Followhyperlink Action

Apr 26, 2008

Migrated from access 2002 to 2007. the followhyperlink action is not picking up the complete data from a text box in a form. it leaves out the last digit/alphabet resulting in incorrect address.worked fine in 2002. any ideas?

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Alternative To Application.FollowHyperlink

Jul 28, 2005


I have a helpfile that I want to open on a Event. But when i use Application.FollowHyperlink I get an annoying warning (the file can contain viruses or in other ways damage your computer) so I wonder if there is another alternative to Application.FollowHyperlink?

Johan Hjalmarsson

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Reference Is Not Valid FollowHyperlink Error

Sep 3, 2012

I'm creating a database with an Asset register which gives you a simple route to documents related to these perticular assets. My problem is when linking to Excel files. I use the FollowHyperlink method and reference to a Hyperlink in a row of the table. If this Hyperlink happens to be to an excel file (regardless of version) it generates an error stating "Reference is not valid". The odd thing is that the file opens, but is not maximised on opening. I have searched for weeks for a solution but can only find them for Pivot Table problems in excel.

My code is simply;

Private Sub FormName_ObjectName_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Application.FollowHyperlink [ColumnName]
End Sub

This works fine for any file that isn't an excel file. So my question is, what's missing or what needs changing to prevent the error from appearing. I have tried different compatabilities but have had no luck. I also tried a function called GoHyperlink, but had no luck in Access 2007.

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[B]Action Cannot Be Found()[/B]

Aug 3, 2007

hello ,
I want to use a wait or timer action like in my attachment file.
could someone see this and show me what I got to do?

thanks aloT!!

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SetValue Action Help!

Aug 16, 2004

I have set up a form to use for entering and specifying report criteria. I followed the instructions from general Access help. Everything worked fine in MS Access 2000. Now, I've transferred the database to a computer using MS Access 2003 and I get and error that says, "You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Visible. The property may not exist or not apply to the object you specified." If I change the Macro for the "OK" button from Action="SetValue", Item="[Visible]", and Expression="No" to Action="SetValue", Item="[Forms]![frmParameterQuery].[Visible]", and Expression="False", which I though may be the correct way to enter this for the newer 2003 version of Access, then I get a different error message that reads, "You don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control. You tried to open a form containing an OLE Object or an ActiveX control or you tried to create an ActiveX control. To obtain the appropriate license, contact the company that provides the licensed OLE Object or ActiveX control" Please help!

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Countdown Action

Feb 7, 2005

i wonna count down for 20 minits and then autoclose my program. every time there is an activity the counter has to reset. any idea where and how to do it?

thx in advance


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General :: Log Every Action

Jan 19, 2013

i would like to log every action any member does on my database.i will have a log in screen(passworded) and i would like to record every button clicked. the only thing is i would like to include other things in the record aswell. like record changes. is there a neat little trick to do this or is it just going to be very labour intensive.

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Undo One Action Only

Aug 17, 2011

I have a form that has multiple text boxes. Was trying to add an Undo button that behaves exactly the same as the (Ctrl+Z) or the undo button used in microsoft access, word, excel ..etc. as it only undos one action in a click. When added the undo button i used just a normal button and added a code to it. if i type in different text boxes and press on the undo button it undos everything modified since the form was opened. Is there a way to change that ?

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The OpenForm Action Was Cancelled

Aug 23, 2005

I am trying to open a form with a specified record using double clicked event (list box) but access is throwin "The OpenForm action was cancelled". My code is:

Private Sub lstSchool_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim test As String
Dim thisForm As String

thisForm = "frmRegister"
test = "ID = " & "'" & lstSchool & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm thisForm, , , test

End Sub

ID is a AutoNumber field. I have used this code in my other dbz and it works fine ....

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Get Name Of Control That Initiates An Action

Jun 20, 2006

What I need to do is get the name of a control when the mouse is over it. The problem is that I would need to make a custom macro/code for each control since there doesnt seem to be a way to retrieve the name of the control which initiated the mousemove action. Any ideas?

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Form Not Saving From VB Action

Sep 5, 2006


On my Form I have a Label (Recnote) which gets changed by the VB code if criterior is true. My form does change this correctly however, once I quit (or close the Form) and come back, the changes dissappear.

But the strange thing is that every now and then it does save it.

Any ideas??? Any other command I should use?

