Follow-up Dates Formulas

Mar 14, 2006

How do I enter a formula/calculation in a table for follow up dates. I have a basic start date. In my form/table, I want the program to insert the following follow up dates automatically: one month, 3 month and 6 month.

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Array Formulas (scary Formulas)

Nov 15, 2005

Desperate help required - I am about to throw my laptop out the window, closely followed by myself!!!

I am self taught and rely on books or perseverence normally so apologies for lack of technical terminology. I have spent days on this to no avail- I believe this needs to be some sort of array formula but am open to any suggestions and advice!

I have two workbooks, I need the result of the scary formula to be shown on the summary sheet in one field.

I need the formula to look at the other sheet and recognise (for each of the 100 or so rows) if the entry in column G is "F" or if it is "W" to recognise the number in column N and add it to all the other ones that also fit this spec.

Basically, the summary figure is the sum total of all the numbers in column N that have F or W in their associated column G.

A thousand thank yous to anyone who has the time to help!!!
Laura :confused:

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Format To Follow

Jan 22, 2007

What steps do you(s) follow or recommend to creating tables? Any standard questions? I was reading Erwin, data modeling book and didn't see a stardard check list of things to ask.

I think I need to set the following up in a db, (currently in an excel spreadsheet - has a lot of Redundancy in it) type of inspection checksheet, by machine (20 machines) and shifts (3) There are 20 or so questions that need to be filled in, (yes/no and numbers). any thoughts?

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TAB -> Follow My Own Order

Mar 4, 2005

The fields on my form are not in the same order as in the table. When putting new data in the form and moving from field to field by TAB key, the cursor would jump from the field to field in the order of fields in the table. How do I change it so the cursor moves from field to field in the forms format.
Thanks in advance,

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Follow-Up To Previous Post...

Nov 15, 2004


I am just posting a follow-up on my previous post on designing functional forms. Telling by the lack of replies, my original question may have been long winded and tedious. Let me try to narrow my question and make it more concise.

In two tables connected by a one-one field name ProfileID, how can I set a new field in the second table (call it StepNo or procedureNo) so that it increments step numbers for each unique ProfileID record? Thus for each new Profile record created in the first table, a new form will allow the entry of X numbers of steps into the second table and automatically link the two records?

I hope that clarifies my problem. Thanks in advance.

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Design Issue Follow-up

Jul 15, 2005

thanx for the advice...that does make more sense. my only other issue is adding the letter (m for meter permit, h for hydrant, etc.) to the permit # if they are all going to be in one table. btw, sorry for the duplicate postings...just under a bit of stress @ work. i'll make a note of it.

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Creating A Follow-Up System In A Text Box

Apr 10, 2006

Does anyone know how to go about this or know previous thread stating how to go about this?I have a Follow-Up labeled Text Box (Short Date) and I want for the associate to be able to set a desired follow-up date and for the account to disappear from the list afterwards till the follow-up date expires and it becomes viewable again.Any suggestions?

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Query Result Does Not Follow The Criteria Set

Feb 29, 2008


I'm wondering why my query is not working properly. All I'm just trying to do is to display all the years greater than or equal to 2000. But still, it displays the entire content of the colum from 1991 to present. How did this happen?...

is there something wrong with the way i set my criteria?

Criteria: >="2000"

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Follow Hyperlink To File In DropBox?

Jun 23, 2013

I am trying to use followhyperlink as a way to open a link in a browser to a file in a shared dropbox folder. I have a form with a control, the control is named LinkToDoc it's record source is a text field in a table. The file path in the table is similar to [URL] ..... I am getting run time error 15, cannot open the specified file.

Private Sub cmdOpenFile_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink LinktoDoc
End Sub

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How Do You Get The Combo Box Text To Follow The Mouse Wheel?

Jun 3, 2005

I am a completely green when it comes to Access and MVB. I've surprised myself in creating the db and form.

