Fixing Broken Switchboards

Mar 10, 2006

When I added some Access 2003 (Winows XP) machines to our Access 2000 (on Windows 2k)-based database, many of them would not operate some of the Switchboard "buttons" (especially for reports that contained macros). The animation of "click" would operate, but nothing would happen, no form or report would occur like it should.

After several rounds with Microsoft's Access Help guys, here's how we "fixed" it:
1. I deleted all printers from the affected user's computer.
2. I booted into SAFE MODE with NETWORKING, then installed the Windows-based GENERIC TEXT printer.
3. I rebooted into XP and installed the GENERIC TEXT printer there also, for the affected users.
4. I re-installed the usual office printers around our office.

This completely fixed the problem on all XP-based computers. The technician at Microsoft says he cannot explain WHY this works, but I have experienced that it DOES work, so try it if you're having troubles, too. It's some kind of mysterious workaround that "fixes" Windows XP somehow.

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Fixing A Database...

Feb 22, 2006


I am trying to resolve a minor issue with a companies database that is somewhat important to them. During one of the many crashes and other issues presented by the computer it operates on, a glitch occurred in the database, and I am hoping to find a way to resolve it.

I have tried using DAO.OpenDatabase, as well as just double-clicking on the .mdb file, and either way i get this error:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

Of course, this is not the case, nobody else is even trying to access the database, however due to security concerns of the original design, the database is sort of stuck in a loop. Is there a programmatic way, via VB, DAO, or ADODB to call out to the database and "reset" this issue. Via an "update()" call, or a "logoff" call, or eh, maybe even an "open readonly" which will allow me to view and copy the data within.

Thank you,

Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

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Fixing Access File?

Aug 10, 2005

i've got a 200mb mdb file and i can't
open it with ms access.

any idea how to fix this file?


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Forms :: Fixing Height Of Pop-up Form

Mar 10, 2015

Since many years I "fight" with pop-up forms, as in endless view I cannot figure out HOW to fix the height.

Some forms keep a height which was set by the System and it is suitable others have the full height of the Screen and I cannot find any Setting which can influence them.

How to define or to fix the height.

It only works when I set the border to "changeable", but not when I want to fix a height by Setting the border to "Dialog" ....

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Need Help Fixing Sorting Problem Using Nested Queries

Dec 6, 2006

I have a set of two queries (which I'll call A and B, for convenience). Query A reads a table containing customer order numbers, a sequentially-assigned line number for each item requested by a customer on a particular order, and a part number associated with each order line. The line numbers are not integers, but run out to three decimals - so 1.000, 1.100, 1.150, 1.200, etc. would all be valid line numbers. All Query A does is to sort the table, with the primary (first) sort being order number, and with line number being the secondary (2nd) sort. Each record also contains a field equal to the integer value of the line number, so for lines 1.000, 1.100, 1.150, 1.200, this third value would always be 1; similarly, for lines 2.000, 2.100, and 2.200, the third value would be 2.

Query B uses query A as its source of input, and performs grouping (using the "Group By" function) so that query B's output displays only one record for each unique combination of customer order number and INTEGER line number; the part number displayed on each row of query B's output is supposed to be the part number on the first row of query A's output whose order number and integer line number correspond to each group in query B. (I am using the syntax of "First(Part Number)" in query B to report this.) This seems to be working most of the time, but not consistently; sometimes, for each unique order number / integer line number combination, Query B reports a part number from the wrong row of Query A. So, for example, order 12345, integer line 1, as reported from query B, may report the part number on line 1.300 from Query A, instead of line 1.000 from query A as intended.

Does anyone know a fix for this? I've got a team of anxious coworkers who are hoping for it.

Thanks a lot!

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Reports :: Fixing Report Height And Width

Sep 6, 2013

How to fix the height and width of a report. I would like the report to stay landscape, 100mm wide, 62mm high. This is required by a label printer.

The issue is that a A4 laser printer has to be set as default (for other software) so when the report is launched the size is set to the default printer size, when I select the label printer it fails as it is the wrong size.

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Apr 11, 2006

is there any way to add a button to a switchboard but not have it appearing on every s/b because in design view, it just shows a generic board, how do you edit specific boards?

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Oct 11, 2006

Hi all.
I am having trouble creating a switchboard. Im new at this, and get so far, yet the board wont work.
I can get the board up, the buttons are there, when I click on them, nothing happenes.

Please help.



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Jan 28, 2005

What is the purpose of a switchboard. I set one up that has options to either go to a data entry form or go to a list of reports. My understanding of a switchboard is that its a screen that pops up with options to go other places in the database. But how? If this is correct than how do I get to a place where I would design this screen(?) and associate the right commands to the buttons. What am I missing here?

