Forcing Two Auto-numbers In Table
Mar 30, 2005
Hi There,
I have a table that has two numbers, both require incrementing with each record.
These take the form of "00"0"/05" and "Book11 Enc"0.
I want these to update automatically but Access won't let me use two autonumbers in same form. Does anyone have a suggestion to get round it ?
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May 23, 2013
We have a large health database, with several data entry individuals, that has run for many years.I use input mask >aC to force the table entries to appear as though sex is F or M even if entered accidently or in the past as "f" or "m" and also >aCCCCCCCCCC to make all names consistently in capitals.
I use > in formatting to be sure reports from the table are printed as capitals.
Frustrating me is that when I export the Access database into my statictics program for analysis, physically what was originally entered is exported e.g Smith, SMITH, smith, smiTH. I want it to appear as only SMITH in my export.Currently to data clean, I remove the masks and physically go through the data to ensure consistency before exporting.
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May 20, 2005
I am new to the world of databases, and I would like to know the easiest way to have a column with auto incrementing numbers.
I want that everytime a user enter data in a form, the new record goes into the database with a unique number.
thanks in advance
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May 21, 2007
I have used priamry keys in my tables and these are set to auto numbers on the advise of fellow forumites.
One question if at the end of every year I need to upload batches of data to my tables, this would mean I would need to go through each record and manually enter the foreign keys in the linked table.
Surely Access has a better way of dealing with this issue?
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a field for SSN. If the SSN has a 0 or 00 as the first numbers it auto deletes those numbers. Is there a way in access that when the record is visible the 0's are relpaced so that the SSN will read the 9 digit. Also i have another fiels EIN with 7 digits an i need for there to be 2 9's in the beginning. I was goingto use vba but when i go to yp it i only get .value <
Value is tho only option to get. IDK y it does this or how to get it to shop if there is a ay.
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Apr 2, 2012
Ineed to track Trailer security seals that are sequentially numbered with 8 digit numbers...They are physical seals and no efile with the numbers to upload into there a way I can put in a range and Access will populate the rest in a table?
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Nov 21, 2012
My autonumbers are not in order for tables.As in for example for a customer
customerid customer first name customer last name
17 john parker
18 james johnson
19 alex scott
This is right at the top of the table the first sets of data,i want it to be
Why does it have a random number like "17" when I DO NOT have the first 17 customers !
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Mar 26, 2013
I have an Access DB with a VB 6.0 front-end. I have a table with a PK that uses an auto-number. I deleted from data from this table in the past, then re-added it back in again just now. However, now when I go to enter a record in this table from the VB executable, I am getting an error for duplicate keys--as the auto-number tries to use a number that already exists. This happens when I just enter a record directly in the table in the DB also.
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Jul 4, 2014
I would like to expand on this questions. I would like to generate a number based on a reference I use, a format like "14/000" where I use "14" with the last 2 digits of the year. However i want the auto number to generate the the last 2 digit automatically when the year changes i.e. when 2015 comes the field generates "15/000" without any prompt from the user.
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Jul 3, 2014
I have a very basic application to manage the tasks. In the main form "Tasks" one of the field is the priority (Order by) and I have this example:
Task Priority
B 1
A 2
C 3
E 4
D 5
If the user change one priority, I need a code to automatically change the others too respecting the new priority order. For example if the user change the priority 3 to 1 for the task C, the other numbers have to change to become:
Task Priority
C 1
B 2
A 3
E 4
D 5
There is a way to do this?
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Apr 25, 2013
I have inherited an Access DB that is supposed to be kept "alive" but not made much better. On a weekly basis I get an Excel CSV that I'm supposed to import into one massive table; that works just fine.
However, there is another query that takes values from a table named "New Users From Import Table" and appends them to the current "User" table.
But before running that query I have to manually update a field called "Display Name ID" with the next highest number from the User table but only the highest value that isn't in the 9000 number range.
For example, my next highest "Display Name ID" is 1144, which of course does not include the records that range between 9000 - 9008.
