Flash Front End

Oct 31, 2005

Hello i want to use as a front end as i can create better forms etc... i want the end user to enter information into a form in Flash and then it automatically updates the access back end? is there a simple way of doing this??

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Flash In An Access Form

Oct 24, 2005

I would like to juice up a form with a little animation (logo).
I tried embedding a Flash movie, but it will only run in a seperate window, and that's clearly not what I want.
Placing an animated GIF in a form doesn't move a bit.
Any ideas?

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Flash Textbox On Time

Sep 5, 2006

how can I make a textbox flash when a certain time has been reached such as a delivery time textbox...so if delTime is set to 11:00am and you want its textbox to flash if delTime is 9:00am.

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Help...:is It Possible To Use Flash Image In Access?

Nov 7, 2006

can I use macromedia flash file to be place as image on Ms Access form?..coz I'm planning to use an moving image on my access form..any suggestions?..


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Flash <=> ASP <=> Access Conection

Aug 26, 2004

I'm trying to search s specific vlaue from an access database.
The problem starts when i have multiple resolts...
I managed to send the query from flash and get 1 resolt, but how can i get multiple ???
please help!


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Is It Possible To Fully Flash (Clear) The Title Bar

Aug 14, 2007

Is it possible to fully flash (Clear) the MS Access application window title bar?
I mean to let it appear fully empty without the "MS Access" and the Access logo, the key.

I made it but I wasnt able to remove the MS Access logo, the key from the title bar


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Problem With Flash In An Access Form

Aug 25, 2006

I've created a form with a (simple) Flash animation on it, but it runs very choppy.
But when a message box is active, it runs perfect.
It seems that when the focus is off the form, it works fine, but otherwise, it doesn't.
Any ideas?

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Make My Calculation Box Flash If The Result Is Less Than 2

May 1, 2007

I have a formula box in my form (textbox) called InventLeft that would calculate product in my inventory. I'd like to make this box flash if the result in it is Less than 2..This way it would catch attention to my user to order more product..Is this possible? Thanks in advance..

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Playing A Flash Animation Full Screen

Apr 18, 2006

My database would like, to make itself feel complete, a rele snazzy opening form.
I have flash 8 and I've created a 1024x768 movie with some simple animation on it.
I've managed to add the movie to the database as a ActiveX flash object and the animations play.
The problem is making the object larger! It's staying very small no matter how I change the properties of the control.
Any help would be much appreciated. For the sake of my databases mental health... of course. :cool:

To attach the movie I did so:


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Forms :: How To Make Text In A Listbox To Flash Red

Mar 25, 2015

I'm working on a series of forms for a company that I'm currently employed at, and on one of them I've made a listbox which will display records which need action in the next 2 weeks.

That's all going fine. However, it it possible to make the items in the listbox flash red? Just so that our external worker REALLY has no excuses!

Just to clarify, I want the text identifying the records (E.g. Name, FinalDate) to flash, but not the headers for the columns in the listbox.

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Unbound Textbox On Form To Flash Green Or Red

Aug 24, 2011

I have a form with one (field1) on it. Where users will enter data.

I would like to have a unbound textbox on the same form that will flash green if the data entered in field1 matches a value in Table. Or flash red if it doesnt find a match.

I tried the conditional formatting but i think my expressions are off.

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Making Command Button Flash/Preview Form

Feb 2, 2007

I. The two issues I am trying to address is to see if there is simple code that can be used to make a command button flash.

II. I need to show in a small pop-up box users that have expired licences. When the main License form is first called to open, I would like a smaller pop up box or preview form to open up(without operators except for the close button). The pop-up box will be based on a query that already exists to show those with expired license. Can the form be similar to the pop-up calendar found in Access already?

Thank you:o :)

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Forms :: Create A Message Box To Flash On Screen To Tell User That Update Code Is Running

Mar 6, 2014

I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.

The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.

It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.

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Can Put Flash File Or Swf File In The MS Access

Nov 27, 2005


In the Forms of the MS Access,

Can we add the flash file, or swf, other animation file on the form?


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If The Result Of A - B < 30 Than This Result Will Flash

May 29, 2007

I'd like to make the result of my text box flash (in my form) if the its value is less than 30..For example. If A - B < 30, then the result whatever it is as long as it is less than 30..Is this possible in Access? thanks in advance.. :

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Front End Distribution

May 16, 2006

I have read every post here on "distribution" and "deploying" the front end to the users but can't seem to get how to do it. I see many posts regarding updating the front end and using the runtime version to distribute but can't seem to understand how to initially get the database out to my users.

I have a split db and need to distribute it to about 20+ people. The back end will reside on a shared drive that is mapped the same on everyone's machine.
I also have the FE on the same drive and am currently using a batch file run from a link on our website to open it, therefore we are all using the same front end which is what I am trying to eliminate.

Can I just zip up my FE and email it to my users? Will that maintain the links to the back end when they unzip it to their desktop?

Also, I would like to get some feedback on some software I am thinking of buying for pushing out my updated databases in the future. It is called Access Frontend Loader

Has anyone used this before? Would appreciate any thoughts on it or any other program you may have used in the past.


