First 10 Months Of Sales, Seems Simple, But Proven To Be A Horrorcase.

Jan 8, 2008

I have a table with historic sales values, so an Item has 36 months starting (Field names are ranging from "Oct 04", "Nov 04", "Dec 04" ... to "Sep 07")
I also have a column name First month of Sale. which is filled with for example "Dec 04", for the next Item is might be "Jun 05" or "Aug 06").

I would like to get a Query where I just show sales values of the first 10 months after that first month of sale.

I have tried, and tried, and tried till my head exploded:mad:
It seems a simple task, but I am obviously overlooking something.
can anyone help me with some hints?

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Queries :: Fill No Sales Months With 0

Aug 9, 2013

I am pulling sales results per customer and month. For presenting the numbers in a diagram I would like to show 0 sales for months in which no sales were generated. At the moment the query results only the months in which there are sales > 0. Is there a trick that I don't know?

SELECT Year([InvoiceDate]) & ' ' & Month([InvoiceDate]) AS [Month], totalsales_per_invoice([invoices]![InvoiceID],[invoices]![tax]) AS Ausdr1
FROM Invoices INNER JOIN customers ON Invoices.CustomerID = customers.CustomerID
WHERE (((Invoices.InvoiceDate) Between #1/1/2013# And #7/1/2013#) AND ((customers.CustomerID)=145))
GROUP BY totalsales_per_invoice([invoices]![InvoiceID],[invoices]![tax]), Year([InvoiceDate]), Month([InvoiceDate])
ORDER BY Year([InvoiceDate]) DESC , Month([InvoiceDate]) DESC;

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Simple Sales Order Entry Application

Jun 3, 2006

Hi, I am using a wet and cold holiday weekend to learn about Access. I want to create a simple sales order entry function.

I have set up 2 tables Orders and Order Details. The Orders table holds order number, customer, due date, etc and the Order Details table is to hold the line items (product, quantity, price, etc). So far, so good.

I have created 2 forms and made the Order Details form a subform of the Order Header form. So far, so good.

I have 2 questions arising from this.
1. How do I get the cursor to tab from the last field of the header form to the first field of the details subform? When I get to the last field of the header form it just goes to create another order.

2. Is it possible, and if so where do I get info on how, to enter (and show) many detail lines for the one header. This is a normal sales order situation, customer stuff followed by 5 or 6 lines of products on the order.

I have two old (Windows 95) MS Access tutorial manuals, beginners and advanced but can't find the answwers there. I am using MS Access 2000.

Any help or pointers to where I can get the help would be appreciated.


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How Can I Create A Sales Form That Can Update Both The Product And Sales Tables

Oct 11, 2007

Am creating a Product-Sales Database, and I would like the corresponding Sales made in the Sale Table to be automatically deducted or to be reflected in the Product Table. The product table contains all my stock and has a relationship with the Sales Table. The Sale Table does not necessarily include the Stock. How can I create possibly a Sales Form that will be used as an entry point for all the products (stock) sold and automatically register the sold products in the Sales Table and at the same time make the required adjustments in the Products Table.

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Queries :: Date Criteria - Query Previous 12 Months Including Months With No Data

Mar 22, 2013

I currently have a form where users can enter an "End Date", click a button, and it queries the data from 12 months prior to "End Date" entered.

Is there a way to force the query to show all 12 months, even if there are no records for a particular month? For example: if the user enters February 2013 in the date field, I would like the query to return:

March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013 even if June 2012 has no records, it is included in the query with a value of zero.

This is what I have so far:

WHERE (((Qry_Tbl_Assets.Dte) Between DateAdd("m",-12,[Forms]![Main_screen]![End_Date]) And [Forms]![Main_screen]![End_Date]))

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Cash Sales Vs Invoices

Mar 25, 2007

I'm creating a database where I have a customers and invoices table, obviously there is a relationship between the two tables using a customerID field where I have referential integrity enabled. However not all invoices require a customer account as some are cash sales where no customer details are required.

I'm unsure of the correct procedure, all I can think of is to create a separate table for cash sales??

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Querry About Sales Commisions

Oct 1, 2005

Hi There
I Need A Querry For Commission Sales.
I Have 10 Items 7 Items At 2% Of Commission 3 At 4%. Each Salesman Have To reach A Min Of 5000 USD Of Sales Per Month Then All Sales Above That Amount Commission Will Be Calculated.
I Need A Querry To Calculate Sales And If Salesman reached The Min Sales Commission Is Calculated .

Any Help ???????

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Calculating MTD And YTD Sales For Report

Dec 1, 2005

I have been stuck on this one for a while. I have an Access 2003 Database that I need to calculate the MTD sales and the YTD sales of parts ordered

Here are the relevant tables and thier attributes
Part -

Orders -

OrderDetail -
NumOrdered (Quantity)

If I have left anything off that may be vital please ask and I will supply the info. I need this info ASAP though.
I think the answer has something to do with the Date() and CurrentDate() but I have no clue. Please let me first know the queries I need to run and that should be it. I just need to put MTD and YTD Sales in a report.