I had to manually enter 89 "Display Name ID" values yesterday and I know there has to be a way to update that field when I pull the data over from the temp table without having to do it all manually.
Here's the query that pulls the data into the "User" table (after I've manually entered the incremented values).
INSERT INTO Users ( [Display Name ID], [User Type], Organization, [Display Name], [Alias Name] )
SELECT [New Users From Import Table].[Display Name ID], [New Users From Import Table].[User Type], [New Users From Import Table].Organization, [New Users From Import Table].[Display Name], [New Users From Import Table].[Alias Name]
FROM [New Users From Import Table];
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Feb 22, 2012
how to auto increment one field based on the value in another field. What I have is a table with six fields. There is a foreign key assigned to each record and linked to another table. Four fields in this table are number fields indicating accordingly a number for a category, a number for a subcategory, a number for a subject for a subcategory and a number for an instruction for each subject of subcategory. The last field is the text field for each instruction. Numbers are required to be included in the report. Also, number of categories, subcategories, subjects and instructions vary by each record in the the table which this table is linked to. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have numbers in the subcategory to auto increment starting with "1" for each number in the category field, numbers for each subject field would auto increment starting with "1" for each number in the subcategory field, and numbers in the instructions field to auto increment for each number in the subject field starting, again, with "1". I also need these numbers to restart with "1" for each new record in another table.
Basically, the table would look like this:
cat subcat subj instruction
(if the record in another table is a new/next table)and so forth..I have been looking for anything that could remotely work for me. Every VBA code I've tried is either don't work the way I need it to work, other codes making the field to continue increment numbers if the number already exists in the other field.
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Apr 25, 2013
I need to create a MemberID field that autonumbers and uses a prefix.
EG: YearJoined+0001
I want this as a the PK as well.I tried a default value Year(Now())&format([ID],"0000") but it gives me errors.
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Dec 29, 2014
I have the auto ID number set up set up on my Access database which gives me membership numbers. How do I have a supplementary auto numbering column to give me invoice numbers. You used to be able to do this automatically up until a few years ago. Now I have to enter them manually.
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Dec 28, 2012
I have a table, at the table I'v got these fields:
ID | num1 | num2 | sum
I want that the user put numbers at 'num1' and 'num2' fields and then the 'sum' field will calculate automatically the operator (sum=num1+num2).
I've tried to put any combination at 'Default value' of the sum field (all the fields are numbers , also tried to change the sum field to text...nothing works).
I'm getting a message that 'num1' field is not recognize at the table
(I tried =[num1]+[num2], without the '=', num1.table+num2.table , ...nothing works)
I also tried to do it with SQL command but it dosn't work.
There is any way to do it, is it possible? Or other way to do it at least at Form or at Report ?
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Apr 13, 2006
I have a quick query question. I have a table that lists employees and workcodes and time spent at the workcode, by date. There are multiple workcodes and I'm trying to create a query that lists each employee and total time spent in each workcode. The poblem I'm having is this: Unless the agent spent time in all the workcodes, he doesn't show up on the query.
For instance: Agent A, spent 200 minutes in Code A, 220 minutes in Code B, and 10 minutes in Code C. Agent A shows up fine in the query. Agent B, though, spent all 430 minutes in Code A. He doesn't show up at all.
I think it's also worth mentioning the format the information comes to me in. It's an Excel file broken up into 4 columns, Date, Agent, Code, and Duration. As much as I would like it to be Date, Agent, Code A, Code B, ect, I have no control or say in its format.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Sep 13, 2013
I have a query it correctly displays output as i require. i want to update/store the output query to a table named ustate. my query is as under
SELECT Auth.nit, UC+UL+UC AS Aut, (select count(NO) from Pers where nit=Auth.nit and rOrd>4) AS Present, (SELECT COUNT(no) FROM pers WHERE nitFrom = auth.nit) AS DIn, (SELECT COUNT(no) FROM pers WHERE nitTo = auth.nit) AS DOut, Present-Dout+Din AS Held
WHERE (((Auth.Type)='tata'))
ORDER BY Auth.nit;
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Jan 23, 2006
I have an Access Application that has a simple username/password interface that controls user access.
