Form Display Cutting Off Text In Some Fields

Dec 14, 2005

I have tried everything I can think of-

I have a tabular form in Access 2003 that is cutting off the text disply in some text fields.

I am doing some comparisons so the fields are repeated three times.

All three fields are larger than the data.

Two fields display correctly and the third field, identical to the other two, is chopped off on the right side and just shows empty space after the first few letters instead of all the data.

Fields are all the same size in the underlying table.

Changing the format between left, center, right has no effect.

Text size is the same in all three.

All the data is from a single query on a single form.

There is no subform.

All properties for the three are the same.

If I increase the field WAY beyond the required size all the data shows, but I haven't any extra room to do this on the form.

Any ideas would be much appreciated :)

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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General :: Specific Text Display In Field Separated By Commas When Fields Checked

Aug 11, 2012

I have a few bit fields that, when checked, specific text need to be displayed in a field separated by commas.

Child 1 = checked
Child 2 = not checked
Child 3 = checked
Child 4 = not checked

Child 1, Child 3

I did find this sample expression that I am using in another area and it is working perfect and I understand it works based off of string length.

Mid(IIf(Len(Expr1), ", " & Expr1, "") & IIf(Len(Expr2), ", " & Expr2, "") & IIf(Len(Expr3), ", " & Expr3, ""),Len(", ") + 1)

What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Display Text On Report From Form

Oct 17, 2005

Can anybody tell me this:

i want one textbox on form to be entered by user.When this form is submitted, enteredf text on form must be displayed in report.
How can i do this ?

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Sort By Three Fields And Display In Form

Aug 2, 2005

Hello folks,

There must be an easy answer to this! I have searched the forums but have not found what I need to make this work the way I want it to. I have a three part reference field. The records in the form are supposed to be sorted into ascending order Field1 first, then Field2 and finally Field3. The forms RecordSource is a query that brings through the relevant fields from my table. I have the query sorted according to these three fields so that every time I open the database it sorts the way I want it to. What I want to do is have a button that will sort the records into the correct order when the buttion is clicked. I am sure this can be done, but cannot get it to work on more than one field at a time! Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciatted.


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Display Count Of Fields In Form.

Jul 21, 2006

Is it possible to have a count of all records matching a certain criteria displayed on the form?

I have to schedule customers for certain dates but never know how many have been scheduled by date while in the form. I am not sure how to reference the field from the table to be counted. I have several unbound boxes with:

=date()&" "&{XXXX}([SCHEDULE DATE]=date()
=date()+1&" "&{XXXX}([SCHEDULE DATE]=date()+1
=date()+2&" "&{XXXX}([SCHEDULE DATE]=date()+2

not sure what to use for {XXXX}

As always, any help is appreciated.....

Someday I will contribute some answers instead of questions.....

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Display Query Results On Form Via Text Box

Aug 27, 2004

I have created a form (Form1) based on a table (Table1) and also a Query based on this table (Query1). I calculate a field in the query (Expr1: [column1] + [column2])
Now i have created a text box on Form1 that should display Expr1.
I know I could also calculate the value directly via the expression builder, but I would prefer to simply display Expr1 from my query. Which is the syntax I have to use in the Expression Builder?
I tried "= [Query1]![Expr1]" but it does not work.
Thanks for your help

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Forms :: Text Box On Form To Display Day After Date

Feb 21, 2014

Say I have a form and the user inputs a date, say "21/02/2014" into a text box, how can I get another text box on the form to display the day afters date ("22/02/2014").

I'm sure its really easy but I cant seem to get it to work.

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Using Form Fields To Display Other Table Information

Jan 17, 2006

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I have a simple database, consisting of two tables and one form. I'd like the form to display information mainly from the first table (table 1). For this, I have used the Form Wizard, which works well and displays as it should. My problem comes when trying to display data from table 2, without using the Form Wizard.

I have a simple field called 'Number' in 'Table 2'. I'd like this value displayed in a text box along with table 1's data. I've tried using the expression builder, which gives me something along the lines of:

[tbl_Table 2]![Number]

But this is displayed as:


...when I open the form. Could anyone explain how I do this correctly please? All I'm trying to do is display data from other tables in the form.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Forms :: How To Control Display Of Fields In Form

Nov 20, 2013

How can I control the display of fields in a form? I see in a given database, that in the design view that some fields exist in a form but in the form-view some of them are not displayed.

