Finding Position Of Second Space

Nov 8, 2007

I am trying to find the position of the second space in a string, but have not been able to find a solution. Any suggestions on how I could do this using an expression in the QBE window or VBA would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Finding The Position Of A Character In A Field

Sep 18, 2007

I am trying to find the position of a "," in a data field.

I was trying the SEARCH function I found in Help "SEARCH(',',[emplname])", but I am getting "Undefined function 'SEARCH' in expression." when I run the query.

Any ideas?


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Position A Form

May 22, 2007

I have a Logo which is actually startup form. I need a code to position this statrup form on near to bottom right corner of access window in all resolution. How ever at present I am using code :

Res = GetScreenResolution()

If Res = "800x600" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 9600, 5600
ElseIf Res = "1024x768" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 13000, 8000
ElseIf Res = "1152x864" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 14500, 9500
ElseIf Res = "1280x720" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 7200
ElseIf Res = "1280x768" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 7800
ElseIf Res = "1280x1024" Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 16200, 11400

End If

But some times user use the application on different resulotion other then mentioned in code, the position of startup form looks awkward.



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Position, Automatic

Jul 1, 2006

Please Could any one help out, i have this Database am building for students in a school, The attached WORLD file respresnt a query in the database. The Position in class and Position in level is suppose to grade the student automatically i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th e.t.c. according to the score in a particular subject in their class and in the level.

I dont know how to go about this, am not even sure if this could be done using the query or i should do it using VBA on the report sheet that i generated from the query.

If any one has any idea on how to go about it please let me know it will be highly appreciated.


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Record Position

May 19, 2005

if i open a form which has 100 records in it, in the navigational buttons at the bottom i can see the number of the record which i am viewing ... for instance record 24 of 100 ... Now if i decide to set the navigational buttons to not be displayed, is there any way through code, in which i can get the record number (for example Record 24) ?

Thank You

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Cursor Position

Nov 21, 2006


ive got a form that has several textboxes. The cursor in all textboxes appears on the left hand side (which is good), but one field shows the cursor on the right side??!!! how do i change this, i want the cursor to be on the left hand side like the rest?


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How To Recenter The Form Position

Jul 17, 2007

I want when the form ativate to reput it in the center of the screen. is there any property to do this in the code, as the autocenter is set only in the design view


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Start Position In A Table

Sep 1, 2007

I have a database table which is basically a calendar containing 4 columns (i) the date, (ii) special info about that date, (iii) morning volunteers and (iv) afternoon volunteers.When I go to this table the cursor is positioned at the very first date and i then have to scroll though record after record to get to the current date.How can I get it to remember the last date used?I am using Vista and Access 2003

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Don't Lose Position From A Entry.

Jul 21, 2005

I have a Button, which update various data into a table in a form. If i called a requery (me.requery) then, the the coursor move up to the first entry.

Whats the problem with this?

(Sorry for my bad englisch)

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Forms :: Position On Subform

Apr 22, 2014

I have a subform which holds data in a datasheet mode. when i delete a record i close the parent form and then reopen it because i am not having luck making the requery work. the user wants the position to be at the location the form was before deletion although it will be a different record. I have tried

DoCmd.GoToRecord acdataform, "frmVendorList", acgoto, 17

and it gives me a error saying that the frmVendorList is not open. That is the form that is the subform the line before i open the parent form. The name for the subform in the property sheet is frmVendorList.

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Find A Records Position In A Table

Jan 18, 2008

Is there a way, aside from using auto number, to find a records postion. I am using a list and want to be able to double click an entry and have it open a form and go to that record. However I can't use auto number because I allow for the deleting of records, and once deleted the auto number no longer corrilates to the records position.

If anyone knows of a different sytem that renumbers after deleting a record that would be great if you could share it with me. Or if there is a way to open a form and use goto record but instead of using record postion use where statement.

If anyone has any other ideas on this please share. Thanks.

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Setting The Position Of A Subform Scrollbar

Nov 12, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have a 4 part survey database consisting of one source table : tbl_survey. I have created a main form with 4 subforms (each subform is a section from the survey table tbl_survey).

I have placed 4 buttons in the main form, and each button when clicked reveals its subform, whilst hiding the others. So when the main form opens, the first subform is displayed (others are hidden). When the user finishes the first subform, they click on the second button to display the next subform and so on.

My question is, i want to set the verticle scrollbar position of each subform to the very top when its appropriate button is clicked so that if a user goes back to a previous subform, the scrollbar isnt all the way down the bottom.


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Position Of Cursor On New Record On A Form

Aug 21, 2006

I'm trying to ensure that each time a new record is opened in a form, that the cursor is positioned in the first control/field... I have this throughout most of my application but not in a few individual forms.

I know I've done something in the past to ensure that this happens, but I can't remember what it was...


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Changing Startup Position Of Form

Sep 3, 2004

I am having a problem with my form. When it opens up, it is maximized, which is what I want. However, the vertical scroll bar on the right does not begin at the top of the form, but towards the bottom. I have to scroll up each time so that I can see the top of my form. Is there a way to make the form startup at the top of the form?

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Report Margins (Print Position)

Feb 6, 2008

Good morning all.

I have an annoyance!!! I have a few reports in the access database that I'd like to hard code the print margins so that when I send any database updates to users that have different printers, the margins all come out the same. So that I don't have to then go to each computer I've updated the database on, to open each report and reset the correct print margins.

