column to this query which contains the serial number of the equipment issued and heres where the problem lies. If a user has been issued more than 1 piece of kit, I get all the serial numbers irrespective of date. How do I get it to display the serial number for the latest date?


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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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Duplicate Data

Feb 10, 2008

Hi I've just signed up to the forum.
I'm currently working on a booking system, where clients can make appointments.
However as I am fairly new to access, I would like to know how I can inforce some sort of validation where for example if a client makes an appointment on 17/02/08, then it checks to see if there are any current appointments of theirs on the day, if there is, then an error message would occur

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Trying To Duplicate Data

Jun 29, 2006

I have a medical database (Access 2003) containing information about patients. There is 1 form that is used to enter the information and a check box to say whether the patient has cancer.

I run a simple query to select the cancer patients.

I want to be able to add a large amount of information about (only) the cancer patients through a separate form. I also want a neighbouring hospital to be able to add cancer patients.

The ideal solution (I think) is to create an extra table to contain the extra information for cancer patients, and some of the informationfrom the original table. Cancer patients need to be automatically added to the cancer table once the "cancer" box is checked.

So far I have not ben able to achieve this - a create table query does not update automatically. I have tried creating a new table with the cancer information and creating a relationship between the tables and basing the form on the cancer table and a select cancer query. This does not work either.

Please can anyone suggest a solution! Do I need another database?


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Sum Duplicate Data

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to sum values of duplicate data in a table using Make Table query. Can anyone help? I have attached a sample of the data. At the end of the day, the objective is to have a single line with the total of the multiple lines.

BU_Asset IDYTD Depr
US031-00000001 12,962.82
US031-00000001 142,591.07
US031-00000002 356.87
US031-00000002 1,784.36
US031-00000002 2,141.23
US031-00000003 5,344.72
US031-00000003 58,791.92
US031-00000004 37,315.37
US031-00000005 -
US031-00000006 294.13
US031-00000006 1,470.66
US031-00000007 -
US031-00000008 -
US031-00000009 562.04
US031-00000009 2,810.23
US031-00000009 3,372.26

Thank you very much.

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Duplicate Data

Aug 28, 2006


Anyone has experience for barcode. Example, if you scan the first time then it will appear total 1 and if you scan again with the same barcode, then the total will change to 2 ...etc.

Anyone has experience, please share.

Thank you

Richard Tan

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Mapping Of Data From Various Columns

Jun 1, 2006

I have an employee with an NI Code of A

NI Contribution thresholds are in the format:

A1a A1b A1c A1d

1000 100 10.00 50.00

However there are many NI Codes and many columns of thresholds for each Code. I am trying to write a query to say:

If NI Code = x then give me values from columns x1a x1b x1c x1d etc

Can anyone help?


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Something Like Data/Text To Columns

Jun 14, 2006

Hi everyone,

I am in desperate need of help. I have a huge table in Access that is too big for Excel. I need to do something like Data/Text to Columns in Excel, but in Access. For example 1/2/3 needs to be divided seperately in their own columns. Any way to do this? Thanks in advance for the help!

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Select Data Of Some Columns Of Same Row

Oct 21, 2012

I'm developing a small Access 2007 database. I am looking for a dropdown list for one of the columns that would automatically reflect the contents of the previous 4 columns of the same row.

Sample table mentioned below. Column 6 (Winner) should be a dropdown reflecting the nominations1,2,3

Nomination 1
Nomination 2
Nomination 3
Nomination 4

CV Raman
I M Vijayan

Azim Premji
Bhaichung Bhutia
Jagdish Chandra Bose
Bhupen Hazarika

Sam Pitroda
Kapil Dev
KP Singh

Sachin Tendulkar
Asha Bhosale
Anil Ambani
Anil Kakodkar

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Data From 1 Column To 2 Columns

Jun 30, 2015

Currently I am having a table in which the data is in 1 column, but this needs to be in 2 columns. How to do? I have:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood

But what I want to have is:

VendorCode VendorName Quality MaxClaim MaxClaim
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1001 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1200 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1300 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1400 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1500 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1600 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix Credit
411411 SCA PACKAGING MUNKSUND 1700 FSC Controlled Wood FSC Mix 90%

I looked everywhere, but the crosstab function is not the one, as that function will put all other data in separate columns, whilst I only want to have 2 column MaxClaim.