My db is for troubleshooting outlet issues. I have a list of outlets and their various configurations. Users NEVER add or change any info. They select the outlet from a combo box and view the information. The problem is that you can move the wheel and change the outlet information being displayed but the combo box does not reflect the change; it continues to show the initially selected outlet name.

How do you get the combo box text to follow the mouse wheel?

I thought an easier solution would be to disable the mouse wheel, but in looking through this forum, apparently not.

I am using Access2000 on an XP machine. . .

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May 31, 2005

Ok I have Access 2000 and I am a little rusty.
I have a table created that stores all of our relevant production information.
What I want to do is print out a report that shows the daily sales, as well as create totals (forumulas. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get Access to calculate '# of Units x price per unit= total.' and put that in a report.

I understand I can use the form to enter data into the DB. Will a report do the calculations that I want? Or a query?

I am kinda at a loss and I need to figure this out.


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Modules & VBA :: Follow A Ritual Of Moving Last To First Before Looping Through Recordset

Aug 6, 2015

I follow a ritual of moving last to first before looping through a recordset. I started following this because in the way back (I think on office 2003). I used to get an error if don't do it. Is the problem still exists? Is this ritual scientific still?

Sub mac()
Dim myRset As Recordset2
Dim AttachmentField As Field2
Set myRset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Table1")
With myRset

[Code] ....

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Using Formulas In Access

Mar 17, 2006

hi, i currently use acces to record the concrete order, used, wasted and waste %.

i was wondering if it possible to use access to calculate these, like excel does, and are the formulas similar to type in?

here's what im currently doing:
(For argument sake, i'll put the formulas from row 3 in)

Column A: Estimated Metres : Data manually input
Column B: Used Metres : Data manually input
Column C: Waste Metres : =IF(ISBLANK(B3),"",(A3-B3))
Column D: WAste % : =IF(ISBLANK(B3),"",((A3-B3)/A3))

The main bit i want access to do is in bole. ignore the rest, its just to keep my sheet tidy.

Can Microsoft Access do something similar. There is more, but i'l start here, so i can learn bit by bit.

Any info would be great. Thanks!

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One PC Not Able To Calculate Formulas Ect.

Jul 10, 2007

Hello, I didn’t know how to explain this or where to post this but here we go! I have two databases and one of the PC's here at work can’t use some of the items in the database like on one of the databases there is some formulas in text boxes and that PC won’t calculate what’s needed in them and every PC in the plant will except for this one PC. Also the one PC won’t bring up the Allen Browne's Calendar. When you press the start or end button to bring up the calendar it never pops up but if I enter the start date and end dates and use it that way ect then it works. I have no clue why this is just happening to this one PC. Any ideas?

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Queries With Formulas

Dec 22, 2005

I am in process of creating a new tracking report. I have to do a scoring system where the number of contacts you get a day equals a daily score. The problem I am having is getting this score to work with entries that are equations. One that I am working on is calls per hr/per day. I have inbound and outbound calls that have to be added-that part works. I then need to divide that number by the time worked for the day- that works. I now need to get that end result to match a score or ranking number. An example would be if a person takes 30 inbound calls and makes 125 out bound calls and works 7.5 hours. My calculation is (30+125)/7.5=20.6. My totals are now expressions because they read: Expr3: (([Extnout]+[ACDCalls])/Expr1). By the scoring set up, 20.6 needs to equal 4. How do I get the expression to read a score and make it equal.

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Formulas In Access

Jun 3, 2005

If i was to use a forumla in excel to add a number of cells together i would use this forumla =sum(c1:c4) rather than having to use =sum(c1+c2+c3+c4) In access i want to add a number of fields together so that i can caluclate the number of days we have had pallets in our warehouse. I have tried entering the formula =[days stored 1]:[days stored 4] ( i have also tried enter "=sum infront aswell")but it comes back with an error message. but when i enter =[days stored 1]+[days stored 2]+[days stored 3] and this gives me the correct sum. is there any way i can use ":" in the formula since i have a 100 fields called days stored(number) and i will be very painful having to type the formula in the long way.