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Feb 3, 2005

I want to create a switchboard with a field - that I enter a record # in, and it will bounce me to a (already created) report, and then find the specific record so I can print it. Is this possible? I am a beginner with almost not programming experience. Actually I am a finance manager by trade. I have been teaching myself Access so please..please..make your suggestions simple and clear enough that a turnip would get it...Thank you

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Help With Switchboards

Jun 28, 2007

I have created a switchboard to view a hours worked report. what I would like to do is be able to have dirrerent buttons on the switchboard to view different hours worked from the same report. As an example one would bring up the report showing only last weeks hours, and another for this weeks hours only, or by person. Is this possible and what are the conditions that I should use


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Pages To Switchboards

May 6, 2007

This might be a question that isn't possible, but I have three html pages made in my database, and i was wondering if there is a way to link the pages into the switchboard somehow because then everything would be accessible from one central location?? if you have any answers or sugestions they are greatly appreciated! thanks

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A Question Involving Switchboards

Jul 6, 2005

I have my db set up so that when you load all you see is the menus or tool bars. I have done this by going into startup and disabling real trick there..

I have an option on my main switchboard to exit to design...from there it opens a form for a password, if the password is correct, it closes the password form, closes the switchboard and uses the sendkey {F11} macro function to open my design view for the db....the problem is that my menus and tool bars are not around either...

is there anyway to do a vb command to enable these

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Switchboards- Different Things On Different Pages?

Aug 21, 2007

This is the first time ive used the switchboard so hopefully this will be just a quicky!

Bascially i have a main switchboard which has 3 buttons. These buttons all link to different switchboard pages.

THE PROBLEM :- I have labels on the main switchboard and these are all appearing on the consequent switchboard pages. Is there a way of assigning these just to the main switchboard and not the other pages?

Thanks, any advice would be most appreciated!

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Multiple Switchboards To Open In Different Tabs

Apr 22, 2014

I have a main switchboard but because the limit on it is 8 objects I decided to have different switchboards (Main data-entry switchboard, Query switchboard, and Report/Printing switchboard). I can easily add an object on the MAIN switchboard to open the Query switchboard and then on that Query switchboard have a button to go back to the MAIN switchboard but what I would like to do is have each switchboard open in different tabs instead, maybe a macro or "onclick" event needed? Would it be easy to build and customize my own switchboard?

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I've Broken My Buttons

Mar 29, 2006


I have created a small problem for myself.

I was editing one of my forms, which is something i do often normally without a hitch, and once i'd finished i noticed that my find contact and add new contact and also delete contact buttons had stopped working. These are all totally basic buttons made with the control box wizards by the way. During editing i cut and pasted one of the labels away from the data box so that i could position it without the actual data box moving along with it. then once i had it where i wanted it i re-associated it with the data field/box. This is what i suspect caused the problem.

Anyway, i've tried removing the broken buttons and creating new ones but i still get the same error.

here is the error in all its glory.

i've tried some stuff i found on ms knowledgebase but didn't have any luck so i hope you can help me people.

many thanks for reading anyway.

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Relationship Window - Broken Or CE?

Jun 8, 2006

I have a db with about 70 tables in it. I am trying to see the relationships among say, 40 of them, all at once. I like the view of the relationship window but: I cant scale it, select multiple tables and reposition them, use the mouse wheel to move it (only the window sliders), and, I have to click on a table entry to allow me to reposition the table (should'nt I just have to click on the table outline itself?). This is a really awakward thing to use. Also, I can't seem to 'Shrink to fit' the relationship window when I print it.
Is it cockpit error or just really broken?
Any way to make it easier to work with?
(or, did I choose the wrong DB tool for the job?)

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Table Relationships Broken

Feb 27, 2008

I have a database which has been running well for four years. There are four tables that are linked from one to another in a one-to-many relationship, i.e., Table1 to Table2 to Table3 to Table4. We recently had a power failure and our network went down. Now the relationship between Table2 and Table3 is broken. When I try to rejoin them using the Relationship View, Access tells me that the relationship between the tables is "Indeterminate". I have run queries testing for unmatched records between all of the tables and the data appears to be fine.

My only guess at this point is that the structure of one of the tables is corrupted. The problem is that each of the tables has an autonumber field. If I build a new table structure, and append my old data, isn't that going to renumber all of the records?

I have run a compact and repair on the database and that didn't help. I have made copies of the tables and tried to use them in the relationships. The copies don't work either. Other than not being able to link the two tables, everything is working fine.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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Broken Link To VB Code

Sep 13, 2005

I am having trouble with a simple data base where I have 1 main form with 1 sub form, but when I try to use the form (go from design view to datasheet view) I get the message

Error Accessing File
Network Connection May have been lost.

and the link between the form and the code seems to have been lost ... I can no longer edit the vb code (it keeps reverting back no matter what I type).

When I delete the form, the VB entry remains - (since it is no longer linked with the form). Running the database this way I get error messages saying there is a Macro with a misspelled name (ie: it can't find the form with the name).

The only way I have been able to get rid of it is to create a new form with nothing in it, save it and then delete it.

Really frustrating!!!!

Any ideas on how I can get rid of this problem, best ways to re-build the data base (I have created a new one, imported the tables and created new forms from scratch ... then this problem comes back@&^^#%$@).


