Finding Values That Are Duplicated / Can Create NO DUPLICATES Index

Jun 13, 2013

I am using Access 2010 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.I have a database that I have imported existing data into. For the most part, I have eliminated duplicate entries in my Item Number field.

Obviously I have missed at least one (or possibly more) duplicates. When I try to create a NO DUPLICATES index, I am informed that there are duplicate entries.I am looking for a quick way to generate a list of values that are duplicated so I can address those and correct them.Item number field is a number field of type DOUBLE with 2 decimal places.

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Modules & VBA :: Finding Duplicates In A Table And Recording Values In That Record

May 2, 2014

I've been looking everywhere to find a better way of finding duplicates in a table and then recording and adding another value in that record together.

Let me try to explain better.


I have a table that has 2 columns "Name", "DOB". I would like to find all duplicate "DOB" and add all of the "Name"'s together.


Name DOB
bob 19800201
Sam 19761211
Jim 19800201

The output I would like is to have Name = bob & Jim DOB = 19800201.

I've tried using the find duplicate wizard in access but I can't seem to group them together and just to find the duplicates it takes upwards of a minute.

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Changes Not Successful; Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key, Or ...

Nov 29, 2005

This is a real mind bender.
I am running a2k. I am merging two databases. table1 is in the backend database. table2 is linked to the second database.
I run an append query to add table2 entries to table1. The append fails for 96 recs saying key violation. Turns out I can rerun the append if I drop the zip code field.
I then try to manually change the zip code and receive the duplicate values in index, primary key, or relationship.

I ran a compact & repair the databases, still no go. I can't edit the value of the zip code. I import the table to a new database. Still can't change the zip code. I drop MANY of the indexes. Even the index on the zip code field. Run compact&repair. still getting the index message. I even re-imported to a new db again. Still same error message.

I may start again by importing JUST these two tables to a new blank db and see if I get the same issues. I'll keep you posted...but maybe there is someone out there who has seen this error before.

fyi-if I enter a new record, the autonumber field correctly increments to the next available autonumber field. (I say this because of another thread on this matter w/ autonumber fields and bug in A2003)

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Index Duplicates

Feb 7, 2005

Can anyone tell me why access puts the primary key field in the index list twice for the same table? For example i have a primary key called CustID, when i go into design view and click on the index button on the toolbar, i see it listed twice, once as primary key and then again as its own field?!
I dont see the reason for this but often times with many of my databases i see this happen to many of my tables. :confused:

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Duplicated Values Problem

May 16, 2005

Hello! I'm in the process of creating a report, but am running into a problem. I have a number of clients that include fields such as ID, last name, first name, address, etc. and then their account numbers. Each client has a number of different accounts. The problem is that each client's last name, etc is listed again for each different account they have, so the query results looks like this:

ID Last Name Account #
1 Smith 123-56
1 Smith 4458-66
2 Jones 523-63
2 Jones 4525
2 Jones 5236
3 Roberts 5225-56
4 Johnson 523-55

I want the names and client contact info to appear only once in the report and all of the account #s to show also. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Queries :: Blank Values When Duplicated?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm trying to execute a query that will delete values in a certain column, but I'm getting no positive result.


--- Table1 ---

col1 col2
text1 Stext1


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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Can't Create Record Because Data Will Be Duplicated

Feb 12, 2014

When I tried paste some data using front end to my database, Access showed error (can't create record because data would be duplicated). I thought it's impossible because it is autonumber field. So I checked it (manually). I did copy of my database and then for testing, I created record. I was shocked. Next record should has a value of "160" but Access gave "130" then showed an error "Can't create record because data will be duplicated". Of course after compact and repair everything is fine.

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Query Returns Duplicated Values For Some Cells

Oct 29, 2007

I'm trying to execute a query which is looking at data from 2 different tables and most of the data fields in the tables are the same. For instance table 1 has Dept, Res, Period_date, & Available Hrs and table 2 has Dept, Res, Period_date, Project & Forecast Hrs. The results I'm looking for are as follows:

Dept Res Period_date Project Forecast Hrs Available Hrs
11 A 11-02-07 123 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 456 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 789 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 012 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 XXXXX

But the "Available Hours" are duplicated in the preceeding 4 rows.
Thanks for any advice on this.

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Queries :: Remove Duplicated ID But Add Up Represented Values

Aug 7, 2014

In access I queried my results and now I have to do this last step. I basically have an ID column and a tax fee column. I am trying to remove the duplicated ID numbers but if they are duplicated I need it to add up the tax fee column so I can have one ID with all the tax fees added up together instead of several different ones.

I tried doing the equivalent to a pivot table (works perfectly in excel) but when I tried doing it in access, it did not work.

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Find Duplicates And Create Table With Dates Of Duplicates

Feb 12, 2008

Hi this is my first post... so hi all :)

ok what i have is a table with contact details 900k plus

there are about 90k of which are duplicates.

this is the basic feilds that are important in this case.

