Finding Duplicate Values From The Table Having No Primary Key

May 18, 2005

Hi All,

I have one table where ID field is autogenerated, and another field orderno which is not primary key. Now it has 2 duplicate values in it so when I try to make field Orderno as primary key, it is not allowing me to do so.

Can any one help me how to find the duplicate values using query.

Thanks in advance,


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Primary Key And Duplicate Values

Jul 11, 2006

Can someone tell me how a primary key in the attached can be set on the index to duplicates OK yet, when you click on the indexes icon on the toolbar, the UR is set to be aprimary key..

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Duplicate Values In Index, Primary Key Etc

Feb 27, 2006

Hi - it's been a while since I did much access and am trying to help someone out and have got into a pickle! A quick job has turned out to be a lot more complicated! Plus I'm having to use *spit* Acc 2k.

When I go into frmHighCostDrug (from the "add new drug episode" button on the frmPatient) I often get the message "The changes you requested were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, relationship etc etc."

Now, I didn't think I'd forgotten that much. I've got primary keys, values in the table set to Null, relationships set and ref integrity set and cannot for the life of me see why this is happening.

I know though, that one of you will say "oh it's that" and point it out and I'm going to feel completely stupid, but at the moment, I don't mind! I really can't figure it out.

I've attached db - it's in Acc2k and I tried to do a copy Acc'97 for those who don't have it but it caused no end of problems. Came up with messages that this form contains data that Access doesn't support!!!! ??? :confused: If I can sort it I will.

If anyone's got any ideas, I'd be v grateful!



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Changes Not Successful; Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key, Or ...

Nov 29, 2005

This is a real mind bender.
I am running a2k. I am merging two databases. table1 is in the backend database. table2 is linked to the second database.
I run an append query to add table2 entries to table1. The append fails for 96 recs saying key violation. Turns out I can rerun the append if I drop the zip code field.
I then try to manually change the zip code and receive the duplicate values in index, primary key, or relationship.

I ran a compact & repair the databases, still no go. I can't edit the value of the zip code. I import the table to a new database. Still can't change the zip code. I drop MANY of the indexes. Even the index on the zip code field. Run compact&repair. still getting the index message. I even re-imported to a new db again. Still same error message.

I may start again by importing JUST these two tables to a new blank db and see if I get the same issues. I'll keep you posted...but maybe there is someone out there who has seen this error before.

fyi-if I enter a new record, the autonumber field correctly increments to the next available autonumber field. (I say this because of another thread on this matter w/ autonumber fields and bug in A2003)

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Table Allowing Duplicate Primary Keys

Jun 13, 2013

I've set up a table with 2 primary keys but it is allowing me to input the same combinations twice!

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Modules & VBA :: Finding Duplicates In A Table And Recording Values In That Record

May 2, 2014

I've been looking everywhere to find a better way of finding duplicates in a table and then recording and adding another value in that record together.

Let me try to explain better.


I have a table that has 2 columns "Name", "DOB". I would like to find all duplicate "DOB" and add all of the "Name"'s together.


Name DOB
bob 19800201
Sam 19761211
Jim 19800201

The output I would like is to have Name = bob & Jim DOB = 19800201.

I've tried using the find duplicate wizard in access but I can't seem to group them together and just to find the duplicates it takes upwards of a minute.

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Finding Records By Primary Key Value

Oct 26, 2004

I have a table, and there are many records, each with a unique value in the OrderNumber field

I have a text box on a form, and i want it to work so that the user types in a OrderNumber value, and it loads that record into the form (the form is bound to the table)

I already know how to load a record by record number, but how can i do it by OrderNumber value?


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Tables :: Setting Primary Keys To More Than One Field In Table / But They Cannot Have Null Values

Nov 30, 2012

Access 2010..One organization that we work with provides us with a block of numbers for each of the two types of contract products we order from them; we do order non-contract stuff from them also.The block of numbers are the same (i.e. 20000 to 30000 this year) for each of the two products. This means that each product can have the number 20000, for example. We call this the Tracking Number. If it is one of these products, we need to select the Contract Number.

