Form Based On Criteria From 2 Other Forms
Feb 23, 2005
I have a form (say Form X) that opens based on the ProjectID criteria in the query, which is based on a record selected from Form1 [ProjectID].
I want to be able to open Form X using information from 2 forms - Form1 or Form2, both using ProjectID. What I've done so far works, but I get an Enter Value Parameter looking for the other Form. How do I write the statement so that it reads Form1 [ProjectID] and if that is not open (null??), then it goes to Form2 [ProjectID] and vice versa?
What I have is:
IIf(("IsNull[Forms]![FrmAddPrjInfo]![ProjectID]"),[Forms]![FrmPrjRvwerMgrDue]![ProjectID],0) Or IIf(("IsNull[Forms]![FrmPrjRvwerMgrDue]![ProjectID]"),[Forms]![FrmAddPrjInfo]![ProjectID],0)
Variations of this haven't worked. Perhaps IIF statement is the wrong way to go about this?
Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Jan 9, 2014
I have a form which lets the user enter a contract ID and then a combo box that has a list of reports which run against whichever ID is entered.
What I want to know if I put the ID's in a table if theres a way to allow the user to select multiple ID's in one go and run the report against them the range rather than 1 at time?
I'm thinking about utilising the check/tick boxes would this be possible? or another way?
I'm using 2003 and have some VBA ability.
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May 28, 2013
I currently have a database which contains various information for part returns. Among this information is contained a parts tracking number, VIN Number, and Date Code. I want to have a small dialogue box (Form) where a user can enter a tracking number, (or a date code or VIN if tracking number unavailable) to search for a record containing that tracking number. I have already created a replica of my new part entry form to view parts in read only mode to create small form to search for record based off criteria then open the replica form i have made to that record?
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Aug 13, 2015
I have Table for rooms called Rooms, and the data in the table is roomNumber which is in the format Letter and two Digit number, so A01 would be dorm building A and room building 1, and I then have a seperate row named roomType that is either VIP or Semi Private.
Now I am creating a form where a worker will put in there scheduledCheckin date and scheduledCheckout date and it will be written to the Bookings table. I would like this form however to take the dates they have put in, as well as room type (Semi-Private or VIP, and assign them an available room that isn't booked at all in that range) or list all available rooms for that range of time and they could then just select the room. I would rather it automatically assigns an available room based on room type though because this check in system is going to have about 500 rooms.
I've attached a link for what I have so far. I know how to make a query to list anyone who has booked rooms over that date, but need one for just preventing booking the same room.
[URL] .....
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Mar 20, 2013
I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.
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Feb 12, 2006
Hello everyone,
I have a problem with opening forms.I have situation with 8 forms (small ones!) which must be open based on values in ComboBox1 and ComboBox2.
Can I do it with Select case (DoubleClick event), and how?
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Feb 7, 2005
Hi folks,
I have a form with a regular save record command button, however I also want to add in an action to open a second form based on information stored within the form.
So users may be directed to Form.alpha or Form.beta depending on their data.
Can any one help?
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a form in which I want to capture today's date when another field on that form is changed from active to Closed. In excel I would write an IF statement but can't get my head round what I would do in Access to achieve the same result. basically it's if (field name 'status')=(criteria 'closed') then populate field (date closed with 'today's date').
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Jun 27, 2013
I have two tables that will contain the information that I need the third table that will be used for constant data entry to auto fill in two of the fields (Class, Rate)based on four criteria from the first two.