Id, data_source, data_recived, data_code,

what i want is to have a table with unique records (no dups in data_code)

this table will look like this...

Id, data_code, Num_dups, dup1_source, dup1_date, daysbtw_Dup1_dup2, dup2_source, dup2_date, daysbtw_Dup2_dup3 ,dup3_source, dup3_date, daysbtw_Dup3_dup4 ,dup4_source, dup4_date,

I know there is no more than 4 dups of each record.

what i want from this is a table that will give me a record of how many dups for each record then all the dates that they were added and the date between each record entry.

if anyone can help it would be great .

thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Composite Index To Prevent Duplicates - Trap Error

May 16, 2015

I have a Composite Index to prevent duplicates I get the error message. How can I trap this?

I resolved it with this PHP Code:

'Trap Error.
Dim DataErr As Integer
Dim Response As Integer
Dim Message As String
If DataErr = 3022 Then 'Duplicate value entered
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If 

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How To Combine Two Tables In One Table Such That Values Are Neither Duplicated Nor Missed

Oct 28, 2011

How to combine two tables in one table such that values are neither duplicated nor missed?i wanted to join Table5 and table6 such that the values of Field1 are all populated in the resulted table but neither duplicated nor overlapped!

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Finding Duplicates In Two Different Objects

Nov 1, 2006


Is there a way of finding duplicate field entries in a table and a query: e.g.

In the Sickness Query (which contains, say 10 fields), in the Section field, it says "Benefits", and in the Week Commening field, it says "15/10/06"

And then

In the Nil Return Table (which only contains the Section & Week commencing fields), they also say "Benefits" and "15/10/06"

If there is a way of finding them, how do I delete the entry that has been made in the Nil return table?



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Finding Most Recent Duplicates?

Aug 29, 2006

Hi, been searching this forum for a couple of months now im working with access and up till now i have solved most of my problems:D

Ok the problem.

For the purpose of the question I have a training database:
running one table with user id and user name.
another for job id and job name.
Another for training table with an autonumber, user id, job id, and date

Id like to build a query which bought up the newest only for each user id and job id.

UI JI Date
2 5 01/05/05
2 5 01/05/06
3 5 01/05/05
3 6 01/05/05
4 6 01/05/06

UI JI Date
2 5 01/05/06
3 5 01/05/05
3 6 01/05/05
4 6 01/05/06

Iv tried using a few different ways of using duplicate queryies etc, but im just too newb to figure it out :(

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

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Finding Combo Box Duplicates

Jan 21, 2005

I have a Lost and Found Database that I enter information in usually every day.
Lots of items like gloves and glasses are entered into the item/s description field as
name of item then color or some other descriptive.
How do you make the combo box bring up all of the items that are related so that I can
pick from a tighter list? Right now when I click on the combobox for say, gloves, it will
bring up only one record of gloves and then I have to scroll through the entire
database to find the right record.

Table Properties
Lost and Found ITEM/S DESC Field:
Field Size - 50
Required - Yes
Allow Zero Length - No
Indexed - No
Unicode Compression - Yes

Form Combo Box After Update [Event Procedure]

Private Sub Combo22_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[ITEM/S DESC:] = '" & Me![Combo22] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

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Finding Duplicates Out Of Differents Fields

May 16, 2005

Sorry for the question's wording.

Here is what bugs me:

- I have one table tblRefctc with the followings fields :
LCtcRef,../..,LRefServ0, LrefServ1,..LrefServ16.

Where all those Lref are long; LCtcRef being the primary key. This table describe a contact from different branches (account, etc..) so while each branch has the relevant information about this contact, they know that that branch too is in contact with the same person.

- I have this other table with describes Events, TblIdxEvt (meeting, whatever) :


where IdxCtc is filled with LCtcRef once an event is created.

What I must check for is : For the same IdxEvt, should another branch makes an appointement for LCtcRef (i), I must check if one of the LRefServ0 to LRefServ16 are not already added in the event table.

At this time, I am stuck with making functions which test the existence of the LRefServ(i) (i ranging from 0 to 16) in tblIdxEvt, but I wonder if there is a simpler way to do it with SQL (which, as you could guess, Im not good at).

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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Queries :: Finding Duplicates Using Last Name And First 3 Letters?

Apr 2, 2014

I need to create a query that will pull duplicate names out of my db.

I would like it to pull all names that have:

duplicate LastName and duplicates of the first 3 letters of the FirstName.

For example, if I had the names:

Bland, Abe
Brown, Abe
Brown, Bill
Buster, Jon
Buster, Jonathon

I would like my query to return only Buster, Jon and Buster, Jonathon.

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Finding Duplicates In Two Tables- MS Access 2000

Dec 13, 2007


I am just starting Access...
Or at least trying to learn it on a small project, and I need a jumpstart, if someone woild be so kind and help me out.

I need to organize my e-mail sendings.