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Query Sales Anlaysis

Jan 16, 2006

Good afternoon

I have two tables - sales 2004 and 2005 - both showing account number, product, quantity, sales and margin. When I link account number and try to show both years the results are incorrect.....I know I am doing something wrong!! I have tried creating new table with blank fields for 2005 basing the table on 2004 and then updating 2005 - but no go.....

Help please

Many thanks


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Sales Transaction Query

Mar 17, 2006

hi there...

I have been looking around the forums for a little while now... and cannot seem to find anything which will help me.... heres my query..

I have a stock control database.. which allows for sales transactions via a barcode reader...

my first query is.... when the user scans a product.. how can this be 'looked up' in the (UPC data table)... returning the correct information.. ie.. description.. but then taking the price from the product table.. the query doesnt seem to let me be able to join the two tables.. no idea why!?

secondly.. I want to create a form.. for the 'sales transaction'.. when the user clicks 'pay' i want the form to clear and store all these items in the sales table.. (deducting the units in stock at the same time..)

I hope anyone has any suggestions.. or pointers! Many Thanks

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Negative Sales Goals

Nov 30, 2006

Sounds weird huh?

I have a salesman that has a negative "Net Flow" goal (sales goal). Others have positive goals.

His YTD Net Flows (Sales) is say...$1062 (million) and his goal is "-266 million"
Of course he is doing quite well, when I use the following code to get a % to goal I get "0" whenever there is a negative goal involved.

% to Goal: IIf([NetFlowsGoal]>0,([Total Net Flows]/[NetFlowsGoal]),0)

But it works fine if all numbers are positive as you might guess.

Any pointers would be great...Thank you

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Display Only Last Week's Sales

Jan 19, 2006

Hi all,

I dont know much about access forms - but I have a table that contains all of the members on my site, and the date they joined. Each member can be seen as a sale on my product, so at the moment Im using a simple graph (made using a wizard - shame on me) that just drags out the DateJoined values from the members table.

The result is a bar chart indicating how many sales I made on each day.

Its getting a bit big, and I want to know how I can get it to only drag out last week's sales. I think it will have something to do with the 'Row Source' property of the graph. At the moment its value is...
Code:SELECT (Format([DateJoined],"DDDDD")),Count(*) AS [Count] FROM [tblMembers] GROUP BY (Int([DateJoined])),(Format([DateJoined],"DDDDD"));

Thanks all!

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Difference Between Weekly Sales

Sep 11, 2011

In a table I have the sale of a department:

week SP Value UNIT
N John 100 8
N-1 John 80 6
N-2 John 120 10
N-3 John 90 9
(just the last 4 weeks and N sale professional)

I would like to have a form with

SP Value N-1 N-2 N-3 Units N-1 N-2 N-3
JOHN 100 20 -40 30 8 2 -4 1

And this go on for each SP

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Query Based On The Higher MTD Sales

May 29, 2006


I need to write a query based on the higher MTD sales in the series of each fabrics within series of Sales Group and Prod Group . All info is from one table

Order by: Sales Group (alphabetical ord) , Prod Group (alphabetical ord) , sort Fabric Group based on the TOP MTD sales

Sales Gr: Active
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: a,b,c,d,e,f...
StyleNum: 1,2,3,4,5,6...(PK)

Sales Gr: Dance
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: a,b,c,d,e,f...
StyleNum: 1,2,3,4,5,6......(PK)

Sales Gr: Yoga
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus
Fabric Gr: a,b,c,d,e,f...
StyleNum: 1,2,3,4,5,6......(PK)

Thank you

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Sales Order Line Pricebreaks

Jul 11, 2007

I'm not sure if I have a table structure, query or Form/subform problem, so I'll post here and see what happens

Objective - From a Sales Order form (and linked Sales order Lines subform) once the Item to be sold has been selected and quantity entered, I wish to check against a Pricebook table, where each item has 3 price/quantity breaks stored and have the correct price drop into the sales order line

Any suggestions on what is the best technique to achieve this?

ps not too bad using standard query builders etc, but pretty hopeless at code (which is one of the reasons for joining, to improve in this area)

So far found this a great place to be, lots of good advice from lots of helpful people


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Setting Up A Table For Sales Figures

May 6, 2005

Dear All,
My boss wants me to create a budget report as follows:

Rep Cust ActM$ BudgetM$ VarM$ ActMProfit BudgetMProfit VarMProfit

ActYTD$ BudgetYTD$ VarYTD$ ActYTDProfit BudgetYTDProfit VarYTDProfit

I have a table with the following headings:

Date State Product Prod Code Customer Cust Code Category Jan Feb Mar etc

State has the domain Vic, NSW, Qld
Category has the domain Sales GP

Question 1:

To the field Category, should I either

A: add to the domain actual sales and actual profit? I can past these into the table at the end of each month.


B: set up a separate table for the actual sales and actual profit for the month?

I think A.

Question 2:

Instead of having a separate column for each month, should I either:

A: just have a heading Month and put the figures in that column


B: Have the sales figures in separate columns for each month?

I think A

Question 3:

When I have set up my table correctly, and assuming the answers to my questions above are all "A", I am now unsure how to create a query which will give me the data for the report my boss wants.