For all other one off orders we have with them, we assign our own Tracking Number starting with 00001. This Tracking Number cannot duplicate unless it is one of the aforementioned two products.Both the Tracking Number and Contract Number are in the same table. The user selects the Contract Number from a form (connected to the Contract Number table that has all the details on the contract) and the Contract Number is populated in the same table that has the Tracking Number.Each order must have a Tracking Number (no null)..Not all orders need a Contract Number (null okay).The Tracking Number and Contract Number combination cannot duplicate.I tried setting the primary keys to more than one field in the table, but they cannot have null values.

If not... I have been working on Plan B.... an AfterUpdate on the form (either the form or a field... don't know yet) that looks at a query that only has results if there are duplicate values.

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How To Delete Duplicate Values In A Table

Mar 5, 2006

Good morning all!
I have a problem, I have a contact list table in my database such as name, addr, company, street, country etc. The problem is that I have multiple duplicates of the same data.
How do i delete the duplicates? Is there an SQL query that I can run to delete? How do I do it. Please help. Thanks a bunch!

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Queries :: Finding Max Record Based On Primary Key In Query

Jul 25, 2015

How to find the max value of a field in a query... How does a query display the max record based on the primary key... want to isolate the last record created, the one with the max primary key.

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Finding Duplicate Records

Jun 19, 2006


I've had to export data from an old third party database to Access with the task of reporting on the data. I have a client table and work tables, one for each year going back to 1992. In the original database, the clients do not have a date of when they were set up. I need to find out how long clients have been with us, so I thought of going back through the work tables 2006 to 1992 and finding out where they first occurred, by looking for duplicate records in the tables. Is this a simple enough thing to do? The client table and work tables are linked through the field Client.


Dave, England

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Finding Duplicate Entries

Oct 12, 2006

I am running a query to find out duplicate in two fields in one table. Postcode and Address Line 1. Can anyone tell me the formula for only picking up the first 6 charaters in the Address Line 1 field??? I cant remember how to do it!


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Help Finding Duplicate Of Reversed Fields

Feb 14, 2008


This is my first post and i searched to try and find an answer on the forums but can't seem to find one so thought i'd ask to see if anyone is able to help. Sorry if this has been answered before and i've been a bit thick not been able to find it. anyway here's my question...

I have 2 fields i want to check in my database DOB1 and DOB2 (date of birth of applicant 1 and date of birth of applicant 2.

i've written a query that looks for any records where the data in DOB1 and DOB2 match the data in another record for DOB1 and DOB2. i hope that makes sense. this is what i've written.

In (SELECT [App1 DOB] FROM [Data] As Tmp GROUP BY [App1 DOB],[App2 DOB] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [App2 DOB] = [Data].[App2 DOB])

this seems to work but please feel free to correct me.

Now the part i'm struggling with is trying to find duplicates where the fields have been reversed. eg App1 DOB and App2 DOB are the same as App1 DOB and App2 DOB in another record but applicant 1's Date of birth has been stored as Applicant 2 and Applicant 2 is now stored as Applicant 1. i hope thats not to confusing.

Basically i'm trying to check for duplicate mortgage applications in the database but sometimes applicant 1 and applicant 2 are reversed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Finding Duplicate Data From Two Columns?

Jul 21, 2014

I am trying to find duplicate data from two columns and I want to query the all the duplicates. I tried the query wizard but it only finds duplicates in the column itself. I am trying to compare the columns together and see what is found in column A that is also found in column B and also Vice Versa.

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values With Alert After User Enters Duplicate Value

Dec 30, 2013

We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).

Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.

The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.

In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.

All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.

We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.

FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID
FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID

So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....

=IIF(newEMPID=dlookup([UPDATED HEADCOUNT]![EMPID]), newEMPID, "Error, EMPID already exists")

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Avoiding Duplicate Records Without Using Primary Key

Sep 21, 2015

I have a modest sized data base and have been having trouble keeping out duplicate records with the same last name, first name, and DOB. I know I could use all 3 fields as a primary key, but I would like a simpler way of checking for duplicates.

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Queries :: Query Records With Both Duplicate Values And Different Values?