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Problems With Formulas From Excel

Nov 20, 2007


i currently have a spreadsheet with 6 columns and about 80,000 rows in excel.
I have been told to move it to access to make it faster. but am having problems.

each column has a number in it eg: 1, 5, 23, 45, 56, 43
say i need to find any rows containing eg: 5, 1, 56

currently (in excel) i use an extra column with this formula

=isnumber(MATCH(5,A1:F1,0)*MATCH(1,A1:F1,0)*MATCH( 56,A1:F1,0))

and it tells me which row has the numbers in it with either true or false, and then i filter the trues to get all the rows that have the numbers i need

and the numbers i want to find will change all the time

i have tried to copy the whole spreadsheet to access and it comes across, but my formula doesnt work

Is there any way around this, should i be doing something else?

Thankyou for your help:)

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Formulas To Values And Then Storage

Dec 5, 2004

I am hoping someone can help with the following...

I have a form which calculates values based on (of corse) the info entered on the form and some subforms for example...
here is one of my formulas


I am assuming that because this is a formula the value will not be saved in the table... or at least its not doing that now.

Can someone tell me how I can move my formula values to my table for storage?

This is my first time here so if you need more info or anything please let me know.

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Use Of Formulas In Access Reports

May 24, 2005


I need to replace certain values by an abreviation. Is it possible to use a function similar to the following (Excell) formula in a field in an Access Report?

Code:=IF(A1="XXX";"AAA";IF(A2="YYY";"BBB";IF(A3="ZZZ";"CCC";" ")))
If so, what syntax should I use, because this doesn't work in Access.

Thanks in advance!

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Date Formulas In A Table,

May 25, 2005

I have this database, and one field is a start date, and another field is a date to mail out a thank you letter. I want this field to automatically display a date 5 days ahead of what the start date field's date is. I've seen how to do this in a form, but I need to do this from a table, and since I'm relatively new to access, I don't know where to put the formula, I can't figure it out, and I can't find anything pertinent in MS's help...

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Calculation Formulas In Access

Mar 19, 2015

I'm trying to build an calculated expression, in a table/query, similar to what you can see attached (view jpeg in att.)

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Using Totals In Formulas In A Query

Jul 2, 2012

I have a query that groups data and produces two totals for each group. A second query takes this first query as its input and divides one total by the other for each group. Is it possible to do this in one step?

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How To Make A Query In Field With Formulas

Jun 15, 2015

I have a field that has a formula that calculates the age and I want to make a query that shows me all the people, for example, with 20 years. I tried to do that but there's no result. I think it is because I have a formula there.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Some Code For Button In A Report That Will Follow A Hyperlink To Specific File

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to create some code for a button in a report that will follow a hyperlink to a specific file. The problem I'm having is that the files that are at the end of the hyperlink can have various extensions (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, etc.) I'd like to be able to put a wildcard in the code to allow the opening of the file regardless of the extension.

Code so far:

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink ("C:UsersjbeggDocumentsAccessTestFolder" & [FileName] & ".*")
End Sub

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Using Financial Formulas From Excel On Query Results In Access

Aug 31, 2012

I have a query that includes several columns, one of those columns shows returns on investment as a percentage. I need to figure out the annualised returns on investment using the following excel formula


This formula gathers the percentages for the last two years then provides an annualized amount.

I'm just wondering whether this is possible to apply to the query so that when I open the query it can provide me with the 2 year annualized statistics.

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General :: Hide Rows Containing Formulas But No Data Empty Text?

Jun 22, 2012

I am exporting data from Access to excel, once all the data is exported into multiple sheets. I have one Master Sheet which has formula / reference to other sheets. I want to hide those rows which do not have data but contain formulaes referencing back to another sheet.

How to hide those records has formula but do not have data.

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