Another annoyance - along the same lines: A report that previews correctly several times and then - for no reason, previews with larger margins and, hence, data is lost off the right.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Keep Cursor Position In A Text Box

Feb 8, 2014

I have below code for maximum 3 criteria dynamic search:

Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim Criteria As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim A
Dim strAdd As String


There is a problem, since I put the code in a textbox's on change event. then in case i want to revise the first two criteria, the cursor will automatically fleets to the end of the text, I want to know how to keep the position of the cursor?

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Forms :: Scroll Bar Position With A Subform

May 22, 2013

I have a form that i have created with various tabs along the top, e.g. customer details, customer contact etc etc.I have a subform on one of the tabs.

That subform also has tabs on it.When clicking on the main form tab it goes to subform but the scroll bar moves down only to show the subform tab options. I have to keep scrolling back up to see the main form tab options.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Control Graph Position

Jun 19, 2013

I have some graphs on a report that I need to dynamically position. The user selects which graphs he wants to put in and then the reports repositions the graphs based on input.

I've been using the following code to move the graph:

reports! = 3.625

which compiles, but moves the chart to the "0" position. I tried using a string ("3.625"""), or a stint ("3.625") but neither worked.

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Modules & VBA :: Controlling Scroll Bar Position

Jul 5, 2013

So I've got a form:
- A set of unbound controls filters (using a dynamically-built WHERE statement) a subform in datatable view.
- A set of bound controls displays the currently selected subform record; the two reflect one another.
- A set of unbound checkboxes at the bottom allows the user to change which fields are displayed in the subform.

Turns out, all of this makes for a pretty big form. Some of the users have screens that will not fit the full form due to resolution settings, physical size, aspect ratio, etc. Whatever the reason, the result is one or both scrollbars appearing on the form.

The issue is this: Whenever the filter controls are changed, the form's Current event runs (because the After Update events for the filter controls all change the main form and subform's Recordsource). But the Current event causes the form to requery (or refresh?), meaning the focus returns to the control with Tab Index 1 (a "Home" button near the top of the form).

Thus, the form tends to "jump around" a lot when users are determining the records they want displayed.Is there a way to avoid this?

- Can I prevent the "Home" button from getting the focus during those times?
- Alternatively, can I set the position of the scroll bars so the user doesn't see that jumping around every time a control is updated? I found some interesting ideas that worked for continuous forms, but mine is a single form, so bookmarking methods won't solve my issue.

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Open MS Access Window In A Certain Position And Size

Nov 27, 2006


I would like to open the MS Access Window in a certain position and size.

Somehow similar to open a form when using:
- to set the position and size:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form.Move Left:=11500, Top:=6500, Width:=7000, Height:=6000
End Sub

I would like to open the MS Access Window within the screen area at a certain location, and having a certain size.
Is there any option in the Access Menu, or I can write some code, and where has to be written, so when I double click on the *.mdb file, the MS Access Window will open where I want and the size I want.

Thank you.

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How To Programmatically Align The Control's Position (Left,Top)

Aug 18, 2007

I want to progammatically align the report controls position.
I have a control with left=2.7 in the Design view property.
I want to set programmatically set this value to 3.0 or other value accoring to a parameters. The problem is that when I set this property at the event Report-Open, the control appears always in another position regardless of the left value, i.e appears always at the new constant position.

What is the problem you think?

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Inserting Or Moving A Record To A Different Position In The Table

Oct 14, 2005

With a table in open view can a record be moved to a different position, i'm using access 2003. Also is there any way to sort besides ascending or descending?
I've got a lot of tables to make and if I forget a single column/field and have to add it later (like I have done all ready numerious times) I'm almost having to recreate the table again in order to have the field fit in the correct spot in the table. These tables are bound to combo boxes so its important every thing is grouped for easy choosing.

Thanks--All help will be very appreciated

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Auto Put Cursor In First Position When Clicking In Text Box?

Mar 10, 2005

I have several fields with text boxes and input masks. When a user clicks in these fields, it puts them in whatever position in the text box they click in. If they click to the far right, it takes them to the right position and doesn't let them type the entire date, formula, etc.

Any way to set the text box so that no matter where they click it automatically starts in the first position?

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Coming Back From Report - Form Out Of Position

Jun 23, 2006

hi i have a button that loads a report. If i then close the report the form, which is set with no border/no max/min/close/non movable and opens maximised, places itself off centre. I want it to stay maximised full screen. The only work around i currently have is when the use moves the mouse over the form it maximises itself. Will this then be calling this function everytime the mouse moves(cant be very efficient). is there a better way to maximise the form Immediately after closing the report.

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How To Position Footer After All Detail Control Boxes

Aug 8, 2006

I have a standard form with Header, Detail, and Footer sections.
The detail section is populated by a mixture of queries and calculated control boxes.
When the detail section overruns its space, I get a vertical scroll bar to the right and then the footer is displayed. So, the footer always stays where it is and the scroll bar only moves the detail section.

Is it possible to get the scroll bar moving the whole lot so that the footer is not permanently viewable on the page and would appear after all the Detail boxes ?

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Controlling Scroll Position When A Form Loads

Oct 20, 2004

I have been trying to make forms open scrolled to the top and have had very little success.

I found a function on the following site that works great as demonstrated and when I attach the following code to a text box the form scrolls to the top.

Private Sub Text98_Click()
Dim lngret As Long
lngret = fSetScrollBarPos(Me, 1)
End Sub

What I am trying to do is have the form scroll when it opens but by attaching the above code to the form's on_open event there is no effect.

What am I doing wrong.

Any ideas

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