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to determine the SQL to return only those records in a table which have duplicate values in each of two fields, but different values in a third field. Here's an example:


AcctNum FoodType FoodClass
------- -------- ---------
A123 Apple Fruit
A123 Apple Fruit
A123 Grape Fruit
A456 Potato Vegetable
A456 Potato Perishable
A789 Carrot Vegetable
A001 Banana Fruit

For the above table, I'm trying to return records which have multiple entries for AcctNum + FoodType, but DIFFERENT values for FoodClass. So for the above table, the query would return:


AcctNum FoodType FoodClass
------- -------- ---------
A456 Potato Vegetable
A456 Potato Perishable

It returns these two records because there is more than one record with for the AcctNum + FoodType (i.e. 'A456' + 'Potato'), but DIFFERENT values for FoodClass (i.e. one record has 'Vegetable' while the other has 'Perishable').

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Finding Uppercase Values

Oct 12, 2005

Hi All,

How can I report on records which have uppercase values in a record. The data I have in the table is a mixture of Titlecase and UPPERCASE. I need to report on the uppercase values.



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Finding The Sum Of The Values In A Field.

Aug 22, 2006

I am trying to create a DB that would calculate the totals of different projects and also calculate the global total (i.e. the total of all the projects combined together)

So far I have created a query that can calculate the total of the projects in a field which I have named Total1. But now I want to calculate the sum of the field Total1, i.e. add all the totals of the projects up.

Sorry my explanation does seem quite lengthy, any help would be much appreciated.


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Queries :: Finding Top Three Values In Six Fields?

Oct 3, 2013

I'm doing a medical db, where I'm trying to calculate ISS


There are 6 values, and i have to sum the largest three (squares to be precise). How can I get three highest values from 6 fields in the same record?

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Finding Values That Are Duplicated / Can Create NO DUPLICATES Index

Jun 13, 2013

I am using Access 2010 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.I have a database that I have imported existing data into. For the most part, I have eliminated duplicate entries in my Item Number field.

Obviously I have missed at least one (or possibly more) duplicates. When I try to create a NO DUPLICATES index, I am informed that there are duplicate entries.I am looking for a quick way to generate a list of values that are duplicated so I can address those and correct them.Item number field is a number field of type DOUBLE with 2 decimal places.

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Tables :: Limiting Values To Match Primary Key

Aug 29, 2013

I have a very basic three table structure.

ClientID (PK)

BoatReg (pk)
ClientID (FK)

QuoteID (Pk)
ClientID (fk)
BoatReg (fk)

What I would like to do is for the BoatReg field in the Quotes Table to only display the boats that have been registered to the Client that has been selected, currently it displays all the BoatRegs.

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Create Primary Key From Values Entered In The Field

Nov 28, 2014

I have two Tables, Table A and Table B...Table A and B have a one to many relationship with A (one) and B (many).I have a Master form that displays information for Table A. Also, I have a subform within this Master that displays information for Table B.

As I scroll through the records of A, you can see the 1-many relationship elucidated in the subform with many being displayed for Table B.I run into a dilemma, though, when I try to ADD a new record to Table A (and in turn Table B).When I add a new record, there is no Primary Key left to be displayed since this primary key is generated from a query.Hence, when I move to a new record, I can not save the record because there is no primary key. Since there is no primary key, there is nothing that i can input into the subform either. I want to create the primary key from values entered in the field. However, i CAN NOT create a relationship with an expression for field values.

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Duplicate Values

Apr 19, 2005

I have a many to many relationship, and one of my tables (the junction table) has only 2 fields (BookID & AuthorID). These fields together are set as primary key, in order to avoid duplicate records. Eventually, if i will try to put a duplicate record, i will get Access error's message "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primarykey or relationship ..."

What is the best approach in order to check whether a duplicate record is going to be created, and if yes, i will get a customised error message rather than the above mentioned default error message ?


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Duplicate Values (Please Help)

May 18, 2006

I need help creating a report that summarizes duplicated values.
I need to write a query that groups payments of equal amounts (duplicate values only) for each vendor together. I need to show a group header containing the vendor number and name.
I was using the Having Count(*) > 1 function but that only tells me which values are duplicates It doesn't display them. I need to display the duplicates.


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Duplicate Values

Jul 6, 2006

is there a way to stop duplicate values appearing in a query result.

i querying a table but i dont want to see the same value twice ca i prevent this?

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