First And Last Criteria When Adding The Operation

Dec 16, 2013

I'm very confused with this "first" and "last" criteria

I can easily understand for "max" "min" "sum" etc ... but not the "first" and "last"

I import monthly data for the year 2013 and for each month I import, it will have a record showing 201301 (for january 2013), 201302 (for february 2013) etc... until today which is 201312

I import them in order that is: 201301 first till the last one which is 201312

Now is the Criteria "first" give me the date at which it is First entered in the table or just the first that he see in the table? ( can putting them in order either a->z or z<-a affect this criteria?) or what if I put import them not in order but randomly like?

When I used last it didn't give me 201312 but 201311...

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Adding Criteria On The Field Being Filled.

Aug 6, 2005

I am working on a scheduling form that uses 3 combo boxes to select the people being scheduled. The form is rowsourced to a table of training sessions with a field for each of three crew positions being trained. One combo box is used for each of those fields. The row source for each combo box is a query that returns a list of people due for training, not on vacation that date, correct crew position, etc.

The problem is this: I want to eliminate the people already sceduled in prior sessions from the list. I've tried to put a "not" criteria on the rowsource query but that did not work.

I've been away from Access for a few years but I vaugely remember problems of putting criteria on the field you are filling. Anyone have any ideas?

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Queries :: Adding Query Criteria Using VB?

Jul 10, 2015

i have a query name "Query01". I want to add a criteria ">=#1/5/2015#" in the field of "PaymentDate" using VBA.

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Queries :: Adding Criteria To A Query

Mar 24, 2014

I have one datatable and i have to list the duplicates from it based on different criterias. It contains invoices, we would like to avoid duplicated payments.I'm struggling with a query. Basically i have a working one, i have to add one more criteria to filter out a couple of rows where the text column is "freight", but anyhow i have tried, it's not working. Without that one line where the not equal is, it's working as it should, when i'm adding that line it ruturns the same as before, but it should give me 108 less lines. The below one is based on an other query result called Duplicates_Rule1.Here is the query:

SELECT * FROM Duplicates_Rule1
WHERE (((Duplicates_Rule1.BSEG_DocumentNo) In (SELECT [BSEG_DocumentNo] FROM [Duplicates_Rule1] As Tmp
GROUP BY [BSEG_DocumentNo]
HAVING Count(*)=1 ))
AND (Duplicates_Rule1.Check) Is Null)
and (Duplicates_Rule1.BSAK_Text <> "FREIGHT")
ORDER BY Duplicates_Rule1.BSEG_DocumentNo;

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Queries :: Adding Expression As A Criteria?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a query I'm working with that finds data that changes, calculates the numbers, then prints a result in another column. The problem is that if I don't have any changes, then I have a blank result. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I'm making reports available to other users and would like this populated.

What seems simplest is to add an expression in the criteria field for the column that displays data after crunching numbers. Since this only has a display if something has changed, then I need an expression added if there is no data. Can I add something like an IsNull expression to display the results from another column in the same table? The data will end up being redundant, but I'm ok with that for now. the report should probably have the expression, but the column is already here in this table.

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Queries :: Adding Several Criteria To Query Using SQL

Jul 29, 2015

Currently, I am using the following code to add criterias to a Query before I run it:

qdf.SQL = "SELECT * from [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Business Field].Value = " & Tall

Unfortunately, I struggle with adding additional criterias for example something like this:

qdf.SQL = "SELECT * from [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Business Field].Value = 3" AND [Offshore_Projects] WHERE [Location] = ""Longyearbyen"""

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Adding Wildcard Character To Query Criteria

Aug 11, 2005

I've got a query that does exactly what this ( chap got his to do.

However I want to add a "*" character to the criteria to allow for searches with partial matches. Here's the criteria that works:

[title]=[Forms].[Search]![Title] Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

However when I try the logical extension:

[title]=[Forms].[Search]![Title] & "*" Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

this doesn't work, and nor does:

[title]=([Forms].[Search]![Title] & "*") Or [Forms].[Search]![Title] Is Null

WHAT DO I DO? I'M TIRED AND I CANT THINK STRAIGHT! :eek: thanks and sorry for being so dumb!

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Adding X Months To A Date In Criteria Expression

Sep 4, 2006

Hi all,

I need to be able to add x months to a given date which I'm using in a criteria expression. I've figured out that I can just add y number of days, but the answers aren't quite accurate across different ranges of months.

I'm after something like
<[BeginDate] And >([BeginDate]+[3months])

but I haven't turned up anything useful in an hour of googling - finding it difficult to define what I want in search engine terms.


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Queries :: Adding Complex Criteria To A Query

Nov 29, 2013

I've got two tables in my Access 2010 database - both are identical in structure, the difference being one (Dove) contains old data and the other (Dove Data File) contains updated data. The primary key for these tables is "TowerBase".

