Form / Subform Vertical Scroll

Apr 3, 2014

I'm having a vertical scroll issue thats very strange. Most of the time I can scroll vertically fine, but every now and then it locks up and wont let me scroll down, especially with the mouse wheel. A couple of the engineers have had even weirder symptoms where they cant even scroll down using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

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Changing Vertical Scroll Bar Position Of A Form With Code

Sep 15, 2004

Is there a way to change the vertical scroll bar position to always be at the top when I move from form to form. Right now, it will start at the top, but when I move to a different form and back, the vertical scroll bar is positioned in the center. I turned off the autocenter property of the form and saved it in the desired position, but that doesn't work. My form is maximized when it opens. I would greatly appreciate some help. This has been an annoyance for quite some time now.

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Vertical/Horizontal Scroll Bar

Jan 6, 2006

Hi, In MS Access,

In the form design,

How can I change the Vertical Scroll bar color?
I want to keep it for using, but the color is always grey color.
How can I change the color of the scroll bar?


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Forms :: Moving Vertical Scroll Bar To Left Side?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a subform that�s in datasheet view, is there a way to align the vertical scroll bar to the left side?

Win 7
Access 2010

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Forms :: Subform Scroll Bar Scroll To Bottom?

Apr 25, 2013

I have a form and in the form is a subform. When I add a record with the following code, the subform detail scrolls in such a way that you can't see the record you just added...only a single blank new record. Can you set the scroll position so that I can see all the previous records including the one I just added?

Private Sub Add_PROJ_RECORD()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_Click
Me.PROJECT_DATA.Locked = False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub

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SubForm Scroll Bar

May 3, 2006

I have a subform on my main form that uses a query to display the information. On the query and subform there is a discussion field. I would like to put a scroll bar on this field so the user can scroll through the text since it could possibly be large but the scroll bar function does not work on this field. I have tried setting the scroll bar feature in properties for the sub form field but it will not put it on this field. Any ideas????

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Removing Scroll Bar From Subform

May 21, 2007

Can this be done I dont really need the scroll bar in one of my subforms, can I remove it and prevent users from using it?

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Scroll Bar To SubForm Query Results

May 2, 2006

I have a subform that is populated by query results. In the query i have a field called Discussion that is just a free form field where the user can input any information. On my subform the field is not big enough to show all of the data if it gets large. Is there a way to add a scroll bar to this field on my qery so it will appear on the subform so the user can scroll down if necessary to see more of the text in this field?

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Forms :: Scroll Bar Position With A Subform

May 22, 2013

I have a form that i have created with various tabs along the top, e.g. customer details, customer contact etc etc.I have a subform on one of the tabs.

That subform also has tabs on it.When clicking on the main form tab it goes to subform but the scroll bar moves down only to show the subform tab options. I have to keep scrolling back up to see the main form tab options.

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Forms :: Vertical ScrollBar Of Subreport (on Main Form) Not Shown

Jul 16, 2015

I have a main form with a subreport.

Mainform width is 22"(Maximum)
Subreport Wdth is also 22" (Maximum)

When i run the mainform, the subreport shows correctly but the vertical scrollbar is at most right side of main form so i have to scroll main form horizontally first to access the vertical scroll bar of subreport.

To solve, changing subreport orientation to right-to-left shows vertical scroll bar at most left but still if i scroll horizontally on mainform, that scrollbar hides as its not freezed.

Consider ActiveX Control of Microsoft ScrollBars 2.0 .....

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Forms :: Three-Level Navigation Form - First Two In Horizontal And Third In Vertical Orientation

Sep 20, 2014

How to Creating a Three-Level Navigation Form, First and second level must be in horizontal orientation, third level desirable be to vertical orientation and dependent of level 2.

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"Tab" Doesn't Scroll Right In Subform

Mar 28, 2006


My question is:
I have a subform which is located in a Tab control within a main form.
The subform is horizontal and exceeds the page width.
When inserting data the Tab key doesn't result in auto scrolling of the page to the right (as opposed to using Tab in a regular form).
This means that I have to use the horizontal scroll bar all the time. How can I fix this?

Any suggestions would be appriciated

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Display Scroll Bars In Form Problem

Nov 7, 2006


I sat my form properties to display both scroll bars, but it's only dispalying the horizontal one even though the form needs the vertical (a few text boxes are not displayed because they are at the bottom of the form).

I have tried to close the DB and reopen it again and played about with the properties, but it still does not show the vertical scroll bar.

Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Controlling Scroll Position When A Form Loads

Oct 20, 2004

I have been trying to make forms open scrolled to the top and have had very little success.