The following works as it disables my Import button and changes the Label contents but does not save when exited

Private Sub CloseME_Click()

If [CountOfOracle Co] = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cannot Close ME Yet", vbOKOnly, "Circular Rec"

Me.Recnote.BackColor = 65535
Me.Recnote.Caption = "Final Reconciliation"
Me.Recnote.ForeColor = 32768
Me.Import.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

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Action Query Question??

Sep 21, 2004

Can this be done??

I want to open a report, run an action query to create a table I want to use for the current report?? If It can how would I do it??


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The Command Or Action ApplyFilterSort Isn't Available Now.

Jun 17, 2005

I have created a search window that looks up certain invoicereport by invoice No. I have used this search method in other forms and has worked successfully!

after I created the same thing for a report, I get this message: The Command or Action 'ApplyFilterSort' isn't available now.

I really don't understand the problem.
txtSearch = a textbox where user can type in any value to lookup a certain report.
rptInvoice = where I want the search to be placed.
fraSearch = an option group with (Starts with...,Contains...,Ends with..., Equals...)
InvoiceNo = the txtField in rptInvoice.

this is what I wrote for the cmdSearch button:

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSearch_Click
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInvoiceno As String

' Check that the report is open
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport, "rptInvoice") <> acObjStateOpen Then
MsgBox "You must open the report first."
Exit Sub
End If
' Build InvoiceNo criteria string
If IsNull(Me.txtSearch.Value) Then
strInvoiceno = "Like '*'"
Select Case Me.fraSearch.Value
Case 1
strInvoiceno = "Like '" & Me.txtSearch.Value & "*'"
Case 2
strInvoiceno = "Like '*" & Me.txtSearch.Value & "*'"
Case 3
strInvoiceno = "Like '*" & Me.txtSearch.Value & "'"
Case 4
strInvoiceno = "= '" & Me.txtSearch.Value & "'"
End Select
End If

' Build filter string
strFilter = "[invoiceNo] " & strInvoiceno

' Apply filter to report
With Reports![rptInvoice]
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSearch_Click

End Sub
Could anyone help me with this?

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Forms :: Command Or Action Not Available Now

Jul 11, 2014

I have a form for users to be able to delete or edit records. I have 2 command buttons (Delete and Save), when I click on them I get this error "the command or action is not available now"... It was working fine before but for some reasons it stopped. Even two other buttons actioned by vba codes do not work (No message popping up for these 2)

I checked:
Allow Additions: Yes
Allow Deletions: Yes
Allow Edits: Yes

Nothing is blocked or locked.

I think it has to do with the query my form is based on, as I tried a dummy form based on a table and the button worked fine...? I tried re-creating query+form and no luck. I did remove a field from my query at some point this morning, not sure if this might be the cause of issue, as this field was not connected to anything in my form.

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General :: Repeat Same Action But For Different Row?

Mar 27, 2013

I have an Access Form called Database_Form, with a text box called Text22, and a button called Command42.

I also have a table, and query, as following:

Table 1, as in the below example:

Row_Number as Column header, and values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as rows.

Column1 as Column header, and values 0026007101, 0026007102, 0026007103, 0026007104, 0026007105, as rows.

Query 2, which has the criteria [Forms]![Database_Form]![Text22] for Row_Number Field.

Basically, i want that each time when i press the button Command42 and having the text box filled with value 1 (for row number 1), to repeat this step, but taking the next row_number and so on, until it finishes the last row.

The Query 2, should sequentially select the row number given in the text box, based on a VBA Code or something.

Is there any VBA code in order to achieve this ?

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Mouse Wheel Action On A Form

Sep 25, 2006

I have a form and I do not want the mouse wheel to move through the records - it is a single form view and I do not want the use to use the wheel as it corrupts my calculations.

Is there any way to allow input of numbers input without the wheeldoing anything

I am sure that I am just missing something.

Thanks very miuch in anticipation

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Action Query - Deleting Records

Nov 3, 2006

Hi friends,

I am trying to append records from sales table to sales archive table if salesdate# is <#01/05/2006
It works fine if the sales archive table is blank else it give me an error null conversion failure.

how do i fix this?


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Action Query Warning Trapping

Nov 7, 2006

Hi there,

I like having the action query warning appear with what I am doing - "You are about to update xxx rows". The problem that I am having is that when my RunSQL statement in the code executes and selects no to the warning, I get the error -

Run-time Error '2501'
The RunSQL action was canceled.

How can I trap the no selection so that this vba error does not appear?