Can someone please give me some help?


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How To Treat Tiered Sales Commissions

Nov 1, 2005

I'm working on a contact manager/sales manager database for a company where commission plans are tiered based on the gross margin generated from the sale. The company also has two types of commission plans available to the sales rep (Straight commission & Commission + Base). Here is an example:

I would like to be able to use a table to hold the tiered levels and then use code that would look at the gross margin and determine the correct tier that the sale falls into. Is this possible? If so, can someone please share an example?

Your help will be greatly appreciated and I will definately share the finished project with the group. Thanks!

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Crosstab Quarterly Sales Query

Mar 3, 2007

I have created a cross tab quarterly query to sjow the 4 quarters sales.

Problem is if there is no sales in one of the quaerters, the report based on that query gives an error as per attached photo and do not open.

any work around

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Stock And Sales Form/Sub/Append!?? Help

Nov 10, 2006


i have three tables - Customers, Sales, Stock

i have a form (like an on screen invoice) for sales. This shows the Customers Details and what stock they have bought. The customer details are the main form and i have a sub form with the stock, however i realised that this would not work (as a sub form is for adding stock not appending existing stock.)

Ideally i would like to type the stock number in, then the details of that piece of stock come up, then i want to change bits (a tick/untick box) but this would not work on a sub form. Customers buy UP TO 5 pieces of stock in one sale.

Any ideas?


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DSum Function To Sum Sales Of Each Customer?

Jun 5, 2014

Can Dsum function sums the sales of each customer. For example, let say we have the following query

Customer Name
Order ID

So, can i get output something like :

John 200.540 $
Mark 300.350 $

I tried the following code "

Dsum ("[Amount] * [Price]", "QueryCustomerSales", "[Customer Name]= [Customer Name]")

However, it returns the sales of all customers (all together ):

John 500.890 $
Mark 500.890 $

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Combine Monthly Product Sales Query

Feb 27, 2008

I was wondering if there is a way to combine sales by month for a year where it would show the product then for say January and the total sales and so on for each month.

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Too Many Fields - One Year Of Weekly Sales Data

Sep 6, 2007

I'm new to Access, and I've been able to figure out a way around most of the problems I've run up against, but this one has me completely stumped. I would really appreciate any help!

I need to create a query that will produce a report that will follow the sales performance data of new agents for one year. I need to have two pieces of data for each week: number of policies sold and total value of policies.

The format looks like this:

Jan1 Jan2 Jan3 Jan4 Feb1
Number 12 4 6 3 6
Value 1554 320 229 221 1824

I have been pulling weekly sales data from an external database weekly and importing it into individual tables in my Access database. I had no problem for the first 3 months, but now I am getting the error message "Too Many Fields". If I understand it right, you can have up to 255 fields in a query. I don't have anywhere near that many. What could be wrong?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Extract Sales Data Based On Another Table

Nov 10, 2007

Hi All experts,

I got two tables while one table contains (sales data) and another one contains (criteria). I would like to extract sales data based on the criteria tables and export to a new table.

Which method is the best to complete this?

Criteria contains many lines like this

CustomerID, ProductID & InvoiceDt
A, Guliter, 2007/10/5-2007/11/7
B, Piano, 2006/7/1-2006/12/31

Thanks in advance!

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General :: DSum For Current Month Sales

May 28, 2014

I'm using the following expression to find the sum of the current month sales.

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=Month (now())")

However, it returns no result. The above expression is located on the control source of an ab textbox. Moreover, it works well when i try the following expression

=DSum("[Price]*[Quantity]","QueryCurrentMonth Sales","[ORDDate]=[ORDDate]")

It returns the sum of all sales.

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How To Create Aggregate Sales Grouped By Product ID

Nov 6, 2014

I have created a Query that shows

The Product ID, Product Name, Quantity, Price, Gross Margin, Sales, Profit.

The only problem is that in the two tables I was given in my assignment, there were multiple dates for the purchase, thus even though I have 74 products there is multiple listings i.e.

110-10 Sofa Chair 5x $2 profit:$10 - october 11
110-10 Sofa Chair 6x $2 profit:$12 - october 12

I need to group it so that it becomes this.

110-10 Sofa Chair 11x $2 profit:$22

The date/location is not important, only the aggregate sales. Here is my SQL ....

HAVING (((SALES.TRANSDATE)>=#9/1/2011# And (SALES.TRANSDATE)<=#12/31/2011#))
ORDER BY Sum([Quantity]*[Price]) DESC;

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Query/Update Sales Values For Individual Staff

Oct 16, 2006

Hey, I am currently doing an A-level ICT project and seem to be stuck at the first hurdel. My problem being that i wish to update the 'Number of sales' field for all the staff in the 'Staff' table. I have tried serveral queries to count the number of sales, which are in the 'Tickets' table for each and indidual 'Staff ID'.
This was suscuessful although i am wondering how to transfer these values into the Staff.[Number of Sales]. Also some staff had the value of 0 so did not come up in results of the querie.
Is there any possible solution or is there a more simple way to solve the problem.
Many Thanks in advance Dan Parker

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