I want to use an update query to update only the changes from the Dove Data File table into the Dove table - but for certain records only.

I've managed so far to get a query which displays only records that have changed in a particular field (Bells). Up to here I think is all good...

SELECT [Dove Data File].*
FROM [Dove Data File] INNER JOIN Dove ON [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
WHERE (((Dove.Inactive)<>True) AND ((Exists (SELECT NULL
WHERE [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
AND [Dove Data File].Bells <> Dove.Bells))=True));

But now I want to add in criteria and this is the bit I'm struggling with. I need this query to now display only records where there is no associated record in my Visit Dates table. In other words, the Visit Dates table has the "TowerBase" ID along with a visit date. These records I do not want to see in the query, as I don't want to update any changes for these from the Dove Data File table to the Dove table.

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Adding Data Range Criteria To Expression

Nov 3, 2011

I am using the following expression in access 2007

=DSum("[jqty]","SHIP","[jprod#] = '" & [pn] & "'")

I need to add a date range criteria to this expression that looks at the field [expr1] and sums anything between the two selected dates.

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Queries :: Adding Values To Cols Based On Criteria

Sep 24, 2014

I am trying to map certifications done by colleagues in my department.There are 4 certifications and I have which I have pulled out from the Certifications tables using individual query for each certification.Now, I want to add "Certification-Name_Certified" col which will have "yes" or "no" values for each certification to the master data of the department personnel as it only have unique records using a query.

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Invalid Operation

Apr 21, 2006

I am running a report from a form that is to produce an excel output:

Private Sub cmdTransferToExcel_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_CmdTransferToExcel_Click


DoCmd.Hourglass True

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Temps_Margin_Output", acFormatXLS, [Forms]![Revenue_Output]![output], False

DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "File Created", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdTransferToExcel_Click

End Sub

but receive an error "Invalid Operation"

Can anyone suggest anything?


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Table Operation!!

Mar 12, 2007


I have a table with "fieldA", "filedB", and "filedC". I want "fieldC" to be the result of multiplying "fieldA" and "filedB". How can I do this?? I don't want to have to type in the result in "fieldC", I want this to be done automatically when I fill up "fieldA" and "filedB."

thank you very much

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Parameter Operation

Oct 12, 2007

I have a calculated query field that says this:

1 wk Wins: IIf(([1 week price]-[PRICE])/[PRICE]*100>=[s],1,0)

It prompt me for the variable [s] when I run it, as it should.

However, the results for whatever I type for [s] are not the same as the results if I just put the number in the query instead, ie:

1 wk Wins: IIf(([1 week price]-[PRICE])/[PRICE]*100>=5,1,0)

The above should return the same results as if I input 5 for the parameter prompt for [s], but they do not, and I cannot for the life of tell what Access is actually doing with the number I input for [s]. I cannot see a trend in its results from record to record, it just seems random.

Any thoughts on this appreciated.


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Simulating Telesales Operation

Aug 13, 2006

I have developed a MS-Access application for a small call-center (20 users).with approx 1500 customer-records to call everyday.
What I have done:
There are 20 front-ends residing at the Telecallers desktop and 1 database@server. Presently I am allocating 1500 records (clients send 1500 data everyday) everyday to 20 telecallers so that they get their respective calling details (75 records/telecaller). The no of cases that they need to call is predetermined.
They see cust-details and call up the customer manually.
What I intend to do:
I don’t want to allocate records to telecallers. Instead, when they open the FE-screen they will get the record that is available. (Of course keeping in mind that no particular record is opened by more than 1 telecaller).
Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Any idea will encourage me to make the application more pro.

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Help With Structure And Order Of Operation.

Dec 21, 2006

Say I have a table full of tasks. Some tasks are performed each day (Mon-Fri, Friday only, Saturday only, etc). Each day someone has to mark which tasks were not completed, and move those to another table (?). Each task may have small changes to it (length of time, who performs the task, etc.).

There is one person tracking these 350 tasks per day, which they run a report generated from another server that tells them what wasn't completed.

I would like form to be able to show what was completed for the day (by basically subtracting what wasn't completed), as well as for a range of days.

Most of this I can do, but the basic problem is how to generate a "daily" schedule, or a list that he can select what wasn't done? I thought about make a table of days from now until about 2010, and make a query with no relationship so that it assigns a date to each entry (which creates several hundred thousand lines), but that wouldn't do because there can be change that occur for that task for one day or several months.

How does one handle reoccurring events like this? I've gotten fairly good with Access over the past several months, and 90% of what I want to do is no problem, but this one problem, with scheduling, is something I've never been able to figure out. I really need this for 3 separate projects!

The closest I've come is using an append query that pulls a date from a control on a form with a button press, and adds to a list of tasks, but I feel there should be a more elegant (and foolproof) option.

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Operation Must Use An Updateable Query?

