Finding My Posts

Sep 4, 2006

Is there a way to find all my old posts except looking at all 381 pages?

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92, 000 Posts??? But I Am Only New

Sep 15, 2005

Can anyone tell me why I have 92,000 posts when I have only just joind today?
I am fast but not that fast.....

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Old Posts

Jun 5, 2005

I'm really afraid to ask this question. I was working on a database for our LawFirm about a year ago but it was a longterm project and low priority. For reasons beyond my control I got away from it and am just getting to back to it. Miles and many of you were very helpful to me in answering my questions. I can't remember the user name I chose and my dob is not listed so I can't find it that way. I have searched what I thought was the user name and every combination thereof. I'm wondering if I got deleted after so long for inactivity? I certainly don't to waste people's time by asking the same questions a second time. Anyone have any ideas how I can find my old posts?

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Duplicate Posts

Jul 11, 2005

i have a table with 3 fields: ID, line_item, and pay_app.

line_item and pay_app are linked to other tables in a one-to-many.

For every pay_app, there can be up to 100 line_items. However, I only want each line item to appear once (at most) in each pay_app. I want to prevent the same line item from showing up multiple times in the same pay_app. Essentially, I want to prevent duplicate entries, but with a stipulation, if that makes sense.

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How Do I Find My Posts?

Sep 27, 2005

I realize this probably isn't the right place for this, do I find all of my posts, whether I started a new post or responded to someone else's post?

Thanks in advance to whoever replies :D

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Adding Links To Posts

Feb 28, 2008

Sorry, cant find this in help, and cant do it by trial and error

How do I add a link to a post/thread in a reply

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Security Question..after Reading Many Posts..

Jun 16, 2005

I didnt find answer to my question!..
Hope someone here can help..

I just added security to my access application...
I have added a new user and gave all admin rights. Removed all permissions from Admin and Admins group. When I log on as this new user who is equivalent of Admin,

I am able to doubleclick the table(linked table) and modify/delete the data..but when I the form is executing, it says, "Records cannot be read, no read permission on <Table>"

Hope someone can answer my question.

Thanks very much.

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Congrats To Rural Guy - 2000 Posts

Jan 3, 2006

Congratulations on your 2000th post since July 2005.

That is indeed impressive.

Best wishes,


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Limited Posts In Access DB Forum

May 2, 2007

Hi there!

I`ve been using Access DB for a forum for about two years now, but from time to time I have to download the db and delete about a 1000 posts (+/-).

The reason for this is that the db want accept more posts unless I do so.

My question is how do I "extend" the db to accept more posts?

Thx in advance,

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General :: Not Receiving Email Notifications Of Posts

Apr 9, 2013

I don't appear to be getting any email notifications of posts in threads to which I have subscribed.I have Instant in my profile/userCP, but have not been receiving emails for some time. I edited my preferences today again -- I set it to daily, saved, then reset to instant, and saved. Thought that the edit may tweak some anomaly???

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Finding Help?

Aug 21, 2007

Hi all:)

I am looking for some advise, I work for a small service company and we our trying to computerize our service jobs through the use of access 2007, We have completed 80% of the database but are having a few problems completing, for example the search function on some forms etc, I have searched the web for help and have posted the problem on this forum a number of times but I am still unable to get it to work myself as I am new to access , the problem is I need the database completed asap before we take on a bigger contract and I am running out of time, so I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone / or any company out there that could have a look at the search form, I would obviously pay for it, I have tried to approach a few companies but they will not take on such a small job, they only want to take on the development of the entire database?
Anyone know of anyone?

Jackie :)

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Finding #

Nov 4, 2005

I'm searching through some text fields like the following:
Ann12 #1
Ann12 #2
Ann12 #3
Ann1 #12
Ann2 #14
I'm doing a like query
Like "*#*2*"
However, the # is the keyword for Date, so what do I use instead?

