Form ODBC(mysql) Can't Edit Item

May 19, 2005

Hi pals,
I have the following problem.
I have a form that runs a query from 5 tables linked via odbc.
The thing is that the result is showed ok.. but when I tried to edit an item in grid, I can't do it. (get that noisy bell).
I realized that if i only use one one table, I can edit ok.. but If I use more than one, I can't.
Any solution to that??

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To MySQL Via ODBC

Jan 24, 2014

I've developed an Acc2003 App that reads from a ODBC linked table.This link was created fro DBwindow->Link table. It often opens a window asking for userNmae and Pwd - I wold liek to aviod this wen distributing the App. So I wrote tis code:

Public Sub linkOdbcTable(DataSource As String, UID As String, PWD As String, dbName As String, ParamArray Tables())
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As Variant
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim linked As Boolean
Dim ConnectionString As String


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ODBC Connection To MySQL Time Format Problem

Oct 17, 2004

OK, I give up.

I have just finished 4 hours searching and searching.

I have access to a MySQL database that has a time field. I wish to use the DTS packages in SQL Server 2000 to aquire the data to the SQL Server.

I can connect/see it using an ODBC connection, both with access 2k and the DTS bizzo on SQL server.

The time data is being seen by the microsoft end as a date format with way out values.

As MySQL has a very obvious different way of handling date/time (2 data types - one date and the other time), there must be an obvious solution to be able to use this data in access / SQL server.

Hiowever, I cant seem to find it.

damn - fire alarm must go - please help if you understand this - i will ammend later


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Forms :: Edit List Item Missing In Accdr

Aug 9, 2013

I have just finished a 6 month long build of an access 2010 app.I have used the publish wizard to make it publishable. This has made the accdb to an accdr file. No my edit list form don't work when you right click.This seems to be an issue with accdr files.Is there a way to have a button on the form that when clicked does same think as the right click option for edit option selected.

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Modules & VBA :: Select Item And Press EDIT Button To Make Changes In Listbox1 Values

Jun 4, 2014

In the form1 , I have a listbox1 with 2 columns. The values get added in the listbox using vba. Now I want to Edit the listbox values in case user enters something wrong. So when the user selects a listbox item and then EDIT button then form2 gets opened. And the textbox1 of it stores column1 of listbox1 value and textbox2 stores column 2 of listbox1 value. So the user canb make changes in the textbox values and then press SAVE button . Now I want the code that will make those changes in listbox1 of form1 and unload form2 then.

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Using Access Form Fields In Pass-through Queries To MYSQL

May 9, 2005

I don't know if this is thebest place for this, but here goes....

I have an Access FE using MYSQL 4.1 BE. I have several forms and PassThrough queries (using MYSQL syntax not supported or available in Access).

How can I use form field values to use as criteria for these queries?

FOr example, in a pure Access database. I may have a form 'Employees' with a text box 'EmployeeName'. THen have a query....

SELECT * FROM tblEMployees WHERE EmployeeName = [Forms]![Employees]![EmployeeName]

If I were to add this variable to my pass-through queries, it errors. How can I do the same thing, passing my form fileds to an Access Query? I am trying to do this right in the SQL view of the queries, not in VBA or Macros or anything.


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Setfocus On Repeating Item/accessing A Specific Item

Aug 18, 2006

I have a form that simply lists the items:

In the table: DEPARTMENT_TBL

When I edit the field DEPARTMENT_NBR and it is in error (must be between 01 and 99) I want to put out a message in a MSGBOX and SetFocus back on the DEPARTMENT_NBR.

I coded the MSGBOX with vbokonly and then DEPARTMENT_NBR.SetFocus, but after the message displays and enter is hit for the ok the cursor jumps to the DEPARTMENT_NAME on the current line. Is there a way to get the SetFocus to work properly on repeating items like this? I can never seem to get them to perform the same as they do on non-repeating items.

Thanks for your help.

If IsNumeric(DEPARTMENT_NBR) = False Then
If DEPARTMENT_NBR <> "00" Then
MsgBox "DEPARTMENT NUMBER must between 01 and 99.", vbOKOnly
GoTo DEPARTMENT_NBR_EXIT (exits the paragraph skipping other checks)
End If
End If

Also, is there a way to look at a specific item in a list like that? IE. I want to reference the 3rd row's DEPARTMENT_NBR. Thanks.

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A Form W. Critera For A Query/ODBC Call Failed

Oct 26, 2004

Hi! I have a query setup that feeds off of three combo boxes on a form. It is setup to allow a user to search and calculate revenue for a selected time period by company, then department, then page. If all three or just company are selected, there are no issues running the data. However, if only company and department is selected I receive an 'ODBC--Call Failed' message. The issues seems to be stemming from the department field as I can link the department table to the main table and the query will run without error. The problem with that bandaid is that the query takes more than 15 minutes to run that way as opposed to about 2 minutes to pull more data at the company level.

