Form Based On Queries - Deleting Field From Main Table

Mar 28, 2014

In my Access2000 db, I have a table, on which many different queries are based. Many forms are based on those queries. I want to delete some redundant fields from the table. I tried deleting one, but I found I could no longer open any of the associated queries and forms. Is there a simple way to delete table fields so that it doesn't stop me from opening associated queries and forms? (There are hundreds of them, and I have a lot of table fields that I want to delete).

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Queries :: Deleting Records Based On Selections From Another Table

Apr 1, 2013

I am trying to create a Delete query.

I am trying to delete a specific part from multiple BOMs in my database.

I have a table of the BOMs that I want to look in. I called this table PartTable. I also linked my database table SYSADM.REQUIREMENT which contains all the requirement parts for all of our BOMs.

So I am wanting to delete only part number 123XX from each of the BOMs in my PartTable.

I am able to select the records with:


Now how do I delete these same records.

I am getting error saying I have to select a table to delete from....

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Queries :: Inserting And Updating Based ID In Main Table

Sep 29, 2013

I have add my two tables

Main table calls Attack
Sub table calls Research

the main table attack is linked with sub table Research by Attack.ID and Research.attack_id from form automatically

The sub table Research have more than one record which is linked into the main table Example:

How can I get the data which is marked in blue into record 24 and the data marked in Red into row 23

using Unite_Equal column?

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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Forms :: Continuous Subform Based On Same Table As Main Form

Jul 4, 2013

i'm creating a database which holds all animals. i'm trying to make the parents selectable in a subform based on the same table as the main form - this doesn't work for whatever reason ("table is already opened exclusively by another user,..."). it can't just be one field or a query, it needs to be a subform because besides name and eartag i also want to display a small picture of the parent and only the filename is being stored.

i'd really like it to be selectable records in a continuous subform, so the risk of selecting a wrong id is minimized. is there a way around this not being able to use the same table for a subform?

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Updating Main Form When Deleting Record From Subform Datasheet

Dec 21, 2006

Hi, I have a problem I don't know how to solve it. I have a subform in datasheet view, linked to the main form. There is a running total on the main form based on a dsum on a field of the subform.
When I delete a row on the subform datasheet, the main form calculation is not automatically updated. I had to create a "update" button to do the refresh.
Is there a "on record delete" event available for a datasheet sub form?
Thank you for any help.

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Forms :: Deleting Subform Data When Main Form Is Deleted

Dec 9, 2014

I have a main form with several linked by ID worksheet sub-forms. I would like to add a on-click function to delete the main form and all related record on each sub-form. I have tried several methods but nothing is working correctly. The cascading delete function is not available as part of the form relationships. How I can accomplish this?

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Queries :: Query In Subform / How To Use A Field From Main Form

Apr 5, 2013

I have a query in my subform:

SELECT ContainsTracks.albums, ContainsTracks.tracks
FROM ContainsTracks

As you can see in the brackets, I would like to use the value in textbox1 on my main form in this query (so I can select only the tracks from the album that is typed in textbox1, disregarding the others).

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Deleting Records Based On A Field Content?

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all!

I'm rapidly beginning to get a little confused... I'm trying to mass-delete records based on the content of a field.

I want to run either a query or a button on a form (or anything, for that matter) that will delete any records when there is an X in the N_Disp field.

Any ideas?



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Queries :: Produce Query Using Combo / Pick List Field Held In Main Table

Jun 17, 2014

My computer has been updated to 2010 whilst I've been off sick (was 2003 before my accident).

I've created a main table, for devises across the company, and a combo box/selection box based on another table which holds a list of all the "Responsible" employee's aswell as another combo box/selection box for the device location.

So the person entering the information, can enter all the information for a device (torq wrench, socket set etc), who is responsible for it and which department they belong to (where to find the device).

Which all works fine

However, I'd like to create 2 queries, one to enable the user to run a report of all device's allocated with an employee or to be able to run a query for all device's stored in a particular department.

But I have been unable to set the correct query criteria, to enable to query user to be able to selection from a drop down list, which responsible person or location to pull back the correct list.

I was getting an error asking me to set the parenthesis, I have now deleted criteria for both queries, as even if I put [Enter] and type a Responsible person's name exactly as its held on the table, the report comes back blank.

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Deleting All Related Sub Records When Deleting The "main" Record.

Apr 12, 2008

I have two tables.

1. Persons (list of persons)
2. Job history (list of jobs)

each person have their own job history. all these jobs are stored in the job history table. when i delete a person i would like the job history for this person deleted as well. each job stored in the job table have a field with person name, so that it is linked to this person.

how can i do this? vba or simple properties options?

- Roy

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Replacing Running Total From Subforms Control To Main Form Table Field

Jun 11, 2015

I have an access form (Customer) along with a sub-form (Work_done). On sub-form I have Running sum of Amount in Text box-1. I want that Total of Running sum be replaced with Main form's tables field total_amount. Is it possible that we can replace an amount of control of sub-form into main form's field?