I can't find how it was done, i see no difference in the fields' properties. Another question is how can i make a comboBox to display just the text without the ID number...

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Forms :: Fields Won't Display In Form View

Dec 3, 2013

I have created a database to track our contacts for the office. I spent some time working on the relationships and making sure everything was normalized, as I've only just recently understood that concept. However, I'm afraid something got messed up in the process and I may have missed a step or done something wrong when creating the relationships.

Basically, I just created the form with all of my fields in it and when I try to view the form I see that no fields display (it's just a blank white screen). I wondered if I should actually be creating the form based off tblcontact, and then add subforms for each of the other tables.

See my attached database for further reference ...

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Modules & VBA :: Display Text Depending On Combo Box In Different Form

Aug 6, 2013

I want to display the text from one combo in a text box in another form based on what's selected in a second combo box. The text box is in a different form from the combo boxes.

Sub D_ComponentTypeCmb_Change()

If Me.D_ComponentNameCmb.Value = "Customise" Then
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = Me.D_ComponentTypeCmb
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

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How To Store Equations On Fields Display And Edit Them In A Form

Apr 23, 2014

I would like to store equations on certain fields and display and edit them in a form.

I can't find a Microsoft Equation Editor control in the list of ActiveX controls. Is it stored as a .ocx file? How is it named?

In case Equation Editor can't be used within Access, is there another third party addin that provides a control with that functionality? It would be great if there were an application that accepted markup code like LaTeX as input so it were easier to implement a code to manipulate equations.

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Write A Concatenate Query And Display Result In A Text Box On A Form

Jul 20, 2005

Here's the form I'm trying to Create:

A21: TC: CPT Somebody
G: SGT Someoneelse
D: PVT Noone

A22: TC: SFC Smith
G: SGT Jones
D: PVT Doe

and so on and so forth.

The VEH and POS are just going to be Labels in a prob. Each Soldier's Squad and Team (for mounted Vehicle and Position) are stored in the Personnel Table. The below query is for vehicle A7 (ACTUAL would be the same as TC above). The query works. I just need to know how to get the result to display in a text box. What I'm planning on doing is creating text boxes for each posistion with these small select queries, so when I update the SQD and Team in the Personnel Table it updates on this form. Or is there an easier way to do this?

Dim strSQL as string

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Forms :: How To Display Nearest Date To Expiry On Form In Text Box

Aug 7, 2014

I have main form call frmemployee and subform call frmlcourse subform the main form hold's employee information e.g. first name addresss the sub form hold's all the training courses that the employee has been on

I have a text box called txtnextcourse due to display when the next course due date is

=DMin("Expirydate","tblcourses","[ID]=" & [empID])

this works perfect. I have check box on my subform called ex course if this is true. I don't want the dmin to count that record I have tried

=DMin("Expirydate","tblcourses","[ID]=" & [empID]) [forms]![frmlcourse subform]![ex course]=false

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Forms :: Display Subform Records On Main Form As Text

Jun 28, 2014

I have a form with a subform in it. The Subform relates to a junction table.

For each record on the main form, there may be more than one record on the subform. The Subform only has one field on it (a combobox).

What I want to be able to do is have a text box on the main form that shows a concatenated list of all of the records on the subform.

For example, if I have 2 subform records, 'Yellow' and 'Blue', I want a textbox on the main form record to show 'Yellow, Blue'.

I have tried so many things I have found online (over about 5 hours, including a module called ConcatRelated) and absolutely nothing works!

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Forms :: Display Certain Fields On A Form Depending On Criteria In Another Cell

May 6, 2013

I would like to only display certain fields on a form depending on a criteria in another cell. For example if some enters 4 in 'Schemes' it would display 4 data entry boxes scheme1, scheme2, scheme3 etc - is it possible?

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Field Length Cutting Off When Exporting To Cvs

Mar 12, 2008

I know zero about Access and am posting this for another organization. When exporting to cvs, one of the fields is not exporting the entire text. It's a text-only field with about 300 characters. Is there a limit? Seems they had had this problem in the past, but fixed it. Can't find the solution again. Help and thanks!

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Forms :: Attempting To Have Single Query Result Display In Text Box On Form

Jul 3, 2014

I have the need to display the return of my "Sum Query" to display in a text box.

