Form And Table Linking

May 28, 2005

Hi, i'm trying to get a field to only allow data to be entered that is in a table
e.g. i have a table which has a list of country dialling codes in it. In my form i want to only allow valid country codes to be entered-i.e. the ones which are in the table?
Ive tried coming up with different validation rules but cant seem to do it
Can anyone help?

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Linking Form To Table?

Apr 10, 2005

Hi there,

I just added a new field to a table but i now need to add the field into a form so the table can be update. However when i open the field list to assign/bind the control the new cloumn is not present on the field list.

How do i add a new field which i have entered in the table to the field list?

Thanks Mark Flavin

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Linking Form To Table

Sep 15, 2005

I am creating a Risk Management Database at work. I have created a tab with options to choose, as to log the risk relevant.

i.e. I have a catagory, subcatagory and then Risk boxes

When saving the record it will save the risk but it will not save the catagory, and the subcatagory options choosen? I have a seperate table for this information to appear, Does anyone know how I can make this happen without stopping it from shortening the catagories down.

I hope this make sense. I am sorry I am a little rusty in Access 2003.


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Linking Data In A Table To A Form

Jul 10, 2006

hi, i have a table database created and i would like the information in it to be able to be linked to a form. but only certain information in the table, not all.

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Creating A Form And Linking To The Table

Jul 11, 2007

Hi Team,

I want to create a form which will act as an outage tracker. I will be having 2 kinds of tables.

1. Type of leave
2. Headcount with employee schedules
3. Goals for outage

Please find the scenarios

1. In the front end as soon as the Team Manager selects his or her name the next combo box should show the names of his agents.

2. Once the user selects the date of leave, if the leave is being marked 48hrs in prior and the total outage is less than the goal then it should show the planned leaves options as per the leaves saved in the "Type of leaves" table or else a message box should pop-up stating the reason for not showing planned leaves options.

3. Also the form should show the %outage marked on the tool for the week.

Need your help as I am pretty new with access.


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How To Use DMAX - Linking Table To A Form

Mar 1, 2012

I am using DMAX to try to link a table to a from in access.

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Linking Form Fields To Table Data

Jun 14, 2005

Hi Guys,
Haven't done anything with Access since I finished uni and I can't remember much. I'm trying to set up a simple database with customer recording and order taking functionality. Just in the very early stages trying to get basic things working.

I have a form where you enter customer the bottom there is a command button named "Place Order", which will be clicked to go to the order form for that customer. Attachement shows very simplified version of the order form. I need to enter a Product ID, and have the Product Name automatically extracted from the Products table.

How can I do this? I would have done a search...but not even sure what this process is called in Access.
Thanks for any help.

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Forms :: Linking Existing Form To New Table

May 1, 2015

Each month I receive a new excel spreadsheet (alpha Roster), Last month I created a form so that I can track certain things off of the Table (spreadsheet), I just received the new Spreadsheet for this month and was wondering if I can use the existing form and how hard it is to link it to the new spreadsheet? Is that even possible? I don't want to have to re create the form every month, I would like to just bring the new alpha roster in and be ready to work.

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Table Linking

May 19, 2005

Ok...I have an issue that I don't know how to resolve.
I have a table called 'orders' in the orders table there is a place for " quantity', 'colours' and per unit. The cost per unit is based on quantity and colours.
For example: 12-35 shirts 1 colour are $2.85 per unit. 12-35 2 colour are $3.50 and so on.
I would like to be able to put in the quantity and # of colours and the Unit price fills in a field.
I don't know how I can accomplish this.

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Linking Just One Table

Sep 4, 2006

I have created an Access database application that is stand alone for each account manager/client at our business except for one table that I want shared as a source of data across all separate databases that are created.

I've investigated automatic Database Splitting and this works, except I only want the one table to be split and the others remain unique to each database.