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Update OnHandQty Table Field Based On Qty Field From Another Table / Form

Oct 30, 2012

I have a table called Inventory (table1 - PK=INVID) that contains all inventory ID numbers and descriptions. I have another table called Inventory Transactions (table2 - FK=INVID) that gets updated through a form. When a new transaction is made in table2, I want the transaction amount to get added or subtracted to an OnHandQty field in table1. I tried having table2 (transaction table) as the main form and then table2 as the subform, but I couldn't get table2 to update.

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Queries :: Combobox Items Hidden Based On Table Field

Nov 17, 2014

I have a combox with the following query in its RowSource: SELECT [Error Codes].[ID], [Error Codes].[ErrorCode], [Error Codes].[Active] FROM [Error Codes] ORDER BY [Error Codes].[ErrorCode];

I now need to change the query's Rowsource via code and so far I have figured out that this works:

Code : Forms![frmAcceptReturn].Form.cmbErrorCodes.RowSource = "Select ID, ErrorCode FROM [Error Codes Missing]"

However, the table "Error Codes Missing" also has a field called "Active" which I need to take into account; If the error code is not active then it should not show up in the combobox.

I know how to do that in the original RowSource, but how do I do it with code?

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How Do I Automatically Make A Set Of Records Based A(some) Main Table

Nov 28, 2007

Hello people,

I have for some time now been fooling around with a database to keep track of several clinical trials
Basicallly I have made 4 tables..2 which defines the project ( Project and visist), 1 that populates the projects ( patients) and 1 that bind the patients visits to specific dates ( appointment)

The trouble is that im Lazy :D and therfore dont want to enter the appointment data for all patients one at a time each time we get a new guniea pig since all thats diffferent is the dates he/she has to show up.
Im hoping for some way to fill up my appointment table based on patientID and projectID alone.

SO this is my 4 tables... ( some unimportant fields left out)

ProjectID (PK)


ProjectID (FK)
DaysToNextVisit ( integer)

AppointmentID ( PK)

The idea is to create a project and then add a set amount of visits to the project ( days when they have to come and get a blood sample taken)
All patients involved in the project is likewise added in the Patients table and joined to a project.

Since the patients all have to come to a fixed amount of visits ( determined by the project) I was thinking I could make a form where I pick a patient from a combobox
(select projectID,PatientID,PatientName) and then automatically generate a record for each visit in my Visit table where Visits.ProjectID = cboPickPatient.ProjectID
and show them in a subform so I can enter the date they have to come. I hope that makes sense. ( preferably I would like to add the date also by just entering the first Visit date and the using the DaysToNextVisit to make the other visit dates or each patient, but thats a whole other problem :o )

My instinct tells me I have to do some sort of loop code but I havent figured out the details.

Can any of you guys lead me in the right direction before I loose all my hair in frustation??

This seems to me to be a pretty simple problem-making a recordset based on a projectID and the visits involved in that project but im just out of ideas:confused:

Kind Regards,

Brian Bj

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Modules & VBA :: Updating A Field In A Form Based On Another Table Field

Sep 13, 2013

Using Access 2010. Fairly new to automation and macros.I have two tables (tblProductReceived and tblBins) and a form (frmProductReceived).A field in tblBins corresponds to a location the bin is at (named BinLocationID) and the tblProductReceived table tracks product that a specific bin has received.

What I need is for the tblProductReceived field PRLocationID ([tblProductReceived].[PRLocationID]) to be automatically populated with where the bin is at ([tblBins].[BinLocationID]) when selecting a specific bin in the form (frmProductReceived).

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Queries :: Deleting Fields Within A Table

Sep 16, 2014

Is it possible to create a query that will delete the fields within a table?

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Queries :: Change Query Field Based On A Form

Oct 29, 2013

I need a query's field to change to what is selected in a combo box.


I select product 1 in the combo box on a continuous form, after the update there is a requery. The form now displays the data from product 1.

I have tried putting [forms]![form1]![combo1] into the field box of the query. But this only makes the form display "product 1" in every row, it does not take any data from the table.

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Queries :: Query Based On A Form Which Had Field Names And Some Values

Feb 26, 2014

I have a table listing about 20 elements as field names eg FE, CR, NI, TI and so on.

I have built a form which has a combo box listing these elements by selecting "fields" in the property settings of the combo box & next to this combo box i have 2 text box's where the user can input Min & Max values to pass on to the query.

E.g., FE (chosen from the combo box) value between (Text box1) and Text box 2.

I can run the query to give me values between the 2 text box's by using the following formula in the criteria (Between textbox1 and textbox 2).

The issue i have is to be able to select the element from the listbox, input the min & max values identified and be able to pass this to a query so the query can filter based on the field and values passed?

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Subform Based On Selection Combobox In Main Form

Aug 25, 2005

I am trying to make an invoice sheet in Access 2000.
My program consists a Order Sheet (frmOrder2), Delivery (frmDelivery) Sheet and a Invoice Sheet (frmInvoice).
All three are linked by DoNo.
The DoNo is made by frmOrder2.

