Flashing Switchboard

Sep 8, 2005

I have a minor but irritating problem with a small database I have created. When my main menu loads up it keeps flashing until all the data has been displayed (its looks up the user name and version number from tables and also displays the date). I've traced the source of the problem to the embedded picture (3.9 mb) I have used as the background to the menu form but I really don't want to remove the picture. Is there any way to stop this flashing and keep the background?

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Flashing Problem

Feb 7, 2007

I have a minor but irritating problem with a small database I have created. When I move my mouse over a form specialy over a form labels, form start to flashing.When I move my mouse over a form fields or anywhere else on form I dont have that kind of problem.
Is there any way to stop this flashing and keep the background calm.
How I could get the "flashing" to stop.

Thanks in advance !!

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Flashing Text

Sep 19, 2007

I am using Access 2003 professional ans i am wondering if this is possible.

I have a form that displays a Log of events from a database, and what i want is :- if a certain condition is met (something very overdue) I want that entry to flash (red if possible). I'm not bothered if its the Text that flashed or the text box. But I need it to stand out like a sore thumb.

Can this be done, and if so, how?

Thanks in advance

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Iritating Flashing On A Form

Oct 7, 2005

Hi guys, has anyone experianced the flickering/flashing of a form when one hovers over labels with the mouse. There is no VB code behind the function. I am so iritated and can not work it out.
Would be greatful for any assistance.



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DLookUp Flashing Error

Dec 16, 2014

I made a form for a table which contains client questionnaire responses, "Dec4Docs". I wanted to include the names of these clients in the form, just to make everything easier for whoever is doing data entry, but client names are in a different table, "BasicInformation". Both the questionnaire table and the client information table use a common ID number, "WISnum". I found a number of online tutorials which instructed me to use the DLookUp function for what I'm doing.This site here, for example, suggests the following formula:

=DLookup("CustomerID", "Orders", "OrderID = " & Forms![Orders]!OrderID)

Which I adapted to:

=DLookUp("FirstName","BasicInformation","WISnum=" & [Forms]![Dec4DocsForm]![WISnumField])

^This was meant to find FirstName in the BasicInformation table where WISnum is equal to the WisnumField of the Dec4DocsForm form. Instead, all I got was a flashing error message that partially broke the program's GUI. I could not find a solution on Google, so I played around for awhile, bug checking by adding and removing things to the formula, until I finally got a little lucky and figured this out:

=DLookUp("FirstName","BasicInformation","WISnum=" & '[Forms]![Dec4DocsForm]![WISnumField]')

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Creating 'flashing' Form Controls - Problem With Code

Jul 14, 2006

Hello everybody,
Could anyone out there please help me with a small coding problem that I am experiencing....

I have a calculated control on my startup form called txtCurrentAge on which I have put VB code in the on-timer event of the form which makes the control 'flash on & off' if the persons age is below 18.
code as follows:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
If Me.txtCurrentAge.Value < 18 Then
Me.txtCurrentAge.Visible = Not Me.txtCurrentAge.Visible
Me.txtCurrentAge.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Everything works fine but when a user inadverently clicked on the control by mistake it caused the following error to be displayed: Runtime error 2165 "you cant hide the control that has the focus". What does this mean and how best could I prevent this from happening again as I cant guarantee that any of my users wont click on it again?? The text box concerned has been made 'visible', has not been 'locked' and is 'enabled'.
I find this 'flashing action' to be very useful and would like to keep it on my form....

I have searched on this site and various others but have been unsuccesful....

Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated.
P.S I obtained this code via databasedev.co.uk and adapted it to suit my particular DB.

Best Regards


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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Apr 14, 2006

Hi All, looking for some help.

I am looking for a way to link a help file to a button on the switchboard. I have several pages that all work well and open up the required forms and reports but I would like to add a help file to a button. Any idea would be appreciated thanks Williebear.

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Aug 10, 2005

hi everyone,

I am new to MS Access. I've created a database and now i want to add a switchboard to launch whenever i open the database file. i created the switchboard form and table following the access help. but i can only view the switchboard when i manually open the switchboard form. can anyone tell me how to make the swithboard launch automatically? i'm using access 2003


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Nov 14, 2005

I have a main switchboard, with a few Open Form command buttons on it, but what i would like to have is another button to bring the user to another switchboard screen giving the option to open a few Reports (obviosly the button on teh main switch board would read "Report Section), can this done, and also how would i go about putting Back or forward buttons withing the second (report Section) screen so the user can nav. to back to the main screen?


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Switchboard Help

Dec 12, 2005


I have created a new switchboard but don't know where it is. When I create it using the Switchboard Manager and then click close, it doesn't appear under any of the options. I have also set is as default but it fails to appear on startup.

Silly question I know. Any ideas?

