Form Won't Save

Nov 30, 2005

Why won't the form save - it's telling me the command or action Save Record isn't available just now. I've got it on a After Update event of a combo box where it saves the record then it previews a report. If I don't save before opening the report half the data is missing.

If Me.Dirty Then
If MsgBox("Record has not been saved. " & Chr(13) & _
"Do you want to save it?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Exit Sub
End If
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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Prevent Form From Displaying New Record And Save It When Form Requery Or Close

Aug 26, 2014

I have a split form that's like a list of pending tasks. The data source is a linked SharePoint 2013 list where users submit requests. The user takes the information from each record and performs an action. When it is done, the user presses a button and the task status changes from "Pending" to "Processed". The form record source is based on a query that finds only records with a status of "Pending" so when the user changes the status of the task, it is removed from the list. It works fine except when there is only one task left in the work list. If the user processes the last task, the form refreshes and it goes to a new empty record and I get an error message that says I must enter a value into one of the required fields. I tried making the field non-required but it just creates an empty record in the table.

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Save Form Before Entering A Linked Form

Jan 27, 2005

This is the code that runs when a button on form 1 is pressed to open form 2(form 2 is called Replacement Unit):

Private Sub Command80_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command80_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Replacement Unit"

stLinkCriteria = "[Repair No]=" & Me![REPAIR No]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command80_Click

End Sub

I want to save the changes to [form 1] before [Replacement Unit] opens. What and where do I enter code? Sorry, only just started to learn VB. (Using Acc97). Any help would be great! :)

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Form Will Not Save Data

Apr 12, 2006

I have a form that no longer saves data in some fields, but does save data in others. Nothing has changed, except that it no longer saves the new data which it did save at one time. I looked at the code behind the form, and the requery statement is still there.

Any suggestions?

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Save Record In A Form

Dec 26, 2005

Hi guys

I have a form which displays data from a table... however i have added a combo box which retrieves value from another table. I have also added a save record button. When i try to save the record. instead of saving the text in the combo box like i wanted. It saves the value 1,2 or 3 instead. How do i make it save the selected text instead?


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Save Record With A Form

Feb 10, 2005

I have created a Form to add customer payment entries to our database which will be added to the TRANSACTIONS table. I have a combo box which allows us to lookup our account number from the main CUSTOMERS table designated in the row source of the combo box. The rest of the fields use control sources from the TRANSACTIONS table which is the table that will contain the new records. I have added a Command Button that is labeled "Save Record" and it is programmed to do just that. My problem is that the records are being added to the TRANSACTIONS table even before I click my command button. I have the "date" feild in the form set to auto populate today's date. When I open the form, select an account number and tab to the date or any other field, and then close the form WITHOUT clicking the command button, the record is still added to the table. Can anyone help me to stop this from happening? I do not want anything added to the table until the "Save Record" button is clicked.

I have the Roger Jennings book: "Using MS Access 2003" and also the "MS Access 2003 Bible", but I am still unable to find an answer to my problem.

Thanks for any assistance.

Mark Anderson

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Forms :: Save New Form Over Another?

Aug 26, 2014

I do not like a current form.

I would like to create a new form that has identical fields and links to the same event procedures.

Is there any way I can create a new form and save as over the original form while still preserving all of the links?

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How To Save Info From A Form

Oct 24, 2012

How do I type info into a form and then save it to the database.

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Control Save When Form Closes

Mar 5, 2005

How can i control what happens when a form is closed.

Say for example if no order lines have been entered on a sub form, the record is not saved.

Also how do you remove the default access error messages about null fields, and replace it with something more user friendly.

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DoCmd.Save - Form And Subform

Oct 7, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form (Record Source = Report_TBL). I've brought in a subform (Record Source = Patient_TBL). I linked the 2 on the field PID.
I've added a command button (Submit).
OnClick for the Submit button I've added in the Event Procedure

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()


End Sub

It only saves the data I've put in for the subform.

Can anyone give me any information on how to save all the information from both forms?

Thank you so much for your help!

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Calculated Control On Form Won't Save

Oct 4, 2004

I am a first time user to access groups, so I am hoping for a
good experience.

I have a form which has a calculated control. But the calculation
shows on the form but is not storing in the record.

On the property sheet, the name is charge and the control source is
the calculation (=[source1]+[source2]...)

Why is it displaying but not storing? I do not know Visual Basic, so I would
like a solution that is simple if there is such a thing.

Thanks in advance,

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Save A Form As Word Document

Nov 29, 2004

I have a form (Quotation) and i would like when i press a command box to save it as a word document.
I tried that with a command box and with a macro using OutputTo Action.
I can save the Form But i can not have a proper understandable format.
How this is possible?

My aim is to save it as .rtf for example, and attached to the customer mail.

Please advice me.