Table 1
EmpID Name
1 EMP1
2 EMP2
Table 2 (A Subtable of Table1 based on EmpID)
EmpID ACDate Class Rate MJob SJob
1 1/6/13 A 15 100 1A
1 2/6/13 B 20 100 1A
2 1/6/13 A 18 100 1B
Table 3
Name WDate MJob SJob Class Rate
EMP1 1/7/13 100 1A A 15
EMP1 2/5/13 100 1A A 15
EMP1 2/6/13 100 1A B 20
EMP2 1/6/13 100 1B A 18
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Apr 13, 2013
I am having a problem pulling some data from a query to populate text boxes in a form
Text27 = DLookup("'SumOfSumOfDocCount'", "SumTotalPerf", "DateReceived=" & Forms.Tracker.Text23.Value & "AND 'BookedInID'=" & Forms.Tracker.BookedInID.Value)
I am trying to pull the sum of document count from the SumTotalPerf query where the datereceived in the query matches the date on the form and the BookedInID in the query matches the BookedInID on the form, at the moment Text27 just displays as blank with no error messages displayed so I am lost as to what im doing wrong, Ive double checked all the spelling for my column names etc and all is correct.
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Jun 16, 2014
This seem to be simple for single criteria but i am not able to do it multiple. I want to restrict user to customer list they r able to see in form combo box drop down list.
users are in employee TBL
employee group criteria is in tbl_Groups which contains value Admin,Read Only, manager etc
employee r grouped through tbl_AssignUsersToGroups.
customer r grouped in customerType TBL. i.e class1, class2 etc
created EmployeesClassTypeRestriction TBL to store restrictions for employees
Restrictions criteria:
1-employee can view only specific class which includes all customers in that class
2- employee can view only specif customers in a class only.
3-employee can view only specif customers in a ANY class.
4- No criteria No restrictions and can view all customers in all classes( For Admin )
Tried to used Tempvar criteria in customer combo box qry but it works for above point 1 only.
Attached accdb sample also.
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May 15, 2013
I have a list of client stored in a table "Clients". I would like a form to present a user with the next client in the list at the click of a button, but there will be some exceptions:
Some clients will be given priority, and should be moved to the top of the list although they may not be the next logical entry in the table. Priority clients are indicated by a field "Priority" with a Yes/No option set before work begins.
Some clients will have requested a call at a certain time of the day - This time will be stored in a field named timeToCall. The next user to click the button after the time has passed should be given that clients details.
When the end of the list is reached any clients who could not be contacted will be tried again. My table currently has a field "Attempts" to track this, but that may not be needed. Clients who have been dealt with will be removed from the "Clients" table to a "Completed" table.
Whichever record is selected will be flagged as being dealt with so that 2 people don't get the same entry. I may add a new field for this, but right now I plan to use the "attempts" field to control this
I am unsure of the best approach to the above, I'm not very well-versed in Access, but if I were doing this in Excel (as originally requested by my boss) I would do it like this:
Use a form where the "Next" button will use VBA code to first check if there are any priority clients, then check if there are any timed client's ready to call and then move to the next entry that has had 0 contact attempts. Whichever record is the next one will be displayed in the form to the user.
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Feb 28, 2005
I need to open my form with a filter attached that is based on criteria already existing in the subform. I've tried putting the following code in the OnOpen event of my main form :
Code:Dim stDocName As StringDim stLinkCriteria As StringstDocName = "Campaign Form"stLinkCriteria = "[Campaign - Last Contact Status subform].Form![Communication Response] in ("2","4","10","11")"DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, acFormPropertySettings, acWindowNormal
Basically I want to open my main form (Campaign Form) and only show records where the "Communication Response" is 2,4,10 or 11(a variable on my subform "Campaign - Last Contact Status subform"). Which in itself is a problem because I can't seem to code all of these variables- it will only accept one.
When I run the above code I am getting asked to enter a parameter value for "Campaign - Last Contact Status". I'm not too sure where this is picking this up from or how to fix it. I've even tried to run this based on the underlying query of "Campaign - Last Contact Status subform" with the same results.
Can someone help me? All I want to do is open the form based on the criteria I specify which is contained in a field in the subform. It doesn't sound that hard but it seems to be getting the better of me!
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Jun 14, 2015
I have a problem printing a Subform that uses multiple criteria(in textboxes) as filters.