I tried exporting the table in question to another Access database and then linking the table into each other database, this seems to work except that referential integrity can't be set up as it was. Is there any way to keep the integrity between the external database and the databases it links to?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Linking A Table

Jan 20, 2005


I'm using 2 databases. The first is my working database (LiTiMA.mdb) the second database (LiTiPA.mdb) is just for the password table.
There is no link between the 2 databases. But when I open a form for editing the password in LiTiMA, a connection need to be created between the 2 databases.
If the form is closed the connection need to be removed.

Does someone know how to do this?


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Linking Paradox Table

Oct 30, 2006

I have an access dbase trying to link a paradox table. I have Office 2003 and BDE 5.01 was installed on my machine. When I try to link to a paradox table its giving me an error "Unexpected Error from xternal database driver (11265)". On the other hand, I have Office XP on my laptop and BDE 5.01 installed, I tried to link to a paradox table and it works. :eek: :confused: What can I do to link to a paradox table using Office 2003? :confused:

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Table Linking Query

Apr 1, 2008

Hi there,

The aim of this (as part of a bigger solution) is to create an entry system where users can enter jobs in, assign a resource to the job and give the resource a cost. The conditions are that resources can be on more than 1 job, more than 1 resource can be on a job.

Obviously entering in resources manually is not a good solutioon (eg having 20 resource fields) as it is now. I want to create a relation between tables to achieve something better.

Let's say I had (for illustration sake) 2 tables, one which is a list of people and one which is a list of jobs. I want to be able to assign a person to a job for x amount of time (defined by a start date and end date in the job table) at cost y.

So we could have a field for the people table which would relate to the job id and a field for rate in the job db. However, people can be on more than 1 job (eg after doing one they do another) and there can be multiple people on a job (having one field for rate rendering it useless)

How can this be done in the most efficient way so that any job could be looked at historically and have the relevant rates etc? Would I have to create another table with rates relating to the job ID and person ID? This would allow for multiple resources per job and to have a rate assigned for each resource.

eg if person ID = 1 and job id = 1 then fetch rate etc and display in a list, and to calculate total cost simply sum all rates where job id = 1?


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Linking Datawarehouse To A Table

Nov 18, 2006

Hi guys,

I have been linking text delimited file to my Access table. The text delimited file is generated by a report run by our in-house system. I've been able to do this. Now, I want to learn how to link a datawarehouse (ODBC?) cube to Access. Is there a tutorial somewhere I can perhaps start? I tried to search this form by typing "Linking datawarehouse" I only found one post.


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Table Not Linking To Query

Sep 25, 2007

I am pretty new to creating relationships between tables. I have a main form with subforms embedded. I tried running queries from the main form and they run just fine. I also run from the tables linked to the subforms just fine. however, when I try to run a query for a report that takes data from the main form and joins with data from the tables linked to the subforms all the data cells are blank. I have a linking table which is also blank. All the forms are linked by the same program ID number. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Thanks

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Linking Records In Same Table

Oct 10, 2007

I have been thinking of allowing our users to be able to link records together within our database.
We have a CRM system that lists customers and their details of mortgages and other insurance related products which they have. Some entries maybe linked in some way, possibly other family members etc.

My question is, is it possible to perform this kind of action? So they can then see relationships between either related records (ID ref etc).

I'm sure I've seen this in SQL based applications, but haven't come across it within Access.


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Linking An Expression With A Second Table

Jan 2, 2006

When running a query i have created an expression which is simply 2 fields joined together. JOBLOC:[JOB]&[LOCATION]. I want to link this expression with a field in a second table [SCOPE], but for the life of me can't remember how i did it. Either in query design or SQL.

Thanks for your help!

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Linking Table Question

Jan 30, 2007

I have a table with Basic Client Data including their program start date.
One type of service they might, but not necessarily, get is job training. So I have a Training table.

I need a query that will show all client's names (found in Basic Client Data) with a specific start date but exclude anyone who has a specific job training service.

How to set up?


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Linking A Table To A Tab Control

Mar 15, 2006

I need help with this form I am creating. I have an application form on one tab control. I have created a second tab control, called Children. I want to link that tab control to the table called "children". The other tab control, application is linked to the table called applications. Can I link my second tab control to a different table? Thanks.