I found a function on the following site that works great as demonstrated and when I attach the following code to a text box the form scrolls to the top.

Private Sub Text98_Click()
Dim lngret As Long
lngret = fSetScrollBarPos(Me, 1)
End Sub

What I am trying to do is have the form scroll when it opens but by attaching the above code to the form's on_open event there is no effect.

What am I doing wrong.

Any ideas

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Forms :: How To Get Horizontal Scroll Position On A Form

Jan 9, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view, with the record ID column frozen and users typically scroll to the right to see certain columns. Different users scroll to a different position.

I dont have the option to reduce the number of columns or create separate forms for different users, - they all need to see all the columns but typically a user scrolls horizontally to see a certain set of columns most of the time. I want to save that position for the next time they open the form.

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How To Stop The Scroll Button On A Mouse From Going To Next Record On A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I have a form that opens to a NEW record, all fine and grand. there are a few drop down choices, and modern users are using the scroll button to try to move up and down the list in the drop down boxes, but this action actually tries to move to the next record, causing an error as fields are blank etc (which is fine) but its confusing everyone.

the nav buttons are not shown on the form, so what can we do to stop the form trying to goto another new record?

the form is opened using a macro, where the action is OpenForm (view=form, data mode=Add and window mode=Normal) GoToRecord (record=new).....

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General :: Access Form - Scroll Box Does Not Bring The Selected Value Up

Sep 18, 2013

I have added a scroll list to my access form and although I can see the item I need to pick in the drop down list when I manually start typing it, the scroll box doesn't bring the value up and states that the value I have selected is not in the list (when it clearly is !!)

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Forms :: Include Scroll Bar On A Memo Field In A Form

Oct 24, 2014

I gather that there is no way to include a scroll bar on a memo field in a form. What is the best workaround? The source is a mysql odbc table. It is set as medium text and comes into Access 2010 as a memo field. For a user coming to this field to read the material entered there, unless they click somewhere within the field, there isn't a scroll bar. It isn't obvious that that is what they need to do to see all of it. Is there any way to work around this limitation?

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Single Page Form And Mouse Scroll Wheel Problem.

Dec 22, 2004

Is there a way to prevent a user from switching records on a single page form when he rolls his/her mouse wheel. I have noticed that users accidentally scroll the wheel, and this switches them to the next record.

I need for them to remain at the current record they have chosen, or at the new record they are working on.

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General :: Unable To Disable Mouse Scroll Wheel On The Form

Apr 24, 2014

I'm trying to disable mouse scroll wheel on the form but no luck here,

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Forms :: Filter Down To Specific Categories In Inventory - Scroll Bar In Continuous Form

Sep 9, 2014

I've got a continuous form that displays my massive 3,000+ inventory, with the option to filter down to specific categories. Some categories have 5 items, others have hundreds. The design I have used makes it look really tacky once I filter down to one of the categories that has 5 items, because there is no scroll bar.

What I've tried using is:

If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount < 10 Then
Me.Scrollbars = 2 'vertical only
Me.Scrollbars = 2
End If

But it still doesn't display correctly (nobar.png). This is probably my biggest headache right now, and every "solution" I've found, doesn't work.

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Vertical To Horizontal

Apr 27, 2007

Here is how my table is set up:

System1 Subsystem1
System1 Subsystem2
System1 Subsystem3

I need a query that puts the data into one record, different cells:

System1 Subsystem1 Subsystem2 Subsystem3

Can this be done?

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Vertical Lines

Nov 7, 2005

How would I go about getting vertical lines as column seperators down the entire page. The problem I run into is every time the row size changes there's a break in the column dividers. Someone suggested using a function in the On Print event for the report, but there is no OnPrint field in the event tab of the reports properties. If anyone ever did anything like this before, please let me know.

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Vertical Tabs?

Dec 6, 2007

Is it possible to set tabs along the right hand margin of a form going vertical instead of the default horizontal from the top of the form?

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Vertical Lables

Feb 11, 2008

Due to limited space in my Report Heading, I am trying to vertically label columns. I figured out in the Properties section of the label that I can turn on Vertical Label. However, when I view it on the report, the label, which is now vertical is turned to the left vs the right. How do I flip it? In addition, is there a way to rotate the text to a 45% angle.

Thank you.


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Vertical Text Alignment

Feb 15, 2006

I have a series of Unbound control boxes in one row. some text extend to two lines and I want everything to be centered both horizontally and vertically.

Can't figure out how to vertically align the contents of the controlb boxes...

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