The search portion of the form works fine. The problem is I have created a report based on the subform and am using the following code to open/filter the report
Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
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Feb 20, 2006
Hi all,
I have a query which populates a form called EditPatientFrm, which asks the user to enter the patient UniqueID in order to pull up the record they want to edit from the TblPatient. However, I want the user to now be able to input just one of three criteria in order to pull up the record to be edited:
PatientLastName and PatientFirstName (two fields)
since they may not have the UniqueID readily available to them.
Can anyone show me how to do this? I have tried to find answer to this one under queries and forms- no avail. Sure it's a simple thing...
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Sep 10, 2007
I sure am having difficulty with this. I'm trying to have the criteria in my form refer to a text box within one of my forms which is the text as I would write it myself within the query design view.
Query's [DEST_ZIP5] criteria = [Forms]![Mainswitchboard]![QueryWizard].[form]![calcDestZip5]
[calcDestZip5]'s value in QueryWizard form = "55422" OR "55343"
Basically, I just want to be able to enter the text string within a form instead of within the query. Sure this can be done!
Oh, and for what it's worth...
If, [calcDestZip5]'s value in QueryWizard form = "55422"
Then the query runs just fine. It's as if the query doesn't want to accept multiple criteria from another source.
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Nov 17, 2006
I have the following code which i found on another thread on this forum (thanks to original author) which is attached to the On Click of a button which prints the report corresponding to the details displayed in the form.
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
Dim intStyle As Integer
If IsNull(Me![ReferenceNumber]) Then
strMsg = "You cannot print a Blank Form!!."
strTitle = "Print Error"
intStyle = vbOKOnly
MsgBox strMsg, intStyle, strTitle
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
strCriterion = "[ReferenceNumber]=" & Me![ReferenceNumber]
DoCmd.OpenReport "DoC Certificate", acViewNormal, , strCriterion
This works fine, however, i need to be able to select the report based on more than 1 criteria. For example, the Reference Number can be repeated but is distinguishable from each other by an Issue Number i.e. ReferenceNumber = 93, Issue 1 or 2 etc. At present when i run the above it prints all versions of, in this case, reference number 93, which given that each report is only a single page isn't a show-stopper but it would be nice to have it working as i would like.
I have tried adding to the strCriterion line such as strCriterion = "[ReferenceNumber]=" & Me![ReferenceNumber] and "[IssueNumber]=" & Me![IssueNumber] but no joy. I have tried bracketing the whole line and variations thereof, again no joy.
Can anybody tell if what i am attempting to do is possible and if so how do i go about it?
I have tried the above coding using MasterID which is the Autonumber PK but it produces an "Enter Parameter Value" box for MasterID. Obvioulsy if i can get it to work for the Autonumber then my problem goes away but i can't seem to figure out why it works for Reference Number (Number) and not MasterId (Autonumber)?
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Jun 18, 2015
What I want to do is set the criteria of a query to the value on a form if the form is open, and set it to a different value if the form is closed. I tried using a function on the OnLoad event of the form to set a variable called IsOpen to 1 if the form is open, and reset that variable to 0 when the form closes, but when I tried using the variable in an IIF statement in the query criteria, I got a "Its too complex" error.
Here's what I really want to do. I have a very complex form with multiple tabs and subforms. The subforms populate based on a query of what is selected and loaded into a textbox control on the first tab of the form. The first tab has a subform that is based on the main table. Rather than recreate that form, I want to copy it and change the rowsource on the first tab to a subset of the main table, and tell the query to use the textbox on the new form so I don't have to go and replicate all the other subforms. Is there a way to do that or am I just screwed?
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Dec 4, 2012
I'm trying to create an archiving system, where i use a simple Append Query followed by a Delete Query.
A typical criteria for the Append Query is less than Date() any records older than 30 days can be appended to an archive table. This works fine when i enter it in the Query Design criteria row.
But, I would like to make this user-defined. I have set up an unbound form as shown in the first attachment...and made a global variable entitled 'ArchiveDays'. I am hoping to use the variable to act as the criteria for the append criteria. (Please note that in the screendump...they can select an option button if they just want to stick to 1 month old. I also show you my assignment operations there).