Any suggestions on why this is happening or a fix that can be put in place? Any help is greatly appreciated.

I can provide more details if needed. Thanks!

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Filter A Form By Switchboard Item

Apr 5, 2006

:( I am using a switchboard in my database, I have 3 forms using the same query,formats,etc but the 2 of 3 have filters. My question is how can I filter the form when I click a button in the Switchboard.

I tried to do
but when the form is open nothing happens.

And I also use the Form_Switchboard!Itemnumber = 2 but the only number it can see is with 0 value.

Please help me. I just don't know how to catch the field from Switchboard. Please help. Thank you so much.

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Tickbox Add Item To A Form Field

Aug 31, 2006

hi, i have a memo field, and on my form the control for that field is called


what i want on my form is a tick box button..

when the user clicks that button..

the words (O/S) appears inside the pickup control..


If I enter an address in the pickup field.. like so...

LHR - Terminal 1

then when the user clicks the box.. i would need the field to update as

LHR - Terminal 1 (O/S)

so really it would have to add a space and then the (O/S)

how can i do this?

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Can't Edit Form

Sep 8, 2006

I have a form called contractors. It works exactly like I want it but it won't let me edit it. The form is based on a query. I have checked the query as stated to do on some areas of this forum and I am able to change it by typing something in a field and it also updates the form for me but I can't edit the form directly. I have allow edits, allow deletions, allow additions set to yes and I have no locks on it. Any ideas?

I have also checked help in access on this to no avail. I am attaching the database so somebody can hopefully help me.


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Can't Edit My Form

May 1, 2007

hi all,

i have created a small application for my assignment using ms access. i apply several function to dis system. initially it works but then i dono why suddenly it came out wif an error sound which mean u cant even edit anything in the sounds ridiculous but dis happened to dis system. i have checked all the properties settings for that form. i compared wif my previous system which i didnt apply the complex function which just pull some data from database. all seems ok wif the settings for the new one...

can anyone tell me what was my problem?

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Queries :: ODBC Call Failed On Query But Form Works

Aug 7, 2013

When running a query in Access 2013 or 2010 we get an ODBC call failed. However when we run just the form, which the query connects to, it works just fine.

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Calculating Line-Item Cost In Form

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Forms :: Clearing Item List From 2nd Form

Feb 26, 2014

My main form has a list box - user selects an item in the list box for editing. The selected item displays in a text box on the subform where the editing is to be done. User than makes corrections to the text box and clicks a button to save the changes. I have all of this working. But I can't figure out how to update the main form on this save button.

What is happening right now is the main form is not updating at all and the original selection in the list box is still highlighted. If I click within the list box, the list box updates with the correct entry.

What I need to happen is when the save button is clicked, that the listbox updates and the selection in the list box is deselected and then set focus on another text box that is on the main form.

(I was doing this as 2 separate forms and the edit form opened after the user selected the item and clicked a button (kept the first form open but not visible and based the text box on the list box) This worked but again when the user saved and returned to the first form even though I was able to setfocus to the text box, the list box kept the selection highlighted.)

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Multiple Item Form From Query To Table?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to augment my database to have a price list. Because I wanted the price list to be of record and saved, I used a form with a subform. The main form taking the price list header info price list ID, price area, and date and putting into tblPricelist) and using the sub form to table to load the actual price list info (product, price) and putting into tblpricelistsub.

What I am trying to do is to be able to bring the entire price list as it is and be able to update (or not) the price of all or some of the items and then have it save as a new entry into the tables. I am trying to do this without having to use a sub form and lookup every product all over again (500 products).

Is there a way to do a query to bring up the entire price list, turn that into a form, and then be able to update the prices that would in turn create another entry into the price list and pricelistsub tables?

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Multi-Item Form - VBA Editing On Load?

Aug 3, 2012

I have a Multi-Item form and would like to do some math and change formatting on some fields depending on content of data in each row. From what I can tell, the on Load even only lets you do something with the first row and does not execute the VBA code for any following row. I don't see any way to trigger the VBA code on a row-by-row basis as the form is being painted.

Any technique to do this or do I have to go to some other form type to do some dynamic formatting?