Mar 7, 2006


I was hoping someone on this forum might be able to help me.

I am trying to update a table with info in another table, using a nested query.

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTemp SET AdminNum = '" & cboAdmin.Text & "', " & _
"Size = (SELECT Size FROM tblEquipList WHERE AdminNum = '" & cboAdmin.Text & "')"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

cboAdmin is a combo box on my form that is populated by tblEquipList.AdminNum.

When run this gives me:
Runtime Error '3073':
Operation must use an updateable query.

The SELECT statement works by itself, and the first part of the UPDATE (without the nested select) works by itself, but not when I combine them. I also need to update other things in the same manner in which Size is being updated, but when I can get this to work it shouldn't be a problem just added the updates for the other fields in there.

Thanks in advance,

Also, I figured I should add that when I remove the SELECT statment and put in a number (IE: Size = '400'), the query runs just fine. So I know the problem lies in the nesting, but am unsure how.

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You Canceled The Previous Operation !

Aug 25, 2006

Hi, I've been progamming Access for a couple of years so am not a complete novice but I can't seem to work out this problem.
I downloaded some code from "" from the query section called "Using a Microsoft Access listbox to pass criteria to a query". It works fine. However when I import my own table and change the code to SELECT the imported table and change the WHERE statement to my new string within that table , I get an error. When I select from the list box and click the command button I get the message "You canceled the previous operation".
However if I select the "ALL" selection from the list box it does return all the records.

Any help would be gratefully received!


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I Want To Do A MINUS Operation Equivalent. How?

Jan 16, 2007

this is vexing me.

I have 4 tables, 2 entities, 1 relationship and 1 lookup

Entities are tblOrg and tblForm
Relationship is tblVentureParticipation
Lookup is tblInfo (Has many different lookups)

When an organization (these are listed in tblOrg) turns in a form, a new record is inserted into tblForm with the ID of that organization and the ID of the form

I want to identify the forms that have NOT been turned in.

So I figured

Step 1:
Identify all organizations who are participating (WHERE tblOrg.OrgID = tblVentureParticipation.OrgID)

Step 2:
Join all of the previously selected organizations with all of the forms (FROM tblOrg, tblInfo WHERE tblInfo.LookupID LIKE 'F##')

Step 3:
Remove all of the entries in tblForm that match the result of Step 2.

I have verified that both of these individual queries return the right information ...

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Help Needed On A Query Operation

Mar 27, 2007

I am asked to display this, "List the Client Numbers, Name, and Balance fields in the design grid. Sort the records in desending order by the Balance Field."
AND THIS: "Display the top 25%"

I need to know how to show the top "25%" when I press run, in the datasheet without manually having to arrange them.

I would love detailed instructions ASAP!

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You Have Cancelled The Previous Operation

Sep 17, 2007

Hey all... I have three searchable fields in my query ATM if i search the MO, and the job code by themselves they don't error out. But if i try searching the FName field. It says "You have canceled the previous operation? Can someone help me with this

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Call Center Operation

Feb 25, 2008

Hello All,

I have a call center and Im trying to work out a call que.

I have 8 operators.

10000 records that need to be called.

I'm trying to create a query that will select the first record avilable from my table. when the next operator has completed his call do the same thing and so on without duplication of efforts.

Any help would be appreciated


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Save Operation Failed

Feb 24, 2006

anyone know of a reason for this error: "The save operation failed"? I attempted to edit some code and tried to save but got this error. Also been getting some out of memory errors. Not sure why though. Thanks

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Operation Must Use An Updateable Query.

Mar 21, 2006

I have tried to create a form page that when filled in by a user updates a database.

However i get his error messge

Code:Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query./tpvsite/RegisterUser.asp, line 62

In my page it aligns to this line objRS.Update. Which i think means there is a problem with my database as anyone any ideas how to fix this. (all my tables and fields are correct)


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Forms :: Exit From Operation

Jun 2, 2013

I am trying to use to update the field in a record, What I am trying to achieve, is once I press/click the update button, cursor needs to move to next desire field which is "txteditcid", but after pressing the update button, I am getting following error (however, field is updating in table)

Run-time error '2110':
Microsoft Access can't move the focus to the control txteditcid


Private Sub Butupdatecustemail_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database, update1 As String, rcount As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
update1 = "UPDATE CustomerProfile set custemail='" & Me.txteditcustemail & "'" & "WHERE cid='" & Me.txteditcid & "'"


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Not Enough Memory To Perform Operation

Apr 10, 2014

I'm getting an error when trying to run a report. "There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again."

1.) I tried to install both the V-Tools and Rick Fisher add-ins, and neither one could be added. I got errors from both.

2.) I'm working with a small test database to create a report. Db is tiny, 1.8Mb. But I've also created a report which has several embedded subreports. Everything is based off of queries which certainly have to sort through some data.

3.) I have compacted and repaired.

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