It can then track who does what and controls access to different screens. Very simple.
One terminal is used by multiple users and they forget to log-out the previous user as it is a Production envirnoment.
Is there a timer that I can add to the App that logs Access off automatically after a period of time??
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Jun 26, 2007
So I have a table that does a count on ratings in a certain category. The problem is that I want a number to appear for each of the three categories, even when the count returns nothing. In other words, we have 3 rating types, "poor, good, and great," and I need a result for it, even if no one gave the category a poor rating. Now I figured that if I created a table (tblCateg) that just held the three categories (sCatDesc) and did a join on the other table (Ratings) with the column (IN_Category) that I needed, it would force the query to make all 3 ratings appear and a count for each. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. All that appeared was
Great 17
Good 7
I figure the query is just seeing the count for the Poor rating as a Null rather than a 0; anyone know how I can force it to see it as a 0 instead?
Here's the query I'm using:
SELECT tblCateg.sCatDesc, Count(Ratings.IN_Category) AS CountOfIN_Category
FROM tblCateg LEFT JOIN Ratings ON tblCateg.sCatDesc = Ratings.IN_Category
WHERE (((Ratings.RatingDT) Between #1/1/2007# And #3/31/2007#))
GROUP BY tblCateg.sCatDesc;
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Jan 26, 2006
I have a report button on a form and the form is the way of inputting in to two tables.
I need a way to force the update of the tables before the query that the report is based on, is run.
Is there a command that forces an update of the tables?
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Feb 11, 2012
When I have a 3rd table looking at the row source of the 2nd table, which is looking at the row source of the 1st table. I only get numbers.
Everything I have read so far points to using a query as a solution. However, the query I made is not updating the information from the 2nd table.
I have attached a few examples.
Attachment 6247
this below shows. I changed "Bakersfield-test1" in the original table. However, the query I made does not update, still showing "Bakersfield-test". When you click on the drop down, it shows the updated "Bakersfield-test1", but it does not repopulate my column with the updated info from the table.
Attachment 6248
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Feb 23, 2006
I have a simple database where I wish to force only Upper Case text even if user inputs Lower Case text, how can I do this?
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May 29, 2007
I have imported a large contacts table from an old database. The Name field has had all the names input as JOE BLOGGS etc. I can force the table to read joe bloggs etc using < in the format box in properties for this field. But I want the names to read in the Joe Bloggs format, first letter in each name being upper case. Is there an easy way of doing this.
Just got back in to databases after 15 years so wee bit lost at the moment.:o
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Aug 26, 2004
This should be an easy one, but I’ve been know to say that before…
There are 2 tables (Experts and Education) I also have a form called Edit expert. On this form I have a tab control with 2 tabs. Each tab has a subform on it. The subform data entry property is set to yes. I want the user to enter the contact info of an expert on one tab, click the next tab and enter the education that the expert has. The 2 tables are in a one to many relationship with ExpertID being the primary key. So when you add a record to the education table you need the ExpertID. Well I want to be able to give it to the user. I have a control ExpertID on both subforms. On the first subform, the control source is ExpertID from the Experts table. On the second subform, the control source is set to the ExpertID on the previous subform. It works great until access tries to enter the record into education. Even though the correct expertID is in the box, it says that “you can not add or change a record because a related record is required in the table experts” so this leads me to think that access has not yet committed the Contact info record yet. What I want to know is can I force access to commit the record before the user moves onto the next tab? I have zipped a dumbed down version so you can hopefully understand what I’m rambling about =) all you need to do is pull up the Edit Expert form, enter a rec and then click on the Education tab. you'll see the correct ExpertID for the record you are about to enter, but after you enter the rec and try to click else where it yells at you. thanks for your time and effort!! - me
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Aug 2, 2007
Can anyone give me some guidance about to automatically log users off in a multi-user application.
I have tried but cannot get it to work
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Oct 26, 2005
Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.
I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.
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