I have a form that is called frmInvoice and a subform called subInvoice.

What I basically want to do is, to get the subform (subInvoice) to show records depending on the selection in the combobox DoNo in the main form.

subInvoice should show the Items, UnitPrice, Amount, TotalPrice, Remarks. These Items should show the records of frmOrder2.

I am kind of confused and totally lost, because I have no clue how to start!
And I am quite a beginner so, bear with me! Thank you!

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Display Data On Subform Based On Comboboxes In Main Form?

Jun 25, 2006

Hello, I'm trying to use information based on items selected in a combobox in the main form. Once the user selects the desired info in the comboboxes on the main form, I want the subform to display the data that matches the search criteria in the main form. For instance, if I select a job number, I want everything that matches that job number to be displayed the subform (along with the corresponding job name, version, etc.). I also want to get more specific in a search where I could select a job number, job name, and job version from the comboboxes in the main form to where all the data that matches the search criteria in the main form will be displayed in the subform.

Attached is what I have so far. The form I'm trying to perform this in is the SearchByResults form and the subform is the qryk95 form. I'm trying to populate this using the K95-Template table. I performed a query (qryk95) to select only the fields I want to display in my subform. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Find Record In Main Form Based On Selection In Subform

Nov 8, 2004

Can someone tell me how I migh find a record in a main form based a a selection in my subform?

I have a Main form called frm_ProductionSchedule.

It contains three subforms:

I would like to be able to select a record within any of the subforms and have the main form display it. The main form is linked to a SQL server Table. The subform are based on queries. The unique PK field is a date field called record_date.

I should add that the Link Child/Master fields are blank for all Subforms. Each Subform is linked to a query and displays data for a particular machine (1,2 or 3) AND is updated based on a combo selection of the Production week. The queries for one subform would look something like this:

SELECT dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.PartType, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.PartNumber, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Work_order_no, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.FrameType, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.FrameNumber, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Shift, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_date, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch2_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch2_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch3_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch3_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch4_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch4_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch5_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch5_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch6_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch6_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch7_spins, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch7_sheets, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Frames_due_date, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Comments, dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Record_date
FROM dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule
WHERE (((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.Sch1_date)=[Forms]![frm_ProductionSchedule]![cmbSchDisDate]) AND ((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.SpinCoaterNo)=1));

AND WHERE ((dbo_tbl_ProdSchedule.SpinCoaterNo)=2)), etc. Respectively for each subform.

Thanks in Advance!!


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Forms :: Based On Main Form ID Subform Data Should Be Shown

Mar 19, 2013

I have form where I will show the details of one table(member details table). In same form I have subform where I can get the member family details (here I am using the relationship table), now my problem is when Member detail form open based on the member id, the below subform data should be fetched...

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Forms :: Check All Records In A Subform Based On CBO Of Main Form

Jun 28, 2015

I have a form with 22 subforms (in about 11 tabs). Each one of these subforms has a controlling field in the main form (table) that dictates if the associated subform needs to comply with data entry rules or not.

For example:
Field in main form cboMed (Yes; No)
Subform: frmSubMeds has a list of medications

I want to be able to loop through all the records of the subform and determine if they are complete.

This check is run from a command button; that should also consider the value in the combo box. i.e. Check only if the combo has a value of "Yes"

Since i have 22 subforms and have to run the check on everyone of them, i have used the tag property to check if the record is blank or not. This is what i have so far

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
Select Case ctl.Properties("ControlType")
Case acSubform ' only look for subforms
If ctl.Enabled Then
If Not (IsNull(ctl.Properties("SourceObject"))) Then 'if it is a subform type

[Code] ....

The problem with this is that it only looks for the selected record in the subform and doesnt look for ALL the records.

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Queries :: Form List Based On A Query Returns Original ID Value Not Field Text

Aug 14, 2014

I have a table x where the field value is selected via a combo box in a form that is populated from another table z.

When I look in x, it appears to have correctly stored the text from z, not the ID number.

I then built a Query, qX, which looks in x and grabs the fields I want. That query shows the text correctly in each selected field.

Now when I build a form, frmQx and use a List control, it displays some of the fields as ID values from the original table z, not the text values.

How can I get round this? I've searched and searched for an answer, sigh. Maybe I'm just not quite certain how to phrase the search.

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Queries :: Updating Child Table List View On Change Of Main Table Row

Apr 19, 2013

Here's a query that the bottom listview in the attached form i.e. a listview representing a table of calls(many) to fims (1 top listview)

SELECT, calls.firm_id, calls.called, calls.said, calls.spoke_to,
FROM calls
WHERE (((calls.firm_id)=[firms].[id]))
ORDER BY calls.called DESC , DESC;

When I run the thing...I get a dialog asking me for firm id.

I want to change this so when I move up and down the firms LV (top)... the bottom LV updates taking firm id from the top LV with focus.

Access 2003.

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