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Confirm Action Queries In Runtime

Mar 3, 2008

I use the Access 2007 runtime to run my Access database on a few client machines. How do I turn off the confirmation of Action Queries? On clients that are also running MS Access, I can simply open Access, go to Access Options and uncheck the box. When I make this change in Access, the same settings apply for the Runtime on that computer. Which makes me think perhaps there is a registry entry I can modify someplace? If anyone has an idea as to how to turn this off for the runtime please let me know.


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Afterupdate Action In Form/Subform

Mar 16, 2005

I have a form (TransactionBody) & a subform (Detail) in the body I have an option group (Reg Office, Unaccepted and Returned) and want the returned button to be true "IF" a box Yes/No box called "Returned" is checked "yes" in the "Detail" form.
I have done simular things in regular forms but not with a subform. I know I need to setup a afterupdate event in the Detail subform in the "returned" yes/no box and I know the basic if..then...else lingo I just don't know how to reference the transactionbody form in the formula from the detail form.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Problems With Find Record Action

Jan 18, 2006

i have an issue with the find record functionality

i have a main form that has a search button which works fine

i have a link to a popup form which in turn also has a search button but clicking this produces an error as below

run time error 2046

the issue seems to be the caused by the fact that the main form is still running in the background - if i open the popup form directly the search works fine

is there a way to get the search going on the po up form with the main form still running in the background?

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Retaining Text In A Click Action

Jul 6, 2006

I have two fields set up on a form, when the user double clicks in field 1, the text that was in Field 1 then moves to field 2. The issue is that the text in field 2 only retains the most recent text change - overwriting the text that was in field 2 previously. How do i make it so that every time the text moves to field 2, that it keeps a running history of the text?

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Help Copying One Field To Another With Action Button

Sep 1, 2004

Hi All , Im still quite new to access and would like some help with the following

I have a sub form for a help desk database i have created which states the username and Pc name

i want to be able to press an action button that will copy these 2 fields from the sub form the the equivilent fields in my main form.

i guess i just dont want to have to keeping pressing Ctl c and v each time .

can this be done ?
many thanks in anticipation

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Delete Action Query Is Not Working.

Oct 29, 2004

This is a copy of the SQL statement used to update records from the tblContentImport Table to the tblContent Table.

UPDATE tblContent INNER JOIN tblConentImport ON (tblContent.Code = tblConentImport.Code) AND (tblContent.Type = tblConentImport.Type) AND (tblContent.Title = tblConentImport.Title) AND (tblContent.LoginName = tblConentImport.LoginName) SET tblContent.[Date Assigned] = [tblconentimport].[Date Assigned], tblContent.[Date Started] = [tblconentimport].[Date Started], tblContent.[Last Accessed] = [tblconentimport].[Last Accessed], tblContent.[Date Completed] = [tblconentimport].[Date Completed], tblContent.[Time Spent (min)] = [tblconentimport].[Time Spent (min)], tblContent.Score = [tblconentimport].[Score], tblContent.Result = [tblconentimport].[Result]
WHERE (((tblContent.LoginName)=[tblconentimport].[Loginname]) AND ((tblContent.Title)=[tblconentimport].[Title]) AND ((tblContent.Type)=[tblconentimport].[Type]) AND ((tblContent.Code)=[tblconentimport].[Code]));

Now I want to Delete these same records from the ContentImport Table. I change this statement to start with the word DELETE and Access want me to identify which table to delete the records from. What is wrong with my statement. Please help?

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Modules & VBA :: Yes / No Action Does Not Halt Macro

Sep 17, 2014

I have inserted a function via a module at the beginning of a Macro using the RunCode action:

Function Msgbox_Yes_No()
Dim Response As Integer
Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Select 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
If Response <> vbYes Then
End If
End Function

However, it doesnt stop the macro from continuing on its way to delete a load of records if the user chooses no.

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Modules & VBA :: OpenForm Action Was Canceled

Apr 4, 2015

I have a form that opens when you initially open the MS Access file...

This first form posts session and user ID data to a sessions table, then closes itself and opens an end user form (i.e. the main form in the application)

It's work just fine for many weeks, up until a few minutes ago. Now, when I open the MS Access file I get this error message:

Run-time error '2501':

The OpenForm action was canceled.

When I choose "debug" from the error message, it's showing me that the error happens here:

Public Sub CloseMeAndOpenMain(frmMe As Form)
DoCmd.Close acForm, frmMe.Name
End Sub

The thing is, I can then walk through the code with no issues (i.e. when I hit F8, it runs...)

Also when I open the first "sessions" form from inside MS Access (as opposed the file open feature) it runs just fine and opens the main end user file without any issue.

I only get the error when I initially open the first form from the file...

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