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How To Avoid Duplicate Data

Apr 28, 2006

I have inherited a 5 table database which is associated with membership details and all tables are linked via the membership number which appears in every
Main Register
membernumber, surname, forename, age etc etc etc
Home address
membernumber, address1, address2, address3, postcode
Business address
membernumber, company name, address1, address2,etc etc etc
membernumber, grade, subscription, bank account, etc etc
membernumber, college, results, etc etc

I am informed that it is bad practice to have duplicate data in multiple tables (ie. membernumber field) as updating the data item would be difficult (eg. if the members number needed to be changed for any reason). If this is the case how would I restructure the tables but maintain the link through the membernumber?

I am fairly new to you can no doubt tell.

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Form Duplicate Data...

Nov 2, 2006


I have got a table that has following fields display on a form:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity

The Table CLASSES has got many records which are duplicate. Mostly ClassNo is duplicated. I could have stopped duplication by restricting table not to accept duplicate values, but my requirement is such that i dont want to stop the table from accepting duplicate values. When i display the same table data on the form, all the duplicate entries are displayed.

All i need is to find a way to stop the FORM showing duplicate ClassNo Field. The Duplication restriction i wish to set only on ClassNo. If there are more than one ClassNo reptition than it should show that entry only once. For example the form looks like this:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100

I wish to see the form this way:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100



Sorry i am posting it second time coz i got no response from any one, Hope this time some one genius might surface to help me.

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Take Data From Rows And Move Into Columns.

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I have data from a form on my website in a text file, that corresponds to each visitor's input, each 13 lines in the form belongs to one visitor, as shown (twice) at the end of this message.

What I would like to do is have each visitors inputs translated to ONE row, with 13 columns/fields each. It could be appended to the same table or preferably generated in a new one. Note, there are no blank fields, some won't have data after their title, i.e. addy_line_2: is often blank, but at the very least, addy_line_2: or another field name is always there.

It would ROCK if I could also automatically take the name of each field out, i.e. each name is continuous characters up to the : (colon) ...

Thanks in advance, my Access knowledge is obviously limited, I'm sure this is fairly simple!

The fields:

Phone: 213-555-1212
Submit: Continue
addy_line_1: 1000 Melrose Place
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
Submit: Continue

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you !!

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Format Existing Columns Of Data

Sep 18, 2007

I have an old table that has many, many records. One of the columns lists the Date of Birth. Here's my problem:

Users have entered data into this column as "71462" This representing July 14, 1962. Is there a way to automatically format all data in this column so that it is more palatable - e.g. 07/14/1962?

Changing the column Data Type to "Short Date" in Design View would delete all existing data in that column, so this is not an option.

Thanks for your help.

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Merging Data From Columns Into Rows

Jan 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I can't get my head around this so I'm looking for some help if possible please, there are two questions, the first is:

When in the query, I want the criteria for the date selection to be a question, ie. "[Week Start Date?]" but I want the actual criteria selection to be from the start date plus 5 days, the only way I've done that so far is to do ">=[From?] and <=[To?]", which uses two questions and I don't seem to be able to do ">=[Week Start Date?] and <=[Week Start Date?]+5" which seems basically correct, but I expect I'm writing it incorrectly (basic access knowledge I'm afraid :( )

The second question (after I've got the 5 day date criteria sorted) is that the query produces a table that shows basically the following:

Name Store Date Visited
Tom Bury 18/01/06
Tom Bury 19/01/06
Tom Diss 20/01/06
Dick Thetford 18/01/06
Harry Diss 20/01/06

The query is based on a part week period with the starting date ALWAYS a Monday, so no more than Mon-Sat will appear, I want to put the information into a table or query, so the result ends up as:

Name Store Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tom Bury 18/01/06 19/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Tom Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Dick Thetford 18/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'
Harry Diss 'Blank' 'Blank' 20/01/06 'Blank' 'Blank' 'Blank'

*Where the blanks are simply left empty, rather than putting in the word 'blank'

Essentially converting the "[From?]" (as stated earlier) or "[Week Start Date?]" to Monday, that date + 1 to Tuesday, etc, BUT putting multiple dates relating to name and store criteria onto one record :eek:

Beyond me I'm afraid, any pointers would be seriously appreciated, I expect I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle.


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