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Urgent DB Relations Seem To Have Broken Down

Sep 14, 2004

Can anyone shed light on why my Database seems to have stopped working so far as I've a combo box on a main form, which provides one half of a PK/FK relationship. The subform displays one or more records for this value. However, I've just entered the same 'value' (string) for an entry in the combo box as another, which shouldn't display any records in the subform yet - but it displays the records of the first combo 'entry'. This important thing is that the key's are all unique (I've doubled checked this), so why does it seem to not work?

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Lookup Value Code Broken... HELP!!

Sep 27, 2004

The following code is being used to pull in the Name from the previous record into the current record. It works GREAT for 28 records, and then it starts just pulling random names from the source table. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!Private Sub Form_Current()

Dim s As String
Dim db As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Set db = CurrentProject.Connection

s = "SELECT Last(ERName) AS ERName FROM [Staffing]"

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open s, db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'add to the table

With rs
Me![ERName] = .Fields("ERName")
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

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Missing Or Broken Reference

Apr 19, 2006

missing or broken reference to the file ‘plugin.ocx’ version 1.0, and also in file 'msoutl.olb version 9.2’

It says I need to fix these references to ensure the database or project works properly.

(The references shown as MISSING in the Visual Basic Editor are:

Microsoft Active X Plugin

Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library)

Clicking OK lets me into the database and all seems to work fine. However, the last thing I want is for the whole thing to fall over and become corrupt so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Repair Broken Linked Tables

Apr 27, 2005

I've search the forum but couldn't find anything on this, maybe someone can point me in the right direction...

My application consist of two Access files: Front End & Back End. The front end is linked to the back end using Linked Table Manager. A problem arise last week when the IT renamed one of the folder in the program path, as a result, the Front End file cannot find the Back End file (I guess the links were static). So I had to relink the tables manually and got it working again. However, in the future, I won't be around to relink the tables, and my client doesn't know how to do this (and I don't want them to have to do this every time the folder is moved).

My question is, is there a way to link it so that it will adapt to path name changes. The two files are in the same folder.

I am looking for something like: when the front end opens, if the link is broken, it relinks it to the data file in its current database folder. Thanks.

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Missing Or Broken References - Replica

Aug 4, 2005

Love this forum! It orginally helped me build a database to manage customers back in 2002 (using Access 2002). Becuase of our slow server, I was forced to spilt the database and it's been great for years (some glitches). Recently one of the users upgraded to Access 2003. When he sync's to the master file, the master has problems. "...contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'OWC10.DLL' version 1.1" I reviewed the references and it's looking for Microsoft Outlook 11, instead of 10. When other users sync, everyone now inherits this problem. Do you have any ideas for a solution so I don't have to fix reference problems? All users will eventually be on Access 2003 so having him stop using it would only be a temporary solution. Is there a patch or upgrade to fix this problem? Any help? thanks in advance....

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'Missing Or Broken Reference' Help Required.

Mar 10, 2006

Hi everyone,
Im building a database as part of a group project for uni. Its almost finished but recently on first opening the DB and clicking on a button on the form we get the following message boxes:


Your database contains a missing or broken reference to the file ‘OWC10.DLL’ version 1.1.

Click ok

and get...

Your database contains a missing or broken reference to the file ‘MSCHRT20.OCX’ version 2.0

When i click help it talks about deleting references but im not sure how to do this as im no expert by any means! :rolleyes:
I think this problem may have arisen because our accountancy department computers use access 2003 and the rest of the uni uses xp and we have been working on them both - oops! :(

Anyways i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to fix these problems?

Thanks in advance.


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Is Access Security Broken In Windows 98?

May 15, 2006

Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Hi I've noticed totally different behavior with my secured databases in 98 and in XP.

In XP Access Security works. In 98 it is broken.

For example today I secured a database. I went to another computer running 98 and Access 2002 that was joined to the default workgroup file system.mdw . They still had full access to the database and were not even asked to enter a login. Once I joined the correct workgroup file the security was implemented though. (In XP if I go back to the Default workgroup file the security is still maintained.)

So strange. Where is the security if it is totally ignored on 98 operatings systems? Someone can just make a copy of the database and have full access in 98 despite the database being secured.


Then your db is not really [correctly] secured. You should get the same result by copying the database to another computer and the user should be able to open the db without using your workgroup file. Sounds like you have joined your computer to your custom workgroup file [or worse, you have modified the default "System.mdw" file on your computer with your new security settings. Search around the forum for you problem has been asked and answered in many other threads.

ghudson is correct. The behavior you describe occurs whenever you connect to a DB using the default SYSTEM.MDW file. I have answered this question beaucoup times, so look up posts on "Security" where I have contributed comments.

To understand why this occurs, you need to know one more thing: The name of your workgroup is a registry function. You would see the same behavior when you move the .MDB to an XP machine but never join the correct workgroup on that machine. (Because, of course, the registry entry isn't changed until you JOIN the workgroup.)

Your database is not properly secured. Take a look at the Security FAQ document. Search the kb or you may find a link from here.

Why are you double posting?

At least Pat gave you the same answers as your first posting recieved...

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