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Finding ABC

Aug 17, 2006


I hope someone can help with this as I can't seem to get this query to work.

I am trying to use a query to search for the highest value in a column but based upon a specific criteria.

i.e. in the column will be ABC1234, ABC1235, ABC1236 and BBC1234 and I want to get the highes 'ABC' value

I looked on the forum and found this code

Dim strSQL As String
Dim MyValue As DataType 'Replace the proper datatype of field
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset, Cn As ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set Cn = CurrentProject.Connection
strSQL = "SELECT tableName.ColumnName FROM tableName ORDER BY tableName.ColumnName DESC"
rs.Open strSQL, Cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
MyValue = rs!ColumnName
Set rs = Nothing

I've modified the query to this

strSQL = "SELECT tableName.ColumnName FROM tableName WHERE tableName.ColumnName Like 'ABC*' ORDER BY tableName.ColumnName DESC"

This doesn't bring anything back but I was expecting 'ABC1236'

I'm new to using 'Like' so this could be the problem.

Your help is much appreciated.

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Finding BAC-5, BAC-8 And BAC-12???

May 3, 2007

Greetings all,
It's been a while since I've had to turn to you for help. I'm usually able to find what I need in searching through previous posts, but no luck this time around.

I am trying to write a query criteria that will return

BAC-5, BAC-8 And BAC-12

I can get the -5 and -8 with:

Like "BAC-[58]"

But I can't figure out how to get the -12...

The actual part numbers are quite a bit longer and there are hundreds where I only need specific dash numbers returned.

I'm sure this one will be simple, I just couldn't seem to figure out how to search for it.

Thanks in advance!

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Finding Something Thats Not There?

Sep 27, 2007

Hi guys

I have a DB for insurance permits.




Most subcontractors will have a policy number for each type of policy in tblPolicy. But is there a way I can run a query to show each subby that doesnt have one of the policies? As an example, the query would show me that ABCcontractors doesnt have Marine Transit insurance. XYZContractors doesnt have Public Liability, etc

I know how to show all the policies that have expired, but I'm looking to identify which ones dont have a policy at all


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Finding ID

Aug 6, 2006

I have this code that I use to update a record:

Code:<%Dim idid = session("loginID")Dim rsSaveSet rsSave = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") "log", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTablersSave.find "id=" & idDim Datumlogout, Uurlogout, loggedoutOKrsSave("Datumlogout") = datersSave("Uurlogout") = timersSave ("LoggedoutOK") = ("true")rsSave.updatersSave.closeset rsSave=Nothing%>

Can someone help me please, I would like to have the code changed to:

When the ID not excists, that there is a new record written.
Thanks in advance!

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Finding An Average

Aug 8, 2007

I have a customer concerns database that contains the dates for when the concerns were reported and tyhe dates for when the concerns were resolved. I am trying to make a query that finds the average of how long it takes for the concerns to be resolved. How can I do this?

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Finding The Last Row In Worksheet

Feb 29, 2008

Now this is not like me, posing a question, but I thought its about time I codes the app correctly.

My app opens up any given spreadsheet. The first task is to establish the last row used in the spreadsheet. Normally you would loop until there is nothing in a cell in column A, whatever.

However the way the spreadsheets are provided there may be pleanty of blank rows. I have tried using the Edit GoTo Special LastCell and converting it to a macro

But when I run this VB it does not like it for some reason.

I am sure someone out there has come up with a solution by now.


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Finding Current_Date?

Nov 2, 2005

I have a table, with 4 records in it. 2 records have the "date" field for 01/11/2005, and 2 dates are for 02/11/2005.

Is there a way to just query the "current" date? Weather it be in a pop-up box once the query is selected, asking for the date? or is there a restricted word within access2003 that lets you find the current date?