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Looking Into MySql

Oct 28, 2005

I am just a guy in a cube that likes Access and have been able to make it do some great things but am by no means a programmer so...
It seems like the next step is to go with a SQL be and Access fe (network not internet applications) not that what I have isn't doing the job, I just want to swim with the other fish and not be left behind.
So if I could just download a program called SQL that would be great but there are various kinds? SQL Server, MySQL and who knows what else.
I don't know what my company will migrate to in the future (we are currently using A97 and upgrading to 03 soon) and most people here don't even know what a database is. I thought I'd give MySql 5.0 a look, dowloaded it and installed it (don't even know if I answered all the install questions correctly) and started it up and I felt like I was looking at a WordPerfect 5.1 screen all over again (blank blue screen and that was it for those who do not remember). All I saw was a command prompt with "mysql>" that's it.
Now I don't mind doing my reading but I'd just like to know I am going in the right direction before I spend all this time only to find out I should have gone another way.
Is there an easy start method or do I just have to bump and feel my way through all this?
It seems once you leave the calm cool shallow waters of Access you are suddenly faced with strange deep sea creatures called "Programmers".

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Edit Form To Appear Blank

Apr 27, 2007

I have searched the forum and didnt find an answer to this.
I have an Edit Form. When it is opened, it displays the first record.
I have a Combo Box where I select the specified ID and the relevant record is displayed in the form.
What I want is that the Edit Form should be appear blank. The record data should appear only when I select the relevant ID in the Combo Box.
How do I achieve this? Please help.

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Form Lookup For Edit

Feb 21, 2005

I want to be able to choose a record from the combo box and then the rest of the fields fill in themselves... Also some of the fields are in a subform but are all linked to the entry in the combo box... can someone help me ? :confused:

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Open Form For Edit

Jul 1, 2005

Hi. I created a form to be used for editing records. It displays ALL records in a "Files" table that match the BoxNo entered on a previous form. The record source is a query which has a relationship between the tblBoxes (one) and tblFiles (many). The records are showing in the form correctly but it will not allow me to edit.

I have set the allow edit, addition, deletion properties of the form to YES, and data entry to NO. Fields are not locked, and they have active tab stops. I also tried using VBA and set the datamode to edit.

Help please!?!

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Edit Records On Form

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, I have a form where i would like to bring up various records for editing. This part is not a problem. BUT. If a user accidentally changes something and doesn't know what it used to be then i need to have a "cancel" button which will undo the edit so to speak. I am not sure of the best place to do this ?

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Cancel Out Of Edit Form

Nov 1, 2006

I have a form with avout 4 fields based upon a query to allow user to edit an entry if needed.
I want to put a cancel button on so that if they change their mind after having changed a field it reverts to its original value - so for instance they decide to change a land line phone number to a mobile, exit the field but then have a brain storm and decide not to do this so hit the cancel button.
At the moment my cancel button just closes the form (and accepts the overwrite) which would be fine if I am using ADO but not if I am using a bound form.
I am sure there is a simple answer (since I cannot be the only person who thinks this option might be a good idea). I am just not sure how to look for it.
Any thoughts or ideas?

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Form Drop Down / Edit Box

Apr 26, 2007

I have a form with a combo box drop down, next to it I have an edit button. If the agent is not in the drop down list, I would like to press the edit button and add a new agent. This works but it does not show up in the list unless I do the edit before I hit the arrow on the drop down box.

I have a macro on the edit button to OpenForm and Requery.

I would like to be able to press the edit button, make the change/addition, when I close this go back to the dropdown and have the new/or changed value seen in the drop down.

Is this possible? If so, how do I make this happen?

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Forms :: Opening New Form With Specific Item In Drop Down Box

May 31, 2013

I have a master form for lack of a better phrase and 3 other forms that represent specific items in the original drop down box. In the master drop down box, I have all 50 states, and the 3 forms are for 3 specific states. Here's the code I have so far but when I save, it says "The 'OpenForm' macro action has an invalid value for the 'Where Condition' agrument."

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub State_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.State
Case "CA"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Auditor Form (CA)"


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MySQL & FindFirst

May 9, 2005

I hope I have posted this to the correct forum?
Anyways, I have started porting my database backend to MySQL after a spate of corruptions and speed degrading daily, I have managed to get most things functional but one thing which I can not get working is an odd thing with the FindFirst statement.
I have the following line of code...

rst2.FindFirst "AwaitingStock=True and StockIn=False and DOA=False and Model='" & Trim(Me.Model) & "'"

which works find with Access backend but with MySQL I get the error...

Run-time error '3761':
The decimal field's precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add.

This is obviously not the correct error as I am not trying to add anything!
If I remove the bit about the Model, the code executes fine, also, if I remove all the =True parts and just leave the Model part everything works fine so I guess it is because I am mixing string and integer fields in the search???

Any help greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Tom Findlay

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