First Time Using Access

Sep 20, 2007

Ok i have a few issues with my database, basically i have a form with a subform running from two tables. These tables are to record faults and the subform holds any updates and progress made.

Basically i am trying to make a facility that only prints out the current job being looked at in form view, but i want it to print in a printable view as apposed all the graphics on the form.

As well as this i have created a form and on this form i have a combo box which contains equipment! how do i create a filter type thing so when i select the appropriate equipment and run a macro it gives me a report only on the forms with said equipment.

I am poo at SQL and scripting so if anyone can help me i will be very happy!

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Forms :: Add Time Value To Time Data Type SQL Server Field In Access

May 6, 2015

how to be able to enter time in access form the same way as if would be an access table (1p = 1:00 PM; 1.25 = 1:25 AM etc)

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Time In Access: Keeping "medium Time" Format

Mar 25, 2008

I've run into a bug, I think. I have a time field with it set to show "Medium Time" which is "hh:mm(AM/PM)", however, when I combine the information with another field in a query (=[OfficeDay]&" - "&[POfficeTime]), the time comes out as "Long Time" or "hh:mm:ss(AM/PM)". End result is Wednesday - 10:30:00AM when it should be Wednesday - 10:30AMDoes anyone know a way around this?

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still shorttime but when you read the time within the code it comes out in AM/PM format. Also, when the defaul tiem should be #20:00:00# but this changes to #8:00:00 PM#

Weirdly though, when you just open the table, the times are in the correct shorttime format.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

This screen shot may help:

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still short time but the format is in AM/PM or medium time.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

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MS Access Run Time

Feb 10, 2006

I want to know more about the MS Access Run time edition. If I prepare pakage in MS Access and installed in one server, shall i share the forms in client computer using Run time?

Pls. give more details.


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Time Clock App In Access

Jun 6, 2005

Has anyone ever made a time clock application in Access? If so, can you post a sample application? I'm really at a loss with this one..


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Access 97 Run Time Installer?

Aug 28, 2005

I have a roof-estimating program that I made in MS access 97. I want to sell it to online. However the buyer will have to have access 97 installed on their computer to be able to use my program. Is there a way to allow users to use my program with out them having access 97 installed on there computer? And if so how involved is it to make this work?

I’ve been reading about the access developer’s extensions for access that makes a run time version of an access program. Will this work in my situation. I’m using access 97. I've seen some web sites with run time installers. Do these programs really work like they say?

Will I need to re-write my program? And if I do need to re-write it, is there a certain way that it needs to be written in order for this to work.

Please Help

Thanks Chuck

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Access 2000 Run Time

Mar 16, 2006

I have a rather large project that has been developed in Access 2000. Generally all my distributions have been to PC's with Access available. However, I do find that there are a few that don't. Obviously this is where Run time would be useful. Having never used it I have a few questions if someone could possibly help:-

1 If I have a program developed in Access 2k can it be converted to the MOD version to include runtime?
2 If there is a conversion process is it automatic or does it require extensive reworking of the project?
3 Is it still possible to purchase MOD 2000 or do I need to get an updated version and if so will that still work with Office 2k?

Thats about it. Thanks

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Access Help With Time Intervals

Aug 1, 2006

Hi, I am just learning Access and are having problems dealing with time intervals. My database form is seperated into two tables and in each column of the tables there are different time periods. The time periods are created by having two columns and one column is the start time while the second column is the end time.The problem is that in order to tie the two database together i have to group the database use the time periods as a key. But since the two tables time periods are different, i have to first seperate time intervals to specific months. My plan first is that using queries, i will insert new rows and in those columns i will have both the start month column to end month column both be the same month, but i could never figure out how to duplicate my information and change only the month. Now i am at a loss and i really need help for the project. I am sorry for the poorly worded explanation but i can't think of a easier way to say it. Please advise me on what to do and thank you for reading.

Best Regards,

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Run Access In Run-time Environment

Aug 17, 2006


I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me here.

I have a database created in Access .MDB. It operates allright on my machine. However, since this database is done for my client, i have a problem i need to ask for help.

My client doesn't have microsoft office software installed on their machine. So when i passed the database onto them, they somehow can only run it in the run-time environment. Don't ask, I'm not sure about this at all. Anyway, They came back to me saying that they have got a run-time error message in the middle of running the database.

On my end, it's hard for me to debug since it works fine here. I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how i could have this database run in the run-time environment as my clients do. This way, i could debug the problem.

Is it possible for me to run my access database in run-time environment? how do i do that?

Thank you in advance

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More Than A User To Access The Db At The Same Time

Mar 14, 2007

Hi all
How are you?
I have a small problem...
I have an access db called MainDB, which has tables, queries, data entry form. This db (MainDB) is located in the network server.
I have another access db called BranchDB. This db (BranchDB) has no tables, it has linked tables to those tables from the MainDB, and it has the forms for view only (No Data Entry).
The problem is that users from there local machines can not access the BranchDB at the same time.
What can I do?
Your help will be highly appreciated.

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Unix Time In Access

Jan 19, 2007

hi all

I'm using MS Access 03 to run some queries on a SQL database. 2 of the columns i pull from SQL are about time, but are stored in 'unix time'. can this be converted once in Access to a more readable format eg ddmmyyyy?

any help would be much appreciated

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Access Time Formating

Oct 7, 2004

I am constructing a databse for Time and Attendance and wish to have a cumulative total column for the hours worked in the month, the Time in/out, lunch and TotalHours fields are using the ShortTime format but when the total hours exceed 23:59, obviously the field will not accept this Data, any ideas how i can record the TotalHours worked in a month.
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Date And Time (SQL Vs MS ACCESS)

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys, im really unfamiliar with MS access so could use a bit of guidance.