I would essentially like a command button within a form to allow the user hit teh button, and it will automatically find those records within the DB with the current date(set to system clock) and export it to excel(i have this portion, the exporting to excel complete)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Finding Max Date

Jul 21, 2006

ok ihopefully i wont make this too complicated to under stand.

i ahev a form which will populate a form from a query. the query is pulling info out a table included int hti sinfo is the date when it was entered. in the criterai of the query i hve added this code
Between [Forms]![Boxes Reviewed]![txtFromDate1] And [Forms]![Boxes Reviewed]![txtToDate1]
whcih means that the date must be between the two differnt dates that must be entered on the form.

the problem is, is that a value can be entered more that once with different dates. i woul dwant the report just to shouw the most recent date. i considered doing a query which requested all max dates from the table and then having a query calling forma query. but i do not know enough on how to get just the most recent date.
so if i wrote a query which held

box num, shelf num, resp_person, and date. what would i have to put int he criteria to only bring back the entery witht he most recent date.

sorry if i have rambled and look forward to your help

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Finding First Records Only

Nov 1, 2006

lots of customers. lots of orders. i need to query for the first order of each customer only. thoughts?

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Finding A New Record

Feb 24, 2005


I apologise if this is really basic - I am learning as i go along. I have designed a database. Most of the info is stored in the clientinfotbl. On the main form, I would have provided an option for users to search for a record based on its ID number and then pull up various forms accordingly. I am using the "find and replace" option to do this. My first question is, is there a better way? This feels a bit clunky!

Second question is, once I have entered a new record in the "newclientfrm" and go back to the mainfrm and search for that record, it cannot be found (once I have closed db and gone back in, it can then find it). Is there a way round this?

Any help would be hugely appreciated :)

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Not Finding Other Form

May 12, 2005

I would like to make a value equal to another value in another form, but it keeps telling me that it can't find the Form.

newID = Forms![frmLogIn]![UserID]

Error message is 'Access can't find the form 'frmLogIn' referred to in a macro expression or Visual Basic code'.

I have rechecked the spelling and caps on the form name 5 times so that's not it :(


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Finding The Subform????

Sep 1, 2006

Here's a real stumper... I have a form with a subform based on the account number in the main form. This form has been running without a hitch for maybe two years! Now, while updating an unrelated form in the same database, I test the new additions. I get an error message that the main form cannot find the subform, and it goes on to display a blank white box instead! Here's what I have already tried:

1. Checked the name of the subform. It's correct, just like it's been for 2 years.
2. Running compact/repair in case of corruption
3. Deleting, then re-placing the subform on the Main Form.

One other wierdism - after getting the white box where the subform belongs, and after being told that the [subform name] can't be found, I can right-click on the white box, select the "Form" option, and the subform appears! To me, that means that the "can't find" error message is a misnomer, but I'm at a loss as to where to look from here.

I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has seen this behavior of a form "not finding" its subform, yet it can be forced to display it with a popup menu? Also, any experiences with this or any related information would be appreciated.


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Finding The Last Day Of A Month

Oct 4, 2004

I need to create a function that will return the last day of a month, regardless of which month it is and, in the case of February, which year it is. (Gilbert & Sullivan got it right - the powers that be played a cruel joke on us with leap years!) I could hard-code in the months into my code, but there's got to be a way to do it without typing in everything manually...right?

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Finding A Record

Feb 5, 2007

Hi guys, need a bit of help with my Database. I have a Table with has ever player to play for my football club (1700 records in total), now i have another table called games (which has a record for every season played for each player, and is linked to the first table using the relationships and a field called ID. Make sense so far?

Well i then use a query to combine and calculate totals of certain fields and then i can use the query to show every single statistic possible on ASP pages. But when viewing my query in Access only 1699 records show up. So my thinkin is that either two records are identical (which is impossible because every p;layer has an ID and they cant be duplicates) OR a player has ZERO games in all years (in other words the player has no records related to it in the second table called games).

My question is, instead of searching 1700 records manually to find which one is there any way i can find which player would have NO records from the related table joint to it?

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