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Linking 1 Table To Another With Y/n Options

Jul 27, 2006

I’m really new to access, learned through video professor. I have access 2000 Question: my main table contains basic client info. There is a yes/no field on it. When I click on the box in the form I would like to link it up with another table that I will create with some of the fields already filled out (name, Phone…) from the first table.
Example: the y/n box is labeled as “Buyer” if I click yes in the form; I want to create another table that asks more questions about the ones who are buyers only. In the second table, I also want a few of the fields to fill in automatically with some of the info from the first table (ID#, name, phone#...).

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Created Linking Table

Mar 12, 2013

I have a database with the following tables (among others):



As you can see I created two linking tables (project/staff and project/client).After that I linked other tables to the liking table. For example, tbl_Payroll and tbl_Training are linked to the tbl_ProjectStaff primary key.

I don't know much about access so I wanted to check if this is a correct design. I create forms that work well, but I noticed that the linking table doesn't have any data in it. The payroll table and the training table have the staff iDs and Project IDs but the tbl_ProjectStaff is empty.

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Forms :: Linking Form To Subform Set To Continuous Form View

Aug 22, 2014

How to populate the parent form's PK to multiple records in a child subform set to a default view continuous form?

In other words, how to auto populate the primary key to multiple records displayed the subform?

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Linking Result From Lookup Column In A Form To The Values Form?

May 29, 2012

I am creating a customer database for an independent insurance agency. Within that customer database, we have a lookup field that references another table "Carriers". This is where we select the insurance carrier we have placed the clients insurance with (ex. Geico, progressive, etc). This field allows multiple entries since clients can have policies with different companies.

We also have contact detail forms for each of our insurance carriers where we store information like web logins, contact phone numbers, and other notes. These forms are based on the same table as the lookup field.

I would like to create a hyperlink so, if we are looking at a clients form with all of their contact info we can click the insurance company in the carrier field and it will bring us to the contact details form of that carrier.

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Associating 'linking' Records From Within The Same Table

May 17, 2005

Hi all, here's a challenge for you:

I'm building an access2000 database for the development department for a nonprofit. The database houses a contact list which is populated by the names, addresses etc. of all the people that have donated money. The organization will often receive a gift from the husband OR the wife - so we want to have 'gift histories' which isolate a unique record (the individual - in this case we don't want to send a thankyou letter to John AND Mary Smith for a gift that came in from ONLY John Smith). However, when the organization has a fundraising event, or wants to identify how much a specific household has donated then we want to run mail merges and reports that pull information from both the husband AND the wife's records.

Currently the only to do these things is a manuel process. We have records for:
John Smith (husband)
Marry Smith (Wife)
John and Mary Smith

Therefore, whenever we want to send out a mailing or generate a report we have to delete duplicate addresses from the mail query report, making sure we use the appropriate record for the mailing.

Thus, my question is this:

Is there a way to associate two records from within the same table? That way I could:

run a report for just 'John Smith' OR John Smith PLUS affiliate record.

Send a mailing to 'John Smith' OR send a single mailing to John smith AND affiliate.

This very simple task is actually quite difficult because access doesn't want me to link two records from within the same table. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

- John

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Access 97 And Table Linking Problem

Sep 19, 2005


When linking in a table under Access 97, any long integer fields are being converted to TEXT format. This I understand is due to the version of the Access database engine.

It does not happen in Access 2000.

Anyone have any idea's of how I can force access 97 to use the jet 4 engine installed already ?

( i have abused the registry - and it didnt like it at all )

tried service packs etc - not joy so far.

Anyone have any idea's ?

thanks in advance

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Corrupted Records After Linking Table

Dec 3, 2004

Attempted to link to a table on an SQL Server, which included customer records & various contact dates, after the importing the records became corrupted in that they repeated the initial date over & over e.g.

Customer Date
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04 opposed to listing same account number but with 4 different contact dates...also when the Access database was opened on a different PC (also Office 2K) the table was displayed correctly?

Has anyone else come accross the same issue, any advice/guidance much appreciated. :rolleyes:

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