Many Thanks

version: MS Acess 2003

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Jan 10, 2006

Was wondering how one might go about creating a swithboard similar to the Northwind one found in the sample database. Thanks

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Help With Switchboard

Jan 31, 2006

Brief Summary,

I have limited experience in Access but have a bit more understanding of databases and tables. I am helping a friend create and access database to track the time his employees spend on different job sites. i am using a template from Microsoft called "Time and Billing" I am going to be manipulating the structure a bit but other than that the template should work fine.

My main struggle is I need to have a screen that the employees access that takes them straight to add / edit a time sheet. i want the rest of the data, reports, views to be password protected. Ideally the switchboard would load up to a page that had a button from employees to click on where they would be taken to the form and a button the owner could click on, enter a password, and be taken into the back-end where the main switch board and the rest of the data resides.

If anyone can help me out that would be great. Oh yeah, The Access database in is Access 2000 being used on a machine running XP Pro.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Feb 22, 2006

Ok, so I will sound like the dumbest person but essentially what is a switch board?

I have searched this place I have searched google but no luck, all I get is that its a menu to navigate, so basically a form with buttons that open frm's qry's etc... I have made a main menu with a basic form so whats so special about a switchboard.


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Mar 13, 2006

I have two queries. I have a delete query and an append query. Is there anyway that I have these two queries run on a switchboard.

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Mar 15, 2006

Help - I made a switchboard and it went wrong, so deleted all of the sub switchboards and the switchboard icon in the forms window.

I have now made a new one, but I can't get it to appear in the forms window.

Any ideas?
Shellie xx

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Feb 26, 2008


Can anyone tell me what the advantage (or difference) is in using a switchboard rather than just creating your own form and using command buttons etc?


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Apr 9, 2008

When I make a switchboard is there any way you can go to a table? or can you just go to a form or query? and when you make a switchboard and you have a button going to the form how can you go from the form back to the switchboard?

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Feb 24, 2005


I've made switchboard. and change the properties of switchboard, namely the "don't show the menu bar". can anyone please explain to me, how to get it back?

in opposite case, I can kiss my db goodbye, for i can't make any changes into switchboard? or??

thanks a lot,


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Mar 17, 2005

I think this is a simple request for those who know.

I want to display my switchboard to a user group, (read and update ).

The switchboard needs to be full screen and have no means of being minimsed or close, except by the exit button (obviously) on the switchboard.I also do not want to show any of the tool bar icons as well.

I want to retain it as it is now to me as 'admin' when I log in, that is with the ability to minimise and close etc.and all icons

How do I achieve this?

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Switchboard Help

Jul 7, 2005

I would like to know if there's a way of adding a switchboard page that goes to a table instead of only forms and reports and such? Because I have subdatasheets that I would like to see when I click on a button from the switchboard, instead of just simply going to a form and not being able to work as easy as it would be to work with a table that displays the subdatasheet right there.

Thank you,


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Nov 10, 2005

I have copies of a split database (front end) placed on each employee’s computer, and I noticed my switchboard screen does not appear when the employee opens the database on their computer. I went through a lot of work designing the switchboard and would like to have it appear upon opening the DB. I know everything in the database is linked so there is no reason the switchboard should not appear. Any suggestions on how to make this happen?

In addition, I have pictures on the switchboard buttons, and I also noticed when I go to the second screen, the buttons on the second switchboard screen uses the same pictures as the default screen. Is there a way to not have it do that?


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Switchboard Help!

Aug 21, 2006

hi guys i am working in customizing my current switchboard and i was wondering if there is any way to hide a button according to a user.. i currently have a tblusers with the username, switchboardid and itemnumber i want as a default, but i would also like to have a certain itemnumber to be hidden, is that possible?

this is the code i have in my switchboad and it works fine:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
txtUser_Name = GetUserName()

Dim intItem As Integer
Dim intSwitchbd As Integer

intItem = Nz(DLookup("[ItemNumber]", "tblusers", "[Userid] = '" & Me!txtUser_Name & "'"), 0)
intSwitchbd = Nz(DLookup("[SwitchboardID]", "tblusers", "[Userid] = '" & Me!txtUser_Name & "'"), 0)

Forms!Switchboard.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = " & intItem & " And [SwitchboardID] = " & intSwitchbd
Me.FilterOn = True

any help will be apreciate it!!!

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Dec 11, 2006

How can I add more buttons on the built-in switchboard that only has 8 !!!



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Feb 19, 2004

the switchboard on my database doesnt automatically appear when i open the database file. how do i make this happen.
thank you.

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Feb 28, 2005

I have created a very simple switchboard with a few macro's to run either a form to add new records or a report based on a query.

Thing is, when I try to open the switchboard, I get a module error...

Since I'm really just using trial and error to create this entire database for a schoolproject, I don't know that much about access.

Anyone here able to help me out?
If more info is needed to answer the question, plz let me know so I can try to provide it...

Thx in advance,


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