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DB Design Up Front

Sep 20, 2006

I am trying to create a Preventive Maintenance Program for my facility,

I will create maintenance tasks:
[ID],[Dept.],[Machine],[Task],[Frequency],[Completed Date],[Due Date]

Simple tasks,

Up front design help,

I will want the task to stay in the task table and the Due Date to be calculated combining the [completed date] & [Frequency]

Simple not a problem,

Here is my problem:
I will need to create a task history table that will contain the Task details and the Completed date each time I complete the task; therefore my thought is that i will need to send the task detail to a history table each time it is complete, so I thought Append Query; but the problem is that it appends all of the records in the task table each time you run it including the tasks that have been appended on previous query runs.

any thoughts on how to capture the task details for a specific record and send them to a history table ?

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Large Front End Not Much There

Jul 13, 2007

I have a split database, the front end is showing to be 20.5 megs in size but there are only 4 forms and about 6 querys. Can someone tell me how to find what is making it so large?

I did a compact and repair but it did not reduce the size??


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Back End And Front End

Oct 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I think I am having some problem with my back end and frond end files. I have a mde file that anytime I enter new data or change some things in the old clients file, it does not update on the mdb file. Anytime I need to change forms or report or any thing at all, I am suppose to copy the BE file and the MDB file to my workstatio, remove the table link, make the changes I want to make on the design mode and then import the files back to the live copy of the mdb file then make another mde file to work with. But When I copy the BE and the MDB files, I don't have the updated client list or new client just added. So as not to affect other users, I can not make changes in the MDE file and even the MDE file will not even let me make any changes in design mode. I don't know If I am making sense but any help will be appreciated


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Front End And Back End

Oct 27, 2007

I am having a trouble with a multiuser DB. I have split it using the Splitter Wizard and have put a copy of my FE to a second computer and relinking its tables. When I opening the bound form in computer 1, computer 2 can not open that form and sometimes computers lock and had to restart the machines. But if I open that form in computer 2 first and then the same form in computer 1 , it works fine. I have set full sharing to computer 1. I am using Access 2007 and Windows VISTA.

Both have FE, the BE is located in a shared folder with full permissions in C: in computer 1, the FE of computer 1 is in that same folder. Both computers are connected via a Cat5e Cable.

FE in computer1 table links to c:databaseBE and computer 2 links to computer1_IP_Addressc:/databaseBE

Can anyone help me please!!!

I'd appreciate it a lot

Thank you!!

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Thoughts On VB.Net Front End

Nov 21, 2007

I have a wonderful database I designed almost 2 years ago. Other than a few hiccups with corrupted data (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=135483), my employer is 100% satisfied with it.

I’m graduating this winter with an AS in computer programming and I would like to update the database to a VB/ADO .NET (VS 2003) front end before I leave. Being a VB developer, I have had my fair share of “quick fixes” when I could not work out a solution with VBA. VBA is the evil twin of VB lol.

Other than PHP w/ MySQL I have never used two separate entities for data management. It’s always been strictly MS Access as the database and front end.

So my question is what major differences should I expect that I took for granted with MS Access’s built in functionality? Such as subforms with master/child properties, navigation, printing reports etc. Will I have to write code for every little detail that MS Access handled for me?

What are your thoughts on using VB.NET as a front end? Did the pros out weigh any cons from your experience with this setup? Any thoughts on using Crystal Reports?

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Looking For A Front End For Access

Nov 28, 2007

I'm looking for a web based front end to put on my access database. Due to the way our work site is set up and the people who will be entering some of the data my boss wants it to be accessed through a web browser. Infopath wont let me enter data into an access database through a web browser and with DAPs becoming a thing of the past we dont really want to use them either. Some of the forms will be used for raw data collection while others will be used to fill out spill reports (i work in an environmental department) so we can get the information quickly. We have tried just using access to run everthing but have meet alot of resistance as most of the people who enter the data hate it. I also had someone enter half a spill report into an SQL sequence once..dont even know how he got there. That is the main reason we are looking for a web based data entry system. I dont believe my boss wants to use anything but access for the storage. So basicly we are just looking for a way for people to use a web browser to enter data into an access database. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Relationships In Front End

Oct 28, 2004


I have a backend database and front end mdb file with forms. I established the necessary relationships in the back end, however when I open Relationships screen in the front end - it opens empty. Do I have to establish same relationships in the front end or can I leave it as it is and still have my relationships work as defined in the front end?

Maybe someone could help.


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Front End & Back End

Mar 23, 2007

Hi there, :cool:

I've one FE & BE related question here. Ok first of all I've BE in server and each user have copy of FE in local PC. But I've one problem with linked tables between FE & BE.

Is there a way that FE can programmatically create connection to BE linked tables or user is able to link those tables manually, if FE can't find/connect to linked tables in BE? Or do I just have to manually configure each users FE linked tables?

All replies are welcome and well approciated at all costs! :D

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Zero In Front Of Number

Sep 20, 2004

I have four columns; m_month_birth, m_day_birth, m_year_birth, m_dob

I want the format of the columns to be xx, xx, xxxx, xx/xx/xxxx

However when the month or day starts with a 0 Access seems to strip it. I tried changing the Field Size and Format to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?

I am using ASP to update the database and have made sure that is is writing to the database using the correct format.

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Using Access For SQL Front End

Oct 8, 2015

I want to use access 2007 as a front end for Sql Server DB. I want to create a basic input form, a search and display facility, and have some reports generated out of the application.

If this would be possible to do using Access in 20 days?

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