I have an SQL server back end and MS access front end, im trying to run a simple date query to look at records with todays date only.

In sql it would be something like: -

SELECT Contract, convert(char(10), DispatchDate,103) as [Dispatch Date]
FROM BinLocations
where convert(char(10), DispatchDate,103) = (select convert(char(10), getdate(), 103))

I know i can use date() within MSaccess, but not sure i would convert the datetime field within sql to display this in msaccess.

Anyone have the ms equivilant to my sql query?

Thanks in advance

Note: datatype for this field within sql is date/time

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Convert UNIX Time To MS Access

Jan 22, 2006

Hello everyone

I’m trying to find a way to convert a UNIX timestamp to the standers universal timestamp. At this point I can’t even make sense of the UNIX time stamping system.

I would like to be able to use Microsoft access to do the conversion.

Does anyone one a why to convert the UNIX timestamp into a MMDDYY formatted time. Any help would be greatly appreciated



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MS Access Time Delays After Insertion

Nov 6, 2006

Dear All,

I am facing a strange problem off late with the MS Access database. After Insertion of records, I close the recordset and not the connection as I use a global connection, which is set at the time of the app launch. Now, after closing the recordset I move on to the next job in the program flow and return a success to the calling function. Once the value is received by the calling function it opens the same table and finds no records there. I could come around this prob by providing a delay of a few seconds and then returning the value to the calling function. Can someone help me understand this prob and the solution to this?

Thanks in advance.


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MS Access Error At The Time Of Opening It

Dec 25, 2006

I have created a database then saved it to my computer.
Now while I am trying to open MS ACCESS in my computer I am getting an error message -

"This file may not be safe if it contains that was intended to harm your computer.
Do you want to open this file or cancel the operation?"
Giving the options - 'CANCEL' 'OPEN' 'MORE INFO'

How can I by pass this dialog box?

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It's Time!! Access 2007 Runtime Now Available!

Jun 25, 2007

Access 2007 Download: Access Developer Extensions:

Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime:


Jeff Conrad - Access Junkie - MVP Alumni
SDET - XAS Services - Microsoft Corporation

Co-author - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
Presenter - Microsoft Access 2007 Essentials
Access 2007 Info:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

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First Time Access User Needing Help

Jan 18, 2008

I am a teacher using Access 2007 for the first time.
I have downloaded and created a Student Info database which contains details of nationality, guardian's contact info, etc.
I also have an Attendance Excel Sheet which calculates daily / monthly attendance in its most basic form.
How do I link the cells that show the current attendance of each student to the Access db? Can I link it so that it appears on the db forms / tables / individual student page?
Please advise.
I'd appreciate the coming to me in painfully simple steps.
I teach English and Humanities and am not well versed in computer language ... although I enjoy its challenges and use a lot of it for teaching and administratie purposes.
Thanking you in advance,

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Access Date/Time Question

Feb 9, 2005

I have a question regarding time/date issue. I am creating a database that will track trucks coming and going. I'll have several date/time fields. Appointment, Arrival, Departure, etc. My question is. On the Appointment field, Sometimes the trucks won't have an appointment. I would like to put some type of data here in this field. I have tried to set it up so if the truck doesn't have an appointment the user would put 00:00, but it reverts to 12:00 AM. I have checked the Data Type of the field in the table and it is just set to Date/Time with no formatting. What is going on with this thing? I tried changing the format to just short time and it reverts all my data in the table to 00:00.
Can ya help me out?
Thanks in Advance.

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Time Lag When Connecting To Access After Updated To XP

Oct 23, 2007

My office workstation took a very long time to connect to database in Access 2003 after upgrading to Windows XP, a few minutes need to be taken just to open a simple form which normally takes less than 10 seconds. In simple words, whenever it has to retrieve data from the db, it will be super lagging .

The rest of the workstations running on Windows 2000 were running perfectly fine.

The database is located on the host pc, which is running Windows 2000.

Initially we suspected that it might be because of the insufficient RAM. Thus it was changed from 1GB to 2GB. But even after changing to 2GB, the problem still exists.

Can anyone please advice me on how to check and rectify this problem? What can be the cause of this problem?

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Access DB - Multiuser Editing At Same Time Possible?

Oct 30, 2013

We are trying to cut down the # of spreadsheets we have and took a purchase tracking spreadsheet and turned it into access db (2010).

We have 3 sites, and users across network would be 1-2 at max might be in db at same time either recording a purchase, or updating a record on received items.

Can this cause corruption? Is there a way to set users up so it won't?

I know in older versions of Access there were shares that could be set up.

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Automatic Date And Time In Excel Or Access

Aug 13, 2005

How can I create a database which automaically inputs the date and time when a value is placed it another collumn.

e.g 3 collumns= name, date + time

When the name is inputted the present date and time are assigned to the name.

If the name is changed then the date and time are updated to the present.

Many Thanks.


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Calculate Working Time Between Dates In Access

Oct 26, 2006

I have searched the forum for this answer but no luck. :(

I'm trying to calculate the amount of WORKING time between two dates in an Access database. At the moment i am just subtracting one date from another but this gives me all of the time in between including weekends and evenings.

I need this time to be calculated in hours.

In Excel i know there is a NETWORKINGDAYS function which does something similar but with days rather than hours.

At least if i could get the working days i could then convert it into hours.

Please help!

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Change User In Run Time (without Restarting Access)

Mar 8, 2007

Hey guys!There is any possibility of changing user on the run without restart ms-access and prompt for user again?Cheers!:)

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