I need the attached below value (40500) in the "SumofQuery" attachment, which updates every 5 minutes to display on the "StatusBoard" attachment text box.

I have been searching for a good 10 hours on how to do this and still cannot find it.

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Problem With Data Cutting Off In Memo Field

Nov 7, 2006

I’m not sure where to post this, but I know my problem arises from either my table or my textbox on my form. My problem is I have a text box on my form where my Managers input text (example below), and at times it cuts off their entries with weird characters. I’m not sure if they have exceeded the text box limit or the memo limit in the table but below is an exact example of what is showing up in the table after they submit their entry. Any help on this would be great.

Of the 1,800 unit decline, 684 were empties. The load decline of 1,116 can be summed up in the following lanes and beneficial owners. Chicago to Austell -200 loads, Georgia Pacific. This freight now moves over the road. Chicago to Harrisburg/Rutherford - 353 loads, SC Johnson business lost to JB Hunt back in September. Inbound/Outbound Jersey business lost to CSX last October, -226 loads. 2005 we moved right at 450 loads from Jacksonville/Austell to Bethlehem/Rutherford and Chicago for the yearly Wal-Maů?Ā

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Modules & VBA :: Why For Loop Collapse When Cutting A Shape

Feb 3, 2015


For Each Shape In pptslide.Shapes
If Shape.Top > pptshape.Top Then
'MsgBox Shape.Name
End If
Next Shape

If I keep only the message Box inside the loop, it iterates all the shapes in the slide. But when I cut and paste the shape, it comes out of the loop after cutting and pasting.

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Queries :: Memo Append Query Cutting At 255 Characters

Apr 11, 2013

memo fields chopping the content when appending to another table memo field.I have a query that takes in a couple of tables and then appends the content to one larger table.In each of the smaller tables there is a memo filed that when I check it has the entire type content in above 255 without a problem.

When the query runs and appends it to the larger table the content in the memo filed is chopped down.Both tables fields are set to memo I have double checked this.I have seen some comments about unique values in the query properties but these are set to NO as advised but it still does this.

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New At Access: Update Simlar Text Fields In One Form Based On Another Form

Jun 13, 2006

I am very new at Microsoft Access. I have two forms, A and B, that are filled out by two different users. Form A gets filled out first than form B gets filled out. Each has a name box as well as a birthdate box and a few other similar text fields. However, each form also has a few distinctive fields. I was wondering how I could input the common information in Form A to Form B so the user of Form B does not have to spend time retyping the name and birthdates again. In other words, I want to synchronize the similar records between the two forms. I would like the values to appear in a table as well. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the visual basic code. Thank You.

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Open Form Command Button Fills In Text And Date Fields From Previous Form

Apr 27, 2005

I currently have two forms: frmE_SAFind and frmE_SAOrder

frmE_SAFind shows results from a query including fields [txtIDPO] and [dtmDate]
btnOpnFrm 6543 2/1/05
btnOpnFrm 5681 1/1/05

frmE_SAOrder shows order details including [txtIDPO] and [dtmDate]

I have a open form command button set up on [frmE_SAFind] that opens [frmE_SAOrder]. Is it possible for me to modify its properties so that when the open form command button is clicked, the order details in [frmE_SAOrder] will represent the order that the user is selecting via the btnOpnFrm command?

Example: If I click btnOpnFrm for 6543, [frmE_SAOrder] will show me PO 6543 details.

Hopefully I made myself clear enough to understand. Thanks for your help!

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DLookup To Display Date In Text Box On A Tab Control Where Criteria Is Text Field

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:

=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)

Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.

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Copy Text Fields On Form

Jan 28, 2006


I new to VBA and having a few problems with a database I'm working on.

I have a form that contains customer details. The are two sections one for the Registered Office Address and one for the Trading Office Address. I want to be able to allow the user to auto fill the Trading Office Address fields if the Trading Office is the same as the Registered Office.

I'm not sure how the event code should look. I was just going to add a button that will copy the text from the Registered Office Address fields and add them to the Trading Office Address fields. I've tried a couple of other groups but the replies just contain use this code....

TOName = ROName
TOAddress = ROAddress
etc... for all your fields.

I need a little bit more info on how the event code should look.

Any suggestions on the best code to use would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


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