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User Must Save On Form Or No Entry

Feb 3, 2005


Can someone please tell me how to make it so that a user must save on a form or there is nothing entered into the table? As it stands anyone who views the form creates a new record.

Thanks in advance!

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SAVE Dlookup Value On Form To TABLE

Jun 14, 2005

I have created a frmOrder form that uses autofill fields using dlookup when a company name is selected from the cboCompany combobox.


I noticed that the value that has beed retrieved from dlookup function are not stored in the table (tblOrder).
How can I achieve this?

I have written the code in the control source of the field (in this case: LastName field) in the form like this:

=DLookUp("[LNamePIC]","tblCompany","CompanyID=" & [cboCompany])

The DLookup works fine, just I want the value to be stored in the table. Please help me ! I have been browsing the internet for the whole day and i can't seem to find the right solution!

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Slow Form Open/save

Sep 15, 2005

I have a form. It has about 75+ bound text boxes, and about 25+ unbound text boxes that calculate values. And about a dozen command buttons. The code behind all this mess prints off in about a dozen pages.

Everything works. BUT, it takes around two or three minutes from clicking to open the form before the form appears. (There is no delay in moving between records.)

If I go into design mode, it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes for it to save changes.

I noticed things really slowed down as I started copying controls.

Is there anything I can do to speed up this monster?


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Close Form And Don't Save Record

Aug 4, 2015

I'm trying to find the Before Update event in the event builder and I cant see it anywhere.

I've seen a few different ways of achieving the same thing but so far nothings worked.

If a user adds wrong information and choses to close the form then it always saves the data. I only want it saved if the user choses to save it.

The close button I have has saving turned off but it seems the record has already been updated by that point.

The before update is in form properties, I have found it now. But I cant set the parameter 'Cancel' to True.

If I look at the forms code this is there,

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

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Using A Form To Save Data From One Table To Another

Jun 14, 2012

There is a public master database with a bunch of tables and data in it being maintained by another group. My boss wants to skim some information from this, add some of his own information to it, and save it in a completely separate .mdb file on our server.

I've used Access to link to the public database, built a custom table just for us, and built a form. The form uses bound controls on the left side to pull in data from the public database, and unbound controls on the right side for user entry of data. I coded a VBA save button that should save all controls (bound/imported as well as unbound/data entry) to our local table.

The unbound controls save just fine, but the bound controls are missing from the table. A new row is created with no problems, I get no error messages, but half the fields in the table are just blank.

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Dim Rs As Recordset
'Dim SDB As Recordset
'Dim strSQL As String
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Supervisor Table", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Can't Save Forms Created By Form Wizard

Jan 2, 2006

guys hello
i'm having a very weird problem i'm using access 2003 and when i'm creating a form using the wizard for the forms i can't save him i when i'm pressing the X button i'm getting the dialog to save the form and promted for the form name but it doesn't do anything and the form do not closes , when i'm creating forms by manual this problem doesn't appeares . i'm already (uninstalled and installed ) * 5 office , installed windows again , deleted the office dir , deleted the shared office directory cleaned the registry installed another version of office and no effect . i would appreciate any help thanks.

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After Save Button .. Goto New Blank Form

Oct 19, 2006

Howdy all,

The other night I was playing around and deleted code from my database, which now seems to have stopped allowing me to continue to a blank form after I add a record....

It used to work, that once I pressed the save button it would then goto the same form but the form would have the same defaults as if id just opened the form.... now im getting #deleted

Is there any code I can put in the save button to get it back to the way it was before?

Cheers Ezy

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Changing Save Method When Form Is Closed

Oct 31, 2006

Hi, I have code for a command button that allows me to save the form information to 7 different tables primary key (the same primary key), owever when i close the form it resaves the information and i get a duplicate error msg. Is there anyway to get around this? Can I change what happens when the form is closed. i tried to apply this code to Form_Close() but to no avail.



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Save Function For Adding New Records In A Form

Nov 24, 2006

Hi guys and girls,

I'm fairly new to Access and I'd appreciate some help. I've built a form with buttons to open new forms for that specific record (based on queries as all the data is held in a single table). This works fine until I try to add new records. At the moment the only way I can make this work is to add the new record, shut the original form before re-opening it and proceeding on to the other sections (via the buttons I mentioned).

If anyone could tell me how to get Access to save the record before it opens the other forms I'd really appreciate it.


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Save Calculated Form Field To Table

Oct 3, 2006

I have a form which calculates alot of numbers. Im trying to figure out how to save the calculation to a table field. Is this possible? Can someone help me with a solution please

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Preventing A Form Close /save If Not Valid

Jan 26, 2008

I have validation logic that runs to test whether certain fields are inputted properly etc on my form. I call these methods in the Before_Update of each form. But How do i actually STOP the update from happening? OR how do i stop the form from being closed?
Right now, I just give all these warnings but the save still happens!

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