In one table (Table Sent) I have e-mail addresses where I have already sent messages.
In an other (Table New) I have some other e-mail addresses, I am preparing to send out.

To make sure to not send mail to those who already got one, I need to compare the two tables, and delete from the Table New those addresses which are already present in Table Sent.

I guess that would be a 2-3 line SQL script...
All of my attempts so far produced no results

Any guidance would be great!



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Forms :: Finding Duplicates - DCount Not Providing Expected Results

Mar 8, 2013

I've been working on trying to get this code to work as expected for days. I'm trying to find duplicates (I can't use primary keys or indexes alone to weed out duplicates due to the structure of the tables involved) in a subform as a user enters data. As soon as a project number is added, the code is supposed to count the number of records that contain that particular project number as well as a category number (there can be multiples of the same project numbers as long as their category numbers are different). This is the code I am using in the "Before Update" event of the field in the subform:

Private Sub ProjectID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strCriteria As String
Dim RecCount As Integer
strCriteria = "([ProjectID] = " & Me.ProjectID & ") AND ([CatID] = " & Me.CatID & ")"
RecCount = DCount("[ProjHrsID]", "tblProjHrs", strCriteria)

[Code] .....

What could I be doing wrong? Nothing about this code seems to work properly - even the Undo and Cancel=True is a problem (I get the "No current record" error).

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Create A Ms Access Report Index

Jun 13, 2007

I am using MS Access 2000 to handle a help desk system. Each job is given a task number and users are able to output a report of all of there tasks, with full notes.

What I would like to do is create a index front page or section which lists just the task numbers and the page number they appear on.

Can this be done or is there somewhere to perform a search on a report?

Any help most appreciated.


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Create Index Numbers In A Query

Mar 23, 2005

Basically I want to run a query that adds an index number against each record returned, however I want the index number to reset every time a name in a field changes e.g.

Date Name Index

01/01/05 Smith 1
01/01/05 Smith 2
02/01/05 Smith 3
04/01/05 Smith 4
01/01/05 Jones 1
03/01/05 Jones 2
01/01/05 Davies 1
02/01/05 Davies 2
06/01/05 Davies 3
07/01/05 Davies 4
As you can see the index is reset at each change of name.

Is this possible ?

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Duplicate Values In Index, Primary Key Etc

Feb 27, 2006

Hi - it's been a while since I did much access and am trying to help someone out and have got into a pickle! A quick job has turned out to be a lot more complicated! Plus I'm having to use *spit* Acc 2k.

When I go into frmHighCostDrug (from the "add new drug episode" button on the frmPatient) I often get the message "The changes you requested were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, relationship etc etc."

Now, I didn't think I'd forgotten that much. I've got primary keys, values in the table set to Null, relationships set and ref integrity set and cannot for the life of me see why this is happening.

I know though, that one of you will say "oh it's that" and point it out and I'm going to feel completely stupid, but at the moment, I don't mind! I really can't figure it out.

I've attached db - it's in Acc2k and I tried to do a copy Acc'97 for those who don't have it but it caused no end of problems. Came up with messages that this form contains data that Access doesn't support!!!! ??? :confused: If I can sort it I will.

If anyone's got any ideas, I'd be v grateful!



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Creating A Table Of Contents / Index / Need Macro To Create A Field

Apr 4, 2014

I have a situation where I have a report which I will generate to print our companies pricebook. I need an index/table of contents for customers to go to the page where a product is to look up prices. The problem is that we add and subtract products on a consistent basis.

So a new product will get added, but of course, to run alphabetically, there's no way to insert it, then renumber the pages for it to be easily use a maketable query, which sorts all of the products alphabetically. Each time it is run, it will delete the previous table. I then need to have an autonumber field created to create my "page numbers". Yes, each time the pricebook is run, products can and will oftentimes get new page numbers.

So my thought is to have a macro run which creates the autonumber field to the table. This will then be the basis for the form, which will in turn utilize the "page number"/autonumber field to both serve as page numbers in the report. And of course, the table which is created each time will be the "table of contents".

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Finding Uppercase Values

Oct 12, 2005

Hi All,

How can I report on records which have uppercase values in a record. The data I have in the table is a mixture of Titlecase and UPPERCASE. I need to report on the uppercase values.



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Finding The Sum Of The Values In A Field.

Aug 22, 2006

I am trying to create a DB that would calculate the totals of different projects and also calculate the global total (i.e. the total of all the projects combined together)

So far I have created a query that can calculate the total of the projects in a field which I have named Total1. But now I want to calculate the sum of the field Total1, i.e. add all the totals of the projects up.

Sorry my explanation does seem quite lengthy, any help would be much appreciated.


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Queries :: Finding Top Three Values In Six Fields?

Oct 3, 2013

I'm doing a medical db, where I'm trying to calculate ISS


There are 6 values, and i have to sum the largest three (squares to be precise). How can I get three highest values from 6 fields in the same record?

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