My question is... how do i get the variable 'ArchiveDays' value to be the criteria for my append query....
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a Master form which includes tabs within the tab I have subforms. I am looking for a way to filter my master form based on data found within my sub form.
I have a check box within one of the sub-forms called "softwareInstall" if yes the box would be checked. I want to filter all customers within my main form with a check box in my main form to turn on and show all customer who has this box check within the subform SoftwareInstall=True.
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Mar 20, 2013
I have a form which uses a parameter based query to present an individual senior doctor with a list of names for of individual juniors to provide an assessment report on. When the first form opens the user enters their RespondentID.
Once senior has decided which names to comment on I have another form which has the questions to be answered which is opened by clicking a button on the first form.
How can I pass a parameter from the first form to the second so that only the records relevant to that senior doctor are displayed? The underlying table has 60 senior doctors and 20 junior doctors. The senior doctor is identified by the field RespondentID in the first form. I've tried putting a WhereClause in the FormOpen command but I still get a dialogue box asking for the parameter RespondentID when the second form is opened.
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Mar 12, 2015
I have a report with a table as the row source. I have command buttons that opens different forms and allows the user to choose criteria, the form then filters the report based on the chosen criteria in the form, but if I use the destination city form to filter the report by destination city, then filter the report using a different form, the destination city filter is lost, is there a way to filter the report with a form by say destination city, then further filter that dataset with another form for say location city.
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Nov 14, 2012
My form-based search mechanism uses controls to set the parameters for the query data source.
I have one field call quantity in stock. I could you a Between and And method to allow the end user to input the stock quantity they want.
HOWEVER, i would love it for the user to first select the Comparison Operator (e.g. > , <, >=, <=) from a combo box and then in an adjacent text box, enter the quantity.
The expression i entered in the query goes something like this.... Forms![frmSearch]![cboRange] & [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtQuantity]
When i try and run this, i get the message "THe expression is too complex to be evaluated".
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May 28, 2014
I have a table that consist of pricing for different types of products:
Table name: Costs
ID TYPE EastNew EastRenew WestNew WestRenew
1 500 4100 1000 4400 900
2 501 4100 1000 4400 900
3 600 3400 900 4600 1200
4 700 3700 1300 4900 3300
I have a form that consist of many fields that the user needs to manually input data. 3 fields on that form are the criteria i need to determine which pricing to use back on the table. The first field, which name is LTYPE, is a combobox that the user needs to choose as its type (i.e 500,501,600,700). The second field, which name is EastCoast, is a checkbox (Yes/No) that tells me if it's East Coast (East = yes and West = No). The third field, which name is NewRenewal, is a combobox that the user chooses NEW or Renewal).
Example 1, if the user chooses type 501, checkbox is YES for East, Product is NEW. Then the pricing is $4,100
Example 2, if the user chooses type 700, checkbox is unchecked for NO (which is West), Product is Renewal. Then pricing is $3,300
I would like the unbound field to auto determine the pricing based on the 3 criterias chosen. I read around the forums that Dlookup would be the function for this, however, i tried many times but it did not work.
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Dec 18, 2013
I am trying to run a query and display the results in a report (the report side of it is childs play and not a problem). The problem I am having is that I have a search form which should allow the user to search any one of 6 fields (text boxes) or a combination of each.
If the user enters something into a field then that search criteria must match. I wanted to have it so if all fields are left blank then it will show all entries in the database (but it isn't, it shows a blank report). I also wanted it to allow partial completion of boxes.
So for instance if I have 5 customers (Jones, Jonson, Jonus, jimjonkins, Janis) and I type "Jon" into the name field then I would like it to show the first 4 records as they all contain "jon" somewhere in their name but its not, its only allowing exact matches.
I currently have '[forms]![Search_Customer]![Search_Name]'.
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Mar 26, 2013
Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.
I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.
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